Points of Interest
Saturday, October 7th, 2006- Allspark links to a video from G4TV’s “Attack of the Show,” wherein they covered a bit of BotCon from this past weekend. It also features Peter Cullen doing the voice of Optimus Prime, live and in person, and a little footage from the 20th Anniversary Edition of the original movie.
Plus, they also link to another video where Michael Bay talks a bit about TransFormers.
- Super Smash Bros. Brawl producer Masahiro Sakurai has a few words regarding the upcoming title, including that the Wii remote may be used, though not in the main game.
- GameDaily takes a look at Cheapie Heaven: Top Ten Games Under $20.
Soul Calibur II for 10 bucks? I wish I could find it for that…
- They also review Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, the final chapter of this part of the ongoing saga.
“This is one of those games that’s impossible to hate unless you’re a Bible-thumping right-wing anti-violence activist from a state redder than Hell Boy.”
Now that’s what I like to hear. They give it four and a half out of five stars.
- Go Nintendo mentions the upcoming Ryuusei no Rockman cartoon, but unfortunately, I’m not as optimistic that we’ll see it as soon as they’d like, as there are two or three iterations and a movie of Rockman.EXE/MegaMan NT Warrior we’ve yet to see.
- They also take a look at a Famitsu poll of Japanese developers regarding the three next-gen systems, and there is definitely some strong support for the Wii.
- Game|Life gives a sneak peek at the trivia questions from Capcom Classics Collection Volume 2.
…some of us at MMN helped out on the Mega Man stuff, though I’m not sure who did Question 3 there. But I bet a messload of people are going to be angry after they answer “d,” which could be considered correct as well…
(On a side note, anyone else notice that the choices are labelled “1, 2, 3, and 4″ while the answer key uses “A, B, C, and D?”
Yeah, I’m petty, so what?
- Game|Life also pitches the new 2006 Nerdcore Calendar, featuring ladies wearing next-to-nothing and sporting gamestuffs.
Oh, and they mark all the important holidays for you, too. Y’know, stuff like the TGS, the release day of the TransFormers movie,
E3, “Talk Like A Pirate Day,” and such.Be warned, there’s some naughtiness on the actual order page, proceed at your own risk.
Looks nice and all, but I’m married, and will no doubt end up with another black cat calendar hanging in the kitchen.
…not that there’s anything wrong with that.
- Hey, remember that video of the Super Mario Bros. 3 stage being recreated in Lego animation?
Kotaku’s got another, this time with Donkey Kong.
Wow. Just… wow.
- Once more, Sony shoots their mouth off about their customers. This time in Europe.
See, they don’t mind waiting for the PS3. Nope. Not at all, no siree…
- Kotaku has more pics from inside Capcom of Japan that didn’t make it into the Inafune interview post yesterday.
…but what’s with them and Stargate, I wonder?
- This is sort of neat. A t-shirt that crosses Alice in Wonderland with Mario.
- Press The Buttons takes a look at a Retrogamer article covering games you will never own, i.e. the rarest and most valuable pieces out there.
LBD “Nytetrayn”