Misquotation is, in fact, the pride and privilege of the learned. A widely- read man never quotes accurately, for the rather obvious reason that he has read too widely. -- Hesketh Pearson

Rockman Pr0n Music?

Hah, not quite.

Just the same, Zero-chan has a pair of interesting eBay auctions up that are worth a look at. Called “doujin CDs,” these are soundtracks based on game music created by indie artists in Japan, similar to the doujin comics which are created by independant artists. Based on licensed properties, these are often sold at special events, and due to their underground nature, are quite rare and limited in number.

The two auctions correspond with each other, as Iwao-Ni Side A and Iwao-Ni Side B both contain different tracks from the now-legendary Rockman/Mega Man 2.

LBD “Nytetrayn”

2 Responses to “Rockman Pr0n Music?”

  1. Heat Man Says:

    I own both, as well as the original Iwao (‘course I’m sure you knew this). The lead artist, Takepong, was kind enough to sell them to me directly. Probably some of the best “doujin music” for Rockman I’ve heard, along with Phoenix Project and Yuugen.

  2. Heat Man Says:

    Oh, and speaking of Rockman pr0n music, I always thought AquaMan’s theme kinda fit the bill.

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