Points of Interest
- Snagged from
…I’m probably more than that, just in areas not covered.
- I’m as iffy as anyone when it comes to a licensed property becoming a game, but I actually think that Snoopy vs. The Red Baron looks like it will be rather fun.
Justice League Heroes looks like it’ll be good, as well. I hear it’s set to play similar to X-Men Legends, which wasn’t too shabby…
…though together, they both make me want to see a New Avengers game, though with Civil War and all, I don’t know how likely that is. Oh well, Ultimate Alliance will have to do, I guess.
- GameSpot has added some gameplay movies from Capcom Classics Mini Mix on the GBA.
If it comes down about five bucks, that is so mine.
Judging by the videos, Bionic Commando and Mighty Final Fight came out fine, but Strider seems to have some slowdown or something.
Never quite understood that. I thought hardware limitations being pushed were the cause of a lot of that sort of thing on NES games, so shouldn’t more powerful hardware nullify those issues?
- ZZZZZzzzzzzzz… HUHwha-whaza-?! Oh, right. Remember that game, Mega Man ZX? GameDaily finally reviewed it. Four out of five stars. If you even care by now, you’ve probably made up your mind at this point, if you haven’t already bought it.
Joystiq has an interesting sort of “proto-Mii” creator, which you can try out here.
Not bad, but I hope the real thing has more/better options. I can’t even get my proper beard on here. WWF Attitude, this ain’t.
I guess it’s decent for a rough approximation, but I’m not sure you’ll be getting very good Miyamotos or Iwatas with this.
Hmm. Why do I get the feeling a significant chunk of the internet is going to carry similar looks…?
- Slashdot links to an article wherein it is believed that Sony really ought to give more of a damn about Microsoft.
- Game|Life reminds us that Sony’s Gamers Day will be on October 19th. Mr. Kohler also adds this anecdote:
True story: the PlayStation 2 version of this very event, held exactly six years ago this month, was my first ever game industry junket. Scandals of the show included the PS2 launch allocations being cut to 500,000 from one million just a day before, and the surprise unveiling of Twisted Metal Black, which crashed. What a six years it’s been.
- lolz, NES is teh HUEG!!!
- Kotaku has a pretty neat video of someone sculpting Luigi’s head in 3-D.
- Haven’t seen this myself, personally, but it seems Toronto has our very own PS3 billboard.
- Kotaku looks at the “zeitgeist” following the Wii’s price announcement.
Personally, I scaled back how much I care about Sony’s… stuff because frankly, I got tired of it. ;P That, and I think people have had time to let the $600 price tag sink in. I think we’ve accepted it in that we aren’t screaming about it so much, but it’s still steeper than a number of us are willing to go.
Speaking for myself, my opinions remain more or less the same. I just don’t think I need to draw attention to it every time Sony or someone does something great or bad(hence why I’m not bothering with the various stocks and predictions that came out today). I won’t go so far as to say I don’t care anymore, but after Nintendo’s conferences, TGS, and stuff, I just want the stuff to come out.
- College Humor seems to have a neat little thing going with a live-action Zangief and Dhalsim as they explore Street Fighter: The Later Years.
I do hope this continues. I want to see what Guile and Ken are doing these days.
- As a sort of interesting companion piece to the 1UP box art article posted yesterday, Matt at Press The Buttons has a look at his choices for best and worst box art.
The first “Best” listed is for Disney’s Ducktales, which was a good game in its own right, and even got a feature in this month’s Nintendo Power magazine.
I’ll always love the original Super Mario Bros. 2 box, though. And while I love the Super Mario Advance version of the game, the box was just sort of lacking.
- 2old2play has a neat article up, examining why do we prefer sequels?
Part of it may very well be summed up in this:
“After you have been in an online community that focuses on a single game, most members eventually move on to other games. Sequels tend to reunite that group and give us back that feeling we had when it was all new.”
“Another reason we buy a sequel is that they have similar game mechanics. Sequels make us feel comfortable. Control schemes and gameplay doesn?t need to be totally relearned.”
…I think that may definitely hold true for Mega Man titles, at the very least, and I’m sure it’s not exclusive to that.
Personally, I like a healthy mix.
- Red vs. Blue season 5 starts Monday.
I really need to get caught up… I think I’m still somewhere in the timeline of Halo 1…
If you’ve never watched it before, go check it out. Trust me, you don’t need to be intimately knowledgable about Halo to enjoy these.
- GamesRadar says the PSP has failed.
According to them, the word from Developers at TGS 2006 is that the PSP is either failing or has already failed.
LBD “Nytetrayn”
October 3rd, 2006 at 8:47 pm
I played the Snoopy game back at E3 this year. It was actually kind of fun, but it somehow felt sort of wrong to be shooting planes out of the sky with Snoopy as my pilot. I get the whole Red Baron thing, but still, it just wasn’t expected.
October 7th, 2006 at 5:38 pm
(1) – 20%
(2) – Looks like Snoopy sold himself out huh MattG? Snoopy is now no better than the low-brow mainstream teen ‘Xbox gamers’ who think shooting biplanes out of the sky is “cool”. Sonic, Bomberman, Zelda, now Snoopy. What next? :O
(5) – If you swear allegiance to me now I might spare your lives.
(6) – Idiots. Sony DOES care about Xbox 360. But they’re obviously going to say they don’t in order to act cool. They are arrogant, remember??
(11) – We should also take the Xbox 360 more seriously, too. Either way, don’t forget that PS3 may be $500.
(13) – Although I don’t see what’s wrong with the box for Fighting Golf.
(14) – I love sequels, in general. But it’s worrisome to see so many of them. I guess I’m a hypocrite. The article has a positive message though. Let’s push good non-sequel games.
(16) – Yea because Sonic Rivals doesn’t exist. It’s being overlooked the same way Maverick Hunter X was. Doesn’t that tick you off LBD? Gee I wonder what those 4-5 DS games are. Not important enough to list I guess!
October 7th, 2006 at 5:56 pm
egg> On 14, the way I’ve seen it argued before is that often a good original game is often released into the Christmas rush, where it’s doomed to fail against other higher-budget titles/sequels, and thus fades into obscurity.
While the summer months usually have little happening.
16) Just a little.
LBD “Nytetrayn”
October 7th, 2006 at 8:55 pm
Well that’s the thing, the original game may fail because it’s a lower budget. The thing is that games costs too much to make, so publishers are reluctant to produce games that aren’t licensed or are sequels, because they are at least guaranteed to sell at least pretty well, in part because we the consumers are such tools, and the pattern we fall in perpetuates this trend even further.
So lately, sequels have been getting a bad vibe among nongamer pessimists and smarty-pants gaming writers alike.
But sequels are a good thing imo and I think owning an entire series at least shows that you know what you like.
Bad thing is you are not trying everything that’s out there.
Btw I just realized that there are a couple of apparently original games coming around and they are getting a lot of attention. White Knight Story, Crackdown, Lost Planet, Blue Dragon, and much more. Anyone remember Dead Rising? gasp