Points of Interest
lamazoid has an amusing bit he linked to, about a guy who wants to be just like Luigi.
And fails.
- Tformers has some “official” pictures of TransFormers Classics Jetfire and Mirage.
I don’t hate Mirage or anything, not at all, but that Jetfire is PURE. LOVE.
He’s the same design we’ve seen in the recent Stormbringer comics, and is an excellent hybrid of the original Macross toy and the cartoon/comic design.
- This is kind of a peculiar thing. Remember that PlayStation 2 SEGA Genesis Collection that’s coming out?
Among the titles included is Virtua Fighter 2.
I never knew they made this for Genesis. What’s more is that it’s not a 3-D title, which kind of seems like it would take the “virtua” out of it. It’s a 2-D, sprite-based fighter, one that doesn’t look bad at all, but seems a little sluggish in movement.
Might be interesting to try.
- GameSpot has some new Sonic Rivals screens up. Looks like a variation on the Carnival Night Zone, very pretty.
I really hope this game is good.
- Over at Nintendo, NOA Rufus ponders alternate uses for the Nintendo DS while plugging the new Cody Banks/Spy Kids-type move, Alex Rider: Operation Stormbreaker, in which the device has a bit of a role, seemingly the equivalent of James Bond’s watch.
- GameDaily has a feature up about Gaming Through The Ages: Then vs. Now, in which they look at how gaming has changed over the past few decades.
- onNintendo has linked to a neat little feature, the Wii countdown clock, which can even be added to your desktop. But you need to upgrade to Flash 9 to do it.
- GameSpy has a Summon Night 2 review up. But what I want to know is, are these adaptations of the PS1/2 games? Or entirely seperate entities? Because I wouldn’t mind checking out Summon Night 3 if it’s the former…
- Slashdot links to a story that says more or less what I’ve been saying for awhile now: Sony needs a Major Nelson(replace “Major Nelson” with “Reggie Fils-Aime,” and that’s what I’ve been saying). Kaz Hirai and Ken Kutaragi just aren’t good faces to put on the company, plain and simple.
Slashdot excerpts:
“While it’s not something that appeals to every group of people that play games – the casual market and kids, for example, the existence of these people allows the part of the market that is most opinionated – the core gamers, those who have a very clear opinion on what they want and what is good and bad – to interact with somebody who can actually bring about change. Hell, on a lesser note, it even gives the fanboys someone to worship.”
- Slashdot also notes some concerns from a recent EB/GameStop event wherein Microsoft seemed to step up to bat with HD-DVD, but Sony’s Blu-Ray was lacking in presence.
- And then there’s Wal-mart game buyer Steve Perry, who discusses how things have been, and how the next and current gens will be approached.
- Kotaku has a link to a cool Nintendo controller evolution t-shirt.
What, no Virtual Boy?
- Oh, here we go.
Kotaku has a very nice interview with Mega Man/Dead Rising creator Keiji Inafune, talking about porn, Halo, and deadly sacred floats.
Right on.
“I wanted to enter Konami,” he tells me with a grin. “But I asked my professor, and he said Konami was a little far, and Capcom was the closest to my house, so I applied first. Good thing I did, otherwise, I’d be working on Mecha-Man Solid 4 at Konami.”
LBD “Nytetrayn”
October 7th, 2006 at 9:26 pm
(4) – I don’t like the idea of a Carnival stage, this one lacks the style of Carnival Night, looks too Donkey Kong Country for me. But it’ll be fine. I really like the loops that intertwine. Knuckles is seen racing Silver who appears in the background on another loop. coooool
October 7th, 2006 at 11:47 pm
That is pretty neat, and I liked DKC2′s carnival stage, so I’m good.
LBD “Nytetrayn”