No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets. -- Edward Abbey

Archive for the ‘Points of Interest’ Category

Points of Interest

Friday, October 20th, 2006
  1. Word from egg is that the US Sonic the Hedgehog site for the next generation title is online, and showing off four of Shadow’s vehicles, three songs, and the remaining characters, including Blaze the Cat, E-123 Omega, Tails, Amy, Knuckles and Rouge.
  2. GameSpot grills Kaz Hirai about the PS3 launch, and how the plans differ from the reality.
  3. If you passed on getting Sonic Riders for your current-gen console, but would still like to give it a try, GameSpot has a PC demo available for download.
  4. Even though I haven’t seen a confirmed US launch reported, it seems likely that Wii Play, which comes bundled with a Wii remote, will be available as GameSpot goes hands-on, and says that it’ll be available in the UK as well as Japan.Helps take some of the sting off of buying a second controller, that’s for sure.
  5. YES! I called it! Metal Sonic in Sonic Rivals for the PSP!
  6. Wow, now THAT is a gift card. I wouldn’t mind getting one of those, there wouldn’t even need to be anything on it.
  7. Go Nintendo has an interesting observation in which it seems that the name “Revolution” is still a part of the Wii in a small way, as other Nintendo systems have retained their codenames as well.
  8. Slashdot reports that BusinessWeek has a story about the history of console wars, dating all the way back to the Magnavox Odyssey in 1972.Wow, I didn’t even think it’d be much of a “war” back then.
  9. Game|Life brings to us Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!!: The Impossible Superplay, including the ending.Kids, don’t try this at home.

    Incidently, I never noticed this before, but it seems Little Mac has a hard time deciding whether he’s going to wear white or green when he pummels his foes.

  10. Need a case for your DS? How about making your own, with an NES motif?
  11. Joystiq “pwns” Sears as they dissect the store’s new ad, which features a young boy enjoying M-rated games. Meanwhile, Kotaku counters.Sadly, however, the link to the video is no longer available.
  12. In the hole financially? Not sure about what next-generation system to get? Don’t worry, Destructoid is here to help by offering you five reasons to go next-gen later.There. Now you can sleep easily tonight.

    …though, I will say that if I can download some Virtual Console games in the meantime, like maybe Paper Mario, I’d be just as happy.

  13. IGN takes a look at the wins and losses of the Wii.But that last one? Everyone has HD? Maybe on your salary, Matt. Personally, the non-reliance on HD is a benefit to little old me.

    Am I alone in this? Am I really the only one without HD TV? Speak out.

  14. Yahoo has a report about a group which claims that video games can reshape education and teach skills that employers want: analytical thinking, team building, multitasking and problem-solving under duress.

LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest

Wednesday, October 18th, 2006
  1. Damn.

    The official TMNT website updated today, and they mention a bit on VH1 referencing the comeback of 80′s entertainment, with a blurb about the upcoming movie when you scroll down.

    They were also on tour in Israel, but the news that lead to my opening statement is this:

    Auctions for the TMNT Muta Force toys from 1996, my second most-wanted toys from the original line after the Cyber Samurai Turtles.

    Mini-TMNT in Turtle mechs. Seriously, how can one resist? I sure can’t. Except that I can’t afford them.

  2. For TransFormers Tuesday over at the website for the upcoming DVD release of the original movie, they now have some wallpapers you can download.

    Gotta go with Soundwave. Love Blaster, but I think Soundwave’s just looks overall better. Say, isn’t that art from Dreamwave?

  3. GameSpot has added three movies showing off gameplay in Tokobot Plus: Mysteries of the Karakuri. Screens, too.
  4. Ultimate Spider-man has reached the milestone mark of 100 issues, and to celebrate, IGN reports on two trailers from Marvel to celebrate the event.

    It’s some wild stuff from one of my favorite comic books ever. Go check it out.

    …oh yeah, and it’s a little spoilerish. And not for the weak of heart, or maybe stomach.

  5. Oh boy oh boy oh boy, Next-Gen has gone and done it now!

    Behold, Gaming’s Top 50 Journalists.

    Some of the names may surprise and/or disgust you. Which is the entire reason I’m linking to it here. Likewise, there are some I feel were unjustly omitted(NO, not me! I only just started this thing two months ago!). Perhaps next year.

  6. Who says Europe gets nothing first?

    Ok, lots of people.

    Well, anyway, Nintendo of Europe beats US to the punch with the next part of the Iwata interviews, covering what’s sure to be the #1 game every Wii owner must have, Wii Sports.

  7. Modojo has an interesting piece up called The Portable Gamers’ Manifesto, which basically talks about getting older, and playing games less in the evening hours, and the shift to portable gaming at opportune moments throughout the day.

    To which I can fully relate to, much to my wife’s chagrin. She gets bored, I don’t. Oh well.

  8. Go Nintendo draws my attention to some new screens of Wii Play.

    Air hockey + Duck Hunt + Wii remote = BIG WIN!

  9. The Toronto Star draws some comparisons of the upcoming console war to the Game Gear vs. Game Boy, and how Nintendo may rule if Sony doesn’t learn quickly.

    Warning: Language… can they print that in the newspaper?

  10. Slashdot links to an article which explores the next-generation console exclusive games.
  11. Joystiq repeats an EGM bit comparing the GameCube and PS2 launches, and giving outlooks for the successors.
  12. Kotaku acknowledges what is perhaps one of the most important days in gaming history.

    Kind of odd in a way that my cousin who helped introduce me to this died not even a week prior this year…

  13. Newgrounds doesn’t care about the black people.

    Make your own call. Personally, this reminds me of that ep of South Park where the kids debate the town flag.

  14. Godzilla says, “Screw Tokyo, I’m takin’ my biz-ness to the Mushroom Kingdom.”
  15. Action-Figure.com reviews TransFormers Classics Rodimus(aka Hot Rod), and gives him four stars.
  16. Newsarama has an interview with Jerry Robinson, co-creator of The Joker and the man behind Robin’s name.

    It’s an interesting piece that looks a bit at the relation between comic book characters such as Superman, Batman, Captain America and their Jewish creators, among other things.

LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest

Tuesday, October 17th, 2006
  1. GameTrailers offers up the first review of the long-awaited, controversial Bully.

    Sounds like fun.

  2. Next Generation has a short interview with Kaz Hirai in which they discuss “the coming of PlayStation 3 and, specifically, the company?s online strategy and why it doesn?t have a name?”
  3. They also speak with Capcom regarding next-generation console support.
  4. Go Nintendo has some translated scans of the Dragon Quest VIII/Mario crossover known as Itadaki Street.
  5. Hideo Kojima talks Wii, DS.
  6. Slashdot has a link to an article looking at some of the best and most relevant games from the Dreamcast.

    By suggesting titles that haven’t been topped by further works, or that may have been the basis for other popular games, he’s hoping that today’s gamers will still stop and play the classics once in a while.

  7. …GAH!

    Game|Life has a picture up of next-generation Amy Rose… and her monstrous hands.

    Through his link, you can see more, including Blaze the Cat.

  8. It never ceases to amaze me what investors will pour their money into.
  9. Joystiq goes hands-on with Sonic and the Secret Rings. The verdict?

    “…as you’ll be able tell from the huge smiles on both our faces, this game is pure fun. It made me regret that only the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 Sonic games were available on the showfloor, because this game is without a doubt much better.”

  10. Kotaku shows off a Question Block bean bag chair, based on the Mario games.

    Nice. Sort of reminds me of my days at my dad’s arcade when I’d make Super Mario 3-styled bricks out of tape and discarded cigarette packs.

  11. Accompanying this article, it occurs to me that I’m just a little surprised no one’s made a set of these shorts with the connector-end of a cartridge pictured vertically along the fly…

    Chew on that for a few minutes, see if you get where I’m going with this.

  12. Capcom VP wants to see more happy PS3 news.

    Kotaku responds as well as anyone possibly could.

  13. 2old2play checks out the Wii, though Go Nintendo says that some of the information in the article is faulty.

    I really gotta get me some cred…

LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Weekend Wrap-Up

Monday, October 16th, 2006

A slow week begets a slow weekend, I suppose. Here’s a few tidbits from around and about.

  1. Don’t forget! Today starts the Canadian EB Games Wii and PS3 preorders! If you have about $200 to put down on it, that is… and are an EB Insider, according to EB employees.

    Sadly, I won’t be taking part, instead looking for a job so that maybe I can someday enjoy a Wii at all… or at least have a roof over my head to play it in.

  2. Go Nintendo features a video which showcases a piece of music by Kazumi Totaka which has made its way through a number of different Nintendo video games for 10 years.
  3. Steve Kent talks video games, likening Nintendo to an old friend with a drinking problem, and betting XBox 360 beats all the rest this holiday season.

    I do feel it’s also worth noting that the company is now under a different head than it was with the past examples.

  4. Yeah, I guess any plans of going to Nintendo World for the Wii launch are sort of dashed now, as they’ve stopped taking preorders, seemingly for good this time.
  5. Go Nintendo presents: The Toronto Star vs. the Nintendo DS Lite, a tale of a mother who just doesn’t want to introduce video games into her family, and how Nintendo’s strategy is working.
  6. If you’re looking at Bubble Bobble Revolution as a potential purchase, it’s best to hold off for now.
  7. Joystiq reports that Dead Rising will be $39.99 at Best Buy this week.
  8. Joystiq sides with eBay on the new system auction cancellations.
  9. And on today’s edition of Sony Sez’, courtesy of Kotaku:

    “We’re pretty pleased with UMD… UMD has a fantastic attachment ratio. Where we’ve struggled a little is getting a decent proposition for full-length movies. UMD is not the problem?it’s getting the right content that’s the challenge.”

    Big K ain’t buying that one, though.

  10. Sony’s first North American PS3 commercial, “The Wait.”

    The Wait is on.

  11. Wow, I know there are no new Mega Man X games on the planned horizon, but washing cars?

    Man, I know times are tough, X, but you can do so much better. I can truly empathize with your position…

  12. Kotaku links to a closed eBay auction that is a holy grail of sorts for Game & Watch collectors.

    Even if you can’t afford it, it’s that sort of curiousity that makes it worth a peek.

  13. Oh, wow. WeeMee? I wonder if Nintendo has a case.
  14. Press The Buttons asks, why all the lies?

LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest

Saturday, October 14th, 2006
  1. The official Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles website has added volume one, #4 of the original comic book to their website.
  2. For fans of the TransFormers Beast Wars cartoon show, the following from The Allspark may be of interest.Rhino is running a special deal on the DVDs, where if you purchase all three by December 31st and use a special code(“Maximize”), you save 10%. Cool deal.
  3. NOA Andy at Nintendo.com is promoting the Dalmation & Friends version of Nintendogs, and offering a cute wallpaper for your desktop to help spread the love.
  4. Jamie Lee Curtis and Nintendo commemorate a milestone in donating their 5,000th Fun Center to the Starlight Starbright Children’s Foundation.
  5. GameTrailers has added part 1 of a Retrospective in their The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess section under “Features.”
  6. Thinking about grabbing Clubhouse Games for the Nintendo DS? GameSpot has a review to tell you more about the title, as does IGN.
  7. More new Sonic Rivals screens have surfaced.I’m digging the idea of running around on a roller coaster track, personally. The other scenes look great, too.
  8. GameDaily celebrates 10 years of Nintendo 64 with their 20 favorite games of the system’s life.A lot of good titles on there, more of which I wish I owned. Mario Kart 64, Paper Mario, Pilotwings 64… just to name a few. Viva Virtual Console(though I’d still want the originals)!

    As far as a Virtual Console version of Super Mario 64, though… I’m not buying that unless they give us the DS version(they can take out the minigames if they want, I just want the graphics, maybe the added characters and stars) with analog control.

  9. The Iwata Interviews have been continuing, with the latest turning the tables on the head of Nintendo and putting him under the lamp.
  10. Contrary to what some people believe, UK-based Entertainmentwise reports that Wii controls are doable without sweating.As others have stated, it’s possible to play using small motions as well as grand, sweeping gestures to get results.
  11. Joystiq has some humorous coverage of Sonic’s 15th birthday party.Check out that cake!
  12. Kotaku provides something to think about as they present Screw Attacks Top 10 Worst Ways To Die(In A Video Game).You might just be surprised by what game takes #1, though it’s kind of spoilerish for the game in question.
  13. The Nintendo DS may have all the fun games, but there’s one area in which it just can’t compete with PSP…Good taste.
  14. Hmm, Nolan Bushnell’s new venture sounds like fun.Bit out of the way, though.
  15. Matt over at Press the Buttons would rather shell out for the original Sonic game one more time than to deal with “attitude and busting cool moves and deep angst and being the “Iblis Trigger” , whatever the hell that means.”Agree? Disagree? Go let ‘im know!

LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest

Friday, October 13th, 2006
  1. GameTrailers has another Family Guy trailer up for your perusal.
  2. Showing that they aren’t just about T&A, Tecmo has a new game coming to the PS2 called Tokobot Plus: Mysteries of the Karakuri which gives off a slight MegaMan Legends/Misadventures of Tron Bonne vibe to me; not in a way that it seems like a blatant rip-off or anything, but just based on the footage, it looks almost like such a story and game could fit within the Legends universe.

    Anyway, GameTrailers has some footage and an interview up.

  3. Looks like Japan has gotten their Wiimotes early… sort of.

    I’m pretty sure they had released or announced this awhile back, but the Club Nintendo members in Japan have gotten the opportunity to receive their very own television remote control based on the Wii remote’s design. IGN has a number of comparison shots to other controllers and remotes.

    I wish America had a Club Nintendo…

  4. GameDaily takes an interesting look inside New York’s game shops.

    Personally, I’d have liked a little more direct comparison to the Japanese gaming stores we always seem to hear so much about when someone ventures overseas.

  5. Ok, so for a moment, I thought Sony was talking without thinking again, but then I noticed this is from Australia, where the Wii is a bit overpriced.

    Or at least, that’s how it sounds. I don’t know much about Australian economy, but evidently Kotaku does, and they have some less-than-kind words regarding the comments.

  6. Nintendo of Japan’s Custom Robo DS website has a neat commercial up.

    Can’t wait for this game.

  7. Game|Life has a few “notable quotables” from a conference earlier today. This one may be a favorite.
  8. Mr. Kohler also brings us an amusing Contra comic.
  9. Stephen Colbert has been getting into the gaming scene a bit lately, thanks to the magic of his Green Screen Challenge.

    Check out the submission from “George L,” while you’re at it.

  10. Joystiq takes a look at some of Nintendo’s toys from before they entered the video game business.

    Wild stuff, huh? I’ve known about some of these, though I’ve not had pictures to look at. Mach Rider looks nothing like the game, though.

  11. If you don’t own an XBox 360, and aren’t looking at a PS3 anytime soon but still want to give the next generation of Sonic the Hedgehog a try… well, can’t really help you.

    But Blaze Hedgehog might have a little something to ease the pain with a Sonic Advance-styled Kingdom Valley stage. So check it out.

LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest

Thursday, October 12th, 2006
  1. A word from The Red Priest:

    Have you always wanted the music from Karnov but just can’t find it? Would you like to be a Bad Dude and chill out to the tunes to Bad Dudes? Well here’s your chance!

    That’s right, PoisonMushroom.Org’s affiliate ORCHNESTRA is holding it’s first contest ever! The prize? The game soundtrack you want as an update!

    Today through next Sunday (10-15-06) you may submit games for consideration for the orchNEStra OST treatment! The top 10 write ins will then be voted on next week and the top 5 will constitute the first update after the contest ends!

    Due to ftp issues the front page does not yet have this posted, but don’t let that stop you from going to the Mboard to vote.

  2. GameDaily takes a look at Yoshi’s Island DS, and gives their 2 cents.
  3. Additionally, they ask the question that has been on the lips of many in recent memory: Has SEGA lost its Sonic touch?

    Of course, I know a few people in whom this article may just raise a bit of ire. If that’s you, feel free to comment. Personally, I expect a lot of tearing-up of this person’s arguments(for example, is Yuji Naka even involved anymore?).

  4. Wow, Go Nintendo has a link to an article that really plays up the Wii. Like, seriously plays up.
  5. More scans have surfaced for Itadaki Street DS, that Dragon Quest/Mario game.

    What strikes me as so odd is that they’re specifically using Dragon Quest VIII characters, when it wasn’t on a Nintendo system. Makes you wonder…

  6. Got this from Game|Life. It’s a rather crappy quiz, perhaps due to space limitations, but there are some angles it doesn’t tackle. My score:

    NerdTests.com User Test: The Better Fanboy Check Test.

    What does it mean?

    You are a gamer, since you like all the systems, but Nintendo is your weapon of choice. But you don’t show disdain for any system.

  7. Joystiq brings up an interesting PlayStation 3… oversight?

    Seems that the system has no IR port, and thus can’t be used(for its Blu-Ray Disc player, see) with a universal remote.

  8. Kotaku reports that VH1′s GameBreak says “8-Bit is the best movie about video games ever made.”

    Sounds a bit strange to me, personally, but might be worth a look.

  9. It’s the Great Metroid, Charlie Brown!
  10. Press “Start” to play.
  11. Mario says, “All toasters toast toast.”

    I say, what the hell just happened here?

  12. You might have seen the trophy in Super Smash Bros. Melee and wondered what this Doshin the Giant game was all about.

    Well, if that’s the case, then today is your lucky day as Press The Buttons presents The Forgotten: Doshin the Giant.

    Hopefully coming soon to a Virtual Console near you.

  13. Remember “I Love Bees?” Seems the guy behind that has started his own company, complete with product placement on CSI. Sounds wild.

LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest

Wednesday, October 11th, 2006
  1. The Allspark has a post that has in-package pictures of TransFormers Titanium Soundwave and Rodimus Prime.

    I can take or leave Soundwave, but I love the Rodimus Prime redesign, and the bios, specifically Soundwave’s, are quite nice as well.

  2. They also have some links to some pictures from the TransFormers movie filming, most notably Optimus Prime’s head and shoulder prop.
  3. We all know that Jack Thompson bites, but it seems that George Ettinger over at Gamer Andy has decided to bite back.

    I for one wish him the best in trying to thwart this idiocy.

    Thanks to [info]makzu for the tip.

  4. GameTrailers has some new videos of the Family Guy game, including one exclusive trailer.

    It looks true to the show, and every bit as crazy. I think we can definitely rule that as a good thing.

    GameSpot gives a hands-on report for more info.

  5. Wasn’t going to report this initially, but curiousity got the better of me, and I’m glad. In addition to the new Family Guy materials, GameTrailers also has a special demonstration of how to play Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2 on the Wii.

    And it looks like it would be a lot of fun, especially for those who like to emulate the special moves.

  6. If you haven’t seen it yet, there’s a trailer for the Ghost Rider movie, which comes out this February.

    Even though I’m not up on all the Ghost Rider lore, it looks good to me. But it’s funny that this is the same guy they wanted to play Superman at one time.

  7. It’s 10 pages long, and so thus a bit lengthy for me at this moment, but Next-Gen has a neat feature up about 50 books for everyone in the game industry.

    Game Over: Press Start To Continue is a favorite of mine, though one not listed that I would like to read is Power-Up: How Japanese Video Games Gave the World an Extra Life. Sadly, local pricing on that one is a little much.

  8. Heh, Go Nintendo sticks it to my old hometown newspaper as they point out that The Charlotte Observer is just a bit out of touch in their coverage.

    You can read the article itself here.

  9. Go Nintendo posts some excerpts from an Australian Sony rep talking about the Wii.

    I like the way this guy puts things. I mean, he does work for Sony, so he has to stick a jab at the competition in there, but he does give Nintendo credit in many areas. A Sony spokesperson that doesn?t seem to be extremely cocky?pretty refreshing!

    I agree.

  10. Yesterday, I linked to a Kotaku post about World of Warcraft fans picking apart the episode of South Park from last week on Wikipedia.

    Joystiq managed to capture the length of the entry which was removed, and there are some amusing bits in there.

  11. “Too little, too late” might be the best way to describe these batteries aimed at gamers.
  12. Kotaku has an interesting Mugen video up, showing the Predator taking on the first worlds of Super Mario Bros. and, ironically enough, Contra.
  13. Kotaku takes a look at The Holy Bible: The Game for the GBA.

    Wonder if it’s anything like Bible Stories for the NES?

  14. Kotaku also links to ten annoying things about next-gen gaming, with a good point of focus on #3:

    3. – Cost between consoles and computers vanishing $60 games? Expensive peripherals? Consoles being released at a $600 price point? Anyone notice that desktop computers just continue to go down in price despite becoming ever more powerful? Consoles still have a lot of advantages over PC’s, but the most powerful incentive of console games is weakening.

  15. I want a cake like this.
  16. Wow, those are some hot pants.
  17. Good ol’ Press The Buttons adds another installment to their “Secret Origins” series, this time detailing the acquisition of an old favorite of mine, Disney’s Darkwing Duck for the NES by Capcom.

LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest

Tuesday, October 10th, 2006
  1. For those of you who are looking at getting an XBox 360, I’ve got a hot tip from [info]mjp about a place called Fry’s Outpost selling a bundle with an XBox 360 Premium Console, Saint’s Row, Dead Rising, and Test Drive Unlimited for only $359.96($200 savings)(or possibly a better bundle), this Saturday.

    Really, that’s hard to beat. Anywhere. And I’ve heard pretty good things about this Fry’s place besides, so if you can find one, go for it.

    And while I’d probably be indifferent to Test Drive Unlimited, and maybe Saint’s Row, you could probably get a good trade in or selling value for them somewhere…

    …or for those who don’t worry about such ethical dilemmas, returning it to another retailer with the shrink wrap intact for another title. But that’s your call, I’m not endorsing it or anything…

  2. The Allspark has some interesting TransFormers tidbits today, including a link to an awesome gallery of Masterpiece Starscream(just check out that smirk!), and a Seibertron.com interview with its designer, Shoji Kawamori, also of Macross fame.
  3. Speaking of interviews, The Allspark has an audio interview with David Kaye, voice of Megatron in Beast Wars TransFormers, Beast Machines, and other TransFormers series, as well as ProtoMan from MegaMan NT Warrior.
  4. Even though it’s been a money-hole so far, Next-Gen reports that Microsoft is not giving up on XBox 360 and the gaming business; they’re in this for the long haul.

    Granted, it’s been said before, but good for them.

  5. Wasn’t going to say anything, but then Go Nintendo’s bit on ONM’s look at Red Steel sounds quite promising, like the game has really been improving every step of the way since its debut at E3.

    Oh, and be careful, there are some slight spoilers within, they say.

  6. Slashdot links to an interesting blog piece telling what it is like behind a videogame store counter.
  7. Another Slashdot bit links to an article detailing how the Nintendo amusement park works.
  8. Wired sits down with Koji Igarashi(Castlevania), Goichi Suda(Killer 7), and Atsushi Inaba(Viewtiful Joe) to discuss gaming in the next generation.
  9. Wired’s Clive Thompson sits down with upcoming Rockstar game Bully, and gives us a look at the game which has raised the ire of so many, with a few minor-spoilers tossed in.

    The best part?

    It’s going to make a lot of people like one J.T. eat some crow. Or at the very least, look really damn stupid.

    That’s worth the price of admission right there, folks.

  10. Kotaku has a video by College Humor about Wii games we’ll never see.

    My favorite?

    “Ouija Board” for the win.

  11. Additionally… aww, hell. World of Warcraft fans pick apart the last episode of South Park.
  12. The Big K also takes a look at The Ultimate Game Desk. Well, for PCs, at least.

    Still… nice. It’s like a freakin’ cockpit.

  13. Like Kotaku, I normally wouldn’t mention something like this, a Craigs Listing for an XBox kiosk, but I love the minor details.

    Specifically, that it’s pick-up only.

    But look at from where.

    Yeah. I’ll be right over.

  14. 1UP has a feature about Starforce, piracy, and copy protection.

    The sidebar is a little condescending though, wouldn’t you agree?

  15. Game Break has a neat video from Bungie, showcasing the evolution of Halo.

    “Shown in the movie is Halo during its earlier stages, when it was still being developed as a Myth-like RTS. Later stages show it as an over-the-shoulder 3rd person shooter, complete with the Master Chief riding a lizard that looks suspiciously like a Chocobo.”

LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Weekend Wrap-Up

Monday, October 9th, 2006

Wow, slow weekend. Well, no worries, I’ve got a few treats in store.

  1. IGN has a retrospective of The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages, one of the Zelda titles I have regretably not yet played, along with its sister title Oracle of Seasons and The Minish Cap.

    As much as I like the old-style Zeldas, I really ought to find a way to get ahold of those.

  2. GameSpy has an interview with Lacey Chabert, the actress playing Princess Elise in the upcoming Sonic the HorndogHedgehog.

    GameSpy: When you were working out the details of your contract, were you like, “I want a Sonic t-shirt, a copy of the game, two coffee mugs?.”

    Chabert: No, I don’t think I get anything. I’m going to have to go to Toys R Us and buy a copy myself.

    Wow, that’s pretty weak. Cheapskates.

  3. Perhaps I missed it when it came out, but reviews of Big Brain Academy seem to be rather scarce. Downplayed, perhaps?

    Well, whatever the case, N-Philes has just added one of their own.

    On a related note, I downloaded the demo not too long ago, and had a pretty good time with it, with what there was.

  4. Looks like Circuit City is having some Nintendo sales.

    -Supermario Strikers, Mario Baseball, Pokemon XD anyone $24.99 save 50%
    -ALS Gamecube carrying case $9.99 save $10.00

    Gameboy Advance
    -Pokemon ?Fire Red?, Pokemon ?Leaf Green?, Zelda ?Four Swords?, Mario Kart ?Super Circuit?, and Super Mario World ?super mario world 2?. anyone $14.99 save 50%

    -BD & A pen stylus 2 pak $4.99 save $5
    -Mad Catz accessory Kit $9.99 save $10
    -Free DS carrying case with purchase of DS

    Not much going on for DS, but I could really go for the rest, save the Pokemon titles, which I’m not adverse to, but are simply a lower level of priority for me.

  5. Wow, talk about a “Breakfast of Champions!”

    Go Nintendo got to attend a special press event in NYC which showed off the upcoming Yoshi’s Island 2DS, and have a special themed breakfast.

    Check out the menu.

    Man, that sounds good. I wish I could’ve gone, for the food, folks, and fun.

    …I think I might’ve just infringed a copyright.

    The whole event sounds like it was a lot of fun, though.

  6. GN links to a clip from IGN Weekly in which they have an interview with Perrin Kaplan from Nintendo about the Wii.

    Most interesting part, to me, is that if you need to delete a downloaded game from your Virtual Console, you don’t have to repurchase it, as it will record it as having been bought by you. Snazzy.

  7. Joystiq shows a modified PlayStation 3 billboard, and comments on how advertising their shortage-facing system is only going to raise the ire of the public.

    Personally, I agree. It’s kind of an adding-insult-to-injury sort of thing.

  8. Kotaku, meanwhile, snipes Best Buy’s notoriously faulty consumer help information.
  9. Wow, that is one hot piece of Samus fanart.
  10. Press The Buttons links to a The New Gamer piece about comfort games.

    I agree with Burnout 3, as that’s great relief. A number of Mario games work for me as well.

  11. Toastyfrog has an interesting piece that looks back at one of my old favorites, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link as a part of “Metroidvania Gaiden.”
  12. Like Star Wars: Clone Wars?

    Want more of it?

    Then you might be in luck.

    The show is planned as a continuation of the Emmy-winning “Clone Wars” that aired in 25 episodes on the Cartoon Network from 2003 to 2005. That series used limited animation. The new version will use 3-D computer graphics.

    Nothing against 3-D, but that’s too bad, I rather liked the stylized Star Wars look.

LBD “Nytetrayn”