- Over at Atomic Fire, IHZ… er, Meijin… er, Fireman…
Over at Atomic Fire, one of the (former) staff was fortunate enough to attend the Tokyo Game Show and kind enough to give a report that covers the various Rockman goings-on that slipped through the cracks of other sites, including a small figure of Tron with a Kobun(Servbot).
And lots of pictures, too!
- GameSpot has reviewed the recently-released Capcom Classics Mini Mix, giving it a 6.9 out of 10.
However, that “they look and sound identical to the original NES games” is designated a good AND a bad thing casts a shadow of doubt on the credibility of the score, in my opinion. I mean, how’s that any different from any other collection? How should it be different?
But the rest of the review sounds fine, though it would have been nice had some sort of quick-save option been included. Still, I’ve beaten Bionic Commando in one sitting before, it doesn’t take me too long, I can do it again should the need arise.
I admit that art galleries or whatever would have been nice, but this being GBA, I admit that my expectations for a collection were low, and as long as the gameplay holds up(which the review says it does), then I’m set, once I pull together the money.
Incidently, I’m not alone in my gripe with the review. As for the question posed? Yes to both.
- Yesterday, I posted that Next-Gen was doing some hiring. Today, it seems IGN is doing so as well. Might be worth someone’s time.
Sadly, I lack a few qualifications there, so I’m out of the running.
- GameDaily has reviewed Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis, giving it four out of five stars.
The major complaint is that it’s too easy, although still fun. Works for me, after my experience with the first game. Of course, I have a bit of a temper under such circumstances, so what may work out better for me may not work so well for you, so take that as you will.
The level editor is used as a selling point, too, but after Mega Man Powered Up, one is left to wonder just how well that will pan out…
“Oh! I know what makes a good level! SPIKES! So many spikes so that you can’t move!”
I don’t need challenge so long as it’s fun.
Anyway, assuming this review is accurate(after all, I hear some people talk about how hard some Mega Man games are, and I blast through those same titles), it helps allay my fears about the game a bit.
IGN throws in their two cents as well, with a 7.0, though they seem less impressed with even the fun of the title. Sounds like a good case for a demo station download.
- GameDaily also tries to save the PSP.
Deaf ears. Sony will do as they wish, naturally.
Incidently, I’ve had little problems with #3. #7, on the other hand…
- GameDaily has some in-depth coverage of the Uwe Boll boxing matches. I have no idea what this has to do with Postal, but I suppose that’s about par for the course for Boll flicks.
My offer still stands, btw, though this view makes things sound less harsh. And, well, the fact that they say Boll’s not looking for more fights. But, you never know when that may change…
Joystiq links to various other features, interviews(with Boll and Lowtax), and such.
- Over at onNintendo, the staff discusses series they’d like to see revived for the Wii or DS.
I’ll second Kid Icarus, Contra, and Duck Hunt, and I’ve an idea or two of my own…
- While I’m not as upset as the Go Nintendo writer here, I think this guy is full of it.
“Serious” gamers, indeed… just at first glance, it sounds like an oxymoron.
- Go Nintendo also informs us that Wii is #1 on CNET’s Top 20 Most Wanted Products… and PS3 is at #13.
- Slashdot has a link to an interesting analysis of the PS3… in that buying the system will hurt Sony more than it helps.
“Few tears were spilled when the No. 4 console maker, Sega, dropped out of the market a few years ago. But can you imagine if, in a year from now, there were only TWO console game makers?
Not only COULD it happen, but we’re going to tell you why it WILL happen.”
Pretty bold statement, though as I see it, if buying the system were to truly hurt Sony, then they’re already damned. The part about Sony forcing bundles is interesting as well.
One quote I find particularly fascinating:
“We don’t want the PlayStation 3 to be the overwhelming loseWeight Exerciser, so we want to support them,” Michihiro Sasaki, senior vice president of Square Enix, told the Wall Street Journal. “But we don’t want them to be the overwhelming winner either, so we can’t support them too much.”
Sounds like now, the licensees are more in control of things than ever.
All of this simply begs the question, is Sony in too deep?
- Wired’s Clive Thompson examines the myth of the 40-hour gamer.
- Joystiq features a link to a series of de-motivational posters themed around video games. Some fun entries in there.
- Some people say that Japan gets everything better than we do.
And while that may not always be true, it most definitely is in this case.
Behold the Super Mario Bros. Minus World… on the Famicom Disc System. It beats the hell out of ours. Now I want to play it…
- Kotaku provides an amusing tale to testify to the power of anger and the resilience of the DS Lite.
When he asked to have his DS Phat back, I said “No. This,” dangling the snapped DS Lite in front of his eyes, “is your DS now.”
- Remember that kid who always boasted about having the most impossible things, like that game that was cancelled, or a scale Ninja Turtles Technodrome made out of wood, or an Arcee TransFormer, both regular AND Headmaster(true stories)?
Well, evidently such fibbing is something one does not necessarily grow out of.
- Kotaku links to a piece by Ozymandias which examines the three big risks Nintendo faces with the Wii.
- Despite Sony’s woes, the PlayStation 3 still has its fans.
- Phil Harrison at Sony has some post-TGS musings with GamePro, including that Blu-Ray is added to the PS3 for gaming use first(the movies are like a freebie), and a conscious awareness of what people are saying about them, including the “arrogance.”
- In case you haven’t been keeping up, Nintendo is providing the Wii interview series on their own website in English, now.
- RPGSite’s Kevin Hunt explains why he’s not buying a Wii.
Note that the first four reasons are mainly kidding around, and his big emphasis is #1.
- Yahoo’s The 9 has a link to a neat bit with The Muppets Reloaded, a Muppet/Matrix parody.