"In journalism, there has always been a tension between getting it first and getting it right." -- Ellen Goodman

Archive for the ‘Points of Interest’ Category

The Weekend Wrap-Up – 1/14/07

Monday, January 15th, 2007
  1. The Allspark has links to images of TransFormers movie toys known as “Fast Action Battlers” (I hear they’re simply FAB). These are unlikely to be the “main” movie toys, as they reason:

    While we can’t be 100% sure, we do know that the Starscream pictured in this auction doesn’t match with the previous toy we’ve seen.

    Plus, the transformations seem a bit more simplistic. These are probably going to be the “basics” for the movie.

    Anyway, here are Starscream, Optimus Prime, and one of my favorites so far, Jazz.

  2. Sounds like the PlayStation 3 isn’t as “Pornable” as its handheld sibling, as Sony refuses to allow HD T&A to associate with their patented, troublesome Blu-Ray technology, forcing producers to go to HD-DVD.

    XXXBox 369. There, I made the joke for you. Moving on, then…

  3. Like the Angry Video Game (formerly Nintendo) Nerd? Wanna see more of his antics?

    Check out his latest update to see how you can help.

  4. Press The Buttons has some ideas of what the pending EGM Castlevania announcement will be.
  5. Racketboy continues his “Hidden Gems” series, covering games you may have missed on consoles past.

    The latest installment: Sony PlayStation.

  6. Next Gen’s interview with O3 reveals that the GameCube isn’t dead yet as they prep their new shoot ‘em up for Nintendo’s previous console effort.

    In addition, they offer that “backwards compatibility offers small publishers low-risk opportunities.”

  7. Zelda cartoons? onNintendo has got you covered.

    Or, you can just buy the DVD with every episode included, plus the live-action Mario Bros. segments.

    And in case you missed it before, don’t forget to check out Sub Tank’s Zelda Flash cartoon parody of the intro.

  8. If you’re a fan of 24 (and I know some people who are), and own an XBox 360, then Major Nelson (through Evil Avatar) has some good news for you.
  9. System collectors, get ready to import, as Go Nintendo reports that China are getting two special edition GBA SPs, featuring the images of Mario and DK.
  10. Fashion for the discerning female retrogamer: the NES purse.
  11. Still want a Wii? Go Nintendo tells you how to snoop around for one.
  12. Life in retail can be a living Hell. Trust me, I know. And EB Games is evidently no different, as a Go Nintendo reader demonstrates.
  13. Now this is the story, all about how this guy’s life got flipped, turned upside-down. So please have a seat, and grab your Wii remote, and he’ll tell you how he became the Prince of a town called Tokyo…
  14. The Best of CES, courtesy of Todd Umbarger’s Jaggies.
  15. Radio contests can be incredibly stupid, and this is why.

    Tragic, to be sure, but perhaps not as tragic as the fact that I’ll bet few learn anything from this before the next one happens…

    I at least hope the station coughed up the Wii, or at least A Wii, for her three children.

  16. Good news, you can save $100 on a PS3!

    Bad news, it requires giving up your PS2 to do it!

    Your own discretion as to whether or not it’s worth it, given the spotty emulation issues.

  17. London’s outdoor Wii demos.

    No word of requiring a credit card to play.

  18. Naturally, after citing the worst game endings ever, it’s only natural that CVG would go on to make a list of what they see as the best game endings ever.
  19. 20 years ago today, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link was released to the masses

    …and you assholes didn’t like it.


  20. Kotaku looks back at the classic Super Mario 3 commercial from the game’s release, though I don’t recall this particular variation at all…
  21. Remember Maniac Mansion? I never played it, but I certainly remember Nintendo Power‘s coverage of it, as well as the Family Channel having a TV show based on it.

    If you are/were a fan, you might be interested in the Maniac Mansion desktop wallpaper, courtesy of Kotaku and the Maniac Mansion Shrine.

  22. Interesting link from News4Gamers.

    Sex sells, and I’m not sure whether this sex is supposed to be selling Stuff magazine or Nintendo Wiis, but I’m sure these videos will likely sell plenty of both.

  23. Newsarama’s Steve Fritz takes a look at the soon-to-be released Invincible Iron Man DVD, among several others.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 1/13/07

Saturday, January 13th, 2007
  1. This is a neat tribute to Gumpei Yokoi found on GameTrailers, particularly noteworthy for its extensive use of original Game & Watch animations. Check it out and see some of the products of Nintendo’s biggest genius before Miyamoto rose to the top.
  2. Over at the Allspark, images of the Ironhide toy from the movie have surfaced.

    Interesting torso configuration.

    Plus, Entertainment Weekly has a story about the upcoming film.

  3. If you don’t mind some slight Marvel Civil War spoilers (i.e. the events of issue 6), then check out this terrific parody.

    Kudos to mightygodking.

  4. I really don’t know what to say about this.

    Frankly, it reminds me of some members of the forum we used to have back on the old Mega Man Outpost boards, who would always answer questions people had about this or that in-character, and I think quoting imaginary stats and stuff.

  5. This was touched on yesterday, but now Joystiq has joined in the calling-out of SEGA as jerks for thinking people will confuse YTMNDs for official SEGA Sonic sites.

    Then again, as anyone who’s worked in retail can tell you, people can be pretty damned stupid…

    But then, who’s to say who is more stupid, the users or SEGA? According to 1up, SEGA might be barking up the wrong tree here:

    Some of them are in poor, poor taste (fair warning!), admittedly, but nevertheless by and large the submissions fall clearly within the boundaries of ‘fair use.’

    Seems that Sega doesn’t quite get that last bit. In fact, they’ve sent a testily worded cease and desist order over to the YTMND crew, making some amusing demands along the lines of the entire website being required to pull down its contents and turn them over to Sega — or else! What Sega doesn’t realize is that the YTMND guys happen to be seasoned professionals when it comes to defending themselves against spurious lawsuits. I guess after you’ve mixed it up with the Church of Scientology, everybody else is small potatoes by comparison.

  6. Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars on PSP? Old news. But Joystiq’s coverage warrants mention for this:

    Forget PSone, Sony should have worked out a deal with Sega to emulate Dreamcast on PSP. Instead, we’re starting to see some attempts by publishers to revisit some of their Dreamcast titles using the UMD format. First, Capcom did Power Stone Collection, and now, Sega has announced Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars, built from Crazy Taxi 1 & 2.

    Now there is a hell of an idea. Give me some online or ad-hoc Cannon Spike, and we’ll be in business.

  7. So, did you ever find the Laser Suit hidden away in Super Mario World?


    Well, here you are!

    While it’s an amusing hack, and I enjoy the way the ??? area was put together, watching it in action makes the suit look so worthless. I mean, it took six shots to hit that Paratroopa.

  8. Nintendo discolorization. It happens, but one man takes a look at why.

    Betcha smoking is involved.

    Still, I myself have always been curious as to why some parts seem to discolor, and others remain fine.

    …this is SCIENCE, people!

  9. I’m sure we’ve all looked at EGM‘s rumors at least once, but have you ever stopped to study them?

    One man has, and these are his results of how often these rumors come to pass as true: about half the time.

  10. Kotaku gives their thoughts on the upcoming Sonic comic for Free Comic Book Day, and credits PMO in the process. Score!
  11. At least Ninja Gaiden Sigma seems to help assure there might be something worth playing on the PS3 in the near future. 1up goes head-to-head with the game’s director, Yohsuke Hayashi, to find out just what brutality we’re in for…

    …”we” in the loose sense of the word, of course.

  12. Over at Gametalkhq, Jim Ness and the sales manager at a GameStop discuss a bit about whether or not renting is better than buying, then trading in if you don’t like it.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 1/12/07

Friday, January 12th, 2007
  1. GameDaily has a preview of the upcoming Nintendo DS title, The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass.

    Sounds intriguing, I can’t wait to try it out.

  2. Gotta admit, these are some pretty funky footwear.

    But they ain’t foolin’ me, Mario’s shoes are brown.

    Nice try, though.

    And yes, I would so wear those, if they were comfortable.

  3. New scan of Mario Party 8.

    Instead of generic enemies being invited, I wish they’d do the characters, like say, instead of a Goomba, use Goombella.

  4. Game|Life attends the World Series of Video Games.

    When I was a kid, stuff like that tourney in The Wizard and the Nintendo World Championships seemed awesome.

    Getting older, stuff like the Blockbuster World Video Game Championships (which I won in my town, I might add) had a certain allure.

    Now? I can’t bring myself to get too excited. Seeing what people do in Tetris and speedruns and competitions, I know I’d get the ever-holy-loving crap stomped out of me.

  5. Wii has crossed into a new (for them) method of promotion: comics.

    Not bad, but call me when they get Spider-Man and Superman shilling the systems like Hostess Fruit Pies (yo, readers, that’s a Photoshop opp right there), and we’ll be talkin’ then.

  6. Upon receiving their new Wii straps, 2old2play decided to do some experimentation

Slow day, huh?

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 1/11/07

Thursday, January 11th, 2007
  1. I still wonder if Konami knows or cares. I mean, just imagine the marketing potential…

    Then again, maybe it’s just one of those things that sounds good on paper, but the more you look into it, the less there is going for it.

  2. Allspark reports that IDW’s got some new Art Du Jour up.

    Check out Prime sitting in the snow. Makes you just want to pat him on the shoulder, doesn’t it?

  3. Looks like new shots of movie Barricade and Megatron are available.


    Barricade, I sorta dig in a sort of Beast Machines Vehicon-ish sort of way. Which is the feeling that the aesthetic most of the faces, hands, and occassional other stuff from this movie throws at me.

    Megatron looks like the retarded bastard love-child of G1 Megatron, Skeletor, Hordak, Evas, and Lord knows what else.

    Not saying I can’t or don’t like it, I’m just saying, “what the hell?”

    Ratchet, the toy at least, rocks hard, though. And I don’t even know who the little guy is, but I can dig ‘im.

    Funny, the little binocular one looks more like a normal TransFormer than any of them. Makes me wonder if he’s even part of the same line.

    And in case you missed the earlier shots, here are official pics from Hasbro of Optimus Prime and Starscream in their Cybertronian forms.

  4. GameSpot brings on a triple-helping of reviews for the Virtual Console, casting critical eyes upon the likes of Wario’s Woods (have that on Animal Crossing, better deal there, thanks), Super Castlevania IV, and Urban Champion.

    And I still enjoy the occassional round of Urban Champion, no matter what they say. Bah.

  5. JUST got this. Over at Rockman Perfect Memories, member Sub Tank has created this amusing Flash variation of the opening to the old Legend of Zelda cartoon.

    It lacks Zelda’s sexy thigh-high boots of wisdom and feminist ass-kicking, but otherwise does the job quite well.

  6. If you’re into Sonic the Hedgehog, you might be interested in this in-progress hack, or at the very least, the cute little pseudo-chibi Sonic sprite sheet, free for public use as long as you credit Captain Heady.

    Oh, and more screens are here.

  7. Director Sam Raimi chats a bit about the villains in the upcoming you-know-it’ll-be-a-blockbuster movie, Spider-Man 3.
  8. Next-Gen offers up an opinion piece, stating that the move of Dragon Quest to the DS was a good one; not simply from a branding perspective, but from a console vs. portable one as well.
  9. Over at Evil Avatar, they’ve got a link to a nice piece about Sony and PS3′s rough road ahead if they want to remain dominant.
  10. So while Bill Gates praises Nintendo, Peter Moore pops Sony one, right in the kisser, while also praising Nintendo.
  11. Meanwhile, I just love how Sony keeps talking about how successful their PS2 is, in the face of XBox 360 competition.

    Well, yeah. It’s one of the cheapest pieces on the market, with the biggest library.

    Guess what else? It’s outselling it’s successor, too.


    Makes you wonder if Sony might try to sneakily recall the PS2 so people will buy the 3 instead…

    Nah, I doubt even they’re capable of something so brilliantly stupid.

  12. Cool, a new Fire Emblem scan.

    I really need to play one sometime. Despite never having played, there’s just some appeal to the series for me, and I don’t know what.

  13. Go Nintendo has a few neat lines from one of the Star Fox developers, in specific regards to a fan-made game titled Shadows of Lylat.

    Perhaps key to note is this:

    “Well, as long as they don?t try to make money from it, it is ?fan-art? and ok as far as I?m aware.”

    Sounds good and fair to me!

  14. Cubed3 has a hands-on of the new Tingle game’s UK version.

    Still sounds like a blast.

  15. Game|Life goes hands-on with Cooking Mama for Wii.

    Eager to try it, after playing a demo of the DS version.

    Laugh all you want, I’ll have you know that my Salisbury steak was perfect, so nyeh!

  16. Wii-proof your home, starting with this lamp.

    You’ll be glad you did.

    Until the pets figure it out.

  17. Guys, if you’re trying to get your girlfriend into gaming (wait, gamers with girlfriends? When did this… sorry, bad joke, can’t finish it), maybe this could help.

    I’d think Wii or DS games would be even more ideal.

  18. Kotaku has new info and screens on the PS3′s upcoming Ninja Gaiden Sigma:

    Famitsu PS3 has a handful of screens for Tecmo’s motion sensing title Ninja Gaiden Sigma. Apparently, the cut scenes will be real time. Team Ninja’s about 40 percent done, and the game’s director Yosuke Hayashi calls the title “truly a PS3 game.”

    …interesting. Motion-sensing?

  19. Remember that bit about Keiji Inafune doing a signing in Washington?

    Well, looks like he’ll be in San Fran, too.

  20. This goes out to deathtosocrates.

    Newsarama has a rather sizable article up featuring Oban Star Racers.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 1/10/07

Wednesday, January 10th, 2007
  1. GameTrailers kindly gives us a video preview of Wii Play, coming not soon enough to a Wii near you.

    Unless you’re in Europe or Japan. In which case, you’re probably already playing it.


  2. Ol’ Billy G from MS talks a “Wii” bit about Nintendo.
  3. For some reason, the top screenshot of Wario gives me a real “Village People” vibe.
  4. Go Nintendo links to a Metroid Prime 3: Corruption preview.

    Sounds hot.

  5. GN has some new details and a picture of the Nyko Wii remote charger.
  6. Japanmanship asks, will Wii win?
  7. Game|Life comes from the CES showfloor with looks at new Wii and PS3 accessories, mainly chargers.
  8. Alien Homminid HD looks very nice.

    Castlevania: Symphony of the Nightgood as ever, I guess. I still prefer that AHHD is widescreen, though.

    You can view a video of the latter here. Can’t tell if the guy playing knows what he’s doing or not…

    On a related note, Capcom really ought to take a cue from Konami on how to present dialogue boxes. I hadn’t noticed the way they scroll here before.

  9. If you’ve finished (or are waiting to get ahold of) Twilight Princess, and Phantom Hourglass is too far away, then this A Link To The Past hack might sate your palate.

    More than a mere graphic overhaul that slaps poorly-rendered genitals on everything for giggles, Joystiq says this runs more like a full-on sequel that features a new story, new maps, new items, new characters, and a new interface, helping distinguish it from the run-of-the-mill trash out there.

  10. Does anyone take the British military serious anymore?

    Seriously, I really don’t know one way or the other.

    Regardless, one has to wonder if they’ll continue to, after this…

    “No fair! The control’s messed up! I want a do-over! HAX!!!”

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 1/9/07

Tuesday, January 9th, 2007
  1. Racketboy has a new piece up, aimed at all you first-time Genesis players who are looking for something a little deeper from the surface than all the big-name titles available.

    As it seems to be a new feature, I imagine more like this will come for other consoles.

  2. On a mildly related note, if you’re a new Wii owner who missed out on the GameCube, here are some recommendations.
  3. So, how many people does it take to form a successful armageddon?

    One million. Apparently.

  4. …and speculation on the new Fantastic Four roster continues.

    Just how many more teases must we endure?!

    …hey, is that Ivan Ooze in the background with Galactus?

  5. Next-Gen takes a look at what’s in store for Nintendo’s Wii games of 2007.
  6. In addition, they speak to that chap who made that whole Super Columbine Massacre RPG shindig, and was subsequently booted from the festival he was invited to.

    And from the looks of things, developers aren’t happy about it none too much, either.

  7. Wario: Master of Disguise has a commercial in Japan now.

    And there’s more about the game here.

  8. Remember to tip your mail carrier, folks. Especially if you do something like this to them. (Twilight Princess footage, fairly non-spoilerish)
  9. Slashdot has an interesting piece on being a gamer in Iraq.

    …er, that last part’s just a wee bit disconcerting, I have to say.

  10. …thank you, Slashdot, for educating criminals so that they won’t make the same mistakes twice.

    The victims couldn’t be happier, I’m sure. (Note to cyber-bloggers: don’t post STUFF LIKE THAT.)

  11. If a Game-Set-Watch columnist ran GamePro, it might look a little something like this.

    I’m sold on the cover alone.

    Anyway, the ideas sound interesting…

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Weekend Wrap-Up – 1/7/07

Monday, January 8th, 2007

With three days between updates, will there be too much info for just one? Let’s find out! Together!

  1. The good Reverend Toast T. Frog has delivered his sermon regarding the prophecy of the upcoming DS game Izuna: Legend of the Unemployed Ninja.

    Long story short: everyone dies.

    Wait, wrong story. That’s Punisher vs. the Marvel Universe. Long story short, looks like it’ll be an interesting new game with a touch of oldschool-styled difficulty, so it’ll no doubt appeal to some, and repel others. More on this one as it becomes available.

  2. BWTF.com has opened up a review section for TransFormers Titaniums.

    So far, only 3-inch Scorponok and Smokescreen, and 6-inch War Within Optimus Prime have been reviewed, but more are sure to come.

  3. This is why I never go on vacation.

    Actually, that’s a lie. I have no money with which to vacation with, and therein lies the culprit.

    Seriously, however, as tragic as this is, I notice that the mother seems to be doing a bit to place the blame on Thailand in some shape or form. I question if England has these same warnings for travellers that she believes they should have.

    Over at Joystiq, they question the journalistic integrity of some reports of the accident.

  4. The new GamePro Expo is rated E for EveryoneAll, and will include the game-music concert Video Games Live.

    And all it’ll cost you is $100.

  5. Director Sam Raimi speculates on the possibilities of Spider-Man 4.
  6. Eulogy for an XBox, by GameDaily.
  7. N-Philes has bunches and bunches of new box art for you to check out.

    …they’re over on the left when you click each link, btw.

  8. What’s this? A Nintendo contest to win a Link statue, JUST for Canadians?

    Aww, nuts. I just knew there had to be a catch.

    Unless I get another job soon, I think I’ll root for second-place. Maybe.

  9. Go Nintendo found a neat little archive of Virtual Console games available in Europe and America, with a small collection of info such as the number of points necessary to purchase and a rating.

    Sure, it may not seem like a necessity now, but remember, that list is just going to keep on growing…

  10. Finally, an update/preview for Super Paper Mario.

    Sadly, it does little but to seem to confirm that the game is now Wii-xclusive, and from there speculate where the controls will go.

  11. Ah, the worst game endings ever.

    The criticism of Super Mario Bros. seems a tad harsh, though, given most games back then didn’t even give you that much.

  12. If you know someone who’s new to gaming, and perhaps this whole “Wii” thing, then this might be a good gift.

    Make them feel like a big-shot or something, because they read “the book,” and they know what’s what, and what’s a skinny little punk like you gonna do about it when the game boots up?

    And that’s when you stomp their ass.

  13. GN has a rumor about Animal Crossing on the Wii.

    What I’m not sure about is this whole “connect into your Forecast channel” thing.

    I just picture the scenario being, “oh, it’s raining outside, maybe I’ll just stay in and play some Animal Crossing… where it, too, is raining. Hmm.”

    That, and the Forecast Channel isn’t the most on-top-of-things program I’ve seen, I’d hate to think that a brief shower IRL could last all day in the game, just because that’s what the forecast read at 7am…

  14. Seems even Microsoft’s faith in HD-DVD is faltering, even if only just a little.
  15. Are they… are they using half a sheet of notebook paper to advertise their PS3s?
  16. ZD’s own John Davison looks back at the Stampers’ legacy in video games.
  17. And to close today, 1up looks back at the rock-suck ratio of 2006.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Build-A-Bear Huggable Hero Search

Friday, January 5th, 2007

From over at Raving Toy Maniac, I thought this deserved its own mention aside from the typical PMO daily grind.

The full press release from the Build-A-Bear Workshop is below.? Tried to put it behind a “read more” tag, but for some reason, that caused the rest of the entire page to be in bold print.? If you know a solution, I’d love to hear it.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Do You Know a Huggable Hero? Build-A-Bear Workshop? Is on a Search for Young People Who Have Made Extraordinary Contributions in Their Communities

ST. LOUIS, MO — January 03, 2007 — When life dishes up lemons or tough situations, you can count on a Huggable Hero to turn those lemons into lemonade and help make the world a better place.

Huggable Heroes? are young people whom Build-A-Workshop? recognizes, honors and cele-bear-ates each year for providing extraordinary service in their communities.

Last year, one Huggable Hero, Bailey, age 10, coordinated the shipment of more than 12,000 packages to our soldiers in Iraq. Anthony, age 15, started a program that provided more than 80,000 hats to pediatric cancer patients who lost their hair. And Welland, age 18, created “Suitcases for Kids,” which put 400,000 suitcases in the hands of children who must move from one foster home to another.

Build-A-Bear Workshop selected Bailey, Anthony, Welland and others from thousands of Huggable Hero candidates nominated by friends, family, teachers, mentors and acquaintances. Now the search for more Huggable Heroes begins again. Nominations will be accepted for Huggable Heroes, 18-years-old and younger, from December 26, 2006, until February 14, 2007. Anyone is eligible to submit a nomination. This year, in honor of its tenth birthday, Build-A-Bear Workshop will honor 10 Huggable Heroes.

The Huggable Heroes? program reflects our commitment to empowering our young Guests to make a difference,” said Build-A-Bear Workshop Founder and Chief Executive Bear Maxine Clark. “Every day we see Guests coming to our stores and putting so much heart and love into making a bear for a family member, a friend or someone in need. We knew that this concept of giving extended well beyond into community involvement. This program finds those wonderful, caring people and gives them the credit they deserve.”

According to Carol Weisman, author of “Raising Charitable Children,” “Recognizing kids for their good deeds encourages them to continue helping others. The Huggable Heroes program honors every child who is nominated and supports all efforts to make a difference.”

Weisman says, raising a Huggable Hero starts at home and offers these tips to teach children how to give back to those in need:

  • Children live by example. Include children at a young age in your philanthropic deeds — share your experiences.
  • Help children decide what causes to support by asking these questions: What makes you happy? What makes you sad or frightened? How would you change the world? Then donate your time and money to the issues that affect their lives.
  • Set aside an hour each month to do something with your child to benefit someone else.
  • Make volunteering fun — include family and friends.
  • Reward their good deeds — nominate your child for programs such as the Huggable Heroes Program.

Nominations for the 2007 Huggable Heroes will be narrowed down to a field of 125 semifinalists and then 30 finalists. Seven winners will represent particular regions of the U.S. Two will be selected from the United Kingdom and one from Canada.

Each Huggable Hero will receive a prize worth $10,000 ($7,500 in the form of a scholarship and $2,500 to be donated to the charity of the hero’s choice awarded in the winner’s local currency). In addition, they receive a trip to St. Louis where the winners will be honored for their good deeds, meet the other Huggable Heroes and participate in a photo shoot for the 2008 Build-A-Bear Workshop Huggable Heroes calendar.

Nomination forms are available at any Build-A-Bear Workshop? store or online at www.buildabear.com.

Our Inspiration

Nikki Giampolo is the inspiration for the Huggable Heroes program. Nikki Giampolo loved life, loved children and loved teddy bears. She shared that love by giving bears and their hugs to all those around her, including her doctors. In 2002, at the age of 15, Nikki lost her life to cancer. Her family and friends shared with Build-A-Bear Workshop Nikki’s story of courage and her hopes of helping children with cancer. Moved by Nikki’s life and the way she lived it, Nikki’s bear was created and supports children’s cancer research and other children’s health issues. Huggable Heroes, like Nikki, are special people who do things both big and small.

About Build-A-Bear Workshop, Inc.

Build-A-Bear Workshop, Inc., is the only global company that offers an interactive make-your-own stuffed animal retail-entertainment experience. Founded in St. Louis in 1997, the company currently operates more than 260 stores in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Ireland. The addition of franchise stores in Europe, Asia and Australia makes Build-A-Bear Workshop the leader in interactive retail. In November 2004, the company expanded the make-your-own concept from stuffed animals to dolls with the opening of its first friends 2B made? stores, where Guests can make their own doll friends. In April 2006, Build-A-Bear Workshop acquired The Bear Factory Limited and Amsbra, Ltd. adding company-owned stores in the United Kingdom and Ireland.

Build-A-Bear Workshop (NYSE: BBW) posted total revenue of $362 million in fiscal 2005. For more information, call 888.560.BEAR (2327) or visit the company’s award-winning Web sites at www.buildabear.com and www.friends2bmade.com.

Points of Interest – 1/5/07

Friday, January 5th, 2007
  1. It will not be long now before the TMNT movie is upon us, and with it, the merchandise.

    And on that note, The Official TMNT Website has pictures of the new batch of figures based on the movie.

    The toys look good, but man, how much does it suck that they’re the damn owners of the property, and this stuff is showing up in Wal-Mart before they can even get their hands on them? It’s just not right.

  2. Speaking of other people getting stuff first, Allspark reports that Amazon Japan has some books from the upcoming TransFormers movie, depicting Barricade and a nice, clear picture of Bumblebee on their covers.
  3. Racketboy takes a hardy look back at the best games the Saturn had to offer, which still hold up today.

    Truth be told, I missed out on the Saturn, though it’s always been a system I’ve somehow liked, and there are a number of these games which I would love to see re-released in some form today. Compilations would be even better, but one has to ask whether or not the days of compilations have become a short-lived fad with the coming of downloadable retro titles.

    Maybe if the recent Metal Slug Anthology has any say, there will still be room in the marketplace for them.

  4. Say, Kevin Smith is really getting around in the movies as of late. Other peoples’ movies, I mean. First, there’s TMNT in which he has a voice role, and he’s also going to be in June’s Live Free or Die Hard, the fourth in the series.
  5. Well, if you’re still not sure about Mega Man ZX, N-Philes has a review. Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin, ditto.
  6. Hideo Kojima talks about someday making a Wii game, and not really caring much about HD.
  7. onNintendo links to this pretty cool story about the history of Castlevania’s sprites.
  8. If you happened to buy a PS3, then good news awaits!

    Well, no, that’s a lie. But over at Evil Avatar, they’ve got a guide to getting the most out of your Blu-Ray player, and other tips.

  9. Well, if you’re willing to drop nearly $700 for a Wii, some games and accessories, then maybe GameStop has the answer for you.
  10. Poor Urban Champion, so unloved, so reviled. But don’t worry, UC, I still appreciate you. Sure, five bucks is a little steep when placed next to the likes of Super Mario Bros. or The Legend of Zelda, but you’re still not bad, especially for your time.
  11. If you’re into spoilers and that sort of stuff, here are some for Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.

    Me, I don’t go for that, so I’m not reading it.

  12. Halo DS? Read on…
  13. I might enjoy the idea of this Flash-based air hockey game if I could play online against a certain old rival from back in NC…

    Even then, without the danger of the real thing (as we played it), it just wouldn’t be quite the same.

  14. Gotta love a good custom case mod for a console. Like this one.

    But the warranty is no good? That sucks. I guess MS touting it as a “customizable unit” has to follow their rules, sort of like your high school teachers’ definitions of “art” or “music.”

  15. Over at Joystiq, Playing Dirty calls out to Resident Evil 4‘s Leon Kennedy for a hero. A queer hero.

    A queero?

    I dunno.

  16. There has been a report of Burnout 5 screenshots available in the ex-Official PlayStation Magazine.

    But of course, we’re wise to Sony’s tricks, and as Joystiq casts a dubious light on these screens, PMO digs deep to uncover the truth. And so we proudly present to you the first real screenshot of Burnout 5:

    Sweet, huh?

    (thanks to ZetNet.co.uk on the image)

  17. I was once a master at these. And I can still score some good loot from them, if I want to, and if the operator of the machine is the slightest bit honest and gives a fair chance.

    On a side note, love Brainiac.

  18. Joystiq reports a neat Knuttz piece which looks at the 71 steps of game console evolution, in a neat scrolling gallery for your convenience.

    …huh, they had Altered Beast for the Master System, and they still felt the need to upgrade to 16-bit? Go figure.

    And yes, the Neo Geo, better known to me in its heyday as “that system every third kid won on Video Power.”

    Someday, when I’m rich, I’ll have a huge house with a room that looks just like this page.

  19. Because my wife loves it so: The Guitar Hero II XBox 360 Bundle.
  20. I remember when an arcade game like this could make you a millionaire.
  21. Seriously, how can you axe KK Slider from the lineup? He’s probably one of the few everyone’s seen and knows.

    I don’t even know who those two on the bottom are!

  22. but do they serve Coke?
  23. Linked for the sole purpose of Truckasaurus there.

    …why has no one made a good game based on that yet?

  24. “Do cutscenes work?” is the question of the day.

    Personally, I’ve been just as satisfied with in-game stuff like New Super Mario Bros., Paper Mario, Super Metroid, and the like.

    On the other hand, real-time stuff like MegaMan Legends and Zelda: Twilight Princess (I think, maybe?) is good, too.

    Of course, back in the day, and even now, I love a good anime cutscene for something like Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X as well.

    But what I hate is when they give you crap like in MegaMan Battle Network where it loads like a cutscene, but looks like regular gameplay. Ugh.

  25. Too good to be ignored, 1up has listed their Best Next-Gen Features.

    Take note of Sharkey’s articles for a good laugh.

  26. Speaking of next-gen, 1up’s Sam Kennedy talks with renowned developer Treasure just a bit about it.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 1/4/07

Thursday, January 4th, 2007
  1. 1up looks back at the year that was, and names off their best culture features, as well as their best retro features, featuring no less than four, count ‘em, four features by the lovely Nadia Oxford.
  2. The Allspark kicks off the New Year with a bang, linking an interview with George Dunsay, “one of the old guard at Hasbro R&D when Transformers was first brought over from Japan.”

    Even better are the looks at movie toys of Ratchet and Starscream, who as I suspected seem to look better than the early art would suggest.

    So Ratchet’s a Hummer, now? That’s one change I can welcome.

    For those of us who may not be able to spend the big money on TransFormers movie toys, at least the secondary option of Legends of Cybertron versions will be an option, as Barricade demonstrates.

    All this, plus the Japanese movie trailer.

  3. It’s getting so that buying used just isn’t worth the grief you get from the merchants at your local game store. Such is the case with a recent experience Press The Buttons recounts.
  4. Racketboy isn’t a huge fan of the first Sonic title, or at least the physics. But along comes a hack which implements all kinds of crazy stuff from later titles.
  5. Man, it feels like it’s been over a decade since we’ve seen a new Genesis title…

    …oh, right.

    Well, anyway, Beggar Prince has come to fill that hole in our lives, and Racketboy breaks it down for those of us who haven’t managed to grab a copy yet.

  6. What the–? Super Mario Bros. is a good game? Alert the media!

    Oh, right. They already are.

  7. Over at DeviantArt, I’ve just been informed from the top that Udon (the aforementioned creator of the Street Fighter comics, among many other things) has their very own account, showcasing a variety of their in-house works. Go check it out!
  8. Looks like Galaga and Pro Wrestling will make their way to the Wii Virtual Console at some point in time.

    w00t, Starman.

    …I’d rather have Saturday Night Slam Masters from Capcom, personally.

  9. My wife has made similar observations about the Wii’s forecast channel.
  10. Hmm, phone prank-styled jokes in the upcoming Phoenix Wright game.

    …might it not be a coincidence that the clown’s name is Moe?

    …and I wonder if Seymour is of any relation to Larry?

  11. Speaking of the Ace Attorney, looks like our friends at GameStop are doing another preorder bonus for the new game, this time a stylus and cleaning cloth.

    I still want a “TAKE THAT!” stylus. But I bet Canada gets screwed again. “Neighbor to the North?” Yeah, if you mean a neighbor whose tools you don’t return…

  12. Contra.


    No code needed.

    Plus, Mega Man 1-5.

  13. Seriously, if people keep making stuff like this, that works with their Wii remotes, you have to wonder what the true developer potential is.
  14. Kotaku has a link to a look back at Sonic’s 2-D days, a time which many sites seem to pine for.
  15. Holy crap on a crutch…

    When Play magazine’s Dave Halverson said that what the Sonic franchise needed was to “slow down,” I seriously hope that this isn’t what he meant.

    Second thoughts here again…

  16. Sadly, I don’t have time to watch it through at the moment, but College Saga, a parody of Final Fantasy, appears to be worth a look.

…and with that, we’re calling it a night.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”