Points of Interest – 12/30/06
Saturday, December 30th, 2006- Want to learn how to save your laptop after a spill? Yahoo shows you how.
Plus, cleaning your touchpad.
- The Allspark has word that the voice of Optimus Prime in the upcoming TransFormers movie, Peter Cullen, has recorded some more lines from the contest.
“It’s Prime Time!” seeming to be the favorite just for the sheer peculiarity of it.
- Ah, shoot-em-ups. Perhaps the most infamous of all video game types, from Space Invaders and Asteroid to Contra and Gradius, there is certainly something to be said about mowing down the opposition (typically aliens of the most illegal kind) with more firepower than a third-world country.
Naturally, the best-suited view of this kind of action is 2-D, where you get to see everything coming at you from 360 directions.
As luck would have it, the GameCube has some of these types of games, and Racketboy takes a closer look at these forward-compatible games that you can use on your Wii, if so inclined.
…I really do need to get a copy of Alien Homminid.
- GameTrailers looks back at the very best of what the year 2006 had to offer as they present the 2006 GT Awards.
- GameDaily looks back at “The Biggest Video Game D’ohs of 2006.”
- Additionally, they have videos of everything they know about Halo 3 and 10 years of Lara Croft.
- Go Nintendo has a feel good story about one gamer’s quest to get a Wii, and the unexpected results.
- Some may say I’m a Nintendo fanboy, but true or not, I still say they’re crazy for this. Crazy in their crazy heads.
There really is no good reason for this. None that would satisfy anyone on this side of things, anyway.
My hope is that maybe they just mean in the immediate future… that I could understand, given the substantial catalogs to wade through…
- Wow, UK: Resistance really love their Animal Crossing: Wild World…
- GN reports that Nintendo of Japan has opened their Wario: Master of Disguise website.
- A slightly-depressing Lost Planet contest.
- Kotaku looks at the rise and fall of the PS3 grey market.
Is it me, or is the practice of eBaying new systems becoming a riskier and riskier prospect?
- 1up and T. Frog check out the latest in neo-retro with a new edition of Retronauts, covering the Christmas Day releases on the Wii Virtual Console, PS3, and XBox 360 Live Arcade.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”