Points of Interest – 1/13/07
- This is a neat tribute to Gumpei Yokoi found on GameTrailers, particularly noteworthy for its extensive use of original Game & Watch animations. Check it out and see some of the products of Nintendo’s biggest genius before Miyamoto rose to the top.
- Over at the Allspark, images of the Ironhide toy from the movie have surfaced.
Interesting torso configuration.
Plus, Entertainment Weekly has a story about the upcoming film.
- If you don’t mind some slight Marvel Civil War spoilers (i.e. the events of issue 6), then check out this terrific parody.
Kudos to
- I really don’t know what to say about this.
Frankly, it reminds me of some members of the forum we used to have back on the old Mega Man Outpost boards, who would always answer questions people had about this or that in-character, and I think quoting imaginary stats and stuff.
- This was touched on yesterday, but now Joystiq has joined in the calling-out of SEGA as jerks for thinking people will confuse YTMNDs for official SEGA Sonic sites.
Then again, as anyone who’s worked in retail can tell you, people can be pretty damned stupid…
But then, who’s to say who is more stupid, the users or SEGA? According to 1up, SEGA might be barking up the wrong tree here:
Some of them are in poor, poor taste (fair warning!), admittedly, but nevertheless by and large the submissions fall clearly within the boundaries of ‘fair use.’
Seems that Sega doesn’t quite get that last bit. In fact, they’ve sent a testily worded cease and desist order over to the YTMND crew, making some amusing demands along the lines of the entire website being required to pull down its contents and turn them over to Sega — or else! What Sega doesn’t realize is that the YTMND guys happen to be seasoned professionals when it comes to defending themselves against spurious lawsuits. I guess after you’ve mixed it up with the Church of Scientology, everybody else is small potatoes by comparison.
- Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars on PSP? Old news. But Joystiq’s coverage warrants mention for this:
Forget PSone, Sony should have worked out a deal with Sega to emulate Dreamcast on PSP. Instead, we’re starting to see some attempts by publishers to revisit some of their Dreamcast titles using the UMD format. First, Capcom did Power Stone Collection, and now, Sega has announced Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars, built from Crazy Taxi 1 & 2.
Now there is a hell of an idea. Give me some online or ad-hoc Cannon Spike, and we’ll be in business.
- So, did you ever find the Laser Suit hidden away in Super Mario World?
Well, here you are!
While it’s an amusing hack, and I enjoy the way the ??? area was put together, watching it in action makes the suit look so worthless. I mean, it took six shots to hit that Paratroopa.
- Nintendo discolorization. It happens, but one man takes a look at why.
Betcha smoking is involved.
Still, I myself have always been curious as to why some parts seem to discolor, and others remain fine.
…this is SCIENCE, people!
- I’m sure we’ve all looked at EGM‘s rumors at least once, but have you ever stopped to study them?
One man has, and these are his results of how often these rumors come to pass as true: about half the time.
- Kotaku gives their thoughts on the upcoming Sonic comic for Free Comic Book Day, and credits PMO in the process. Score!
- At least Ninja Gaiden Sigma seems to help assure there might be something worth playing on the PS3 in the near future. 1up goes head-to-head with the game’s director, Yohsuke Hayashi, to find out just what brutality we’re in for…
…”we” in the loose sense of the word, of course.
- Over at Gametalkhq, Jim Ness and the sales manager at a GameStop discuss a bit about whether or not renting is better than buying, then trading in if you don’t like it.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”