Points of Interest – 1/11/07
- I still wonder if Konami knows or cares. I mean, just imagine the marketing potential…
Then again, maybe it’s just one of those things that sounds good on paper, but the more you look into it, the less there is going for it.
- Allspark reports that IDW’s got some new Art Du Jour up.
Check out Prime sitting in the snow. Makes you just want to pat him on the shoulder, doesn’t it?
- Looks like new shots of movie Barricade and Megatron are available.
Barricade, I sorta dig in a sort of Beast Machines Vehicon-ish sort of way. Which is the feeling that the aesthetic most of the faces, hands, and occassional other stuff from this movie throws at me.
Megatron looks like the retarded bastard love-child of G1 Megatron, Skeletor, Hordak, Evas, and Lord knows what else.
Not saying I can’t or don’t like it, I’m just saying, “what the hell?”
Ratchet, the toy at least, rocks hard, though. And I don’t even know who the little guy is, but I can dig ‘im.
Funny, the little binocular one looks more like a normal TransFormer than any of them. Makes me wonder if he’s even part of the same line.
And in case you missed the earlier shots, here are official pics from Hasbro of Optimus Prime and Starscream in their Cybertronian forms.
- GameSpot brings on a triple-helping of reviews for the Virtual Console, casting critical eyes upon the likes of Wario’s Woods (have that on Animal Crossing, better deal there, thanks), Super Castlevania IV, and Urban Champion.
And I still enjoy the occassional round of Urban Champion, no matter what they say. Bah.
- JUST got this. Over at Rockman Perfect Memories, member Sub Tank has created this amusing Flash variation of the opening to the old Legend of Zelda cartoon.
It lacks Zelda’s sexy thigh-high boots of wisdom and feminist ass-kicking, but otherwise does the job quite well.
- If you’re into Sonic the Hedgehog, you might be interested in this in-progress hack, or at the very least, the cute little pseudo-chibi Sonic sprite sheet, free for public use as long as you credit Captain Heady.
Oh, and more screens are here.
- Director Sam Raimi chats a bit about the villains in the upcoming you-know-it’ll-be-a-blockbuster movie, Spider-Man 3.
- Next-Gen offers up an opinion piece, stating that the move of Dragon Quest to the DS was a good one; not simply from a branding perspective, but from a console vs. portable one as well.
- Over at Evil Avatar, they’ve got a link to a nice piece about Sony and PS3′s rough road ahead if they want to remain dominant.
- So while Bill Gates praises Nintendo, Peter Moore pops Sony one, right in the kisser, while also praising Nintendo.
- Meanwhile, I just love how Sony keeps talking about how successful their PS2 is, in the face of XBox 360 competition.
Well, yeah. It’s one of the cheapest pieces on the market, with the biggest library.
Guess what else? It’s outselling it’s successor, too.
Makes you wonder if Sony might try to sneakily recall the PS2 so people will buy the 3 instead…
Nah, I doubt even they’re capable of something so brilliantly stupid.
- Cool, a new Fire Emblem scan.
I really need to play one sometime. Despite never having played, there’s just some appeal to the series for me, and I don’t know what.
- Go Nintendo has a few neat lines from one of the Star Fox developers, in specific regards to a fan-made game titled Shadows of Lylat.
Perhaps key to note is this:
“Well, as long as they don?t try to make money from it, it is ?fan-art? and ok as far as I?m aware.”
Sounds good and fair to me!
- Cubed3 has a hands-on of the new Tingle game’s UK version.
Still sounds like a blast.
- Game|Life goes hands-on with Cooking Mama for Wii.
Eager to try it, after playing a demo of the DS version.
Laugh all you want, I’ll have you know that my Salisbury steak was perfect, so nyeh!
- Wii-proof your home, starting with this lamp.
You’ll be glad you did.
Until the pets figure it out.
- Guys, if you’re trying to get your girlfriend into gaming (wait, gamers with girlfriends? When did this… sorry, bad joke, can’t finish it), maybe this could help.
I’d think Wii or DS games would be even more ideal.
- Kotaku has new info and screens on the PS3′s upcoming Ninja Gaiden Sigma:
Famitsu PS3 has a handful of screens for Tecmo’s motion sensing title Ninja Gaiden Sigma. Apparently, the cut scenes will be real time. Team Ninja’s about 40 percent done, and the game’s director Yosuke Hayashi calls the title “truly a PS3 game.”
…interesting. Motion-sensing?
- Remember that bit about Keiji Inafune doing a signing in Washington?
Well, looks like he’ll be in San Fran, too.
- This goes out to
Newsarama has a rather sizable article up featuring Oban Star Racers.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”