The Weekend Wrap-Up – 1/14/07
- The Allspark has links to images of TransFormers movie toys known as “Fast Action Battlers” (I hear they’re simply FAB). These are unlikely to be the “main” movie toys, as they reason:
While we can’t be 100% sure, we do know that the Starscream pictured in this auction doesn’t match with the previous toy we’ve seen.
Plus, the transformations seem a bit more simplistic. These are probably going to be the “basics” for the movie.
Anyway, here are Starscream, Optimus Prime, and one of my favorites so far, Jazz.
- Sounds like the PlayStation 3 isn’t as “Pornable” as its handheld sibling, as Sony refuses to allow HD T&A to associate with their patented, troublesome Blu-Ray technology, forcing producers to go to HD-DVD.
XXXBox 369. There, I made the joke for you. Moving on, then…
- Like the Angry Video Game (formerly Nintendo) Nerd? Wanna see more of his antics?
Check out his latest update to see how you can help.
- Press The Buttons has some ideas of what the pending EGM Castlevania announcement will be.
- Racketboy continues his “Hidden Gems” series, covering games you may have missed on consoles past.
The latest installment: Sony PlayStation.
- Next Gen’s interview with O3 reveals that the GameCube isn’t dead yet as they prep their new shoot ‘em up for Nintendo’s previous console effort.
In addition, they offer that “backwards compatibility offers small publishers low-risk opportunities.”
- Zelda cartoons? onNintendo has got you covered.
Or, you can just buy the DVD
with every episode included, plus the live-action Mario Bros. segments.
And in case you missed it before, don’t forget to check out Sub Tank’s Zelda Flash cartoon parody of the intro.
- If you’re a fan of 24 (and I know some people who are), and own an XBox 360, then Major Nelson (through Evil Avatar) has some good news for you.
- System collectors, get ready to import, as Go Nintendo reports that China are getting two special edition GBA SPs, featuring the images of Mario and DK.
- Fashion for the discerning female retrogamer: the NES purse.
- Still want a Wii? Go Nintendo tells you how to snoop around for one.
- Life in retail can be a living Hell. Trust me, I know. And EB Games is evidently no different, as a Go Nintendo reader demonstrates.
- Now this is the story, all about how this guy’s life got flipped, turned upside-down. So please have a seat, and grab your Wii remote, and he’ll tell you how he became the Prince of a town called Tokyo…
- The Best of CES, courtesy of Todd Umbarger’s Jaggies.
- Radio contests can be incredibly stupid, and this is why.
Tragic, to be sure, but perhaps not as tragic as the fact that I’ll bet few learn anything from this before the next one happens…
I at least hope the station coughed up the Wii, or at least A Wii, for her three children.
- Good news, you can save $100 on a PS3!
Bad news, it requires giving up your PS2 to do it!
Your own discretion as to whether or not it’s worth it, given the spotty emulation issues.
- London’s outdoor Wii demos.
No word of requiring a credit card to play.
- Naturally, after citing the worst game endings ever, it’s only natural that CVG would go on to make a list of what they see as the best game endings ever.
- 20 years ago today, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link was released to the masses…
…and you assholes didn’t like it.
- Kotaku looks back at the classic Super Mario 3 commercial from the game’s release, though I don’t recall this particular variation at all…
- Remember Maniac Mansion? I never played it, but I certainly remember Nintendo Power‘s coverage of it, as well as the Family Channel having a TV show based on it.
If you are/were a fan, you might be interested in the Maniac Mansion desktop wallpaper, courtesy of Kotaku and the Maniac Mansion Shrine.
- Interesting link from News4Gamers.
Sex sells, and I’m not sure whether this sex is supposed to be selling Stuff magazine or Nintendo Wiis, but I’m sure these videos will likely sell plenty of both.
- Newsarama’s Steve Fritz takes a look at the soon-to-be released Invincible Iron Man DVD, among several others.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”
January 15th, 2007 at 5:29 am
21. U! Grab a version of ScummVM and a disk-image of the PC Maniac Mansion and play it RIGHT NOW! But make sure to have a walkthough handy, as MM (like any adventure of its time) is incredibly harsh on the player, including dead ends of both types (characters dying and items/doors/whatever becoming unusable).
January 15th, 2007 at 12:38 pm
1. That was a terrible pun.
15. Contest Runners, look up any dangers associated with what you want people to do. Idiots.
January 15th, 2007 at 5:55 pm
PK> 1: Thanks. I actually got it from them, when I mistook their acronym for an opinion.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”
June 27th, 2010 at 8:28 pm
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