Points of Interest
- The Allspark has a post that has in-package pictures of TransFormers Titanium Soundwave and Rodimus Prime.
I can take or leave Soundwave, but I love the Rodimus Prime redesign, and the bios, specifically Soundwave’s, are quite nice as well.
- They also have some links to some pictures from the TransFormers movie filming, most notably Optimus Prime’s head and shoulder prop.
- We all know that Jack Thompson bites, but it seems that George Ettinger over at Gamer Andy has decided to bite back.
I for one wish him the best in trying to thwart this idiocy.
Thanks to
makzu for the tip.
- GameTrailers has some new videos of the Family Guy game, including one exclusive trailer.
It looks true to the show, and every bit as crazy. I think we can definitely rule that as a good thing.
GameSpot gives a hands-on report for more info.
- Wasn’t going to report this initially, but curiousity got the better of me, and I’m glad. In addition to the new Family Guy materials, GameTrailers also has a special demonstration of how to play Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2 on the Wii.
And it looks like it would be a lot of fun, especially for those who like to emulate the special moves.
- If you haven’t seen it yet, there’s a trailer for the Ghost Rider movie, which comes out this February.
Even though I’m not up on all the Ghost Rider lore, it looks good to me. But it’s funny that this is the same guy they wanted to play Superman at one time.
- It’s 10 pages long, and so thus a bit lengthy for me at this moment, but Next-Gen has a neat feature up about 50 books for everyone in the game industry.
Game Over: Press Start To Continue is a favorite of mine, though one not listed that I would like to read is Power-Up: How Japanese Video Games Gave the World an Extra Life. Sadly, local pricing on that one is a little much.
- Heh, Go Nintendo sticks it to my old hometown newspaper as they point out that The Charlotte Observer is just a bit out of touch in their coverage.
You can read the article itself here.
- Go Nintendo posts some excerpts from an Australian Sony rep talking about the Wii.
I like the way this guy puts things. I mean, he does work for Sony, so he has to stick a jab at the competition in there, but he does give Nintendo credit in many areas. A Sony spokesperson that doesn?t seem to be extremely cocky?pretty refreshing!
I agree.
- Yesterday, I linked to a Kotaku post about World of Warcraft fans picking apart the episode of South Park from last week on Wikipedia.
Joystiq managed to capture the length of the entry which was removed, and there are some amusing bits in there.
- “Too little, too late” might be the best way to describe these batteries aimed at gamers.
- Kotaku has an interesting Mugen video up, showing the Predator taking on the first worlds of Super Mario Bros. and, ironically enough, Contra.
- Kotaku takes a look at The Holy Bible: The Game for the GBA.
Wonder if it’s anything like Bible Stories for the NES?
- Kotaku also links to ten annoying things about next-gen gaming, with a good point of focus on #3:
3. – Cost between consoles and computers vanishing $60 games? Expensive peripherals? Consoles being released at a $600 price point? Anyone notice that desktop computers just continue to go down in price despite becoming ever more powerful? Consoles still have a lot of advantages over PC’s, but the most powerful incentive of console games is weakening.
- I want a cake like this.
- Wow, those are some hot pants.
- Good ol’ Press The Buttons adds another installment to their “Secret Origins” series, this time detailing the acquisition of an old favorite of mine, Disney’s Darkwing Duck for the NES by Capcom.
LBD “Nytetrayn”