If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts; but if he will be content to begin with doubts he shall end in certainties. -- Sir Francis Bacon

Archive for the ‘Points of Interest’ Category

Points of Interest

Friday, November 3rd, 2006
  1. GameTrailers has a bevy of new Zelda: Twilight Princess content to whet your appetite for the upcoming adventure. Included are the opening cinema, a new trailer, two sword combat demonstrations, and a bow demonstration.Excited yet?
  2. First, World of Warcraft, and now Wii. South Park loves its video games, that’s for sure.Of laughable note:The show ended with a note that it was “to be continued,” presumably next Wednesday. The episode, which made sure to mention the Wii’s November 19 release date and motion-sensing controllers, was sponsored by the PlayStation 2 exclusive Final Fantasy XII.IGN has a more descriptive review here.
  3. GameSpy takes a look at how WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2007 is coming, and it sounds like it’s coming pretty well.
  4. GameDaily evidently likes Tokobot Plus: Mysteries of the Karakuri for the PS2.
  5. They also get a few words in with Capcom about the new Street Fighter movie, and the future of the franchise.Sounds like they’re serious about doing this right. But I wonder, what ever happened to that Mega Man movie they’d announced?
  6. Go Nintendo provides the link to Death Note screens and a trailer.
  7. Star Fox Commands a Euro release date.
  8. …”Dance Dance Immolation?”
  9. I do believe this to be accurate.
  10. Joystiq compares lineups for each region’s Virtual Console launch.
  11. For fans of the old Saturday morning toon Captain N: The Game Master, Kotaku has stumbled upon this little convenience. Good if you live in Canada or somewhere the DVDs won’t be sold.
  12. Press The Buttons and Racketboy give their view on why the initial offerings of Virtual Console seem so lacking. And while I agree to a point, it remains a mystery why third-party offerings like Super Castlevania IV and Contra III: The Alien Wars(aka Contra Spirits) are Japan-only.
  13. Speaking of PTB, Matt gives a look back at his first Castlevania experience, via the arcade.
  14. ZTGameDomain.com believes that Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties isn’t as bad as some might think.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest

Wednesday, November 1st, 2006
  1. Wow, what a bunch of killjoys.

    Hugh O?Donnell, a professor of language and popular culture at Glasgow Caledonian University, said in an interview that “the main complaint is that it?s just fun without any meaning behind it.”

    Great, just great. Now every time I start to have fun, I’m going to have to stop so I can dissect it and scrutinize just WHY I’m having fun.

    ?I?ve thought about removing the cover from my doorbell so they electrocute themselves,? one participant wrote.

    Is it any wonder we broke away? Someone did that to my kid, and they’d have a LOT more to worry about than Trick-or-Treaters.

  2. Ok, don’t call me ungrateful, I’m not, but this puzzles the hell out of me.

    Fireman, the guy who limited his translation of Japanese text information from a Rockman Zero guidebook, for the reason being so that people would buy the book despite not being able to read any of it, has provided AF with a soundtrack that people of any language can enjoy so that they won’t have to buy it?

    …if anyone needs me, I’ll just be cleaning up. My brain just went ka-blooey trying to rationalize that one, and I don’t want the wife to see the mess.

  3. Over at Ben’s World of TransFormers, Ben has posted his review of Classics Megatron, complete with numerous pictures for your enjoyment.

    All in all, not too shabby at all. The tech spec is certainly interesting, though… “anti-proton pulse cannon?” Was a fusion cannon that drew energy from a black hole not enough?

  4. GameSpot has an article/video feature about Gaming’s Greatest Treats, to celebrate Halloween, naturally.

    Spread Gun? Hells yeah.

  5. I just want to take this time to say that I really, really hate the commercial for Need For Speed: Carbon.

    On TV, I don’t think it usually starts with that info at the front. Feels like it ought to be a blurb for drunk driving awareness, and when it’s not… I don’t know. It just feels weird. Like the wrong kind of weird.

  6. GN reports that Yahoo has a Wii page, complete with a countdown clock.
  7. Volume 5 of the Iwata Interviews, come and get it!
  8. GN links to a Modojo feature covering Top Ten Portable Flops, game systems you can take with you, but probably wouldn’t want to.
  9. Just thought this edition of Gamer PALs was amusing.
  10. Jeremy “Toastyfrog” Parish gives his account of his visit to Nintendo’s HQ for a two-day Zeldathon.
  11. Dirk Manning at Newsarama explains how to protect your interests as a writer. If it weren’t so late, I’d read the whole thing right now, but it definitely has my interest.

LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest

Tuesday, October 31st, 2006
  1. Fear is in the air, as All Hallows’ Eve draws ever near. What better time to sit back with the lights dim, and read about the correlation of the use of fear across the mediums of book, movie, and video game in a carefully-woven tale by The Missus known as Midnight Show.
  2. This is sort of against the norm for the site, but I figured I’d throw it in since I’m something of a chicken fiend.KFC is going to eliminate the use of trans-fat in all their locations, according to this video.Thanks to BPMOmega, I know now that Canadian KFCs will switch to trans-fat free Canadian canola oil. Because America Jr. has to distinguish itself from down below in every way they can.

    But that video has me pining for some back-home KFC. Mmm, bowls. Biscuits. I’ll never understand what KFC Canada’s problem is.

  3. The Allspark has a couple of interesting tidbits.First up, news that makes me want to weep, as I STILL can’t partake, a real steal on the purchase of the 20th Anniversary release of TransFormers: The Movie on DVD:The following is ripped from the Fatwallet forums. Use coupon code “NEWMEM96″ ($5 off) when checking out from FamilyVideo.Com to score the 20th anniversary DVD of TFTM for $9.58 shipped.

    I don’t think you’ll beat that price anytime soon.

  4. They also link to ACToys, who features a nice gallery of Classics Jetfire(more on page 3). It is a thing of great beauty.But the question remains: can he gerwalk?
  5. Atomic Fire reports that Capcom has been working on their own official Mega Man ZX website, now more closely resembling its Japanese counterpart than the oversized magazine ad that once occupied the space.As Delta said there, hopefully this will be a sign of how future sites may be treated… though preferably more punctual.
  6. Got my new Nintendo Power today, and I was going to discuss its contents here briefly, but wouldn’t you know it, NOA Kent beat me to it.One thing I did like inside was the very oldschool Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis ad, which was a damn-near perfect emulation of the first-ever US Sonic ads.
  7. Pok?fan NOA Andy reflects on a recent trip to the Nintendo World Store in NY, and how now is a good time to be a fan of the little guys.
  8. More new Sonic 360 screens.
  9. Are games the new MTV? That’s what GameSpot asks as Nimrod’s Mark Canham discusses how gaming can be used to break in new bands.See, this is sort of what I’ve been saying for awhile now. You look at a Rockman game in Japan, with its opening video running to a cool song and music, and usually, when it gets here, we just get a slightly blander instrumental track(though it’s sometimes good, admittedly). Why not up the quality a bit and get someone breaking in with a good sound to make a theme?Heatman, Ryouko, and myself even showed how it could be done. Behold, Mega Man X8: US, Remastered, and the later-released Japanese.
  10. Go Nintendo has some new screens and a link to a video for the DS game adaptation of Death Note.I’m looking forward to this one.
  11. Does this count as a crossover? Sonic and some Stormtroopers playing Rayman: Raving Rabbids.
  12. Ah, now this is good… four videos from the demo of Gyakuten Saiban 4, aka Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney in the US.Personally, I think the old music was catchier. Beyond that… intriguing.Oh, and blondie there reminds me of Mega Man ZX‘s Giro for some reason.
  13. Eggs-Box 360? And you thought the George Foreman PS3 was brilliant.This runs entirely too long, but it’s cool to see an XBox 360 flash-fry an egg.Remember, gamers, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
  14. I didn’t really want to mention this, but one of Cracker Jack’s lines just made it irresistable…However, now each of you knows, and from now on, from this minute forward, you are all on the hook.OH NO! Not “the hook!” Pfah.

    Guess I may as well throw this in, as well.

    Frankly, that pic kinda freaks me out a little. Not for any homosexual reason, but for much the same reason last night’s American Dad where Steve was totally all over that 80-year old lady.

  15. …pictures! Where are the pictures?!
  16. 1UP’s own son of a Fitch goes hands-on with Sonic Rivals for the PSP. So far, it sounds like too little of a good thing, but a good thing all the same. Guess they’re expecting people to replay the stages as each character to make up for general length.
  17. NiGHTS 2? More like “Not 2.” Sorry, folks. Still, a nice piece.
  18. For all those who love pretty virtual ladies, there’s a new DOA Xtreme 2 trailer out, now with gameplay!

LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Weekend Wrap-Up

Monday, October 30th, 2006

Well, I wish I had some grand story to tell about my trials and tribulations of waiting in line for a Wii preorder today, to emerge victorious, but…

Anyway, your news and some other stuff, thrown in for good measure.

  1. So The Allspark has a few TransFormers tidbits, including the release of the new Hot Topic shirts, as well as a Toys R Us sale.
  2. GameTrailers continues to explore the legacy of Hyrule, the hero Link, and the Legend called Zelda in the third part of their retrospective.
  3. If you’re in Russia, you probably aren’t reading this.And just in case I really am that out of touch with my readership, then it may interest you to know that Nintendo is opening shop in the birthplace of Tetris.
  4. Sounds like onNintendo is livin’ on the Edge where their news is concerned this week. Sounds like Japan will, much like the GameCube, get a special Wii that allows DVD playback.In addition, CNN has worked out a deal to supply news content in categories for the Japanese and American Wii Channels. Meanwhile, SEGA seems to be abandoning some of its PS3 development, moving a large portion of employees to Wii projects.

    Perhaps the most interesting part is the report that Nintendo wanted to release with a $200 price tag in America, but larger retailers were unsatisfied with the profit margin which this MSRP provided them.

    Screw that. Haven’t they heard the razor-blade analogy?

  5. I may have to have some fun with this. Go Nintendo has a Wii boxart template up for your perusal.
  6. GN reports that Jeux-France has new screens and video for Sonic and the Secret Rings. Pity there’s a lack of sound.Oh, and they have a scan, too.
  7. Ah, the Super Mario World cartoon. Go Nintendo provides a YouTubing of the last episode, Mama Luigi, which details the arrival of the Marios in Dinosaur World, and the discovery of Yoshi as a young hatchling. Aww…One of my faves, a shame they don’t make cartoons like this anymore.

    (But The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3 was still better.)

  8. Joystiq has put way too much thought into how people blew into their NES cartridges back in the day.
  9. Wow, this is promising for those wanting to get a Wii at Nintendo’s World Store at launch.*sobs in the corner*
  10. …but what the hell is a Qee, anyway?
  11. And finally, special thanks to Matt at Press The Buttons for referencing my article. In return, I invite you to check out his piece on a bit of iconic Mario imagery.

LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest

Friday, October 27th, 2006
  1. You know what? I’ll be honest.

    I’m really quite sick and tired of reading impressions of people trying the Wii. For the most part, it’s all the same stuff. I get it, I just want the damn thing to come out already so I can form my own impressions.

    That said, if anyone DOES still care, GameSpy. Wii Sports. Wario Ware. Monkeys. And big damn trucks.

    Guess what? “You steer by turning the controller in your hand like a steering wheel.”

    *clicks the link*

    “Players hold the Wii controller horizontally with the face pointing up and using the 2 and 1 buttons for accelerating and braking and the d-pad for turbo boost.”

    …close enough. A little more informative than the norm, not enough that I hadn’t more or less guessed at it.

  2. Marvel: Ultimate Alliance. It’s good.

    What I really want to see, though, is a side-by-side of this game vs. Justice League.

  3. GameDaily says that not only will PS3 not loseWeight Exercise the next-gen wars, but it will assume the mantle the PS2 held, making Sony the first company to dominate for three straight.
  4. Go Nintendo has done us the pleasure of snagging the Japanese Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin opening off a website and YouTubing it.
  5. In Japan, McDonald’s is going to feature Ryuusei no Rockman trading cards.

    I’d rather have the Rockman.EXE figures they were giving out awhile back, though.

  6. While still awaiting the translation, Go Nintendo has two “mini” The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess videos from the Iwata interviews in Japan.

    As Walky might say, “Hawtsome.”

  7. Wow, can you believe it’s been a year since Hot Coffee already?

    Slashdot reports a Gamasutra article on the aftermath in the modding community.

  8. Not an original concept, really, but Kotaku shows off a DevArt piece of ol’ Cracker Jack starring in his own DS game.
  9. Slimes.


    Two things that sound like they have no business being together, much less near your mouth, and yet…

  10. The legendary castle of Count Dracula, also known as Castlevania, is a vast and mysterious place.

    Press the Buttons links to an interesting tour of this palace of the damned.

    It may be a lousy place to visit, but I’d really hate to live there.

    “Crap, now where’d my cape go… the closet was here just last night!”

  11. Some say that the PSP is in need of a redesign(probably not many of those who shelled out 200+ dollars for theirs, mind).

    Shiny’s Dave Perry talks to Spong about how he’d redesign Sony’s handheld.

    “I’m a gadget freak and even I didn’t go for their movies.”

    He makes a good case. Listen to the man, Sony.

LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest

Friday, October 27th, 2006
  1. Over at good ol’ NOA, Rufus takes a look at his favorite masked men in video gaming.

    Star Man FTW.

  2. Also, in celebration of Halloween, NOA Matt names a few survival-horror games you just have to play.
  3. GameSpot goes hands-on with Sonic Rivals, developed deep in the heart of the American version of Siberia known as… Canada.

    The game still sounds like fun, I hope maybe it’s able to capture the spirit of such famous Sonic races as Sonic vs. Metal Sonic and Sonic vs. Shadow.

    New movies and an interview are available as well.

  4. Next Generation takes a look at predicting the review scores for the next-gen consoles’ launch titles.

    Next month Sony’s PlayStation 3 will launch with only two games which will get an average review score of 90% or better. On the other hand, Nintendo’s Wii will have three games which will average scores of 90% or better. And it is almost certain that each of those consoles will launch with two absolute stinkers, games which consistently score below 60%…

  5. Go Nintendo and Destructoid bring a clip from Attack of the Show addressing the question of whether or not microtransactions are ripping you off.

    Personally, I favor the idea Tiger Woods, I believe, is running with in that you can either unlock it normally, or just pay a few bucks. If that were the case, I might actually have Final Destination unlocked on Super Smash Bros. Melee.

    I also think new content released later, maybe developed after the game is released(see Ninja Gaiden Black or the Halo 2 maps, for example) are a more fair way to implement it.

  6. From numerous sources comes this piece, showing off what happens when many of today’s writers emulate Hemingway’s ability to create a six-word story.

    The results are to die for.

  7. Game|Life asks, who stole the Chocobo?
  8. Game|Life has an interview with Castlevania producer Koji Igarashi, in which he discusses, among other things, the coming of more online gameplay for the legendary franchise and where he thinks the next generation will go.

    But would it be as cool as this?

  9. Chris Kohler also gives his impressions of Phoenix Wright 2: And Justice For All.

    Beware of spoilers, however(and as such, I didn’t actually read this).

  10. Oooooh, snap!
  11. JT has another letter for the judge.

    While unremarkable in itself, at least by his standards, one part stood out to me:

    You don’t care because you don’t have a teen in a school as I do.

    Wow. Betcha he gets his ass kicked every single day.

    And suddenly, it all makes sense. Somewhere, this vicious cycle began, where JT goes after gamers, his kid gets pummeled for it, and he thinks its the games’ fault, and continues on against them.

    Wash, rinse, repeat.

    Guess what, Jacko. It’s not the games… it’s YOU. Instead of lawsuits, you ought to be filing for a new identity for your family in a new town.

  12. Oh, fine. Since everyone else is talking about it, I guess I might as well, too.

    Capcom’s Killer 7 promotes porn.

    There. Now I can get on with my life.

    Trivia tidbit: Several years ago, www.zelda.com was a porn site as well.

  13. So over at Kotaku, Florian Eckhardt got his cousins some DS Lites and games.

    Why do I care? Why post this? Slight case of envy, I guess; Lilly’s cute and I guess I wouldn’t mind having a girl like that who’s into the family hobby someday, so I could have my own pics like the first one.

    Sadly, it won’t be anytime soon.

  14. Press the Buttons checks out Family Guy: The Game.

    Again, good for a rental, unless you’re a really rabid fan.

  15. 1UP’s Jeremy “Toastyfrog” Parish pulls back the curtain and reveals four foreign systems that America missed.

LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest

Wednesday, October 25th, 2006
  1. Oh, I could just cry.

    Mirage Studios have put up some more Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles auctions on eBay, this time of the Cyber Samurai Turtles featured in the bad-ass Adventures comics of so many years ago. I’ve wanted these forever.

    And a day.

  2. Yesterday was TransFormers Tuesday, but the site didn’t update until after I’d made my posts. Anyway, the latest? A MySpace page. That really is the in-thing now for promotion, isn’t it? Maybe I should make one…
  3. Wizard Entertainment has an interview with writer and artist Bob Budiansky and Don Figueroa about the upcoming IDW adaptation of the original TransFormers: The Movie.
  4. New Sonic the Hedgehog trailer, with the obligatory opening and some new gameplay footage. There’s also a new interview as well.

    At this point, I’m figuring that what Sonic Adventure(the series, including Heroes and Shadow) has done well, this will do as well or better, and what shortcomings its had will also remain.

    Pretty “duh” statement, I know. That just means it’ll be good enough to want to play, but bad enough to make you want to rip hair out.

  5. GameSpot has reviews for Family Guy: The Video Game, 6.4 across the board.

    GameDaily seems to like it a bit more than most, though.

  6. IGN has put together a fairly comprehensive launch guide for the Wii. Do you know everything you need to?
  7. IGN reviews Touch Detective for the DS, and asks if an aspiring detective can hang with the likes of Phoenix Wright.

    The answer? Eh, maybe not…

  8. Go Nintendo has some new key info about Excite Truck and Wario Ware: Smooth Moves. 12-player games? Hot dog!

    If only I had 12 friends.

  9. Nintendo|Life takes a look at the unbranding of Nintendo… that is to say, less association of the name “Nintendo” with the Wii.

    It’s a curious move, especially coming off the success of the Nintendo DS. Perhaps it’s a way to try and access more non-gamers, by not using one of the strongest gaming brands out there?

  10. Nintenbears?
  11. Oh, how far he’s fallen. Just after a comeback in Mario Kart DS, now R.O.B. has gotten caught up in the seedy affairs of Vice City.
  12. Rest In Peace, Game Boy?

    With Nintendo turning their portable focus to the DS, one has to wonder if we’ll ever see the nearly 20-year old brand rise to glory once again.

  13. Slashdot poses the question, “Is the game media being oblivious?

    After the press basically ignored the National Summit on Video Games, Youth, and Public Policy this past weekend, that’s just what MaryAlan wants to know.

  14. Create-a-Character can be some of the most fun anyone will have in a video game, especially when the results are desirable.

    And what results would be more desirable than to see Goro rip the head off of Jack Thompson?

  15. Joystiq takes an interesting look at Sony peddling potential while developers may not be using it.
  16. Meanwhile, next-gen or not next gen? That is the Wii question.
  17. I’ve always wanted to do something like this. Florian at Kotaku tries to buy Bully, and eventually? Succeeds.
  18. Press the Buttons looks back at Blaster Master.

    Me, I always wanted a toy of the vehicle after I saw a model on a poster in Nintendo Power.

    As for a new sequel? I think a DS Blaster Master sounds rather appealing…

  19. 1UP has a feature up called Game Breakers, about bad ideas from the world of gaming. Lord knows I’ve seen my share of small things that have ruined otherwise great games. This covers just a few.

And that’s pretty much it for now, gotta head out, so hope this keeps you busy.

LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest

Tuesday, October 24th, 2006
  1. For those who are interested, Mandi Paugh finally got to reviewing Mega Man ZX over at The Mega Man Home Page. Beware of spoilers.
  2. Allspark brings lots of TransFormers picture links, including Revoltech Convoy(Optimus Prime)(too Pat Lee-esque for my taste), the Target-exclusive Classics Ultra Magnus and Skywarp(damned Target exclusives…), Classics Jetfire, and the slightly-disturbing Kiss-Play Hot Rodimus.
  3. Atomic Fire has reported that the three covers for Ryuusei no Rockman(MegaMan Star Force) have been revealed, each sporting the 20th anniversary Rockman logo.

    You can also support our affiliate Rockman Perfect Memories by ordering through Play-Asia. Do it now, before Sony shuts them down!

    There are some extra magazine scans at Go Nintendo as well, revealing what looks to be a new girl character.

  4. Ninja girls riding whales! Crab-chasing! Henshin! Barrel-rolls! Sailor schoolgirl uniforms! Kata!

    What is this? A historical Sony PS3 game?

    Nah, just the new DOA: Xtreme 2 trailer.

    The Cheesecake Factory has nothing on this video, probably why I can’t stop laughing at it.

    …that, and the “physics” simply defy imagination.

  5. GameSpot has some impressions of Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin’s multiplayer, new movies, and a look at the preorder box set, which seems to imply that it will be available at brick-and-mortar stores “around the country,” which still leaves Canada in question. Dangit.

    EB replied to my inquiry, but they weren’t much help; I was told I ought to ask the same stores who don’t have a clue.

    In the meantime, at least Game|Life has a preview of the timeline.

  6. IGN reviews Garfield: A Tale of Two Kitties for the Nintendo DS, along with screens and video. Sigh. Might be good for the youngest of young ones, but here’s hoping the PS2 one is decent. Of course, as usual, the common man seems to like it more than IGN’s reviewers, so…
  7. GameSpy gives Family Guy: The Video Game for the PSP a two-star review(“Fair”), and also interviews Patrick Warburton on his role in the game from the show.

    Sounds like it’d be worth a rental, but something I’ve wondered in regards to the repetitive soundbytes: can they not just make a ton of these, so that the chance of them getting repetitive is greatly reduced?

  8. *cues “wholesome” music* N-Philes winds back the clock and takes a look back at a simpler time. A time when families had values, children had innocence, and life was good.

    Join us, as we take a look back at the heart-warming story of a boy… A Boy and His Blob.

  9. Go Nintendo shows the right way to advertise over at Toys R Us in Times Square.
  10. …I just had to offer to help
  11. Joystiq presents: 23 fast facts about the PS3.
  12. Game Gear vs. Game Boy Micro. Goliath vs. David. And so on.
  13. Too good.

    Friend of mine, goes by Wolf(maybe you know him, maybe you don’t) has been rather outspoken lately in regards to just how dull a lot of games are these days, especially in comparing western fantasy to eastern.

    Well, Aeropause has taken a look at the color of the next generation, and reached a simple conclusion:

    It’s brown.

    Joystiq excerpts from the article: “Console developers have 16.7 million colors to choose from! Why are they still using predominantly greys and browns? This color scheme even seems to have spread outside of first person shooters and into other genres.”

    Me, I support blue skies, myself. I love a good sunset or nighttime as much as anyone, but…

  14. Funny thing about that thing on the new Ace Attorney‘s arm…
  15. Oh, this is good.

    EA sticks Sony with their hotel bills.

    Pretty sneaky thing to do there, EA. But then, that’s how you like to play, isn’t it?

  16. GameVideos has an interview with Castlevania’s daddy, Mr. Koji Igarashi, and one of my favorite guys to be interviewed.
  17. 1UP.com has a feature on the Curse of the Sequels, looking at some games that broke from what their predecessors established.

    Frankly, I only really cared about two entries: the first, Metal Gear Solid 2, and the last, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link.

  18. Toast T. Frog has a new Retronauts up, this time about the most evil of all Castlevania enemies, the evil Medusaaaaaaaa!

LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Weekend Wrap-Up

Sunday, October 22nd, 2006
  1. N-Philes has a feature up that describes the “The Animal Crossing Effect,” talking about the idea of taking a game from a past generation(such as the Japanese version of Animal Crossing, called Dobutsu no Mori on the N64) and optimizing it for a new generation(GameCube) and a new audience(North America).

    Within the article, Ben Wood also takes a look at four games he thinks would benefit from this kind of treatment.

  2. Looks like Death Note is coming to the DS. That should be interesting… wonder if it’ll play something like Phoenix Wright?
  3. ZeldaPower has an interesting little bit where they translate some Hylian text.
  4. Slashdot links to a new addition to Seanbaby’s page, featuring the 20 worst video games of all time. Language abounds.

    Also take note of the changes from what he wrote to what went into print, as noted at the bottom there. Makes you wonder why they even hire people to do this if they don’t want what they write…

  5. Extra! Extra! Sony Bones Europe(again)!

    Remember, boys and girls: The Next Generation doesn’t start until Sony says it does.

  6. Kotaku takes note of a great day in gaming, back in 2002.

LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest

Saturday, October 21st, 2006
  1. The new Nintendo Power(Volume 210) will be due out soon, and it’ll have a cover story on the Wii, as well as coverage of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Pokemon Ranger, Elite Beat Agents, Children of Mana, Magical Starsign, and a little something called Yoshi’s Island DS.

    You can take a glimpse for yourself at Nintendo Power’s website.

  2. Tformers has an interview with Stan Bush(“The Touch,” “Dare”), and speaks up about some TransFormers things, as well as a new album coming out.
  3. Comic Book Resource has an interview with TransFormers scribe Simon Furman, wherein he talks about plans for the next story arc “Escalation,” as well as the upcoming one-shot starring Hot Rod.

    From The Allspark: When asked how he’ll approach Hot Rod in the one-shot, Furman said, “The joy of these spotlights, in the context of our new G1 universe, is that I don’t necessarily have to (and, in fact, am taking pains not to) do the characters as they’ve been down before. So, while I try and stay true to the essence of Hot Rod, I’ve kind of taken the bits I liked (brash, daredevil, rather hot-heated) and discarded those I didn’t (whiny, etc). Funnily enough, there’s still an element of him ‘screwing up’ in the story, but it’s more the making of him (as well as his Achilles Heel!).

  4. The official TMNT website has updated with a few things, perhaps most interesting(to some) being a MP3 of the Fast Forward theme song, as well as the lyrics.

    It’s… weird. Kinda cheesey, jarring. At least at first… it’s got a weird catchiness to it after you hear it a few times.

    I do wish they’d have posted the song just before the Fast Forward started, even if the change was minor…

  5. GameTrailers has part two of their Zelda retrospective leading up to Twilight Princess available. It focuses on A Link To The Past and Link’s Awakening, the former of which I consider to be the best in the series.

    Incidently, I really need to get my hands on Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages one of these days.

  6. “In the interests of gaming science,” GameSpot decides to go “under the hood” of the Sony PSP and investigate the system’s sometimes-controversial load times.

    With the few games I own for the system, the load times haven’t been particularly unbearable, but don’t take my word for it, check out the stats for yourself.

  7. GameSpy reviews Justice League of America, giving it three and a half stars, out of five. Overall, it sounds like it may be worth a look.

    Joystiq offers their own metareview as well.

  8. IGN goes hands-on with Final Fantasy V for the Nintendo DS.
  9. Go Nintendo has a picture of the Wii countdown clock from GameStop. I wonder if it’s possible to get one of those…
  10. GN links to a Gamebrink import review of Custom Robo Arena for the DS:


    * Lots of Robo battles.
    * Plenty of customisation parts.
    * Some fairly good story and character development giving them a bit more depth.
    * Wi-Fi battles against friends and strangers.
    * Good 3D models and Holosseum arenas.


    * 2D artwork needs a little more work.

    Overall, Custom Robo Arena is a fun, fast paced action game to play and lives up to its name with a large variety of part combinations that you can try out. If you feel like customising your own Japanese Anime mechas then using them in battles then this maybe the game for you!

    I want to give this one a try.

  11. I do so wish we had Target stores up here…
  12. Jack Tretton of Sony speaks to Wired on subjects such as “why only include composite cables for an HD system in the box?”
  13. Wow, that is one hell of a video game tatoo. It even has Mr. Game-and-Watch! For the instant-win, of course.
  14. Nick Bennett of N-Europe pays his respects to the “comeback kings” known as Nintendo.

    Premature? Maybe just a little, but not entirely unwarranted.

  15. The one and only Jeremy “Toastyfrog” Parish previews the game that’s poised to be one of the best Castlevania games to date.

    Also, check out the picture of the killer 20th Anniversary preorder package… that I still want, but seem to be unable to get. Damn Canada.

  16. 1UP sits down with the great Tomonobu Itagaki to speak on some things, such as whether or not the appearance of Ninja Gaiden Sigma on the PlayStation 3 is a sign of Team Ninja things to come.

    Itagaki over the years has been known to dismiss interviewers if he feels their questions aren’t up to snuff, or if the line of questioning bores him, with reports of some conversations with journalists lasting less than five minutes. During this candid interview, in which he reveals the level of his commitment to the Xbox platform (and lasted much longer than five minutes), we pressed him harder than we ever have before, ruffling his feathers a bit in the process. But he weathered the storm just fine, and Xbox 360 fans in particular will be relieved to hear some of the things Itagaki had to say.

    Reading this, I still feel he’s one of the best interviews in the business. He also talks a bit about Kojima, which is interesting, but I kind of wonder how he and Koji Igarashi might get along.

  17. Seanbaby steps back and examines the Saga of Uwe.

    Uwe, learning that he wasn’t fighting a midget, asked for my age, height, Lose Weight Exercise, and fighting experience. I e-mailed this information, along with the reassurance that the Holocaust survivors got together and agreed he was the worst thing to come out of Germany.

    Wow. Now THAT is an insult. This piece is probably the best thing out of Seanbaby in some time.

LBD “Nytetrayn”