Points of Interest
- For those of you who are looking at getting an XBox 360, I’ve got a hot tip from
mjp about a place called Fry’s Outpost selling a bundle with an XBox 360 Premium Console, Saint’s Row, Dead Rising, and Test Drive Unlimited for only $359.96($200 savings)(or possibly a better bundle), this Saturday.
Really, that’s hard to beat. Anywhere. And I’ve heard pretty good things about this Fry’s place besides, so if you can find one, go for it.
And while I’d probably be indifferent to Test Drive Unlimited, and maybe Saint’s Row, you could probably get a good trade in or selling value for them somewhere…
…or for those who don’t worry about such ethical dilemmas, returning it to another retailer with the shrink wrap intact for another title. But that’s your call, I’m not endorsing it or anything…
- The Allspark has some interesting TransFormers tidbits today, including a link to an awesome gallery of Masterpiece Starscream(just check out that smirk!), and a Seibertron.com interview with its designer, Shoji Kawamori, also of Macross fame.
- Speaking of interviews, The Allspark has an audio interview with David Kaye, voice of Megatron in Beast Wars TransFormers, Beast Machines, and other TransFormers series, as well as ProtoMan from MegaMan NT Warrior.
- Even though it’s been a money-hole so far, Next-Gen reports that Microsoft is not giving up on XBox 360 and the gaming business; they’re in this for the long haul.
Granted, it’s been said before, but good for them.
- Wasn’t going to say anything, but then Go Nintendo’s bit on ONM’s look at Red Steel sounds quite promising, like the game has really been improving every step of the way since its debut at E3.
Oh, and be careful, there are some slight spoilers within, they say.
- Slashdot links to an interesting blog piece telling what it is like behind a videogame store counter.
- Another Slashdot bit links to an article detailing how the Nintendo amusement park works.
- Wired sits down with Koji Igarashi(Castlevania), Goichi Suda(Killer 7), and Atsushi Inaba(Viewtiful Joe) to discuss gaming in the next generation.
- Wired’s Clive Thompson sits down with upcoming Rockstar game Bully, and gives us a look at the game which has raised the ire of so many, with a few minor-spoilers tossed in.
The best part?
It’s going to make a lot of people like one J.T. eat some crow. Or at the very least, look really damn stupid.
That’s worth the price of admission right there, folks.
- Kotaku has a video by College Humor about Wii games we’ll never see.
My favorite?
“Ouija Board” for the win.
- Additionally… aww, hell. World of Warcraft fans pick apart the last episode of South Park.
- The Big K also takes a look at The Ultimate Game Desk. Well, for PCs, at least.
Still… nice. It’s like a freakin’ cockpit.
- Like Kotaku, I normally wouldn’t mention something like this, a Craigs Listing for an XBox kiosk, but I love the minor details.
Specifically, that it’s pick-up only.
But look at from where.
Yeah. I’ll be right over.
- 1UP has a feature about Starforce, piracy, and copy protection.
The sidebar is a little condescending though, wouldn’t you agree?
- Game Break has a neat video from Bungie, showcasing the evolution of Halo.
“Shown in the movie is Halo during its earlier stages, when it was still being developed as a Myth-like RTS. Later stages show it as an over-the-shoulder 3rd person shooter, complete with the Master Chief riding a lizard that looks suspiciously like a Chocobo.”
LBD “Nytetrayn”