1) Buddy Blaze takes a look at the story of the long-forgotten third Mario Brother as his entry into a GameTrailers contest. Check it out.
2) Elsewhere, Boss Frog has added to GameVideos a Retronauts beta video podcast, taking a look at things such as the 15th anniversary of the SNES and 20th of Metroid, along with the likes of Scott Sharkey, Chris Kohler, and my wife(who wasn’t there for it, but via Skype).
3) Miyamoto on Wii, new side project.
“Mario creator talks to the Japanese press about his involvement in a museum installation and explains why Nintendo decided to “destroy the paradigm” of the games industry.”
4) Indy 4 in 2008, Lucas, Spielberg, and Ford discuss.
5) N-Philes has 15 Nintendo Dream scans, including two for Super Smash Bros. Brawl, though those are really more just Kid Icarus stuff from the Famicom.
6) Screenshots we’ve seen, but the box art for Capcom Classics Mini Mix is absolutely uninspiring.
Couldn’t they get Udon to render Radd, Hiryu, and the FF guys for us?
7) OnNintendo views rumors before the Leipzig GC.
8) Screens from the game I can’t believe I want to try.
9) Man, they are bound and determined to get my money if this is true.
10) New Lunar Knights scans. I thought Django wasn’t supposed to be in this?
11) A slight sleeper of a Rockman ZX video import review.
This game is going to SO rock, once I can halfway(and so far, it seems ONLY halfway) understand it.
…it’s sort of funny hearing a guy with almost NO clue about Mega Man reviewing this, though…
“…and here we have ‘flight guy’…”
12) More foreign fun, as a Nintendo magazine from abroad takes a look at the possibilities of other famed video game heroes appearing in the next Super Smash Bros. installment.
13) Slashdot reports on why the console war is NOT good for gaming.
14) Oh, right, The Wizard hit DVD yesterday.
Go get your Power Gloves on it.
15) Game Over.
“A short-film maker by the name of Pes has put together a bloody brilliant stop-motion tribute to several arcade classics including Centipede, Frogger, Asteroids, Space Invaders and Pac-Man. The short feature, entitled Game Over, runs 1:30 minutes long, uses only household items like toy cars, muffins, shark’s teeth, and leaves for the visuals, and syncs it all to the original game soundtracks.”
Nice piece.
16) Ok, so it’s 2 million PS3s by launch, and 2 million more by year’s end.
The plot thickens.
17) As Kotaku says, “silly, but not a bad deal at all.”
…well, relatively speaking. If you don’t think the PSP itself is a good value now as-is, this doesn’t really improve it.
18) While the wife isn’t much a Tetris player, I bet she’d have a hard time pulling herself away from these.
19) Press The Buttons takes a look at the story for Star Fox Command, and draws some comparisons to the old, unreleased Star Fox 2.
If it plays like the latter, save the touch screen adjustments, I think I’ll like it juuuuust fine.
20) An interesting look at what Nintendo needs to do to make Mario Kart stand out on the Wii.
Re: #3. Keep ROB.
…and screw snaking. Screw starting boosts, too, while we’re at it.
21) Wow, now this is one cool controller.
22) Street Fighter’s Sakura is a sell-out.
23) These new Hot Topic TransFormers shirts are looking pretty cool.
What to get, what to get…?
24) According to The Allspark, ex-Dreamwave and current IDW TransFormers artist Guido Guidi has set up a DeviantArt account, within which he has the first thirteen pages of the cancelled ongoing DW TransFormers Generation 1 comic.
LBD “Nytetrayn”