Half-Priced or Half-Baked?
Tuesday, August 22nd, 20061) A New Horizon awaits.
In something of a relative rarity, rather than hack a GBA ROM to create a game, it seems that some folks from the community have created their very own Mega Man game that can run on a GBA emulator.
It’s worth a look, anyway, though it seems like it could do with some more polish. The story is interesting as well(to say nothing of familiar to one of mine), though sadly it doesn’t really fit into the continuity at large.
2) YU-GI-OH!!!!!
Ok, maybe this has nothing to do with the Pharaoh and his deck of magical cards, but King of Games has some neat items for your gaming wardrobe.
3) Halo 3 closer to Halo 1 than Halo 2.
4) Similar to The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, it would seem, Miyamoto is looking at remaking GameCube titles for the Wii, and thinks it’s possible for third-parties to be able to follow suit at a low cost.
Oh, and Marionette, a game involving puppets, is still coming, but is now for Wii.
No, I have no idea if Mario actually has anything to do with it.
IGN probes even further into the darkness in which titles like Super Mario 64 2 and others disappeared.
5) They blew it up. Wii’s more likely to be $200 than $170. As some figured.
6) New Capcom Classics Mini Mix screens.
Lord, I hope they don’t screw this up.
7) Michael Bay addresses leaked TransFormers movie pics.
Bay confirmed that leaked photos of the robots that appeared last week at TFW2005.com are legit but that they are “a somewhat early rendering.” Bay’s blog added, “The CGI transformations by ILM are looking wicked and nastier every single day.” The transformations will take 3-4 seconds each.
8) It would appear that since E3, Zelda for the Wii has undergone some control changes… like actual sword-swinging.
9) Good news for Dragon Quest fans, number 9 is on the way!
10) Marvel’s Civil War? It just got even bigger.
11) If you’re near the Seattle area, are in middle or high-school, and want to make games, then maybe you should check out the Digipen summer camp.
12) One Nintendo fanboy to rule them all.
Too bad the music seems kind of stilted…
13) …half price? My ass, used games are half price…
14) At least he isn’t suing the company.
15) Clearly, Wario gives the best interviews of anyone at Nintendo.
16) If you need a celphone anyway, and want a PSP(Maverick Hunter X, anyone?), then maybe you should cast your eyes this way.
17) Can anyone spare about $500 so I can get a Gundam statue?
18) Hey Japan, seems the shoe is on the other foot, ain’t it?
19) Press The Buttons reminds us why Acclaim’s demise was a GOOD thing.
20) If you’re in the market for a XBox 360, and $80 off sounds good to you, then check it out.
21) GamePro looks at what you’ll REALLY pay for a PS3.
Insert arm, leg, and firstborn jokes here.
22) At least Kaz Hirai is honest about there being shortages.
Gasp. Shortages of a game system during the holiday season after it launches? Why, that NEVER happens…
23) An interesting look at what the UK Nintendo Official Magazine was saying about the GameCube just prior to launch.
24) Creators hint at Sonic in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
I’m diggin’ it.
25) Remy shows the world that TransFormers Classics Optimus Prime is indeed a thing of beauty.
LBD “Nytetrayn”