People who believe that there is no absolute morality are usually the ones with very little morality themselves. -- Delta

Archive for the ‘Points of Interest’ Category

Half-Priced or Half-Baked?

Tuesday, August 22nd, 2006

1) A New Horizon awaits.

In something of a relative rarity, rather than hack a GBA ROM to create a game, it seems that some folks from the community have created their very own Mega Man game that can run on a GBA emulator.

It’s worth a look, anyway, though it seems like it could do with some more polish. The story is interesting as well(to say nothing of familiar to one of mine), though sadly it doesn’t really fit into the continuity at large.


2) YU-GI-OH!!!!!

Ok, maybe this has nothing to do with the Pharaoh and his deck of magical cards, but King of Games has some neat items for your gaming wardrobe.


3) Halo 3 closer to Halo 1 than Halo 2.


4) Similar to The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, it would seem, Miyamoto is looking at remaking GameCube titles for the Wii, and thinks it’s possible for third-parties to be able to follow suit at a low cost.

Oh, and Marionette, a game involving puppets, is still coming, but is now for Wii.

No, I have no idea if Mario actually has anything to do with it.

IGN probes even further into the darkness in which titles like Super Mario 64 2 and others disappeared.


5) They blew it up. Wii’s more likely to be $200 than $170. As some figured.


6) New Capcom Classics Mini Mix screens.

Lord, I hope they don’t screw this up.


7) Michael Bay addresses leaked TransFormers movie pics.

Bay confirmed that leaked photos of the robots that appeared last week at TFW2005.com are legit but that they are “a somewhat early rendering.” Bay’s blog added, “The CGI transformations by ILM are looking wicked and nastier every single day.” The transformations will take 3-4 seconds each.



8) It would appear that since E3, Zelda for the Wii has undergone some control changes… like actual sword-swinging.


9) Good news for Dragon Quest fans, number 9 is on the way!


10) Marvel’s Civil War? It just got even bigger.


11) If you’re near the Seattle area, are in middle or high-school, and want to make games, then maybe you should check out the Digipen summer camp.


12) One Nintendo fanboy to rule them all.

Too bad the music seems kind of stilted…


13) …half price? My ass, used games are half price…


14) At least he isn’t suing the company.


15) Clearly, Wario gives the best interviews of anyone at Nintendo.


16) If you need a celphone anyway, and want a PSP(Maverick Hunter X, anyone?), then maybe you should cast your eyes this way.


17) Can anyone spare about $500 so I can get a Gundam statue?


18) Hey Japan, seems the shoe is on the other foot, ain’t it?


19) Press The Buttons reminds us why Acclaim’s demise was a GOOD thing.


20) If you’re in the market for a XBox 360, and $80 off sounds good to you, then check it out.


21) GamePro looks at what you’ll REALLY pay for a PS3.

Insert arm, leg, and firstborn jokes here.


22) At least Kaz Hirai is honest about there being shortages.

Gasp. Shortages of a game system during the holiday season after it launches? Why, that NEVER happens…


23) An interesting look at what the UK Nintendo Official Magazine was saying about the GameCube just prior to launch.


24) Creators hint at Sonic in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

I’m diggin’ it.


25) Remy shows the world that TransFormers Classics Optimus Prime is indeed a thing of beauty.


LBD “Nytetrayn”

TransForm Your World!

Saturday, August 19th, 2006

…decided to make this its own post.

21) Finally, via The Allspark, TransFormers World 2005 has a look at prototypes for the movie TransFormers toys, which means that what we see in the movie ought to look something like this.

Guess the flaming longnose IS Optimus after all.

…and I can’t say these enthuse me.

Starscream might be alright, but the head looks… like WTF.

The toy Blackout/Incinerator looks good, though the face reminds me of Beast Wars Inferno on the design sheet, only not.

Scorponok works, I guess. Wonder how the robot mode looks.

Optimus… if it weren’t for the head, I’d never know it was him.

More than that, he looks like what I remember in various comics of TransFormers, including Prime, that have been ripped to pieces so you can see all their internals hanging out.

I just hope this stuff translates to film better than it does to paper.

Edit: Oh, and Mav just gave me this, showing the actual movie stuff.

…that’s Bumblebee?

…is Megatron melting?


Oh well, as long as they’ve got Peter Cullen as Optimus, they’ve got my money.? The rest will grow on me in time.

LBD “Nytetrayn”

Prime Time

Saturday, August 19th, 2006
1) New issue of Nintendo Power is due out soon, and there’s a preview here. Final Fantasy 3 and Star Fox Command are the big cover stories, plus big Zelda moments, and a bit on Lunar Knights, the DS follow-up to Boktai.—–2) Speaking of Nintendo and Zelda, Camp Hyrule ended today. Sadly, during the closing ceremony, I got disconnected and couldn’t get back in. Guess I probably didn’t win the Wii, either. :

But, I did manage to grab the transcripts of the various NOA chats they had, and I’ll try and post those at some point soon.


3) UK site DVD Times has an interview up with Mr. Peter Cullen, voice of Eeyore, the first Predator, Mario on Saturday Supercade, and best known as G1′s Optimus Prime in the original TransFormers cartoon, as well as the upcoming 2007 flick.

Awesome, awesome man. I love how he’s taking all of this, and the respect he seems to have for the fans and the character.


4) Want Ultimate Ghosts ‘N Goblins? 1UP is having a giveaway.

I’d enter, but I’m probably not eligible.


5) Travelling this summer? Well, if you can sneak it past airport security, then maybe you can enjoy these motherf***in’ games on your motherf***in’ plane.


6) Kaz Hirai sez, “PS3 will keep–or surpass–PS2′s market share.”

Well, there’s only one thing I can say to that…

(Sorry, I just couldn’t resist)
I’ll conceed that it MIGHT keep it, but surpass? I obviously have my doubts.—–

7) Gamespot has new screens from Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic Rivals.


8) And now… The TransFormers.

I have to admit, though, there are a couple of Decepticons even I don’t recognize offhand, so…


9) GameDaily takes a look at video game themes and features we can do without.


10) Next-Gen reports that Dead Rising has raised Capcom’s prospects.

NikkoCitiGroup raised its forecasts for Capcom due in large part to Dead Rising’s “brisk repeat business” as well as “reforms at Capcom USA.”

Was it these same reforms that cost us voice work in Mega Man ZX?! WAS IT?!


11) Also from NG, heh, good luck getting your hands on a PS3 this year. If they haven’t started yet

2 million at launch? Even with the price, I question if that will suffice worldwide.


12) As OnNintendo shows, what better place for a Team Mario vs. Team Final Fantasy basketball game than on an airship?


13) Slashdot reports on concerns regarding the PS3 motion-sensing functionality, in that it seems incomplete as of this time.


14) All I will say is, oh hell yeah.

Nothing more annoying. Sorry folks.


15) Oooh, decisions, decisions.

And even though I grew up on TV dinners and actually enjoy them, I’d like to think I could do better than that with my choice.

I think Mario or Miyamoto would be musts. Inafune would be good, and any of the Mega Men. Or all. We could raid a buffet.

Of course, that’d be provided I could get a translator.


16) File this one next to the “Jumping to Conclusions” mat.


17) Kotaku presents, “Where GameCubes Go When They Die”, in memory of the not-quite-dead-yet(there’s still Zelda and Super Paper Mario) console.

At first I felt pity, but then I was almost proud of it, thinking “good for you for still being active!”

It’s the same feeling that I get when I’m greeted by old people at Walmart…


18) Let’s Polka, mon!


19) I caught this issue of Batman the other day, and it’s quite interesting to say the least, and this simply furthers it all.


20) PSM Podcast 4 looks at four reasons to get a PS3:

WTF is up? We?re back with a brand new PSM Video podcast! This week we?re highlighting 4 of the reasons to buy a PS3. If you really need a reason, Resistance, Warhawk, Heavenly Sword and Assassin?s Creed will all showcase the PS3 in their own fun-tastic ways?and we?re gonna call in the whole gang to prove it.

Chris also has a little surprise at the end for you old skool game fans too!

And the surprise is pretty cool.


LBD “Nytetrayn”

R.I.P., Tony. You Were Awesome.

Friday, August 18th, 2006

Today is a sad, sad day in animation and video games.

…actually, yesterday was a sad, sad day in animation and video games.

For it was then that Mr. Tony Jay, Veteran Royal Shakespeare Actor and esteemed voice artist passed on.

Tony Jay leaves a vast legacy of work in television, voice and film, with appearances with Arnold Schwartzenegger, Danny Devito, Woody Allen, Karl Malden, Kim Bassinger, Dan Ackroyd to name a few. His television performances include Beauty and the Beast (as the arch-villain Paracelcus), Golden Girls, Murphy Brown, Hunter, Bob Newhart, Night Court, Star Trek, Lois and Clark, Sisters and recently Burning Zone. His work in voice acting includes Mighty Max, Bruno the Kid, Tale Spin, Savage Dragon, Reboot and many more. His role as Judge Frollo in Disney’s “Hunchback of Notre Dame”, a role that has been been critically acclaimed as “probably the best Disney villain to date”.

Shere Kahn from TaleSpin, MegaByte from Reboot, and even the Narrator from World of Warcraft.

As someone who has looked into voice acting and would still like to give it a shot, and someone who’s simply a fan of the performances these people give, I feel Mr. Jay was without equal. He had a unique sound and delivery, one I doubt we’ll see replicated any time soon, and he was a favorite of mine.

At one point, there was a question of whether or not ReBoot would ever continue. Now there is a greater question, that being if it would even be right to continue it.

He will truly be missed.

LBD “Nytetrayn”


Thursday, August 17th, 2006

1) The first half of the year went so well, too. I am SORELY disappointed in Capcom right now.


2) Capcom continues to disappoint, as they haven’t commited to a patch yet, just saying Dead Rising is optimized for HD TVs, but they do offer some stopgap solutions.


3) Genesis Collection for the PS2 in greater detail.


4) TransFormers to appear in the feature film to be announced Friday.


5) IGN gives a retrospective on the N64 classic The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask.


6) Earthbound fans, take note.


7) In Japan, Nintendo has this neat little program called “Club Nintendo” which offers neat promotional items in exchange for proof of purchases. One such item is a Nintendo Game & Watch Collection, featuring three classic Game & Watch games.

IGN takes a closer look.

I want this. Ought to hit up eBay…


8) IGN says you should read this guide before taking the plunge for a Nintendo DS.

…that is, if you haven’t already.


9) GameDaily offers up a Killer Instinct Wish List.

Here’s my KI Wish List:

1) Make a new Killer Instinct.

…and that’s pretty much it.


10) Not taking part in Nintendo.com’s Camp Hyrule? Not to worry, if you’re still interested in some of the goings-on(or are like me and just haven’t been able to attend as much as you’d like), you can read all about it at N-Philes.

The chat with the NOA localization team was pretty good, but I didn’t get my question answered. :(


11) Tingle has a game. And that game has a commerical.

So bask. Bask in the forbidden fruit of fun. And fear for your soul.


12) The official Mario vs. Donkey Kong site by Nintendo has a video you can watch showing the intro to the upcoming DS game, Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis.


13) Sounds like Red Steel has made some strides since E3.


14) I think we have something like this around here.


15) Nintendo’s Senior VP of marketing George Harrison talks turkey.


16) Cool, I got linked at Press The Buttons for my noting an absence of Applause figures.

I personally keep a crapload of figures on the top shelf of the computer desk. It’s like Mardi Gras up there.


17) Man, Mark Bagley is leaving Ultimate Spider-man. :(

LBD “Nytetrayn”

Tom Green vs. The Wrath of 4chan

Thursday, August 17th, 2006

1) Oh, wow. Tom Green‘s “live from his house” internet call-in show has incurred the wrath of 4chan’s /b/. YouTube has some of the bits.

Interestingly enough, Tom Green, the same guy who had lesbian porn painted on his parents’ car and shown on nationwide TV, is taking some sort of weird moral high ground here.

Oh, and he seems TOTALLY clueless to what’s going on.

It’s ironic. And yet, after some calls, an internet relay service calls the show and he screws with the operator.

Guess it’s karma.


2) Ok, so I’m sure some people think I’m a Nintendo fanboy. I dispute this; I consider myself a strong Nintendo advocate, as I believe they serve me and what I want best. However, I still try and call things as I see them, Nintendo or otherwise.

That said, this is total crap. With the nature of game retail, I do NOT like the idea of being pigeonholed into getting a version of the game I may not care for the controls to, with no option to switch.

So no, I don’t like that at all. You let me down, Nintendo. You’re better than this! IT IS NOT TOO LATE!

The Virtual Console bit, however, I completely support. Get us some Star Fox 2 or even some betas up in there, huh?


3) Capcom’s heard the cries of Dead Rising‘s fans, but there’s no plans to do anything yet.


4) Trying to find rare games? Maybe GameDaily can help.


5) Sonic Wild Fire is no more.


6) …does anyone still care about the Phantom?


7) Lara… greater than Mario?

Now, I’m no Lara Croft hater, I actually enjoyed the first movie and think the character isn’t as bad as some people make her out to be, and I’ve heard Tomb Raider Legend is pretty damn good.

But… no. Just no. Sorry, you loseWeight Exercise, good day, sir.


8) PS3 to lead in market share with 44% by 2011 says analyst.”

I admit, I’m skeptical.


9) Photos from THQ’s Wii event.

And interesting note on the speaker… hmm.

But I love the look of the Wiimote in black.


10) Oh, damn. I don’t suppose anyone reading this is Australian and eats at Hungry Jack’s?

Oh well, at least there’s McDonald’s soon.


11) Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! from around the world.


12) Interesting… Wii may scoop PS3 in Australia. Just in time for the Hungry Jack toys, I guess.


13) New Ace Ventura bomb in development.

Presumptuous? Maybe. But without Carrey, no way it’ll do that well, I’m sure.


LBD “Nytetrayn”


Wednesday, August 16th, 2006

Wired takes a look at doujin.

In related news, doujinshi takes a look at Wired, and creates several unauthorized pairings, many of which involve same-sex relations.

LBD “Nytetrayn”

Allsparkers Will See #16 Different From The Rest Of You

Tuesday, August 15th, 2006

1) Reggie’s obviously not a fan of the “Wii60″ movement, as he’d rather have someone buy LOTS of his product than his product and someone else’s, according to his interview with USA Today.

It does make sense to say that, from a business standpoint, and in fairness, I think Peter Moore was trying to slam his #1 competitor in Sony when he began the whole thing, rather than try to promote Nintendo. Simple math tells you that for the price of a PS3, you can get a 360 and a Wii, possibly having to only spend 50 bucks more to have both.

I’m sure that now, we’ll have Moore say he’d rather people invest in 360s and stuff, too(I’m sure he’s thought so all along). I mean, I guess it is an honest preference.

Still, Reggie…

Oh, and here I thought Wii online play was already confirmed as free. My bad.


2) Reissue Soundwave? The one who met his wife in a Christian chatroom?

Sold. If the price isn’t absurd.


3) New Sonic Rivals screens, featuring Silver the Hedgehog.

(he’s the big white thing in some of the screens)


4) Huh, so SEGA is “reviving vintage brands” through other companies, I guess some would argue because they can’t manage the job by themselves. Golden Axe appears to be one such brand under Secret Level’s care, though the others seem to be mysteries.


5) XBox looking at a new controller to improve shooters? And the possible return of trackballs as well?

Be neat if the two coincide, and SEGA can finally release a home port of their arcade “SegaSonic the Hedgehog.”


6) Does this mean that the Penny Arcade creations didn’t work?


7) Oh sweet Jesus, I hope this is true.

I will hug Reggie and cry on Mario’s shoulder if this is true.


8) Then I could Wii my way to health.


9) o/~ Doo-doo-doo… in spoil he did crawl… doo-doo-doo… a super suit did fall… o/~


10) Star Fox Command video preview. Hope it’s as good as Star Fox 2.

I’m unsure about “up is up and down is down,” however.


11) I’ve posted this before, but it bears repeating. A Tetris comedy act from Japan.


12) Metal Gear Solid 2 design secrets translated.

- MGS2 was originally going to be called “Metal Gear Solid III,” for extra confusion and symbolism.

Hah, I love it.

- Raiden was designed partially as “a character in which women can more easily empathize.”

Habeeb it.


13) Why the next gen sucks, in a nutshell.

Bad enough you only really get to see a marked improvement on HD TVs, but that games are coming out unplayable on standard? Oy. Remind me to thank Nintendo again later.


14) Hmm, maybe this whole DS homebrew thing bears another look…


15) Wait, so what’s so positive about this, now?


16) Love Animal Crossing? Then HUG Animal Crossing!


17) IT BURNS! Oh God, why did I click that link?!


18) Ever played Castlevania: Bloodlines for the SEGA Genesis? It might be worth a look, hmm?


19) Awesome. A site with screens of old games from when they were still in development.

Raccoon Mario in Super Mario World? And can that really be Samus?


20) An addendum to yesterday, when I posted about these. There are more than 7 in the collection, including a Princess Peach/Toadstool figure.


21) Will Blu-Ray sink Sony? And what happens(to everyone) if the PS3 fails?


22) Geometry Wars creators ask for people to use their talents for good, not evil.


23) More on Dead Rising, as it seems to be breaking some 360s now. Geeze.


LBD “Nytetrayn”

#5: Wow, I Guess It DIDN’T Turn A Profit…

Tuesday, August 15th, 2006

1) TechTV is back. Sort of.


2) Wow, the original Koopa Kids were going to be in Super Princess Peach? What a rip(no pun intended).


3) Cool, transforming TransFormers: The Movie 20th DVD cover art.


4) Progress on the movies X-Men 4, Wolverine, and Young Magneto.


5) Elsewhere, wow. Superman Returns seems to be underperforming, thus threatening a sequel.


6) GameDaily review’s Chun-Li’s bare boobies.


7) Video preview: Air Mario takin’ it to the hole!


8) If you have some fond memories of Mario caught on video or photographed, and you don’t have a DS Lite or New Super Mario Bros. yet, maybe this is for you.


9) Wii countdown clocks?


10) Hope no one here has a Dell notebook…

And yes, I see who manufactured the battery. This is one of those times we just snicker in private.


11) I have all but the turnip ones somewhere…


12) Penny Arcade talks about the role of PAX in lieu of a full-blown E3.


13) Spong has Nintendo of Europe’s boss on all things Wii.


14) Sony has no plans to cut the price of the PSP. We’ll see.


LBD “Nytetrayn”

The News, part 2.

Monday, August 14th, 2006

So much stuff, I had to take a break. Man’s gotta eat, y’know.

1) I still gotta try Super Mario War sometime. Sounds like it’s changed a little since I last spoke of it.


2) The Best the SEGA CD has to offer.



Stephen Colbert + Internet Ingenuity = Pure Awesomeness.


4) I totally agree with this. I prefer tangible to intangible games ANY day.


5) Oh-ho-ho-ho, I wanna go!


6) 1UP takes a look back at Worlds of Power. I still have some of those books, and I really admire the motivation behind the works, even if the finished projects were… odd, sometimes.

And I agree with PTB that more fiction like that today certainly wouldn’t be a BAD thing, especially if it got people into reading more.


7) *spits*

…yeah, right, see how long THAT lasts…


LBD “Nytetrayn”