Points of Interest
- Doc Neko has updated his page once more with part 2 of Chapter 10 of the Rockman X manga.
Personally, I think they made Launch Octopus’ energy drain attack much cooler here.
- If you’re into sprite comics and like Sonic the Hedgehog(or perhaps better, like Sonic but hate how he’s being used), it might be worth your time to check out one comic called Power Rings. It does a nice job of parodying Sonic as a whole, regardless of medium.
Sort of like Bob & George once was a long, long time ago, before Anez started saying “I couldn’t come up with anything good today, so this’ll just have to do” every other day. Except still better.
shinkuu has brought to my attention this video clip of some neat little Nintendo noisemakers. They look like keychains that each play a different sound from Super Mario Bros..
I want one, naturally.
- The third issue of IDW’s TransFormers: Hearts of Steel comic is out, and Guido was kind enough to put the cover, featuring steampunk versions of Starscream and Ravage, up for your enjoyment, among many other pieces.
In addition, if you ever wondered how a cover like that comes together, G-Man gives you a peek.
- If you’re a fan of Harvest Moon, then you might be interested in the EB/GameStop premium for pre-ordering the DS game.
Aww, how can you not like that?
- More info about that recently-surfaced dev-cart for a lost N64 game, now revealed to be Mini-Racers.
Hmm, I seem to recall being curious about that one.
- Joystiq also takes a look at how to beat World of Warcraft.
Even more dastardly than the X-Men “reset the computer” trick on the Genesis!
- Oh wow, Circuit City found a new way to scam customers.
- Kirin Lemon has the greatest commercial ever.
- Ah, those wacky pirates.
No, not Don Carnage and his crew, but rather the folks out in Hong Kong who managed to produce a NES version of Super Mario World. It really ain’t too shabby, and Press The Buttons has a link to a video of the last stage in action.
- The Allspark has a piece up linking to Ain’t It Cool News about the TransFormers movie, including set reports, an interview, and bits of info from conversations held.
They also link to some more new videos at MyExtra Life.
LBD “Nytetrayn”