Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.-- Dr. Seuss

Archive for the ‘Points of Interest’ Category

Points of Interest

Friday, September 15th, 2006
  1. Thanks to the Allspark, we’ve got a peek at some new images of a test shot of the TransFormers Classics 2-pack version of Optimus Prime.

    This may be more accurate to the original, but I think I like the new version mold a bit more.

    He does sport a nice gun, though.

  2. Missed this the other day, as GameSpy interviews Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden creator Tomonobu Itagaki.

    Whether you like the man or not, I find he carries a unique outlook and makes for an interesting interview.

  3. Go Nintendo has an interview with the father of Pokemon, Tsunekazu Ishihara.
  4. IGN takes a shot at Joystiq, Joystiq shoots back.

    Gee, I wonder if someday it’ll be my turn to be put in my place.

  5. N-Europe asks, “Who killed the GBA?”

    Wasn’t me. Hell, I just beat Yoshi’s Island yesterday, and started working on perfect scores.

LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest

Thursday, September 14th, 2006

*cracks his neck*

*cracks his back*

*cracks his b–*


Anyway, let’s just get on with it.

  1. “M.E.G.A. System Online…”

    For those who do not yet have, or are still unsure about Mega Man ZX, GameTrailers has added a couple of videos, including some gameplay and a video of the intro which shows how the subbing is done for the anime sequences.

  2. In addition, GameTrailers also has a horrifying new Japanese trailer, which features the most terrifying sight of all… Tingle mackin’ it with the ladies! Yikes!

    For some reason, I’m thinking “fantasy game equivalent” of The 40-Year Old Virgin.

  3. And after that, Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden producer Tomonobu Itagaki talks a bitabout all things gaming and announces a title that will make all you Ninja Gaiden fans happy.”

    All this and eyecandy.

  4. Next-Gen links to a video which attempts to capture the history of video gaming in 40 seconds.

    Did they succeed? Let’s watch.

  5. Wii Development interviews via Go Nintendo, volume 2, part 3, section b, quadrant epsilon, codename: Blue Bass.

    aka: “The Sensor Bar.”

  6. The PS3 might be more powerful, the Wii might be more innovative, but dammit, no one can contest that the XBox 360 has them all beat in the field of good taste.
  7. Gaming Horizon(via Joystiq) has come to tell you that the PlayStation 3 does not suck. Here is why.
  8. Hmm, see, now this is what we call a “missed opportunity.”

    Yesterday was the anniversary of the Famicom release of Super Mario Bros. in Japan. What better day than that to have held their press conference?

    On top of that, they could have shown all sorts of cleverness like we used to see in the 90s with things like “Mortal Monday” and “Sonic 2sday” with “Nintendo Wiinesday.”

    Oh well. All we can do now is to weep for opportunities lost.

  9. Remember that funky commercial for Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 a couple of years ago? The one with all the kids rushing out of school to get the game, taking a rather Mario-esque trip through the city to the video game store?

    Here’s how they did it.

  10. At Wal-marts and Toys R Us I have seen the Mario Kart radio controlled racers of Mario, Yoshi, and Donkey Kong, but never have I bought one, much as I’d love to.

    But at least now, I have an assessment, a review if you will, to tell me what I am missing.

  11. Is there such a thing as a funny Wii joke? Elektriq seems to think so, and they’ve listed their 12 favorites.

    3, 6, and 12 are my faves of the lot.

  12. “Whas’ wrong? Is my gearbox hangin’ out or something’?”

    Maybe not, but developer Gearbox did hang out a little with the boys over at Electronic Gaming Monthly to discuss a few things, and Joystiq pulled a few choice tidbits of their founder and president sizing up the systems in the new marketplace.

LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest

Wednesday, September 13th, 2006
  1. Hmm, looks like GameSpot might like Mario Hoops a little more than 1UP.But reading the good vs. bad, it seems that it may only really be worthwhile if two people have the game, and I don’t see that happening anytime soon. Might look into it when the price comes down.
  2. Over at N-Philes, a few of their crew decide to play Point/Counterpoint to determine whether or not Nintendo is placing heavier emphasis on an older demographic?What do you think?

    I think in some ways, yes, but not so much as to cater to them specifically as it feels XBox and PlayStation do, but to try and cover more bases in a “for everyone” sort of way.

  3. And of course, more Wii development interviews.
  4. Kotaku casts eyes upon the Famicom control alarm clock, revealing it’s actually just a little more than simply a clock with a different casing.
  5. Elsewhere, Kotaku tackles the question, “is it ok to have fun on Nine One-One?“While setting it up across from a blood drive IS in bad taste, IMO, I don’t think there’s anything more wrong with it. Really, the two should’ve worked together, if anything.
  6. Congratulations to Press The Buttons for reaching 1,000 entries. To celebrate, MattG has linked to some favorites.Here’s hoping I can get to that number and beyond.
  7. How can I not mention this?N-Europe reports that Mario Visits Oxford… Street.

    I admit, I would love to meet the man, in any event. But I still love the headline just because.

  8. Ah, and so 1UP’s Jeremy Parish adds his 2 Zenny about the latest Mega Man release, giving it a score of 7.5 – “Dynamite.”
  9. And finally, I just wanted to promote a few Flash videos I’ve enjoyed:The Thwomps

    The Thwomps 2

    The Thwomps 3

    They get progressively better, I love the third. :) ? And Nightwish helps. :D

LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest

Tuesday, September 12th, 2006
  1. Star Fox Command developers Takaya Imamura and Dylan Cuthbert give GameDaily a moment of their time to discuss the making of the cautiously-anticipated title.

    But dammit, when are we going to get our transforming Arwings? It’s a little annoying that they keep scrapping the concept.

  2. Remember Ironhide and Ratchet? Well, those two are going to be in the TransFormers movie, and The Allspark has the pictures of their vehicle modes.

    It’s funny, a little while back, the notion that Ratchet might be anything but an ambulance seemed to draw ire from fans(after all, if you’re going to use a firetruck, why not go ahead and use a character who already IS a firetruck, like Hot Spot or Inferno?). Now, it feels like there’s a lot more things to take precedent in that regard.

  3. Man, these days, you just can’t tell who has the worst ads.

    I still like the one where the shootout breaks out at a train station or something, though.

  4. Hmm, I wonder if Dairy Queen is running this contest in Canada? I need a PS2 anyway, so either prize works for me.

    I could see people being pissed off, though, if they had to take a PS2 instead of a PS3. Me, I’d probably just raise some sort of Hell on principle.

  5. Wow.

    Forget Dr. Light, Dr. Wily, or Dr. Eggman. James the Angry Nintendo Nerd pays tribute to THE greatest mad scientist of all time, Dr. Emmett L. Brown as played by Christopher Lloyd in Back To The Future in 1.21 GIGAWATTS.

    It’s mostly looping and such tricks, but it’s still a fun watch.

LBD “Nytetrayn”

The PMO Weekend Edition

Monday, September 11th, 2006
  1. If you live in Norway(or just would rather import) and have not yet jumped on the Nintendo DS bandwagon, it seems there may yet be some good news coming your way.

    QJ.net reports on a special DS bundle package which celebrates the 20th anniversary of the Nintendo Entertainment System’s launch in Norway.

    The package, besides having a spiffy NES celebration motif, contains a Black DS Lite(not yet available in the US, btw), New Super Mario Bros., and the NES Classics Super Mario Bros. GBA game. That’s quite a nice pack of Mario Madness.

    And if you can find a place that’d import all that for you, the bundle goes for 1,595 Norwegian Kroners, or about $245 US, versus the 2000 Kroners (around $305-310) it would normally take there.

    But this would appear to be a limited-stock item, so if this item appeals to you, then don’t delay.

  2. TransFormers news aplenty coming from over at The Allspark.

    First up is report of an eBay auction for a pre-release version of Classics Grimlock.

    Classics will be a hard line to resist, and I must say, this toy is looking really good, perhaps even better than I’d hoped from the hard-to-see photos taken earlier this year. My only real gripe is that the sword seems to be fixed in bayonette mode, instead of one he can swing like in the old days. That and the handheld tail makes for a decent homage to Pretender Classics Grimlock, though.

    Additionally, the Japanese trademark patenting office has shown to us what will be prototypes for Classics Jetfire and Ramjet, as well as Classics Prime and Starscream.

    I want Jetfire SO bad now… the fully-completed form should have his added armor and weapons, from what we’ve seen.

  3. Via Seibertron, The Allspark also brings us a look at movie Bumblebee, as seen from above as he’s on his back.

    Rather nice, though I question the placement of a license plate on his crotch. Can you imagine some thug lifting that and then realizing what he grabbed after the fact?

    In fact, now that I’ve thought about it, I want that scene in the movie. Guy would probably be all like “Aww, man, I just grabbed that dude’s–wait, you are a dude, right? Aww, MAN!!!!” *drops the plate and shakes his hands*

  4. And finally, the baddest TransFormer sporting only one eye is getting his very own one-shot comic in TransFormers Spotlight: Shockwave, for which the first five pages can be seen here.

    …oh, and who’s that trailing our favorite transforming cyclops at the end there…?

  5. Wow, Nintendo’s really kicking some ass… sort of.

    In Japan, the GameCube is outselling the XBox 360, and the DS is obliterating the PSP.

    Funny to think then that there are those who have sworn that Nintendo would be getting out of the hardware business not all that long ago…

  6. Disney and Pixar’s Cars is coming home on November 7th, and it looks to be packing in a nice bevy of features.

    I really wish I’d gotten to see that one in theaters, but alas…

    …incidently, I still need to get Toy Story and Toy Story 2.

  7. Game|Life has a piece up about the late Mr. Gumpei Yokoi, whose 65th birthday would have been yesterday.

    I wish I had more to say myself, except that I am sorry that he had departed the world in such a way, and I wish he were still around today.

  8. Hey, remember that crazy-awesome Japanese commercial for The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past? Go Nintendo has found someone to make sense of it all.

    Interesting stuff… it even shows you step-by-step how to… er, “Do the Zelda?”

  9. Go Nintendo also links to an interesting video of a game show from long ago, where the Nintendo Ultra 64 was shown off, but was well behind schedule.

    It’s most interesting to see a pre-release version of Super Mario 64 or the F-Zero-esque speedboats of Wave Race 64 as they originally were, prior to being finalized for launch.

  10. Wow, the Beatles really stick it to the PS3.

    …ok, not really. Kind of an amusing video, but a bit heavy-handed.

  11. Guess Game|Life has either fallen behind or abandoned the interview Nintendo Prez Mr. Iwata conducted with the Wii development crew. Fortunately, there are still ways to view other parts of it, including Part 2 and Part 3.

    It may be stuff no one here cares about, but sometimes it can be interestin to find out what they were thinking with some things, such as “fanless at night.”

    The end also offers this interesting little tidbit:

    “Wii is the first machine that Nintendo can update its OS(Operating System). So, possiblity of Wii can be enlarged in the future. You can look forward to this feature, and I am very excited about it too.”

  12. Burn.

    Long story short: It seems there are GameStop employees who are not at all above knowingly selling counterfeit games, in this case a Game Boy Advance title.

    I’ve seen a suspicious Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 at an EB around here, too…

LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest

Friday, September 8th, 2006
  1. These are great if you like Phoenix Wright, and perhaps even if you don’t.

    Jean the Fox over at the Gyakuten Saiban LJ Group posted these Newgrounds Flashes, titled “Phoenix Wrong.”

    These are short but quite amusing, so take a moment to watch.

    Phoenix Wrong

    Phoenix Wrong Rides Again

    Phoenix Wrong 3

  2. Members of GameSpot and GameSpot UK give their reactions to the news of the PS3′s delayed UK launch.

    While not exactly happy, they seem to be taking the whole PS3 thing rather well.

  3. They’re at it again.

    Joystiq tells us the goons over at Something Awful are once again taking the first amendment to its very breaking point as they once more target the wide(and apparently tasty) world of video games in the latest edition of their infamous Photoshop Phridays.

  4. Kotaku takes on Wired in a debate over the state of saves in games.

    As Kotaku mentions, most other mediums allow you to pretty much pick up right where you left off, and I think games should be more forgiving in that sort of regard. In fact, I was recently playing Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow for the first time since I got it for my wife last Christmas, and was pleased to see that in addition to traditional save points, there was a sort of “quick save” option on the pause screen that basically kept everything as it is, but could only be used to continue one time.

    That’s what we need more of. Something that allows you to stop whenever you need to and pick up later. Because let’s face it, parents and such people can be pretty damn impatient sometimes, and getting to the nearest save point just isn’t a favorable option.

LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest

Friday, September 8th, 2006
  1. Following up on the little TransFormers: Armada-rama yesterday, I decided to celebrate 23 years of He-Man my own way, with links to some of my favorite YouTube pieces.

    First, going back to the beginning with the original intro.

    Next, we skip forward a few years to the opening to The New Adventures of He-Man, which was actually a lot better than just the intro might lead you to believe.

    A decade and change later, we have Optimus Prime himself, Peter Cullen, introducing us to a new era of Masters of the Universe on Toonami, with a 30-second teaser and a one-minute trailer as well.

    It only suits to follow with the 2002 opening, as well as Masters of the Universe vs. The Snake Men.

    And for the otaku out there, the Japanese intro to Ginga no Masters.

    One of my favorite battles, this was at the end of season 1 as He-Man takes on Skeletor’s entire army at once.


    Before the next bit, parts from one of my favorite episodes in the series, a look back to the original series, or rather She-Ra, as Skeletor and Hordak face off.

    Now, ever wonder where He-Man gets his power from? Well, here’s a bit to help fill you in from “The Power of Grayskull.”

    King Grayskull faces off with the Snake Men, and has his first encounter with Hordak.

    Afterwards, the Horde makes preparations to move in to take over Eternia.

    And finally, King Grayskull faces Hordak and the evil Horde head-on.

    As a bonus, here’s an amusing tribute in “She-Man and the Masters of the Azuverse.”

    Hope you enjoy these as much as I have.

  2. Joystiqer Blake Snow has difficulties with the left shoulder buttons.

    Do you feel his pain?

  3. Game|Life’s Chris Kohler gives an overview of the Japanese interview with the Wii development team, conducted by Nintendo’s own president, Satoru Iwata.

    It’s only the first part, but sort of an interesting look into the process that lead to the development of the most unique system of this generation.

  4. BBC blasts Sony, citing they’ve “disappointed fans again.”
  5. I still don’t agree with this.

    “A bit predictable, and it makes sense, especially for Europe: why release it on a dead system only?”

    …who said anything about “only?” Wii can play GameCube games, so if anything, it’d be a dual-platform game if anything. Would it kill them to make a branding label that says “Wii/GameCube” on it?

  6. The death of cinematics?

    I’m really not sure how I feel about this. “Cut scenes” in some games, like MegaMan Battle Network, can get downright annoying if you’re forced to endure them more than once. On the other, some are totally worth it.

    And then you have things like the sequences in Super Metroid, or even New Super Mario Bros., where less is more. A lot more.

  7. Tingle RPG + Hard Gay = Massive Win

    Admit it, you know in your heart for it to be true.

  8. Nintendo of Korea in just one word: Yeow.

LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest

Thursday, September 7th, 2006
  1. First up, just wanted to share some goodies I found on YouTube.

    Some of you have no doubt seen TransFormers: Armada, overall probably one of the least-positively received cartoons out of the entire 20+ year history of TransFormers.

    For me personally, while it had a few neat moments and bits here and there, it’s all about the last episode, “Mortal Combat.” And finally, thanks to the miracle of YouTube, you can see it for yourself(if you haven’t before).

    For the most part, forget all the good and bad about the series. This ep gives us what I personally think is one of the best Optimus Prime vs. Megatron(or Galvatron, as the case may be) battles ever, even if some of the surrounding stuff is a little peculiar.

    First up is the opening.

    Part 1, the recap of what’s going on, the setup, and the start to the battle.

    Part 2, the battle rages.

    Part 3, the resolution.

    And as a bonus treat, someone redubbed the fight scene to The Touch, by Stan Bush from the original TransFormers movie.

  2. While on the subject of YouTube, Lyra Silverblade brought to my attention a cool stop-motion Space Invaders recreation, using people sitting in a theater to recreate the action. Very nicely done.
  3. In a follow-up to the best guest stars on The Simpsons, IGN now brings us their “Top 25 Simpsons Peripheral Characters.”

    Professor Frink is all about the win, baby. And Fat Tony rocks.

  4. With word that Tecmo will be taking part in Nintendo’s Virtual Console on Wii, IGN takes a look back at the company’s first game, Rygar, and assesses whether or not it’s likely to make the cut.

    Me? I hope so. I never played it much myself, it was more like one of those games I’d watch my parents play(though I’d mess around a bit). I should give it a shot myself.

  5. As IGN promised, a look at the new BioMetals from Mega Man ZX.

    I’m kind of liking Model PX myself… or maybe I like FX more… but then there’s…

  6. Next-Gen sits down and takes a look at the troubles of the PS3 which Sony’s new publicist must contend with.

    All I can say is, man, good luck. You’re going to need it.

  7. Go Nintendo has an interesting exclusive, an interview with Star Fox Command’s producer and director.

    (Incidently, I wouldn’t say that “many” of the past Star Fox games were on-rails shooters…)

  8. Hey, remember when Uwe Boll called out anyone who’d criticized his movies to meet him in the ring for a boxing match?

    Well, Joystiq has footage of the first match.

    Can’t say I’m impressed with his opposition, though I guess if you’re going to pick your battles, pick someone who can’t take a punch…

  9. I don’t know about anyone else, but this is how I first learned to use a mouse.
  10. Kotaku comes through with the easy way to slaughter 60,000 zombies in Dead Rising, thereby earning yourself that weapon of weapons, the Mega-Buster.

LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest

Wednesday, September 6th, 2006
  1. Over at Busta Toons’ He-Man and She-Ra blog, there’s quite a few entries added to celebrate the 23rd birthday(as of yesterday) of one of Eternia’s greatest heroes.
  2. Over at The Mega Man Network, Jaxel has begun a MMN Podcast(hey, why wasn’t I invited?) to cover some issues prevalent in the Mega Man fandom right now, such as “What should we do about the PSP titles?”, “The differences we have observed in Japanese and American fans,” and “Lack of Engrish Voice acting in ZX.”

    So give it a listen if you’ve got the chance, and tell ‘im what you think.

  3. OnNintendo has posted some links to some amusing Nintendo-related bits, including “Kill the Old Man From Zelda,” “Shoot the Dog From Duck Hunt,” “The Ghosts of the NES,” and my favorite, “Mario vs. Carlos Mencia.”
  4. Go Nintendo wins for posting some samples from the Gyakuten Saiban(“Phoenix Wright” to us gaijin) orchestra CD.

    Truth be told, these are pretty cool, and Vif you like the games, you’re no doubt going to have a more profound appreciation than someone who doesn’t, or hasn’t played them yet.


  5. Via Go Nintendo, Siliconera has an article up that covers the many BioMetals of Mega Man ZX.

    It’s worth a quick look if you’re interested in the game, but haven’t been following the news of it too closely.

  6. IGN takes a look at the Top 25 Simpsons Guest Appearances.

    Stephen Hawking for the win, IMO. Well, after Albert Brooks and Jon Lovitz.

  7. Kotaku posts an amusing video featuring Dead Rising‘s Frank West as Mega Man from the start, with some newly-dubbed dialogue added as well.

    Warning, profanity ensues.

    I do like how the helmet has “MegaMan” right on it. Ha, just like real MM merchandise!

  8. Wow, “the world’s most convoluted controller” is right.

    If not, then it’s tied with the Atari Jaguar, at least.

  9. Awhile back, a thread came up at the GAF forums dedicated to posting images from games that were in development, which ended up looking different by the end.

    Now, again thanks to Press the Buttons, comes word of a new site by the name of Unseen64, dedicated to archiving as many pre-release images of games as possible.

    Seems Nintendo is the most standard fare there, but it is by no means exclusive to that.

    …I still want a Super Mario World that looks more like that one.

LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest

Monday, September 4th, 2006
  1. There’s Something About Mario

    I wonder if things will be like this when I have kids…

    Good to know he still ranks high among kids.

  2. GoNintendo has posted several new images from Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis for the GBA.

    Be funny if we got a Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Genesis later, followed by a GBA lock-on Sonic & Knuckles Genesis.

  3. Somehow, I just never got into the Donkey Kong Country cartoon like I wanted to.
  4. Joystiq and Digg report on GameFAQs’ Top 10 games of 1988.

    Ah, what a wonderful time in gaming. I could do without Forgotten Worlds or Guardian Legend(maybe I should give those two another go sometime) on the list, but sit me down with any of the rest of those even today, and I’ll be kept happy for awhile.

    Contra is beauty in its simplicity, Zelda II was an interesting form of departure and evolution for the series(that really ought to see a spiritual successor), Mega Man II made a good thing even better, arguably defining what a sequel should be, Bionic Commando was a uniquely fun and engrossing experience that has yet to be matched, and only touched upon once in a GBC sequel, Double Dragon II… what can you say? Castlevania II remains one of my favorites in the series, Ninja Gaiden is what Hell would be like if Hell were addictive, and Super Mario Bros. 3 needs no words.

  5. Try and get someone around here to do that for minimum wage.
  6. Oh, and another interview with Shia LaBeouf regarding his role in the TransFormers movie, and some possible spoilers.

LBD “Nytetrayn”