Points of Interest
- Hmm, looks like GameSpot might like Mario Hoops a little more than 1UP.But reading the good vs. bad, it seems that it may only really be worthwhile if two people have the game, and I don’t see that happening anytime soon. Might look into it when the price comes down.
- Over at N-Philes, a few of their crew decide to play Point/Counterpoint to determine whether or not Nintendo is placing heavier emphasis on an older demographic?What do you think?
I think in some ways, yes, but not so much as to cater to them specifically as it feels XBox and PlayStation do, but to try and cover more bases in a “for everyone” sort of way.
- And of course, more Wii development interviews.
- Kotaku casts eyes upon the Famicom control alarm clock, revealing it’s actually just a little more than simply a clock with a different casing.
- Elsewhere, Kotaku tackles the question, “is it ok to have fun on Nine One-One?“While setting it up across from a blood drive IS in bad taste, IMO, I don’t think there’s anything more wrong with it. Really, the two should’ve worked together, if anything.
- Congratulations to Press The Buttons for reaching 1,000 entries. To celebrate, MattG has linked to some favorites.Here’s hoping I can get to that number and beyond.
- How can I not mention this?N-Europe reports that Mario Visits Oxford… Street.
I admit, I would love to meet the man, in any event. But I still love the headline just because.
- Ah, and so 1UP’s Jeremy Parish adds his 2 Zenny about the latest Mega Man release, giving it a score of 7.5 – “Dynamite.”
- And finally, I just wanted to promote a few Flash videos I’ve enjoyed:The Thwomps
They get progressively better, I love the third.
? And Nightwish helps.
LBD “Nytetrayn”