Misquotation is, in fact, the pride and privilege of the learned. A widely- read man never quotes accurately, for the rather obvious reason that he has read too widely. -- Hesketh Pearson

Archive for the ‘Points of Interest’ Category

Points of Interest – 2/9/07

Friday, February 9th, 2007
  1. Sure, most of the talk on PMO regards video games, comics, toys, and such related things, but by no means are we (we=me) limited to such things here! Oh no, not at all.

    Which is why I’m happy to pass along this interesting little piece. mjp found a site full of Top Secret Recipes for all that good stuff you’ve had in restaurants and around.

    Applebee’s Honey Grilled Salmon? McDonald’s Arch Deluxe? White Castle Burgers?

    All here.

    There is a charge for some recipes, however, 79 cents. But there are also a LOT of freebies as well, so it’s definitely worth a look, especially if a favorite you know was pulled from the restaurant’s menu.

  2. A relic from a few years past, I followed a trail of Castlevania links earlier for reasons I don’t even recall, and came across this newsgroup posting of an EGM interview with Koji “IGA” Igarashi, held prior to the release of Lament of Innocence on the PS2.

    He speaks on a few things, such as the removal of some stories in the timeline, and the temporary change the series saw in Japan to have its name match the rest of the world.

    Pity that last part didn’t stick, I hope he allows his vision to continue in that direction anyway.

  3. If you’re a fan of Phoenix Wright, you owe it to yourself to check this out.

    Knowledge of Superman helps too, specifically Bizarro, but isn’t required.

  4. If you dig fancomics and things of that nature, and like TransFormers, then it may be of interest to you to check out Courage Under Fire by Kris “Drivaaar” Carter, courtesy of The Allspark.
  5. Anyone who grew up with Steven Spielberg’s Tiny Toon Adventures remembers “Weenie-Burgers,” favorite food of Hamton J. Pig and the others.

    While it may not be quite the same thing, it seems that Hardee’s(and perhaps their non-Southern equivalent, Carl Jr’s) has gone ahead and created their own version.

    I may have to try one the next time I visit home… I do so love a challenge.

  6. So long as Tiny Toons is mentioned, I may as well ask if anyone remembers Super Plucky-o Bros.

    Cute design for Plucky there, I gotta say. And hey, proto-Mega Mario!

    At the end, they also seem to have a good idea of where consoles seem to be headed as well.

  7. People who watch anime that has been dubbed always bitch about the voices.


    I’m not so much saying that everyone does it, but rest assured, no matter how good a job you may think they did, someone else doesn’t like it.

    Well, newsflash. It’s not like they do much better, really.

  8. Over at Nintendo of America, NOA_Rufus has posted a small article discussing collecting player’s guides; how old ones are coming in handy again, and how best to track them down.

    A damn shame that today’s guides just aren’t as interesting as the old ones, unless you’re getting some shrink-wrapped hardbound foil-embossed special edition…

  9. Nintendo DS: the perfect Valentine’s Day gift?
  10. Add another to the pile, as GameSpot previews Sonic and the Secret Rings (two pages no less), with an explanation for why Sonic’s chest is on fire. Then there’s an interview and new movies as well.

    And SPOnG! They have an interview, too!

    For fans in Japan, there’s a demo disc to be had.

    Damn, I just wish this game would be out already!

  11. Meanwhile, GameDaily affirms what most people have already determined about Sonic the Hedgehog for PS3:

  12. For fans of Lunar Knights and MegaMan Star Force, Go Nintendo has found a neat crossover wallpaper.
  13. Slashdot found an article that asks what I myself have wondered. Is gaming really a spectator sport?

    Then again, I’m ill-qualified to judge. The only thing close to a spectator sport that I can stand to watch (unless I’m there in person) is wrestling. Nevermind the arguments of whether it even deserves the label…

  14. “German Past Haunts Gamers’ Future”, or “Half of Why European Gaming Sucks The Bag.”
  15. Just got this from Wolf, and it’s just too cool and nicely done not to share:

    Note, however that this is 100% FAKE! The “IGN” logo disappears where Sonic is, the Smash Bros. footage is from the original teaser from E3, and Sonic’s bits are from the latest Secret Rings trailer.

    I’m only posting this because a) it looks cool, and b) to support the idea.

  16. When Worlds Collide…

    World of Warcraft meets Super Mario Bros.

    Or maybe we should just call it “Super Mario World of Warcraft.”

    Whatever you call it, it sure is… interesting.

  17. Ok, so how precisely does this work?

    Is he saying that if you find an unsold PS3, he’ll give you $1,200 to buy it? Just for finding it?

    I could use the money, and would love to collect.

  18. ScrewAttack.com, via Kotaku and GameTrailers, takes a look at the 10 “Coolest” video game characters.
  19. Sonic the Hedgecat.
  20. 1up.com has a new feature up, taking a look at five games that never made it to store shelves, and why.
  21. Once more, the retro is rounded up, thanks to Jeremy Parish’s weekly update.

    This week, Vigilante manages to Gain Ground in Super Mario World.

    Also, Root Beer Tapper is being served on XBox Live Arcade.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 2/8/07

Thursday, February 8th, 2007
  1. Was looking up Demolition Man on Wikipedia (don’t ask why, I don’t even remember myself), and one thing lead to another, and I wound up watching a clip of Demolition Man on SEGA CD. And I have to say, it looks like a game I’d have enjoyed back in the day, perhaps even still today. I think my favorite parts in this little bit are the bungee-jumps.

    As a bonus, one of my favorite scenes from the movie. Be warned, plenty of naughty language.

  2. Other video fun today is a new “Phoenix Wrong” Flash movie, and “What it’s like in Japan.” Good, quick fun.
  3. IDW has a preview of issue 1 of their prequel comic for the upcoming TransFormers movie, featuring art by the Nothing-Short-Of-Awesome Don Figueroa, and co-written by Simon Furman and Chris Ryall.

    Speaking of the movie, there are also pics of Megatron on the set. I still can’t tell what’s what, though.

  4. 1up.com has a two-sided interview with The Angry Video Game Nerd, as well as his IRL alter-ego.

    Sort of.

    Actually, it’s a blogger’s interview. Which is sort of too bad, I wouldn’t mind seeing something like that front-paged.

    I don’t get as much time as I’d like to play games, but I do enjoy reliving my childhood with NES classics as well as digging up some old games that I didn’t have when I was a kid. I play the Wii with friends and bring a Nintendo DS around with me. Usually the games I play are remakes/sequels of classics like The New Super Mario Bros and Zelda: Twilight Princess. I’m definitely living in the past, but I try to pay attention to new stuff as well. We’ve come a loooong way since Pong.

    A man after my own heart.

  5. Differences between versions of a game are nothing new, especially when one is a port in a different generation. As such, Diddy Kong Racing DS is no different, and via Evil Avatar, GWN takes a look at ten key differences between the new DS racer and its N64 origin.

    Speaking of which, the game has not been simply reviewed, but metareviewed.

    And the verdict?

    Seems to be pretty good, but no Mario Kart.

  6. GameSpot UK has a bit of a Q&A with Yojiro Ogawa, producer of Sonic and the Secret Rings, to find out more about Sonic’s newest game, which could very well make or break the franchise in the eyes of a number of gamers.

    Not to be left out, CVG has one, too.

    On a related note, Go Nintendo reports that the official US website is now open.

  7. I have no idea how good or how bad the Death Note game for DS is/will be, but with Konami, I’m hopeful. And as a result, I would consider it absolutely criminal if it were not brought to the US.
  8. Seems Go Nintendo and I are in agreement over what will follow Manhunt to Wii.

    Has Nintendo made a deal with the devil?

  9. Now you too can own your very own Halo-ish suit of armor. Because the guy who made it is broke.

    Guess the government didn’t buy into it.

  10. Wow, here’s something I thought I’d never see.

    Way back when The Wizard hit theaters to promote Super Mario Bros. 3, there was a limited-edition copy of Nintendo Power known as Pocket Power.

    And because my parents seemed to refuse to take me to anything like TransFormers: The Movie of The Wizard as a kid, I missed out completely.

    But no more! Even though I’ve yet to see a life-size Optimus Prime die before my very eyes, I can at least now get to see what went into Nintendo’s promotional magazine for myself, all thanks to Kotaku.

    So at least I’m halfway to fulfilling those moments I missed in my childhood.

  11. Aeropause, via Consumerist, via Kotaku, asks…

    …wait, I forget.

    Oh, right, they ask “is a game new if GameStop’s already opened it?”

    You can probably guess the answer.

  12. Poor Capcom Studio 8. I always thought they were kind of neat, despite the stink people threw about Final Fight: Streetwise. I mean, they did have Maximo to balance that out, and nicely so.

    How fortunate then, that Kotaku came across some of development art for a planned third game, which will unfortunately not come to pass.

    Personally, I thought Maximo made a grand successor to Arthur as the Ghosts n’ Goblins type of hero.

  13. So, rumor has it that Bowser hates Mario.

    Damned if I know why, though, because YouTube’s being a real lemon tonight.

  14. Finally, JUST got this off of wrestleyoucrew, a listing of fan laws for wrestling. They’re funny because they’re true, but odds are the ones who will find it funniest are the ones who don’t mind that truth, either.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 2/7/07

Wednesday, February 7th, 2007
  1. Looks like some of the Sonic fandom have gotten their first taste of Secret Rings over at The Sonic Stadium.

    But, do they like it?

    New screens are present, too, including the SSR version of Eggman.

    On a related note, GameTrailers has two new vids posted for your pleasure.

    And to top all that off, The Official UK Nintendo Magazine has an interview with the game’s producer, Yojiro Ogawa, about the game and other Sonic-Wii-related items… such as the possibility of an appearance at a certain Brawl

  2. Charlie Brown? For Atari 2600?

    Good grief.

  3. Evil Avatar reports of 10 Commandments by GamingNexus for the next console release cycle.

    I do like #1, I must say, but they’re all good.

  4. Definitely one of the stranger things to show up, a version of Super Mario Bros. for Genesis, which borrows a bit of visual influence from the Super Mario All-Stars version of the same name, but plays like Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers, except not as much fun.
  5. Speaking of Mario, Super Mario World is good.

    Just thought you should know that.

  6. Nintenphone? Phonintendo?

    Call it what you want, hard to say if it’ll see light… but I can’t imagine playing games on it.

  7. EVERYone wants a piece of The Man, Koji “IGA” Igarashi, and GameDaily is no different.

    “Castlevania producer Koji Igarashi talks about his upcoming PSP game, Dracula X Chronicles, his love for Monty Python and the other game he?s been itching to make.”

  8. Viva Pinata is for girls. Bill Gates says so.
  9. “The Wii Is a Plastic Box of Death”

    No comments, this one speaks for itself.

  10. Ah, gaming mascots. What ever happened?
  11. I’m not so sure that I’d have been so nice to one Jack Thompson.

    In fact, I won’t even write what I might have said in that position here, but rest assured, it would not have been nice, and to be honest, is probably over the line, even for people who hate Thompson.

    Damn, though, doesn’t he have any ambulances to chase? I swear, he embodies all the worst qualities of the American legal system, specifically in how his solution to everything is “sue.”

    …wonder if that’s his wife’s name, too.

  12. Best. High school. Dance. Ever.

    Seriously, I’d have gone to that in school.

    Alone, undoubtedly.


  13. Ever since seeing this ad, oh so long ago, I’ve wanted to at least give Splatterhouse a try.

    And now, we have TG16 games on Virtual Console. Life is good.

  14. Charles Martinet, voice of Mario, speaks briefly on Super Mario Galaxy.

    The bad part is that there’s no audio of him saying this here.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 2/6/07

Tuesday, February 6th, 2007
  1. Well, it seems that bashing Boston for their exploitation of Turner Broadcasting is the “in” thing to do now, and rightfully so.

    So much, in fact, that even The LA Times have gotten in on it.

  2. This may just be the greatest custom car since Pikachu.
  3. If the Wii is still too hard to find or costs too much for your retrogaming fix, maybe the FC Twin is the answer you need.
  4. What self-respecting gamer wouldn’t want a genuine arcade machine in their home?

    Lucky thing that Amazon apparently sells them.

    DDR, anyone?

  5. Nintendo.

    Valentine’s Day.

    A match made in Heaven?

    Or in Hell?

    You be the judge.

  6. GameTrailers has added an interview with Castlevania producer Koji Igarashi, who speaks about the new features and enhancements going into the new PSP jewel.
  7. Matt Groening chats a bit about Futurama and its future as straight-to-DVD movies… and new TV episodes.
  8. onNintendo says that Wii Play is their first pick for February. See why!
  9. An ad for Ghost Rider just played on the TV.

    Somehow, it’s not looking as good as I’d hoped.

  10. The NeoGAF forums, via Go Nintendo, gives the down and dirty details on just what goes on inside an EB Games.


  11. And my internet went out for a bit there, so we might be condensing things a little from here on out.

  12. Yet more EGM retro reviews, to correspond with recent and future Virtual Console releases.
  13. Via Go Nintendo, a vast and varied collection of artistically different Marios.
  14. And speaking of Mario, The Sun in the UK has an interview with Charles Martinet, the voice of the plumber.
  15. For the gearheads out there who know their chips and their bits: how the Wii remote works.
  16. Koji Igarashi, producer of Konami’s famed Castlevania games, talks a bit about Wii and DS.
  17. For those who have beaten The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, or are simply unphased by spoilers, Game|Life talks a bit about it, as well as where the series may be going in the future.
  18. Perhaps more of the Penny Arcade duo than I’d really wish to see.

    Long sleeves and pants, please!

    …actually, they sort of remind me of Mega Man like that. This demands fanart!

  19. Lego Bowser pwnz you all.
  20. Ok, EB can just go to Hell for this one.

    They’re like parasites… I mean, they’re literally charging 800 times retail price for a game, USED.

  21. I dare them to try this in Boston.

    It’ll be interesting to see if Pittsburg bites into that same bitter apple, though.

  22. Ok, don’t get me wrong, I love the GTA-styled Coke commercial, but I thought the point of the Super Bowl (besides some game… bowling or something, I guess) was to spend inordinate and absurd amounts of money on new advertising, some of which may never be seen again.

    So why the reruns, Coke? This is not the real thing!

  23. If you like The Goonies, then Kotaku has plenty to say as they go on something of a rant after introducing a piece of old arcade art.
  24. Q: “How would you improve Gears of War?”

    A: Put it on Wii. Otherwise, I probably don’t really have an opinion, not having been able to play it and all.

  25. Welcome, to 24 years ago.

    Welcome, to Dungeons & Dragons, the most fun you can have playing a game that doesn’t involve the word “video,” provided you have a competent guy running things and at least one guy who knows half the rules by heart.

  26. Write your own “bad Sonic game” joke.

    Hell, add it in the comments. We need more comments around here. YOU PEOPLE ARE TOO BLOODY QUIET!!!

  27. In a most startling revelation, 1up.com’s Jeremy Parish says that Castlevania: Symphony of the Night sucks!

    Frankly, though, I’m hoping they add in the bonus stuff to the PSP version with a higher quality. Maria looks like she could be fun as hell to play as.

  28. N-Europe’s Fire Flower asks, “When was the last time you truly completed a game?”

    At the rate I’m going, Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin may be my next. Barring that, I’m playing safe and saying New Super Mario Bros.

  29. I admit it. I tried scalping a new system once. And I sure learned my lesson.

    A lesson that this fellow has learned a much, much harsher way, thanks to the grey market of the PlayStation 3.

    Oh, and my poison of choice?

    The PSP.

    Lucky I kept the receipt.

    All the same, though, this guy’s story is still kind of sad. I mean, he wanted to get a good engagement ring for his girlfriend of seven freakin’ years. It’s hard to fault a guy on that.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 2/3/07

Saturday, February 3rd, 2007
  1. I’m pretty sure this is a joke. Regardless, it’s a funny one.
  2. In light of the… er, “tragic” happenings in Boston this past week, how about grabbing a little something to make sure you “never forget, 1/31/06?”
  3. A new TransFormers Classic has been reviewed, as Ben Yee takes a closer look at the Autobot spy Mirage.
  4. Sonic the Hedgehog has finally arrived on the Sony PlayStation 3. Does it surpass its 360 namesake on the Q end of of things?

    Here’s what GameSpot thinks of it.

  5. On the polar opposite end of the spectrum, they also look into how Contra III fares in this day and age.

    In addition, it also highlights the control-scheme failings of the Virtual Console quite handily, as well. Could Super Mario World fall into the same trapping?

  6. For those into 3-D art, IGN has a peek at how Marvel may be using such imagery to help aid in their artwork, the example cited being the Avengers Tower, complete with Sentry’s Watchtower.
  7. Conan O’Brien, in boxers, with Serena Williams, playing Wii.
  8. “I am Cornholio! I need TP for my bookshelf!

    Eh, close enough.

  9. Slashdot reports on who the real winners of the Console War are: the PS2 and DS.
  10. I’m not sure I agree with Joystiq’s Dennis McCauley on this. Even if it may be better for the industry, how much, and for how long?

    Then again, I’ve always despised catering to ignorance rather than educating it.

  11. Little Spartans, big adventures.

    I’m sure this isn’t what most gamers have in mind when they think of a portable Halo, but it ain’t bad, neither.

  12. Yesterday, in 1994, an echidna was born.

    And fans have bickered ever since.

  13. The Legend of Pauline?

    Also known as “Zelda Kong,” a neat mash-up art piece, drawn before your eyes.

  14. In an industry that provides us with such bizarre oddities as Mario, Katamari, Sonic, and Loco Roco, is it any wonder that perhaps some developers can’t handle all its pressures?

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 2/2/07

Friday, February 2nd, 2007
  1. More death than you’re likely to see on a normal Friday.
  2. Stuff like this is what’s helped Nintendo appeal more to their audience as opposed to say, Sony, who might try to say something like… oh, I don’t know… this, maybe:

    “Because we’re in that leadership position, there are a lot of expectations thrust upon us and some of them are a little unrealistic. If we were a distant third in the platform race, people would have a warm spot in their hearts for the good old days of PlayStation and they’d actually root for us to get back on top. But I don’t know if we want to pay the price to get that kind of [love].” — Jack Tretton, CEO and President, Sony Computer Entertainment America President in Issue 213 of Electronic Gaming Monthly

    There are undoubtedly better examples (like the “work more hours” bit, or calling the Wii an “impulse buy that’s not in the same category as PS3,”) but that’s the most recent thing to send sparks a-flyin’.

  3. “It was the best of times, it was blurst of times?!”

    Such as it was 20 years ago, when Captain N: The Game Master and the malformed members of his N-Team took to the airwaves. IGN has taken it upon themselves to remind us what was so good… or not… about the show in their review of the Captain N DVD set.

    Note that on the road of nostalgia, your mileage may vary.

  4. Next-Gen goes in deep with DVD Empire to get the full skinny on why the gaming industry is full of greed.

    Hard to argue some points, like the street dates vs. availability.

  5. Wii: the equivalent of a man tupperware party?
  6. Over at Go Nintendo, RMC looks back at what is oft considered to be the very best Virtual Boy game, and an excellent game in its own right, Virtual Boy Wario Land.
  7. This video of Fire Emblem on Wii looks quite nice. And dig the dragon.
  8. Hey, I play Dead Or Alive for the fighting

    …of course, that’s not the only reason by a long shot… no, there’s also credit cards!

  9. Lo’ and behold, Mr. Parish of 1up.com has brought forth a new installment of his Retro Roundup, wherein he judges the worth of the week’s latest in downloadable retro gaming goodness.

    I think it ought to be noted that if you’re like me, and don’t give a damn about ghosts and individual rankings being saved, and just want some good racing fun that involves obliterating cartoon characters, Mario Kart 64 is definitely worth the download.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 2/1/07

Thursday, February 1st, 2007
  1. We kick off today’s Points of Interest with a look at the Amazing Journeys feature by Nadia Oxford over at 1up.com. A more positive gaming story, it looks at the trials and tribulations faced by gamers with disabilities, who don’t let physical barriers get in the way of their good fun.

    To these dedicated hobbyists, I say “jolly good show,” and to developers, I say “I hope you’re reading this.”

  2. Over at The Allspark, they’ve posted a new gallery of the TransFormers movie Decepticon known as Blackout.

    Quite a lovely piece, and even comes with his own pet Scorponok!

  3. The potential downside of in-game advertising.
  4. I link to this review of The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past because of one simple, amusing detail…

    In the Good/Bad section, there is no Bad. Not even the header.

  5. You might recall that the President of Nintendo of America is looking to hire an assistant.

    This fact did not escape the brain trust of Penny Arcade. (Warning: language)

    This one cracks me up, largely for the imagery in the last panel. I could go for a poster of just that.

  6. Go Nintendo has found a new, extended trailer for Sonic and the Secret Rings, I believe with a bit more focus on the multiplayer action.
  7. So yesterday, the producer of Capcom’s Lost Planet says that America is ready to whoop Japan on the originality front.

    Ah-ah-ah, BUT! Today, the producer of Capcom’s Okami is now saying that “I think that it is becoming almost ‘impossible’ for an original game to succeed financially.”

    An interesting turnabout, to say the least.

  8. Ok, so we all know that Gizmondo pretty much went nowhere. But, that doesn’t mean they didn’t have somewhere, and now that somewhere can be yours!

    Crap, why doesn’t Nintendo ever unload their stuff like this?

    Still, I don’t know what to think of this. It looks neat, but where would you keep it? Is there any practical use for it?

    Or would your kids simply have the most bitchin’ clubhouse in an 18-mile radius?

  9. I link to this for the caption, and to say that at this point, just as a Nintendo supporter (nevermind an employee), I’d probably respond in the latter fashion.
  10. Remember all those PS3 = Foreman grill jokes and Photoshops?

    Well, now Japan has a sauce for it.

    I really don’t know what else to say.

    “This is eating?”

    Kotaku has more pics, as well as a dispute as to what the text reads.

  11. Well, I say! I’ll never look at Kid Icarus the same way again!

    One might expect better of a young man running around in a toga.

  12. Once more, The New York Times talks about the Wii and PS3, with some choice quotes included, namely the one making the rounds “Wii Nothing More Than ‘Impulse Buy’”.

    Naturally, everyone jumps on it.

    Besides the occassional amusing jab the press throws back at them (the sole reason I even mention this), who really cares?

  13. To end on a better note, shortpacked noted in his journal that some loving attention has been brought to Teletraan-1, the TransFormers Wiki.

    “I think the fans behind Teletraan recognize just how irreconcilable most Transformers continuity is, and try not to sweat inconsistencies or incongruities and just roll with it. That, I can appreciate. It’s got the perfect mix of retentive detail and irreverence.”

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 1/31/07

Wednesday, January 31st, 2007
  1. What a load of crap.

    For those interested, The Angry Video Game Nerd says that MTV News has a clip about viral videos in the mainstream on their site.

    Oh, I’m sorry, did I say for those interested? Let me fix that.

    For those interested in the United States. “Copyrights restrict us from playing this video outside the US.”

    Well, that’s just lovely. “World Wide Web?” Not any more.

    This wouldn’t bug me so much if I hadn’t seen that disclaimer elsewhere, too.

    It’s a total load of bull, plain and simple.

  2. Once upon a time, I got ahold of a two-for-one TransFormers deal at Wal-Mart which included Clocker from Cybertron. Truth be told, though, if I’d had a choice I’d have taken Swerve, a redecorated version of the same mold which BWTF.com has just reviewed.
  3. Press The Buttons has an interesting find, as they look back at Street Fighter: The Movie: The Game, and find out in an ongoing series of posts from Alan Noon on the Shoryuken forums just what went wrong to crank out such a lemon of a game with the Street Fighter name.
  4. Kitties Still <3 Nintendo.
  5. I normally don’t link to GameTrailers’ Virtual Console videos, but…

    Contra III: The Alien Wars?

    Can’t resist that.

    But the co-op trailer… God, tell me the game didn’t really come out this badly on the real thing?

  6. Wow, I totally disagree with GameSpot’s review of Mario Kart 64. It’s probably my favorite version out of the whole series.

    I rather enjoyed several of the tracks here, the higher classes didn’t feel as overwhelming, and the blue shell was nowhere near as obnoxious as in, say, Mario Kart DS. Whatever newer versions might have improved, they also took something else away in my estimation.

    So far, though, I’ve had no problems with the music.

    Maybe if there’s interest (and maybe even if there’s not), I’ll take a more in-depth look at all the Mario Karts… well, except Super Circuit, don’t have that one.

    Over on IGN, a more positive review awaits.

  7. Ok, I’ve heard of mopping the floor with your opponents, but this is ridiculous.

    On a related note, Climactic Ave. takes a look at it, and provides a good test for aspiring beta testers.

  8. Ah, oldschool.

    Go Nintendo has some old EGM review pages scanned, showing what they thought of Contra III: The Alien Wars and “Zelda III” (that’s A Link To The Past to the rest of the world) when they were first released.

    Funny that the former just barely got a higher score than the latter; all 9′s.

    I approve. Of the score that is, not that I’d necessarily say it’s better.

    Oh, and Game|Life has everyone’s favorite (literally, in this case… see for yourself) Mario Kart 64 covered.

  9. PS3 or Wii, and Why? That’s what The New York Times wants to know for their distinguished publication.
  10. I got this in my Inbox, too.

    Stolen Strawberry Shortcake = Serious Business.

    …that’s how I’d have marketed it, anyway. You’d at least have a lock on the 4chan crowd, then.

  11. Tired of having those GameCube ports on your Wii in an out-of-reach place?

    Why not just move them?

    The things people do these days…

  12. Seems that Nintendo’s Japanese-English program for the DS has balls.

    Well, Ball, anyway. Which features balls.

  13. In case you haven’t heard, this came from the Joystiq bird, and I’ve got just one word, for all you Genesis nerds:


  14. Nostradamus, he ain’t.
  15. “This one’s for all the Commonwealth readers out there. Except you, Canada.”


    “Cricket? Nobody understands cricket. You gotta know what a crumpet is to understand cricket.”

  16. Oh. Well. If you want to see the Dead Or Alive movie… for whatever reason… here you go. Have fun (not bloody likely).

    Me? I’m taking a pass on this one. Hitomi’s not even in it, is she?

    Probably for the best.

  17. Bill Gates shilling for Vista on The Daily Show.

    “Unfortunately, Bill doesn’t wax much on video gaming, but Jon Stewart cracks enough jokes about internet porn and guessing Gates’ log in and password to keep us interested.”

    Well, that’s enough to get me interested.

    Funny, great interview. I like John, I like Bill, it’s all good times.

  18. I don’t know Japanese.

    So what?

    These Mario board games look cool and I want them anyway. I’m sure someone, somewhere would post instructions…

  19. As if there was much room for argument, this proves that Link is perhaps the coolest video game hero around.
  20. Fear and Loathing in Little Tokyo.

    Well, replace “loathing” with “respect,” and it’s a bit more accurate, as Lost Planet producer Jun Takeuchi (wait, I thought it was Inafune? Ok, so what did HE do, then?) talks about how there aren’t enough original games coming out in Japan, and how there’s so much creativity going on in the west.

    Wait, what? Pikmin, Katamari Damacy, Lost in Blue, and the like are on the losing end against stuff like Grand Theft Auto and Halo?

    “If western developers started making games aimed at the Japanese market, competing for the market share, a lot of Japanese developers might have a hard time competing.”

    I dunno. No disrespect to Halo and GTA, but I think the creativity and originality are a little more even than that…

    Then again, wasn’t Lost Planet supposed to be like Halo with ice and mechs or something? Maybe he’s on to something…

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 1/30/07

Tuesday, January 30th, 2007
  1. The Allspark has a few new TransFormers things to look at today, specifically: Remy’s photo galleries for TF Club exclusive Airrazor and Classics Cliffjumper, and an early design for movie Ratchet, who looks a lot more like Inferno here.

    And speaking of the movie, there’s also an advance review available now for the first issue of IDW’s comic prequel.

  2. Like Chrono Trigger? Just think, for a measley three hundred bucks, the Chrono Trigger pre-release ROM demo sample promo purple monkey dishwasher can be yours!
  3. Some days, you just have to ask yourself…

    “Does Zelda need to evolve?”

    …those are the days you should probably look into writing something online. I mean, seriously, what else are you going to do with it?

  4. Ok, so the Virtual Console version of Mario Kart 64 can’t save Ghost Data, or stats, or do the mirror course.

    On top of all that, Go Nintendo asks “is there a bug in the 3-player Moo Moo Farm, too?”

    “When this baby hits 88 miles per hour… you’re gonna see some serious shit.”

  5. I don’t know whether this is incredibly genius, or incredibly lazy:

    Making a machine that plays games for you.

  6. Though I believe LucasArts has expressed interest, there’s currently nothing regarding a Star Wars game for the Wii.

    That, however, doesn’t mean some fans can’t brainstorm about it a little.

  7. Following in the steps of Wiicade, Homestar Runner has joined the Wii revolution.
  8. too good. But so bad.
  9. Huh, so the Miss Video Game competition might be a scam?

    Well. I don’t think anyone saw that one coming.

  10. Joystiq brings up an interesting case of “conflict of interest,” as editors from IGN and 1up are helping to contribute to Virtual Fighter 5.
  11. This game… is like nothing else I’ve ever played.

    This game solely exists to MESS with you. In your HEAD.

  12. Back home, an artist seeks to make life fun again, in a safe way, while “The Man” simply wants to wash it off as soon as possible.


  13. So, the next time your wife/girlfriend/significant other/left hand… well, maybe not that last one… wants to take you shopping for candles, don’t let it put a damper on your day!

    Instead, just think of the possibilities!

…ugh, just look at the time. I do wish my connection hadn’t died earlier.

Enjoy your day, everyone!

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 1/27/07

Saturday, January 27th, 2007
  1. Over on comic_art, a link to the new TMNT trailer has been posted. At least, I think it’s new.

    And speaking of the TMNT movie, Kanuck has let me know that Comic Book Resources has taken a visit to the studio making the film. Be warned, though, there are spoilers.

    The Official TMNT Web Site reports that Superhero Hype has also visited the studio, interviewing writer/director Kevin Munroe and producer Tom Gray about the film.

  2. On a related note, part 2 of The Angry Video Game Movie Nerd’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III review is up.
  3. terrastardroid informed me (via her LJ) that CNN has 101 of the Year’s Dumbest Business Moments, and I feel it would be remiss of me not to point out that Sony is on there twice, once for their explodey batteries, the other for lack of forethought regarding their billboards.

    There’s plenty of other interesting bits on there as well, from Wal-Mart to YouTube to AOL and more.

  4. Even though it’s been reported that the online features have been cut from Lunar Knights in the US, effectively killing the crossover possibility with MegaMan Star Force, Go Nintendo still has a look at the feature from the Japanese versions of the games, and you can check it out here.
  5. If you’re into the idea of a rechargable Wii remote battery pack, then this is what you may want to look for.
  6. Hmm, interesting.

    A year or two ago, Penny Arcade had as a prize for their Expo’s Omegathon an eBay auction of every NES game ever made.

    And now, it seems that a similar auction has arisen.

    The auction itself reads as quite a listing, with a seperate auction for 545 manuals elsewhere. BUT, this one also includes a mess of accessories and the NES itself, as well.

    This is great, if you can afford it.

  7. So, you’ve got this really great idea for a boardgame, but the question standing before you and your millions is, “how do I get it published?”

    Well, Ask Slashdot!

  8. Yesterday, we mentioned 1up’s story about Tose, “Gaming’s Dirty Little Secret.”

    Today, Chris Kohler over at Game|Life also points out a Gamasutra report from last summer on the company, as well as the interview with the head of their North American division.

  9. Joystiq provides their Metareview for Hotel Dusk: Room 215 for the DS, which has established for itself a tidy 81% average score.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”