Points of Interest – 2/1/07
- We kick off today’s Points of Interest with a look at the Amazing Journeys feature by Nadia Oxford over at 1up.com. A more positive gaming story, it looks at the trials and tribulations faced by gamers with disabilities, who don’t let physical barriers get in the way of their good fun.
To these dedicated hobbyists, I say “jolly good show,” and to developers, I say “I hope you’re reading this.”
- Over at The Allspark, they’ve posted a new gallery of the TransFormers movie Decepticon known as Blackout.
Quite a lovely piece, and even comes with his own pet Scorponok!
- The potential downside of in-game advertising.
- I link to this review of The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past because of one simple, amusing detail…
In the Good/Bad section, there is no Bad. Not even the header.
- You might recall that the President of Nintendo of America is looking to hire an assistant.
This fact did not escape the brain trust of Penny Arcade. (Warning: language)
This one cracks me up, largely for the imagery in the last panel. I could go for a poster of just that.
- Go Nintendo has found a new, extended trailer for Sonic and the Secret Rings, I believe with a bit more focus on the multiplayer action.
- So yesterday, the producer of Capcom’s Lost Planet says that America is ready to whoop Japan on the originality front.
Ah-ah-ah, BUT! Today, the producer of Capcom’s Okami is now saying that “I think that it is becoming almost ‘impossible’ for an original game to succeed financially.”
An interesting turnabout, to say the least.
- Ok, so we all know that Gizmondo pretty much went nowhere. But, that doesn’t mean they didn’t have somewhere, and now that somewhere can be yours!
Crap, why doesn’t Nintendo ever unload their stuff like this?
Still, I don’t know what to think of this. It looks neat, but where would you keep it? Is there any practical use for it?
Or would your kids simply have the most bitchin’ clubhouse in an 18-mile radius?
- I link to this for the caption, and to say that at this point, just as a Nintendo supporter (nevermind an employee), I’d probably respond in the latter fashion.
- Remember all those PS3 = Foreman grill jokes and Photoshops?
Well, now Japan has a sauce for it.
I really don’t know what else to say.
“This is eating?”
Kotaku has more pics, as well as a dispute as to what the text reads.
- Well, I say! I’ll never look at Kid Icarus the same way again!
One might expect better of a young man running around in a toga.
- Once more, The New York Times talks about the Wii and PS3, with some choice quotes included, namely the one making the rounds “Wii Nothing More Than ‘Impulse Buy’”.
Naturally, everyone jumps on it.
Besides the occassional amusing jab the press throws back at them (the sole reason I even mention this), who really cares?
- To end on a better note,
shortpacked noted in his journal that some loving attention has been brought to Teletraan-1, the TransFormers Wiki.
“I think the fans behind Teletraan recognize just how irreconcilable most Transformers continuity is, and try not to sweat inconsistencies or incongruities and just roll with it. That, I can appreciate. It’s got the perfect mix of retentive detail and irreverence.”
–LBD “Nytetrayn”