Points of Interest – 2/9/07
- Sure, most of the talk on PMO regards video games, comics, toys, and such related things, but by no means are we (we=me) limited to such things here! Oh no, not at all.
Which is why I’m happy to pass along this interesting little piece.
mjp found a site full of Top Secret Recipes for all that good stuff you’ve had in restaurants and around.
Applebee’s Honey Grilled Salmon? McDonald’s Arch Deluxe? White Castle Burgers?
All here.
There is a charge for some recipes, however, 79 cents. But there are also a LOT of freebies as well, so it’s definitely worth a look, especially if a favorite you know was pulled from the restaurant’s menu.
- A relic from a few years past, I followed a trail of Castlevania links earlier for reasons I don’t even recall, and came across this newsgroup posting of an EGM interview with Koji “IGA” Igarashi, held prior to the release of Lament of Innocence on the PS2.
He speaks on a few things, such as the removal of some stories in the timeline, and the temporary change the series saw in Japan to have its name match the rest of the world.
Pity that last part didn’t stick, I hope he allows his vision to continue in that direction anyway.
- If you’re a fan of Phoenix Wright, you owe it to yourself to check this out.
Knowledge of Superman helps too, specifically Bizarro, but isn’t required.
- If you dig fancomics and things of that nature, and like TransFormers, then it may be of interest to you to check out Courage Under Fire by Kris “Drivaaar” Carter, courtesy of The Allspark.
- Anyone who grew up with Steven Spielberg’s Tiny Toon Adventures remembers “Weenie-Burgers,” favorite food of Hamton J. Pig and the others.
While it may not be quite the same thing, it seems that Hardee’s(and perhaps their non-Southern equivalent, Carl Jr’s) has gone ahead and created their own version.
I may have to try one the next time I visit home… I do so love a challenge.
- So long as Tiny Toons is mentioned, I may as well ask if anyone remembers Super Plucky-o Bros.
Cute design for Plucky there, I gotta say. And hey, proto-Mega Mario!
At the end, they also seem to have a good idea of where consoles seem to be headed as well.
- People who watch anime that has been dubbed always bitch about the voices.
I’m not so much saying that everyone does it, but rest assured, no matter how good a job you may think they did, someone else doesn’t like it.
Well, newsflash. It’s not like they do much better, really.
- Over at Nintendo of America, NOA_Rufus has posted a small article discussing collecting player’s guides; how old ones are coming in handy again, and how best to track them down.
A damn shame that today’s guides just aren’t as interesting as the old ones, unless you’re getting some shrink-wrapped hardbound foil-embossed special edition…
- Nintendo DS: the perfect Valentine’s Day gift?
- Add another to the pile, as GameSpot previews Sonic and the Secret Rings (two pages no less), with an explanation for why Sonic’s chest is on fire. Then there’s an interview and new movies as well.
And SPOnG! They have an interview, too!
For fans in Japan, there’s a demo disc to be had.
Damn, I just wish this game would be out already!
- Meanwhile, GameDaily affirms what most people have already determined about Sonic the Hedgehog for PS3:
- For fans of Lunar Knights and MegaMan Star Force, Go Nintendo has found a neat crossover wallpaper.
- Slashdot found an article that asks what I myself have wondered. Is gaming really a spectator sport?
Then again, I’m ill-qualified to judge. The only thing close to a spectator sport that I can stand to watch (unless I’m there in person) is wrestling. Nevermind the arguments of whether it even deserves the label…
- “German Past Haunts Gamers’ Future”, or “Half of Why European Gaming Sucks The Bag.”
- Just got this from Wolf, and it’s just too cool and nicely done not to share:
Note, however that this is 100% FAKE! The “IGN” logo disappears where Sonic is, the Smash Bros. footage is from the original teaser from E3, and Sonic’s bits are from the latest Secret Rings trailer.
I’m only posting this because a) it looks cool, and b) to support the idea.
- When Worlds Collide…
World of Warcraft meets Super Mario Bros.
Or maybe we should just call it “Super Mario World of Warcraft.”
Whatever you call it, it sure is… interesting.
- Ok, so how precisely does this work?
Is he saying that if you find an unsold PS3, he’ll give you $1,200 to buy it? Just for finding it?
I could use the money, and would love to collect.
- ScrewAttack.com, via Kotaku and GameTrailers, takes a look at the 10 “Coolest” video game characters.
- Sonic the Hedgecat.
- 1up.com has a new feature up, taking a look at five games that never made it to store shelves, and why.
- Once more, the retro is rounded up, thanks to Jeremy Parish’s weekly update.
This week, Vigilante manages to Gain Ground in Super Mario World.
Also, Root Beer Tapper is being served on XBox Live Arcade.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”
February 9th, 2007 at 10:00 am
This post is full of awesome, by the way.
5. I love Carl’s Jr. It shares a lot in common with Hardee’s but isn’t exactly the same. The burgers are just as great, but Carl’s Jr. had more “specialty” burgers like the chili cheeseburger (I think a limited time only deal) and my personal favorite, the western bacon cheeseburger. I think we may actually have a Hardee’s up here in Maryland, so I need to check them out.
7. YES. ALWAYS. And I hate that. Get over yourselves, anime fans! The age of every dubbing job sucking ass is over. Sure, they’re not all perfect, but a lot of them are pretty quality now. AnimeOnDVD.com was a train wreck of a site, back when I used to visit them, for elitism like that. I half-expected the review of Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust to read, “Well, we would normally listen to the Japanese language track, but seeing as how it’s lacking one we simply turned on the subtitles and listened to an Ayumi Hamasaki CD in the background.”
But see, now that there’s more voice acting in games, people are shifting their criticisms there now. A lot of people complained about the “bad voice acting” in Lost Planet, but from what I saw it was actually pretty good. Dude, you must be pretty spoiled to think THAT is bad. Gamers who cut their teeth on the Playstation have seen worse.
15. I love that.
16. That too.
February 9th, 2007 at 3:18 pm
Thanks, I’ll try and do more like them, hopefully.
5) I do believe they’re both different branches of the same franchise owned by Roy Rogers… things varying by region is pretty common. Check out the top secret recipes page there for info about a lobster sandwhich served during the summer at McDonald’s.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”
February 9th, 2007 at 4:53 pm
7. In any case where I do not get the choice to switch between the original dubbing (in most cases Japanese) and a translation (in most cases English) in my media, I will keep bitching about it if you don’t mind. I would do the very same bitching if I was stripped from English dubbings of US movie and series DVDs, French dubbing from “La Fabuleux destin d’Am?lie Poulain” and Italian from “La Vita ? bella”.
See my point? It doesn’t always have to be elitism if you can’t enjoy your game/movie/whatever because of a localization that’s forced upon you. And I’m not saying either that a translation can never become as brilliant as the version the creator originally had it in mind, though in many cases it’s rather the opposite.
Constant bitching about dubs with no good reasoning is annoying though, I agree.
February 9th, 2007 at 4:58 pm
Oh, don’t get me wrong, I’m all about the choices. It’s more that last part, about the dubs themselves, two totally different (albeit related) issues in my eyes.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”