Points of Interest – 1/27/07
- Over on
comic_art, a link to the new TMNT trailer has been posted. At least, I think it’s new.
And speaking of the TMNT movie, Kanuck has let me know that Comic Book Resources has taken a visit to the studio making the film. Be warned, though, there are spoilers.
The Official TMNT Web Site reports that Superhero Hype has also visited the studio, interviewing writer/director Kevin Munroe and producer Tom Gray about the film.
- On a related note, part 2 of The Angry
Video GameMovie Nerd’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III review is up. terrastardroid informed me (via her LJ) that CNN has 101 of the Year’s Dumbest Business Moments, and I feel it would be remiss of me not to point out that Sony is on there twice, once for their explodey batteries, the other for lack of forethought regarding their billboards.
There’s plenty of other interesting bits on there as well, from Wal-Mart to YouTube to AOL and more.
- Even though it’s been reported that the online features have been cut from Lunar Knights in the US, effectively killing the crossover possibility with MegaMan Star Force, Go Nintendo still has a look at the feature from the Japanese versions of the games, and you can check it out here.
- If you’re into the idea of a rechargable Wii remote battery pack, then this is what you may want to look for.
- Hmm, interesting.
A year or two ago, Penny Arcade had as a prize for their Expo’s Omegathon an eBay auction of every NES game ever made.
And now, it seems that a similar auction has arisen.
The auction itself reads as quite a listing, with a seperate auction for 545 manuals elsewhere. BUT, this one also includes a mess of accessories and the NES itself, as well.
This is great, if you can afford it.
- So, you’ve got this really great idea for a boardgame, but the question standing before you and your millions is, “how do I get it published?”
Well, Ask Slashdot!
- Yesterday, we mentioned 1up’s story about Tose, “Gaming’s Dirty Little Secret.”
Today, Chris Kohler over at Game|Life also points out a Gamasutra report from last summer on the company, as well as the interview with the head of their North American division.
- Joystiq provides their Metareview for Hotel Dusk: Room 215 for the DS, which has established for itself a tidy 81% average score.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”