Points of Interest – 2/8/07
- Was looking up Demolition Man on Wikipedia (don’t ask why, I don’t even remember myself), and one thing lead to another, and I wound up watching a clip of Demolition Man on SEGA CD. And I have to say, it looks like a game I’d have enjoyed back in the day, perhaps even still today. I think my favorite parts in this little bit are the bungee-jumps.
As a bonus, one of my favorite scenes from the movie. Be warned, plenty of naughty language.
- Other video fun today is a new “Phoenix Wrong” Flash movie, and “What it’s like in Japan.” Good, quick fun.
- IDW has a preview of issue 1 of their prequel comic for the upcoming TransFormers movie, featuring art by the Nothing-Short-Of-Awesome Don Figueroa, and co-written by Simon Furman and Chris Ryall.
Speaking of the movie, there are also pics of Megatron on the set. I still can’t tell what’s what, though.
- 1up.com has a two-sided interview with The Angry Video Game Nerd, as well as his IRL alter-ego.
Sort of.
Actually, it’s a blogger’s interview. Which is sort of too bad, I wouldn’t mind seeing something like that front-paged.
I don’t get as much time as I’d like to play games, but I do enjoy reliving my childhood with NES classics as well as digging up some old games that I didn’t have when I was a kid. I play the Wii with friends and bring a Nintendo DS around with me. Usually the games I play are remakes/sequels of classics like The New Super Mario Bros and Zelda: Twilight Princess. I’m definitely living in the past, but I try to pay attention to new stuff as well. We’ve come a loooong way since Pong.
A man after my own heart.
- Differences between versions of a game are nothing new, especially when one is a port in a different generation. As such, Diddy Kong Racing DS is no different, and via Evil Avatar, GWN takes a look at ten key differences between the new DS racer and its N64 origin.
Speaking of which, the game has not been simply reviewed, but metareviewed.
And the verdict?
Seems to be pretty good, but no Mario Kart.
- GameSpot UK has a bit of a Q&A with Yojiro Ogawa, producer of Sonic and the Secret Rings, to find out more about Sonic’s newest game, which could very well make or break the franchise in the eyes of a number of gamers.
Not to be left out, CVG has one, too.
On a related note, Go Nintendo reports that the official US website is now open.
- I have no idea how good or how bad the Death Note game for DS is/will be, but with Konami, I’m hopeful. And as a result, I would consider it absolutely criminal if it were not brought to the US.
- Seems Go Nintendo and I are in agreement over what will follow Manhunt to Wii.
Has Nintendo made a deal with the devil?
- Now you too can own your very own Halo-ish suit of armor. Because the guy who made it is broke.
Guess the government didn’t buy into it.
- Wow, here’s something I thought I’d never see.
Way back when The Wizard hit theaters to promote Super Mario Bros. 3, there was a limited-edition copy of Nintendo Power known as Pocket Power.
And because my parents seemed to refuse to take me to anything like TransFormers: The Movie of The Wizard as a kid, I missed out completely.
But no more! Even though I’ve yet to see a life-size Optimus Prime die before my very eyes, I can at least now get to see what went into Nintendo’s promotional magazine for myself, all thanks to Kotaku.
So at least I’m halfway to fulfilling those moments I missed in my childhood.
- Aeropause, via Consumerist, via Kotaku, asks…
…wait, I forget.
Oh, right, they ask “is a game new if GameStop’s already opened it?”
You can probably guess the answer.
- Poor Capcom Studio 8. I always thought they were kind of neat, despite the stink people threw about Final Fight: Streetwise. I mean, they did have Maximo to balance that out, and nicely so.
How fortunate then, that Kotaku came across some of development art for a planned third game, which will unfortunately not come to pass.
Personally, I thought Maximo made a grand successor to Arthur as the Ghosts n’ Goblins type of hero.
- So, rumor has it that Bowser hates Mario.
Damned if I know why, though, because YouTube’s being a real lemon tonight.
- Finally, JUST got this off of
wrestleyoucrew, a listing of fan laws for wrestling. They’re funny because they’re true, but odds are the ones who will find it funniest are the ones who don’t mind that truth, either.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”