- The Mrs. has found something interesting in the form of “Comics With Problems.”
From Spider-man needing an adult to Charlie Brown’s sister (yes, I know her name, but if I said “Sally Brown,” would you have ANY idea who I meant? I don’t think so.) fighting lazy-eye the pirate way, this site goes all over the spectrum.
- One just HAS to wonder this was done on purpose.
If you hang around the internet, I’m sure you know what I mean.
- Atomic Fire has some new scans and info regarding Rockman ZX Advent available, including pics of the Three Wise Men.
Jeux France via Kotaku have some more shots as well.
- Press The Buttons has a short “Most Wanted Virtual Console Games” list, and one that’s hard to argue with. While Chrono Trigger seems dubious at best, with Square-Enix’s recent comments, Mega Man: The Wily Wars is a title that could use some VC-lovin’, especially the uber-rare “Wily Tower” segment.
As for Mother 3? Well, to be honest, I never got to play Earthbound, and I’d sort of like to see that make its more-likely appearance first…
- Racketboy has formed a list of the cheapest N64 games worth your time.
…wait, no Paper Mario? I’ll have to assume it fetches more than the rest, and subsequently go cry in the corner as I lament this.
- Sounds like the PSP Final Fantasy remakes aren’t quite all-that.
- Wow, Duke Nukem Forever is 10 years old.
Or rather, the legend of it is. Given that it still has not been released…
Nor do I think it should ever be released. It’s something of a legend now, just throw us a bone every half-decade to keep it alive, and let us wonder… wonder, for should we ever actually know, there can only be disappointment to follow, for no game could ever live up to this kind of hype.
- Evil Avatar has an interesting look at “The Blame Game,” as touted by GameDaily. As EA says:
“The fact that the shooter in this case was clearly an adult and not a child or teenager definitely changed how the media viewed gaming’s role in the incident. People will believe a 15 year-old can be affected by violent media, but a 23 year-old? That’s too much of a stretch for most people.”
Sounds like a sad but plausible truth of the matter. At the same time, maybe it could be beneficial in that regard as well…
- Oh, just remembered, those Wii remote weapon attachments reported a couple of weeks ago? I saw some of those at Future Shop earlier. And unless it was a different brand making these, then a few notes:
1) They are nowhere near that good looking. They’re white. Just. White.
2) They’re shorter than you might expect. The handles sort of give it away when you put it into perspective, but even then… they seem very, very short. And the shield is quite small, too. Just a little bigger than the Wii remote itself, lengthwise.
3) They’re made of foam, sort of like some pool toys. Well, the blades, anyway. So it’s like paying 30 dollars (Canadian, anyway), 10 dollars each for two pieces of foam.
It might be worth it for the customizing gamer, but on their own? It just shows you have money to burn, and nothing more. In truth, actually burning the currency might be more worthwhile.
- Once more, the subject comes up of whether or not Nintendo is doing more harm than good to the industry, pushing down sales of third-party titles.
I’ve been waiting for just such an opportunity to break out this quote I found over at the Penny Arcade forums:
Deguello wrote:
Nintendo set up a DS buffet and all the third parties went to the PSP Diner. The Diner came down with a case of botulism and everybody wonders why Nintendo is fat when they return.
Sums it up right there.
Of course, as Go Nintendo and Kotaku state, that’s not the case for ALL third-parties.
- GameTrailers has some new trailers of Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings for the DS.
For those into that.
- GameSpot has some new Mario Party 8 screens, and only one word comes to mind: gorgeous.
New screens for Super Mario Strikers: Charged and The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass are available, too.
Go Nintendo has some new NiGHTS, as well.
- IGN reports that DK Bongo Blast is now DK Jet, perhaps putting the final nail in place for any hopes of the bongos maintaining a presence.
- I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: I’m glad I don’t live in Europe.
No offense intended to Europe, there’s some cool country and stuff over there. But the gamer part of my blood is just a bit too thick, I’d go crazy.
- I see stuff like this Manhunt 2 preview, and I just wonder if it’s for me. Do I have it in me to go around brutally murdering people in gruesome ways? Even if it is fake?
It’ll be an interesting case to check when it finally comes out. I don’t mind stuff like Grand Theft Auto, but stuff like that hasn’t exactly gripped me, either.
- A bit of talk has come up as of late regarding Wizards & Warriors, after ScrewAttack.com listed it as a faded franchise.
Well, some more has come from RMC’s End-of-Day post at Go Nintendo.
Out of all the crap Acclaim has made (though developed by Rare), Wizards & Warriors remains one game that I’d like to see return to glory. Praise Fabio*!
Reading about this makes me weep a little on the inside, however, for days long passed. I remember living in Mt. Airy once, and my dad and I going out and getting this game one night; I think he might’ve said it was one my mom had wanted, but I was unfamiliar with (we were a gaming family, you see). I think we got it from a Family Dollar or a Sky City or someplace when it wasn’t uncommon for even some small, crummy store to carry some NES games. Ah, but how I miss those times.
(* Yeah, I know that was technically Ironsword, but still.
- Despite all the ups and downs between Nintendo and Sony, it would seem that there is no bad blood, at least from Iwata’s standpoint.
- Wow, has it really been a full year since Nintendo named the Wii?
I think it’s like some (such as myself) figured: people got used to it.
- So Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima has recently gotten to play some Super Smash Bros. Brawl against the game’s director/designer, Masahiro Sakurai.
“Kojima makes a few comments about Brawl in general saying that the game feels very complete, it is a lot of fun, and if Nintendo released it now it would probably sell millions of copies.
We also find out that during their matches, Sakurai played as Mario and Kojima played as Snake. Kojima jokes about how he couldn?t bring himself to beat up Mario out of respect for the character.”
Funny thing is, I heard a related bit of info a year ago that pertained to such a scenario…
- Game|Life discovers the true tragedy behind Kutaragi’s retirement: the end of the “Kutaragi Kwote!”
Yeah, the deliberate misspelling was all me. I’m sorry.
- …what the hell is a beer pong?
- Seems that there’s a little dispute as to whether or not Kutaragi retired of his own accord.
“A few other [giant enemy crabs] go on to note that Kaz Hirai will prove to be [the weak point for massive damage] and a better instigator of [RIIIIIIDGE RACER!!!] in the [599 US dollars] to come.”
Sorry, I just had to. For old times’ sake.
- Nintendo says the purpose of the Wii is to expand the game industry and its userbase.
What they mean, though, is “Wii would like to prey.”