I like rice. Rice is great if you're hungry and want 2000 of something. -- Mitch Hedberg

Archive for the ‘Points of Interest’ Category

Points of Interest – 5/24/07

Thursday, May 24th, 2007
  1. Just a little something to hopefully brighten your day, I’m going to try and start leading off PoI with an amusing YouTube video. We’ll see how long this lasts.

    Today, The Best of Stewie part 1.

  2. Over on The Blue Bomber Community, Theory Contradiction found a feature by IGN that looks at the Top 10 Characters In Need of a Spin-Off.

    Hmm, could Toad be a franchise player?

    Protoman seems iffier to me. (Is “iffier” even a word? Well, it is today.)

    His time feels like it’s come and gone– twice. Besides the fact that Protoman and ProtoMan.EXE are different characters, post-Mega Man 5 always struck me as the time to do a spin-off with him.

    Of course, with the recent appearance in Mega Man Powered Up, maybe he’d be ripe for a second chance… or at least, he would be, if anyone ever actually bought the system and the game.

  3. James Rolfe, outside of his Angry Video Game Nerd persona, gives us a review of Spider-man 3.

    And I agree with him on everything but the point about all loose ends being wrapped up.

  4. Over at Press the Buttons, Matt takes a look back to when GI Joe and Street Fighter II crossed paths.

    You know what this means, don’t you?

    We’ve had TransFormers/GI Joe, GI Joe/Street Fighter, Marvel/Capcom, and Marvel/TransFormers.

    All that’s left is to pit M. Bison against Megatron with Akuma as a herald of Unicron, and everything should be full-circle.

    But does Ryu have The Touch?

  5. GameSpy gets some hands-on time with the eagerly-anticipated Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles for the PSP. Nothing too new, but it sounds like it’s coming along well. But then, don’t they all? Then again, they aren’t all Castlevania, so…
  6. Games Radar goes Time Travelling With Link, looking back at the Hylian Hero’s evolution over 20 years.
  7. Based on this feature, it sounds like Tyler Nagata at Games Radar thinks that gamers need to keep their asses glued to the couch, and not enjoy any other potential aspect of their hobby that doesn’t involve pressing start to play.

    Eh, whatever. I admit, some of the artsy stuff is overdone, or rather, unoriginal to some degree, but I still like it. It shows a sort of subculture-esque aspect to the hobby of video gaming and those who love it.

    Granted, they say that’s not what they mean, but really, add up all the Pac-Man cakes and Space Invader mosiacs you want, but in the end, the number of people actually showing this stuff off is still pretty minute compared to how many people are no doubt doing just what they’re proposing: gaming.

  8. Wow, video games sure do get blamed for a lot of stupid stuff, don’t they?

    Nothing new, I suppose. Goes all the way back to Ms. Pac-Man and the topic of womens’ rights.

  9. To round out the Games Radar fun, a pair of lists: The Top 7 In-Game Jokes and The best game cameos ever.
  10. Go Nintendo has found a preview for DK Jet, the now bongo-less title carried over from the GameCube.
  11. Now here is a nifty looking Wii remote lightgun-style attachment.
  12. A new video has surfaced, hidden away on Capcom of Japan’s website which shows off Biohazard 4 for the Wii, better known in these here parts as Resident Evil 4.
  13. This is from last week, but I don’t remember reporting it.

    From Slashdot, the question is posed “does Zelda need an overhaul?”

    I’m not against it, so long as it retains some familiar elements, and is done right.

  14. I didn’t think it would, but Joystiq was right.

    Pac-Man’s skeleton DOES sort of creep me out.

  15. So, you’ve wondered about the eating habits of video game characters, right?

    …just work with me here.

    To counter a recent… well, sort-of recent Subway commercial, Jake McNeill delves deep into the fridges, coolers, and lunchboxes of some of gaming’s most notable gourmets to see if they really are sending all the wrong messages to the youth of today.

    On a side note, I’m still not sure that Jared was directly blaming Nintendo for his obesity; if you aim a gun at yourself and pull the trigger, it’s your own fault. You control your own actions, and are where the blame would be placed. But, at the same time, it doesn’t change the fact there was a gun involved, it’s just a matter of where the true blame lies.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 5/23/07

Wednesday, May 23rd, 2007
  1. NOA Dano tells his tale of venturing out into the cold, harsh world of video game retail in order to find a slightly more obscure title.
  2. Frash was kind enough to pass me this, a sort of online adaption of a 20-year old TransFormers storybook titled “The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson.”

    That’s right, Mr. Rhyme himself. But, it’s not all bad…

    “By the end of the first page, the body count is at least two. Hard core. You don’t get kiddie books like this any more. Or maybe you do. I haven’t actually done any research.”

    I have some of these books myself, tucked away somewhere. Not this one, but some others. Always kind of dug the art, except the awkwardly-added outlines of the Autobot and Decepticon symbols.

    And check out the bottom scan on page 1… Grimlock, with a mouth?

  3. Some things were just never meant to be.

    Batgirl and Catwoman in anime style: are they such an example?

    You be the judge.

  4. Racketboy hits us with three pieces: The Cheapest NES Games Worth Your Time, a mini-Genesis for $10, and the question, “Did Gaming Charm Disappear With The Cartridge?”

    On that last one? I totally agree.

  5. GameTrailers has new Mario Party 8 videos, plus a French and UK Mario Strikers Charged commercials, the making of Sony’s PS3 “This Is Living” commercials, Mega Man in ScrewAttack.com’s Video Game Vault.

    …wait, the screen says “megabit,” he says “megabyte.” So, how much illegally downloaded music are we really talking here?

And sadly, I have to call it a night, I’ve already overstayed what time I’ve got. Be back tomorrow with another healthy dose of dis’n'dat.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 5/19/07

Saturday, May 19th, 2007
  1. Thanks to storm_wolfe for this one: an ad from Japan for a game called Etrian Odyssey.

    I don’t know much about the game itself, but admit it, that’s meme-worthy stuff right there.

  2. The latest additions to 1up’s Mega Manniversary mega-feature are up, including a pretty-close-to-right look at the over-arcing story of the greater Mega Man timeline by Mr. Parish, and a look at some of the Blue Bomber’s lesser attempts in the pursuit of everlasting peace as told by the lovely Nadia Oxford (with title by yours truly).
  3. It’s really nothing new by now, but let’s just say you refuse to watch any game media unless it’s on GameTrailers. In which case, you can check out the new trailer/opening of Super Mario Strikers Charged.

    I love this opening. It’s like they give Mario and Co. a more hardcore kind of edge; even Mario’s “yahoo” as he jumps down sounds a little less light-hearted than his typical fare.

    And yet, unlike something like, say… Shadow the Hedgehog, it becomes gritty without taking itself seriously. It’s an odd mix to pull off, but they manage to do it well here; you almost can’t help but laugh at how “seriously” the whole thing is being taken.

    But when you think about it… isn’t that a lot what real soccer fans are like, anyway?

  4. IGN celebrates 400 episodes of The Simpsons with a blowout that includes clips, interviews, past favorites, and more.

    Plus, watching ep. 400 could win you a trip to the movie’s premiere.

  5. IGN also has an exclusive interview surrounding Marvel Comics’ Halo: Uprising, a story touted as integral to the Halo lore.
  6. Everything old is new again in Super Paper Mario, as IGN demonstrates the five key areas in which Nintendo has revamped the series.

    Just a note, this coming out of IGN Australia, it has a sort of different tense, what with the game not being out there yet.

  7. They’re big, they’re bad, and we love them anyway. GameDaily reveals their Top 10 Most Loveable Video Game Brutes feature.
  8. Over on Games Radar, an interview is conducted with Yosuke Hayashi, director of the upcoming Ninja Gaiden Sigma for the PS3.
  9. Go Nintendo has found a GamePro interview with Tomonobu Itagaki as he discusses the Wii, the DS, and the Nintendo philosophy.
  10. What is the secret to Animal Crossing‘s success? Henry Jenkins investigates.
  11. Europe is getting Donkey Kong Country 2, and so RMC decides to put reviewers in their place.

    Right on, RMC, right on.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 5/18/07

Friday, May 18th, 2007
  1. A little something out of the norm.

    Yahoo has posted a series of 60 Minutes segments which look at different factors which can determine whether a person is gay or straight, and it seems to be a broad mixture of things, such as environment in the womb and chemicals.

  2. jackscarab presents: Flash Kick!

    Not to be outdone, arteris goes nuts.

  3. The new fall schedule looks better than it has in years.
  4. The Castlevania: Dracula’s Curse blog has been updated, this time with Mr. Ellis speaking on writing a screenplay.

    Neat stuff. I love it when creators are so in-touch like this.

  5. ScrewAttack.com and GameTrailers go into the Vault again, this time for Revolution X.

    Doesn’t ring a bell? Alright, newbie, here’s the gist: back in the old 16-bit days, this was a shooting game.

    Based on Aerosmith.

    I think you fight with music or something.

    Infamous in its absurdity.

    Oh, and somewhere along the way, they also added one for The Tick.

    As Fox Interactive goes, I did sort of like Croc

  6. What the hell, Sony? Just… what the hell?
  7. Next Generation asks, “why is Manhunt coming back?”

    I ask, “what took you so long to ask?”

    I suppose the most obvious answer to their question is that Rockstar wanted a piece of the Wii pie without scaling down Grand Theft Auto 4‘s graphics and adding waggle-steering.

  8. GameDaily previews one of the few PS3 titles I might care to play, Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction.
  9. onNintendo invites you to end the month with a party, their Game of the Month Mario Party 8, due out on the 29th of May.

    Wonder if I’ll be able to afford a copy.

  10. Did you know that Nintendo has majority ownership in the Seattle Mariners?

    It’s true. And it caused a hell of a stir back in the day as Japan was “buying America.”

    Which means that it only stands to reason that they would offer a DS Lite like this.

  11. Go Nintendo has some Capcom conversation regarding Resident Evil 4 for the Wii, including some added features and the expected reception.
  12. The art is nice, the gag is amusing, and even the little claw is interesting.

    But the reason I decided to post this Samus fanart is for the little image of Solid Snake there.

    Too good for words.

  13. Thanks to Frash, we have a look at the cheapest Mugen character ever.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 5/17/07

Thursday, May 17th, 2007
  1. mightygodking found a rather impressive video that some Italian animation students made about Calvin & Hobbes.

    Very nice piece that captures the spirit of the comics, and an excellent tribute to one of comic-dom’s greats.

  2. Evil Avatar looks at the question, who killed E3?

    Would you believe that Suspect #2 is… Nintendo, due to their Wii showing last year?

    They would be one of 7, though, which robbed many of us from a chance to attend what we see as a dream event.

    But, at least there’s E For All now, right?

  3. Dragon Ball: bringing countries (like Japan and Korea) closer together.
  4. A new device called the Drive Doctor can connect your Wii to your PC, allowing some options including storage, and… well, storage.

    But, you have to solder it on. Pass.

  5. Wow, it looks like New Super Mario Bros. really IS the new Super Mario Bros.

    Well, at least as sales go, compared to the other entries noted. Still a bit behind, of course…

  6. A brief description regarding how initializing the online play for Super Mario Strikers Charged is conducted.

    There are also some hands-on comments about the game.

  7. “Does Zelda need an overhaul?” is the question, following some different, vague comments by Miyamoto.

    I have to say, I’m game. Between A Link To The Past and Twilight Princess, I think I’m good for Zelda as we know it now.

    Four Swords Adventures was a neat twist on the concept, however…

  8. Fellow Sonic fans, I believe we have been robbed.

    Cast your eyes upon this clip at Game|Life, for a video game by some American SEGA devlopers based on the Sonic the Hedgehog Saturday morning cartoon show.

    Granted, a little more speed might have been nice, but compared to some other offerings, this seems pretty slick. There’s just something cool about seeing Princess Sally rendered in game form like that…

  9. Red vs. Blue, we’re gonna miss you.

    But at least you left us with the courtesy, of not ignoring Halo 3.

  10. Somehow, I feel that when Peter Moore compares the PS3 to the Dreamcast, an “ooh, snap!” is appropriate.
  11. Does this mean EA’s a better place to work now?

    Or were such benefits always in place, alongside sweatshop hours which sound as though they remain?

  12. Gaming websites vs. gaming mags.

    I still believe that magazines can survive, after having worked with them through the holidays. Which leads me to agree with this part:

    “I think the print magazines that survive will be those who can adapt – maybe they have a forum or a community on the web and news there, but also have a strong print magazine each month. I think that’s the way they have to adapt to it.”

    And so far, printing old news and putting your articles and reviews online just isn’t helping.

  13. Kotaku has found an interesting bit on why Nintendo (and Apple) evangelists matter.

    I wonder if I count into that group. I like to consider myself fair-minded to a degree, though I readily admit Nintendo has always been my first choice.

  14. So not only is the Wii fun and good for some light Lose Weight Exercise, but it has rehabilitative qualities, too, as one Canadian hospital has discovered.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 5/16/07

Wednesday, May 16th, 2007
  1. The Angry Video Game Nerd now turns his wrath towards… 32X.

    None shall be spared.

  2. Guess maybe last year’s E3 organizers looked too far ahead.
  3. Do you remember Super Gaming magazine?

    Yeah, me neither. Probably because I grew up out in the boonies.

    But Matt at Press the Buttons does! And he talks a bit about this interesting rag that would take a look at the foreign market of Japanese video games from the view of a gaijin.

    I may have to hunt down a few issues.

  4. MTV Games, by way of Evil Avatar, discusses how to make dying more fun.

    It is possible, just see for yourself.

  5. You’ve probably seen or heard of Perrin Kaplan, the vice-president of marketing at Nintendo, doing interviews and addressing the press and whatnot.

    Well, if you’ve ever wanted to know more about her, GameSpot delivers with a video interview.

  6. GameSpot has new screenshots of Ultimate Duck Hunting for the Wii, which is really nowhere near as cool as it sounds.

    Back to looking for Wii Play, I guess.

  7. GameSpot takes their first look at Dragon Quest IX.
  8. Just taking a brief time out to mention something. After ducking indoors to avoid the sky falling, i.e. hail making the street look like a salted baked potato skin in a matter of moments, I went into Future Shop where they had a XBox 360 demo station set up, and among the games playable was a demo of Sonic the Hedgehog.

    Holy crap.

    Which is precisely what this is. Sonic used to be a video gaming GOD, and this… was utter crap.

    And I liked the other 3-D Sonic titles, at least the first two and what I got to play of Heroes.

    Definitely a “try before you buy” thing. I spent most of my time checking out LEGO Star Wars II.

  9. Games Radar presents: The Top 7 games so bad they had to add breasts.

    Seems like an odd thing to say about Dead or Alive Xtreme 2, though; breasts have been in DOA since before forever.

  10. This Wii Crystal Cooler is pretty… er, cool as accessories go.
  11. o/~ Kirby, Kirby, Kirby, that’s a name you should know!

    Kirby, Kirby, Kirby, he’s the star of the show! o/~

    Go Nintendo has a video pictorial of Kirby’s history for you to check out.

  12. GN also has new Zelda: Phantom Hourglass info, thanks to a better translation.
  13. The most expensive DS Phat that you’d never play.
  14. GN asks, “how do you feel about friend codes?”

    They’re a bit of a hassle, frankly, mostly due to quantity (that is, a different one for every game). Other than that, meh.

    Even if there are people who don’t hate them, I imagine few actually like them.

  15. In Mario Paint, the music maker was probably the least-touched option by my non-musically-inclined hands.

    Ergo, something like a Final Fantasy IV battle theme created in it would be unfeasible to me.

    And this guy has made a ton of others, too.

    Mega Man 2‘s Dr. Wily Stage theme?

    I salute you, TomBobBlender.

    And for added crazy, Meow Mix!

  16. Coolest.



  17. …and the worst part of all is, there’s no evidence of this being put on YouTube.
  18. Come one, come all, and see the life-size Gundam, lying prone on its back!

    But pound for pound, I bet this one is worth more.

  19. …wait, what?
  20. This is a neat hack of Super Mario World. Besides what sounds like an interesting premise, it also features a lot of nice original graphics and other unique-to-Mario features.

    I’d love to give it a shot, if I knew where to find it.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 5/12/07

Saturday, May 12th, 2007
  1. Oh, cruel, bitter fate, how you mock me.

    Good news is that 1up’s Mega Man Series Roundup by the lovely Nadia Oxford and Jeremy “I’m Sure He’s Lovely, Too, But Only As A Friend” Parish is now up.

    The bad news is, and I’ll swear to any deity that this is true, the site conked out on me when I went to click the link and check it out.

    So I’ll have to try to read and give my thoughts later, but hopefully by the time you read this, 1up will have itself straightened out.

  2. The Official TMNT Web Site has new previews up for Tales of the TMNT #33 and Tales of the TMNT #34.
  3. Capcom of Japan has updated their Rockman ZX Advent web site with new music and videos to show you what’s coming, plus some neat promotional wallpapers as well.
  4. Mr. Ellis continues his wacky hijinks through the Transylvanian countryside as he pursues development of Castlevania: Dracula’s Curse, citing a new blog nemesis, as well as putting his foot down about fan-input on music.

    And spoons. Goth spoons.

    Remember, you heard it here first, before every other site on the internet waits until next week to jump on it. Unless, of course, you visited that blog first.


  5. First, the Angry Video Game Nerd tore into it, and now, Racketboy is here to tell you what are the cheapest SEGA CD games worth your time.
  6. GameTrailers has Halo 3.

    Lots of it.

    And what’s more, a new novel is on the way, detailing the first contact with The Covenant.

  7. GameTrailers and ScrewAttack.com’s Video Game Vault look back to the prequel (well, one of many, but the most direct one) to the recent Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin, Castlevania Bloodlines.

    A title that should waste little time in coming to the Virtual Console, though really, it should have come sooner for the quick tie-in to PoR.

  8. GameTrailers also features some new interviews with Matt Groening and staff regarding the new Simpsons video game on the way, while Joystiq give their impressions.
  9. Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword, a DS action game controlled only by the stylus (and the control pad to block).

    Such schemes usually meet with skepticism and ill-favor. Will this be any different? GameSpot takes a look, as does The Milkman.

  10. Double Dragon finally hits XBox Live. But how does it look?

    And will Bimmy and Jimmy ever be the same without their mystic swords, masks, and the voices of Michael Donovan and Scott McNeil?

  11. GameSpot previews Sonic Rush Adventure, and opens on the following note:

    It will be a sad day when new handheld game systems are able to match the 3D graphics capabilities of the big-boy consoles. Then we might not see anymore side-scrolling 2D nostalgia trips, such as Sonic Rush Adventure, a follow-up to 2005′s Sonic Rush, which is currently barreling toward the Nintendo DS.

    I admit, this was a great fear of mine, but fortunately, with the existance of the PSP and the DS, capable of decently emulating the same abilities as the PS2 and N64 respectively, I don’t think we have too much to fear, as not only do developers (and perhaps players) seem to feel that 2-D is better suited to the small screen, and thankfully, that’s largely what we’ve gotten… even if some of those games use 3-D graphics anyway.

    In addition, Go Nintendo has a fact sheet handy, while Toastyfrog takes his first look.

  12. GameSpot and 1up also have a first look at NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams for the Wii, while IGN has an interview.
  13. GameDaily takes a sneak peek at Mega Man ZX Advent, coming for the DS.

    And if I’m reading this right, it sounds like the two characters’ stories correspond, so that’s a definite improvement. And 2-player? Sounds interesting.

  14. Games Radar rounds out their Week of Hate with PC Gaming Arrogance and Objects of Gaming Hate.

    And for extra fun, check out the most clueless box blurbs in history.

    Interestingly, there are some from several Mega Man titles that fit that bill…

  15. The dangers of buying used games.

    Guess it should go without saying that if you’re planning to buy used as a gift, checking it out before you hand it over may not be ill-advised.

  16. So, if Mario grabs one of these, does he become Solar Mario?

    I need to try and scrap the money together sometime…

  17. This is one reason Christianity pisses me off. No friggin’ originality. Not that this is anything new.

    Then again, whenever they try something original, it usually sucks.

    Might be one thing if they were actually USING a Wii for this, but I have a sneaking suspicion that they aren’t.

  18. My school was never this cool.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 5/10/07

Thursday, May 10th, 2007
  1. Thanks to Wolf for this one.

    Open mouth, insert foot.

    George Lucas has basically come out and said Spider-man 3 is “silly,” and that “there’s not much there.”

    Curious, given that’s noted as the one movie this summer that his company, Industrial Light and Magic, didn’t do the special effects for.

    “People thought ‘Star Wars’ was silly, too,” he added, with a wink. “But it wasn’t.”

    Three words to that:

    Sure, that wasn’t directly his doing, but it’s certainly made things seem a little less serious. Besides which, this is the man who made Jarjar Binks.

    “Mr. Pot, a Mr. Kettle is on the line. Seems he would like words with you.”

    But, whatever. Maybe he’s jealous, maybe he’s just being ironic, or maybe his neck is still making his decisions for him, we may never know.

  2. Ellis is really on the ball lately. Come on, man, don’t you have a movie to be writing?

    In all seriousness, though, it’s cool that he’s taking this time to address matters pertaining to Dracula’s Curse, such as why he’s making it a trilogy.

  3. Press the Buttons takes a glance back at one of the more interesting points in Mario’s Japanese resume’, All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros.

    A radio contest prize, it was made by Nintendo for the Japanese radio station All Night Nippon, and featured levels from Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 2/The Lost Levels, and even the arcade Super Mario Bros., using graphics from their SMB2, but featuring Goombas and Piranha Plants replaced by their hosts, and Mushroom Retainers and I think even the Princess replaced by Japanese pop stars.

  4. Next Generation looks at Nintendo, with Reggie Fils-Aime tackling the technical divide, while George Harrison tells how Nintendo learned to chill out, and their approach to marketing.
  5. Games Radar’s “Week of Hate,” Day 3: idiots caught on tape.

    “PS Triple?” Yeah. Yeah, you so bad…

  6. Game|Life’s Japan adventure continues, with goodies from Akihabara.

    I really need to get that Balloon Fight game…

  7. Hey! It’s the anniversary of E3 2006!

    Do you remember where you were?

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 5/9/07

Wednesday, May 9th, 2007
  1. Figures.com has a review up for the Nightwatcher Raphael action figure with motorcycle from the toy line based on the recent TMNT movie.

    Looks good, I wonder if it’s available around here…

  2. Warren Ellis has once again updated the Castlevania: Dracula’s Curse blog (which everyone else only now seems to be picking up on. Haha, slowpokes), this time regarding a discussion which came up concerning voice actors.

    I’m not sure what language they speak in Transylvania (Romanian, I’d guess?), so unless they subbed the whole thing, it seems like a moot point anyway. Just have them speak plain English for maybe Trevor, and spice up accents elsewhere as needed if characters come from far-off lands.

  3. GameTrailers and ScrewAttack.com bring you the Top 10 Best and Worst Gaming Peripherals.

    #1 should probably come as no surprise, but it’s kind of surprising that the Guitar Hero controller ranked so relatively low.

  4. Day 2 of Games Radar’s “Hate Week” looks into the longstanding pasttime of the System Wars.
  5. A GR quiz is set to help answer “what type of gamer are you?”

    Sadly, it doesn’t use any sort of form or anything, so you have to keep track of your answers and go to a corresponding link. Kind of weak, in that regard.

  6. $1000 for a Wii?

    There are some neat collectible and customized items haunting eBay and the like, and GR takes a look at some of the more pricey Nintendo paraphernalia that proliferates to pilfer the pennies from your pockets more promptly than a plumber through a pipe.

  7. Another Games Radar article (don’t complain, these are taking up the slack for a slow news day) takes a look at seven games which are more fun to watch than they are to play.
  8. RMC at Go Nintendo (I was kidding about “go to Hell” yesterday, but I really do enjoy Balloon Fight) takes a look at how artistic design is the Wii’s best friend.
  9. Want a Fierce Deity of your very own, but aren’t sure if dropping $130 is justifiable to show your allegiance to Link?

    Worry not, for this review shall help shed some light on the nature of this beast.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 5/8/07

Tuesday, May 8th, 2007
  1. Newsarama was at one of my old haunts, Heroes Aren’t Hard To Find in Charlotte, for Free Comic Book Day this year, and they have a nice feature (with pics) detailing the day’s events.

    Man, I wish I could’ve been there.

  2. Matt at Press the Buttons seems to have an effective system for storing his GBA games with his DS cases.
  3. Retro Gaming with Racket Boy seeks to shatter some stereotypes with a multi-tiered answer to a simple question: Why he is a Retro Gamer.

    I can relate to a number of these, if not all of them.

  4. Evil Avatar has found a ten-step checklist to define a next-gen game; that is, something which would wow the world in a way they never imagined, like a Super Mario 64 or a Grand Theft Auto III.
  5. Wow, Eternal Champions. I remember when that game was cover material on really damn thick issues of EGM that were worth every dollar, just for how much there was packed into them.

    Ah, those were the days…

    Anywho, GameTrailers and ScrewAttack.com’s Video Game Vault take a look back.

  6. IGN checks out this summer’s movies in a 9-page feature.

    As if you didn’t already have enough movies to see.

  7. Day 1 of Games Radar’s “Week of Hate” asks “Why do gamers hate on the hobby they love?”

    We don’t “hate,” we LOVE, and we say things that hurt because we love. You understand, don’cha baby?

  8. They also have a look at the 10 worst game intros of all time, playing the movies so you don’t have to play the games.
  9. N-Philes… er, “confirms” the presence of Zero-Suit Samus in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

    But really, the fun part is reading the comments. Rowr, hiss, and such.

  10. Spiffin’ up the ol’ Classic Controller, Super Famicom-style.
  11. I know the Wii is a hot item, but this is ridiculous.
  12. Go to Hell, RMC.

    Balloon Fight is made of win and awesome, with a tall glass of “oh yeah” on the side.

  13. Evidently, Elite Beat Agents is pretty big in Japan.
  14. Folio Magazine has a look at The Final Days of Ziff-Davis.

    Sounds like something Simon Furman would write.

  15. Note to aspiring Digipen students: You belong to them now.

    Or your ideas created under their tutelage, anyway.

  16. Like point-and-click adventure games, like Ace Attorney?

    How about 20 free adventure games?

  17. Kotaku revives The Luigi Story, a parody of E! True Hollywood Story about the rise and fall of the Green Thunder.
  18. Poor Pac-Man. First Major Nelson blows him off, and now Peter Moore prevents him from hittin’ it off with the ladies.

    Don’t worry, Pac. You’re always welcome here.

  19. I can’t believe this is even a question.

    But it does pose another: who the HELL would program “rape” into Second Life?

  20. Those Mario pillow hats? They’re really just pillows of hats.

    Still look comfy, tho.

  21. Didn’t make it to Free Comic Book Day?

    Here’s a sample of what you missed.

  22. EA Canada: Lookin’ good.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”