Points of Interest – 5/24/07
Thursday, May 24th, 2007- Just a little something to hopefully brighten your day, I’m going to try and start leading off PoI with an amusing YouTube video. We’ll see how long this lasts.
Today, The Best of Stewie part 1.
- Over on The Blue Bomber Community, Theory Contradiction found a feature by IGN that looks at the Top 10 Characters In Need of a Spin-Off.
Hmm, could Toad be a franchise player?
Protoman seems iffier to me. (Is “iffier” even a word? Well, it is today.)
His time feels like it’s come and gone– twice. Besides the fact that Protoman and ProtoMan.EXE are different characters, post-Mega Man 5 always struck me as the time to do a spin-off with him.
Of course, with the recent appearance in Mega Man Powered Up, maybe he’d be ripe for a second chance… or at least, he would be, if anyone ever actually bought the system and the game.
- James Rolfe, outside of his Angry Video Game Nerd persona, gives us a review of Spider-man 3.
And I agree with him on everything but the point about all loose ends being wrapped up.
- Over at Press the Buttons, Matt takes a look back to when GI Joe and Street Fighter II crossed paths.
You know what this means, don’t you?
We’ve had TransFormers/GI Joe, GI Joe/Street Fighter, Marvel/Capcom, and Marvel/TransFormers.
All that’s left is to pit M. Bison against Megatron with Akuma as a herald of Unicron, and everything should be full-circle.
But does Ryu have The Touch?
- GameSpy gets some hands-on time with the eagerly-anticipated Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles for the PSP. Nothing too new, but it sounds like it’s coming along well. But then, don’t they all? Then again, they aren’t all Castlevania, so…
- Games Radar goes Time Travelling With Link, looking back at the Hylian Hero’s evolution over 20 years.
- Based on this feature, it sounds like Tyler Nagata at Games Radar thinks that gamers need to keep their asses glued to the couch, and not enjoy any other potential aspect of their hobby that doesn’t involve pressing start to play.
Eh, whatever. I admit, some of the artsy stuff is overdone, or rather, unoriginal to some degree, but I still like it. It shows a sort of subculture-esque aspect to the hobby of video gaming and those who love it.
Granted, they say that’s not what they mean, but really, add up all the Pac-Man cakes and Space Invader mosiacs you want, but in the end, the number of people actually showing this stuff off is still pretty minute compared to how many people are no doubt doing just what they’re proposing: gaming.
- Wow, video games sure do get blamed for a lot of stupid stuff, don’t they?
Nothing new, I suppose. Goes all the way back to Ms. Pac-Man and the topic of womens’ rights.
- To round out the Games Radar fun, a pair of lists: The Top 7 In-Game Jokes and The best game cameos ever.
- Go Nintendo has found a preview for DK Jet, the now bongo-less title carried over from the GameCube.
- Now here is a nifty looking Wii remote lightgun-style attachment.
- A new video has surfaced, hidden away on Capcom of Japan’s website which shows off Biohazard 4 for the Wii, better known in these here parts as Resident Evil 4.
- This is from last week, but I don’t remember reporting it.
From Slashdot, the question is posed “does Zelda need an overhaul?”
I’m not against it, so long as it retains some familiar elements, and is done right.
- I didn’t think it would, but Joystiq was right.
- So, you’ve wondered about the eating habits of video game characters, right?
…just work with me here.
To counter a recent… well, sort-of recent Subway commercial, Jake McNeill delves deep into the fridges, coolers, and lunchboxes of some of gaming’s most notable gourmets to see if they really are sending all the wrong messages to the youth of today.
On a side note, I’m still not sure that Jared was directly blaming Nintendo for his obesity; if you aim a gun at yourself and pull the trigger, it’s your own fault. You control your own actions, and are where the blame would be placed. But, at the same time, it doesn’t change the fact there was a gun involved, it’s just a matter of where the true blame lies.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”