Points of Interest – 5/3/07
- In anticipation of Free Comic Book Day this Saturday (check the site for participating comic book shops near you), as well as the 175th issue of Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog this month, I’ve taken the liberty of posting a sort of retrospective on
scans_daily, covering the beginning of Ian Flynn and Tracy Yardley’s tenure on the book up until the present.
If you were once a reader of the book and got tired of the direction it was going, give this a look; you might like what you see. And with a free sample on Saturday, it’s a no-lose proposition.
On the other hand, I will be honest: if you never liked Sonic, I doubt this will do anything to change your mind, either. But who knows?
- When the original TransFormers cartoon was on the air, they featured some special clips at the end of Season 3 episodes detailing various aspects of the setting, characters, and more.
Kalidor at The Allspark came across a combined collection of these, which can be seen on YouTube. Neat stuff.
- Wow, according to Evil Avatar, the Wii has 131 third-party developers.
That’s quite a bit.
- GameTrailers goes back to the good ol’ days to pick their top 10 8-bit games.
- Yikes! I guess Nintendo President Satoru Iwata isn’t all smiles, all the time.
Seems he was a bit up-front with NoA about their selling only a third as many Brain Age games here as Europe did last week.
- Artists and Halo fans, this may be the opportunity you’re looking for!
Looks like the Halo 3 logo isn’t finalized yet, and YOU, yes, YOU could be the one to create it!
And to get your juices flowing, here are some screens and concept art to help in the creative process.
- Speaking of Halo 3, these Halo 3 Kubricks look awesome.
And check it out, they even have Red vs. Blue!
- Wait, what?
Uwe Boll’s Postal movie… good?!
Something must be wrong here.
- Kotaku reviews the Ninja Gaiden Sigma downloadable demo.
Man, I kind of wish I could play this… but at the same time, I don’t think I’m nearly good enough.
- XBox Live Marketplace has a free download of the Pac-Man cartoon from 1982.
I wish I could get it. And I wish I could get some damn Pac-Man cereal, dammit.
One ALWAYS leads to the other. They should just relaunch the cereal with free DVDs featuring an episode and a copy of the game.
I’d bite.
- Kotaku’s got a cheap, fun (well, cheap, anyway) way to give your Wii remote more personality, thanks to some simple dyes.
They look surprisingly good. Too bad you can’t dye the entire casing like that.
- Wanna rock out, Guitar Hero style?
Are you a lefty?
Fear not, for there is an answer!
- So lately, it seems that XBox 360 is beating PlayStation 3 in the games department.
But what about customer service?
Well, to hear it from Kotaku, Sony gets the nod here.
Of course, there used to be good stories for Microsoft as well… but time will tell.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”