The Weekend Wrap-Up – 4/22/07
Sunday, April 22nd, 2007Since I had an awkwardly-timed update early Friday evening, I figured I’d do a weekend wrap-up here to try and catch things up a little for tomorrow.
- To start off, TransFormers. Some images of movie Thundercracker have surfaced, revealing that he seems to have a remolded head, in addition to the newer, more Thundercracker-esque paintjob.
In addition, lots of other merchandise has surfaced. Interesting to see a more “toon-ified” version of the movie characters on the coloring sets. And it looks like Dreamwave’s art is still making the rounds, too.
TakaraTomy have a catalog of movie toys, which you can see here, and more info on the “movie-vision” Optimus Prime, exclusive to Target, can be found here.
It might seem a little old-hat at this point, but Entertainment Weekly reportedly has a new image of movie Optimus Prime, plus a Q&A with Big Bot himself, all of which can be found online.
As to the last question? Oh, SNAP.
A new two pack that names Optimus as Leader for the Ages? Well that’s just Prime.
And speaking of which (as we usually are), IDW has revealed a little about the upcoming TransFormers: Spotlight to star Big Red himself.
On the game side of things, 1up has a preview of the upcoming PS3 game based on the movie.
Finally, Ben Yee’s brings a bevy of reviews: Titanium Scourge, Cybertron Defense Red Alert, and Cheetor and Rattrap from the BotCon 2006 Dawn of Futures Past set.
- Racketboy’s Retro Gaming looks at the best undiscovered GameCube games, though as of this writing the site seems to be experiencing some difficulties that prevent reading the full article.
However, it opens up with one of my personal favorites, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, a very unique and very fun sidescroller. When I first got to play this at Nintendo World the day before the Wii launched, I was instantly in love, and was heartbroken to find that despite having it on display, they lacked any copies for sale (Donkey Konga 2 with the Bongo controller was going for about 20 bucks). Fortunately, I was able to eventually find the game in a two-pack with one of my wife’s Christmas presents, Donkey Konga 2, at Wal-Mart. So we still lack an extra set of bongos, but at least we got game.
Anyway, this works well as something of a “stress relief” game. Much like Burnout, you can work off a bit of stress or frustration after a long day by pummeling at those bongos.
- Word is that Square-Enix may be looking to adopt a more remake-heavy business model, based on the success of past ventures.
Me, I say remake Bushido Blade and Super Mario RPG already.
- GameTrailers has an exclusive Ninja Gaiden Sigma trailer available for your perusal.
- Over in the UK, existing technology has been implemented to create a way for celphone users to help find missing kids.
Sounds cool to me.
- “Nintendo doesn’t make games for hardcore gamers.”
I think I agree with RMC on this one. What-freakin’-ever. If it’s true, then maybe it’s for the best, as I don’t have that kind of time to spend on a single title; going through Zelda: Twilight Princess is a rather daunting task as it is. But I’m enjoying it quite thoroughly.
So maybe I’m not a hardcore gamer. I’m happy to simply be a gamer.
- If you’re a Wii owner with a Sam’s Club membership, this may interest you…
- I missed this at GameSpy, but Go Nintendo found a Top 25 list of cinematic video game moments.
- Tom Green and Tony Hawk talk Wii.
Now with less Desu.
Actually, the clip’s nothing that grand, but it’s a slow day, what do you want?
- Kotaku has found an interesting item, Game Over! The world’s most inaccessible game.
A free download for Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux, it’s “a 21-level game built to illustrate the frustrations of inaccessible game design by making each level an example of how limiting certain design decisions can be for disabled gamers.”
Interesting stuff.
And that’s pretty much a wrap for now, see you tomorrow!
–LBD “Nytetrayn”