"If you're smart, if you work hard, if you love what you do, and if you don't give up, you're going to make a lot of money." -- Donald Trump

Archive for the ‘Points of Interest’ Category

Points of Interest – 6/22/07

Friday, June 22nd, 2007
  1. Screw “reality TV.” We need more game shows that are like this.
  2. This is regretful, though perhaps more for me than most reading this.

    R.I.P., Ask Ian, and I’m sorry for any contribution to the pain and suffering which I may have inadvertently caused. I tried cutting back on any unneccessary chit-chat to spare things, but I see it wasn’t enough.

    On the bright side, at least I can say that I got to name the final edition. That’s got to count for something.

  3. Michael Keaton. Val Kilmer. George Clooney. Christian Bale.

    Even the almighty Mayor of Quahog, Adam West.

    Posers, all of them. When it comes to Batman, there is only one man who fits the job to a T.

    Anyone who grew up in the 90s knows that it’s Kevin Conroy, who talks to Newsarama a bit here about his long-running gig as the voice of the Dark Knight.

  4. Atomic Fire has found an awesome new wallpaper at Capcom of Japan’s site that celebrates 20 years of the Blue Bomber with a nice group shot of the chief protagonists from each series (though one of the ZX’s are missing).

    And if you missed it before, there’s another wallpaper image there with many more characters all piling out of the Gesellschaft.

  5. ScrewAttack.com’s Video Game Vault goes back… to the year 1941, with one of the most ironic games ever made: a Japanese-produced game that involves you taking the role of an American pilot to shoot down Japanese planes in World War II.

    Yeah, someone didn’t quite think that one all the way through. Fun game, though.

  6. A new trailer for Penny Arcade‘s game, On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, a game critics are already calling “a game from Penny Arcade” (hey, don’t look at me, they said that).

    Certainly an intriguing title, with fun graphics and themes, and even a create-a-player feature.

  7. You really just have to wonder what PR are thinking sometimes.

    Case in point: The worst official screenshots ever. These are supposed to get people excited?

  8. A tiny peek at the just-announced Contra IV.

    And it’s still enough to get me excited.

  9. Great, now Go Nintendo is ripping The Mega Man Network’s art as well.
  10. A new peek at the fangame Mega Man: New Horizon.

    Hope they get this polished up more. But at least the premise is neat.

  11. Joystiq scores an interview with the creators of the Nintendo Short Cuts contest winners, the creators of “Good vs. WiiVil.”
  12. You’ve no doubt heard about them, perhaps even seen countless screenshots of them.

    But now, in case you’re like me and just never actually BOTHERED to look it up, here’s the infamous scene from the Pokemon anime involving James and his bigger-than-Jessie’s inflatable breasts.

    Don’t worry, it’s tame stuff. I’m sure Bugs Bunny and Donald Duck and whoever else have done FAR worse in their day.

  13. Lots of Nintendo papercraft.

    I need to invest in some quality printing paper…

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 6/21/07

Thursday, June 21st, 2007
  1. Untalkative Bunny learns all about Eating With Manners.

    And perhaps that lady has learned that it’s sometimes better to mind your own business.

  2. FINALLY, some damn Itadaki Street DS art that’s not obscured by text.
  3. I really need to read this Phoenix Wright manga scanslation.
  4. GameVideos sure is seeing a lot of NES game videos being added. Without any real theme to them, from what I can tell. Just… playing.
  5. On a related note, someone must REALLY hate Mario
  6. Miyamoto makes CNN Money’s “50 Who Matter Now”, and he’s brought along some friends!
  7. Tag! You’re it!

    If all graffiti were like this, the world might be a better place.

  8. That Punch-Out!! Trailer video from the Nintendo Short Cuts contest was great.

    So great was it, that now they’ve offered up the outtakes.

  9. Gotta love these Nintendo Bobbleheads. Bowser looks especially neat.

    I actually have one I got a few years ago, a limited-edition Target version of Mario there, except mine’s holding a GameCube and controller.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 6/20/07

Wednesday, June 20th, 2007
  1. The Untalkative Bunny, he’s a cool cat…

    Even if he can’t keep his ears under that stupid hat.

    The Jazz Club is where he’s hanging tonight.

    And with his new bud, everything’s gonna be alright.

  2. Didja hear? Apparently, Manhunt 2 is being marketed towards children. It’s clear in the name and the boxart, apparently. Oh, and the Adult-Only rating. That’s definitely meant to appeal to children.

    And that type of conception just presses Matt’s buttons in all the wrong ways.

    Long story short: ignorant folk (i.e. the people who would even seriously suggest Manhunt 2 is being marketed to the same crowd as Pokemon) talk too damn much.

  3. So Manhunt 2 is violent enough to be banned in the UK. Not exactly good, but not exactly a first, either.

    Here’s a list of games banned the world over, and check out what #1 is…

    It’s also only the 24th game to get an AO rating.

  4. The Angry Video Game Nerd: Die Hard, Drink Harder.
  5. First a trailer, now a TV spot: Rockman ZX Advent is kicking some ass.
  6. Heh, so, you think gaming is expensive now, do you?

    Why, back in my day

  7. What could be better than a video interview with the director/producer of Ninja Gaiden Sigma?

    A video interview with the director/producer of Ninja Gaiden Sigma with a real-life Rachel, of course!

  8. A neat piece of 3D animation, The Legend of Zelda: The Dark Sage.

    As fanworks go, this isn’t bad.

  9. Ok, so Jackass: The Game might be fun to play, but honestly, it’s not as much fun to watch as the TV show/movies.
  10. A somewhat-interesting, seemingly growing trend is blogging your way through games.

    One fellow has begun blogging his way through Zelda, chronologically, while friend Magnus has been likewise chronicling his Pokemon journeys.

    Are there more out there?

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 6/19/07

Tuesday, June 19th, 2007
  1. BFF? The ambiguous Untalkative Bunny and Squirrel go on a date.

    But, can their friendship survive if things don’t work out?

  2. The Cheapest PlayStation 1 Games Worth Your Time.

    I might object to the absence of any MegaMan Legends title on the list, but then, maybe they aren’t exactly cheap now?

  3. Games Radar looks at the Top 7 Secret Shame Games.

    Huh, I had fun with Stunt Race FX. Not so much with Justice League Task Force, though.

  4. So, you’re worried about the new control scheme for Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, aren’t you?

    Don’t worry, you aren’t the only one.

  5. Now here’s a real blast from the past: an early demo video of the now legendary Super NES classic, Super Mario RPG.

    As long as Square’s doing remakes, I wouldn’t mind seeing an updated version of this.

  6. To celebrate Father’s Day, The Tanooki has put together a tribute to fathers in gaming.
  7. Haruhi is going to get all objectionable on your melancholy ass, in the best way one can: Ace Attorney style!

    Yeah, we’ve seen the parody stuff before, but this one furthers the concept.

  8. More game bling.

    Me, I want a life-size silver ROB hanging from my neck. So I can look cool, have a nice picture made. You know, before my neck snaps from the Lose Weight Exercise.

    But at least my funeral would have one good picture of me, then.

  9. God, yet another shirt I should have in my closet.

    I’d have to wave around a grey Zapper or something older, of course. Maybe bling out with some of the above merch as well. Y’know, get the whole feel going.

  10. Mega Man takes on Air Man in this neat piece of handdrawn animation.

    Yes, I realize that pose at the start pretty much defies every conventional definition of “animated,” but just keep watching, it gets going.

  11. If this were my final, I’d have kicked ass in my Phys-Ed finals.


  12. Paper Mario? Psht. That’s SO two months ago.

    Paper(craft) Link is what’s hot now.

  13. Is the PlayStation Portable handicapped by its name?

    Jenn Frank seems to think so. “PlayStation Handheld” seems to be what she’s leaning towards.

    Me, I think she’s just looking for a reason to go “PSH!” whenever the subject of the system comes up.

    Still, she may be on to something… after all, we have heard the term “PlayStation PORTable” used time and again.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 6/16/07

Saturday, June 16th, 2007
  1. Eating the same thing day after day can grow boring, even when you’re a bunny. That’s why the Untalkative Bunny decides to visit a franchise fair to see what new products are on the market.
  2. So, you finished yesterday’s beginner’s course on TurboGrafx-16, right?

    Then today, you’re ready to move on up TurboGrafx-16 secrets, as brought to us via Matt at Press The Buttons.

  3. Nintendo’s top ten finalists in the Short Cuts contest are up at the contest’s website.

    Who will win? There can only be one… *waggles fingers*

  4. Yech, a feature on the top 10 smelliest looking characters?

    What were they thinking?

  5. Ah, now this is the Metal Gear I grew up with.

    I’d still love to play the original and its until-recently Japan-only sequel, though. Which is why I still need to find a good copy of Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence.

  6. Wow, what a neat Super Smash Bros. Brawl comic. Be sure to click the link at the bottom there to see it in full, it’s a neat spoof (of sorts) of the updates Sakurai has been giving us over at the Dojo.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 6/15/07

Friday, June 15th, 2007
  1. This just in… the latest-breaking stories, brought to you LIVE by the Nintendo News Network.

    Good, hard-hitting stuff. I’m glad I’m well invested in bananas. Also, be sure to keep an eye on the news ticker…

  2. Posted this and the above in my LiveJournal after an update the other night. Then I realized I forgot to tell people here about them.

    This, I like.

    The vocals aren’t the best. One might call them bad, but almost in a good way. HUGE thanks to shortpacked for bringing this to my attention.

    I think I like this better than either of the themes heard thus far, AND more than any trailer we’ve seen.

    Now, I’m just totally stoked. I might need to dig up 89 cents just for appreciation.

  3. Another review vouching for Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer not sucking so much.
  4. Also at Newsarama, they talk it up with Mark Bagley about his awesomely historic run on Ultimate Spider-man, spanning well over 100 issues, which is simply unheard of in this day and age. It’s a bit of a shame he couldn’t stay on for longer, as it is nice when a comic retains a consistent feel from issue to issue.
  5. Believe it or not, I have never, ever played a Bubsy game. Guess I had enough “mascots” occupying my time, alongside Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat.

    But over at Press The Buttons, Matt reminisces about the time he got the game.

  6. So, you have yourself a Wii, and have tried out this “TurboGrafx-16″ thing that just came out of nowhere with new games for the Virtual Console. But lo and behold, you find out that this isn’t some newfangled cash-in creation, but something of a lost system from days long past.

    Well, while games come to the VC at a steady trickle, it’s still a trickle. And it’s still the VC, prices and all. Maybe you want more than that. Or maybe you’re a collector. Maybe you want the genuine experience, and everything it entails.

    That is why, good friends, Racketboy has put together a beginner’s guide to Hudson and NEC’s pet project from days gone by. Granted, this is more a look back at the system itself, rather than any sort of buyer’s guide, but it’s a good place to start your research into the new old.

  7. The newest ScrewAttack.com Video Game Vault unexpectedly takes a look back at one of my old-time NES favorites from my earliest days on the system, Urban Champion.

    It certainly has a unique charm, though I’m not sure it’s worth five Virtual Console dollars, either. I mean, to get the original NES game, in box and with instructions, no doubt. But for just an official ROM? Maybe three, or four at best.

    I do love the narrator’s interpretation of the “story” for the game.

  8. GameDaily tackles an issue that concerned many of us growing up, and continues yet still to this day: movies that deserved better games.

    Speaking of which, I hope to finish getting a special related piece up this weekend, with a nice little bit of news to go with…

  9. Once, in the long, long ago… people played games to attain a high score; that is, a score that was higher than anyone else’s.

    Those days are all but gone.

    However! Over at Games Radar, Retrobot turns back the clock and takes a look at some of history’s best score attack games.

    Plus, with the likes of XBox Live Arcade allowing people from all over the world to compete head-to-head, maybe high scores will make a comeback.

  10. Skate or Die needs to make a comeback. With all the Tony Hawk’s and stuff, I’m sure there’s something they could do…
  11. Ten things to love about the PS3.

    Not saying it’s bad or anything of the sort, but I’m still just not even remotely inclined to drop $800 on the thing…

  12. With Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Tecmo seems convinced that they’ve turned Rachel into the world’s greatest female action character.

    I wonder how the likes of Samus, Lara, or even Princess Peach might respond. Can’t speak for the first two, but I bet that Peach is touching her “angry” face as we speak…

  13. We all know how bad video game marketing can be; in their own eyes, there is no room for modesty, and if you give an inch, you loseWeight Exercise a sale.

    But what are some of the worst, the most overblown things they’ve said over the years? That’s what 1up’s Brandon Teel has set off to find out.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 6/14/07

Thursday, June 14th, 2007
  1. Bungee jumping is something I could never do.But can our hero, the Untalkative Bunny, pull it off?
  2. Here’s the latest in a review of Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer……it doesn’t suck?

    I still haven’t seen the first, and I may skip it for this.

  3. So you finally got a PSP, and you’re curious what’s good.Press The Buttons has the answers.
  4. GameTrailers has added a few new videos to demonstrate the workings of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight PrincessPhantom Hourglass.It looks really good, visually. Like oldschool Zelda with Wind Waker graphics, and Animal Crossing: Wild World touch control.

    Now, just as long as they don’t create any frustratingly time-sensitive puzzles or enemies, it ought to be great.

  5. In case, like me yesterday, you were unable to view the Death Note 2 video, GameTrailers has it now.Says Zaphkiel: For a minute there I thought you meant another Death Note series… and that got me thinking about how different it’d be if Light had been the typical SJ main character.


    Me: Super Saiyan Ryuk:


  6. Some days, all you need is a sunset, 8-bit or otherwise.
  7. 1) I question the legitimacy of this t-shirt.2) Even if it IS legit, that looks far closer to Wario than Mario to me.

    3) I suspect that if this isn’t legit, then maybe someone saw a pic of Wario and couldn’t tell the bloody difference.

  8. Yeah, definitely questioning the legitimacy over here.”Homer Pimpson?”

    Now I’m worried that the above IS supposed to be Wario, and they just flipped the letter to avoid infringement.

  9. Sad thing is, there are people out there who need to hear this.Poor Animal Crossing.
  10. The Hong Kong NES Cell Phone: Now You’re Talking With Power… By The Minute Power!!

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 6/13/07

Wednesday, June 13th, 2007
  1. From the wonderfully twisted mind of Kajetokun comes a new bit of madness: Gutsman’s Ass, or rather, “GUTSMAN’S ASS.”

    Tremble in terror.

  2. I’m sure most of you who watched The Disney Afternoon remember the opening to Darkwing Duck, among others.

    But how many of you remember the countdown/premiere video?

  3. Racketboy has an interesting blast from the past: the Dreamcast preview issue of the SEGA Saturn magazine, from the UK.

    Oh, SEGA… sure, you weren’t top of the world then, but your name still came with a higher regard… what ever happened?

  4. GameTrailers and ScrewAttack.com go back to the vault for Mega Man 4, and rip off the pic of Wily which Spaz gave me for his interview. On their front-page, anyway.
  5. Yahoo! Games has a new feature up, looking at what we all love: The Top 10 Cheesiest Classic Game Commercials.

    I still love most of the 80′s Nintendo commercials, though.

  6. It’s been 20 years, and you still haven’t seen the original 1986 TransFormers: The Movie? Clearly, you are a bit undecided, maybe even conflicted, about whether or not to watch this classic.

    It is at a time like this that James Rolfe, aka The Angry Video Game Nerd, is here to help.

  7. So many…

    So many video game boxes are just so bad, how can one man be expected to fit them in one article?

    The fact is, they can’t.

    But, Sharkey is no ordinary man.

    That said, he couldn’t do it, either. And that’s why we now have Hey Covers… You Suck! 2!

    Because you just know that anything just the right amount of suck will get a sequel.

  8. Speaking of suck, sequels, and games, GameTrailers and ScrewAttack.com have the Top 10 Worst Fighting Games up.

    Well, actually, most of these were bad enough that they didn’t get sequels, thankfully…

    Just out of curiousity, is there some sort of MUGEN hack for Aaron Carter to take on the star of #1?

  9. Hmm, guess I missed this New Super Mario Bros. ad.

    I like how it follows the “Who Are You?” style.

  10. RMC shows some birthday love for his sis by letting her write about her life of gaming.

    Wonder if I ought to write something like that sometime. I can call them my “Gamoirs.”

  11. JeuxFrance has a new video for the sequel to a game we never got, Death Note 2 for the DS.

    Normally, I wouldn’t mention something like this, but come on. It’s Death Note.


    …and it’s not working for me. Hope you guys have better luck.

  12. One of my favorite commercials, this one being for Yoshi’s Island for GBA.

    And what good is a little bit of funny without a little bit of freaky to balance it out, courtesy of Zelda?

  13. Ah, finally, the return of the Super Freaky Parody Rangers!

    Not exactly advised for the kiddies.

    Watch in awe and wonder as the mysterious Green Ranger attacks our heroes! But, who IS he?!

  14. It should come as no surprise that Punch-Out!! would make for one of the best entries in Nintendo’s Short Cuts contest.

    The mix of real-life and game footage is excellent, and it makes me really dig Von Kaiser, too.

    Really, this is what the contest needs to be full of.

    Or, looks at competitors’ brainstorming sessions.

    Conversely, is it any wonder this one was banned?

  15. VG Cats really knows how to pour on the guilt, don’t they?
  16. Remember Funcoland? I don’t. But I’ve certainly heard of it.

    And Chris Kohler? He has unkind words about it as well.

    Check the comments and Pre-Order Pushers for more fun tales of game store idiocy.

  17. Remember The Oregon Trail back in school?

    If you’ve ever been curious about the company behind it, here’s a history lesson.

  18. Once upon a time, Nintendo very nearly put the fate of their Famicom hardware into the hands of Atari.

    Wow, what a mistake that might have been.

    Recently uncovered is a memo of this historic meeting of the minds.

  19. The most needlessly violent game ever?

    How much damage can you rack up throwing a guy down a flight of stairs? Go to full-screen for best results. My best is 149, but Zaphkiel and Jho are kicking my ass with 283 and 386, respectively.

    Oh, wait, here we go. Down and Right buttons help smush him on the stairs. I’m at 357 now.

  20. If one thing has become apparent, it’s that ratings systems and user-created content just don’t mix.
  21. Time for a little Hardcore Gaming 101. Today’s lesson? Capcom Beat-em-Ups, aka “Final Fight clones.”

    …of course, you’ll note that no one’s cloning Streetwise

  22. If I ever have frivolous money again, this might be a neat site to check out.

    Of course, I’ll check it out anyway. I’ll just be setting myself up for disappointment in the process is all.

  23. The dirt… it won’t come off… why won’t it come off?!
  24. As I said before: I. Hate. Thieves.
  25. Alright, the latest Zelda chapter! The Legend of Zelda and the Lampshade of No Real Significance!

    This is going to be awesome!

    …huh. Be more amusing if Link didn’t plod at such a slow pace.

  26. If I were to get a cake like this for my birthday one year, you can’t imagine just how happy that would make me. Alas…
  27. Wow… just think, if they went to all this trouble just for Donkey Kong, it makes me wonder what they have to say about other titles…

…and FINALLY, I’m DONE!!!

And I can assure you this is the LAST time you’ll see me here doing this…

…until tonight, I mean.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 6/9/07

Saturday, June 9th, 2007
  1. Today, the Untalkative Bunny tries to enjoy a simple meal, but the staff at the restaurant won’t let him be.

    Oh Mario, why won’t you let Podobella have her say?

  3. More from the Nintendo Short Cuts contest.

    This time, what pretty much amounts to the story of my life.

    Ok, not quite so bad, but close.

    Many more entries are viewable here.

    I still need to watch more, I admit, but let me just say that with the things I’ve seen on the internet, I was expecting a lot more… well, epic stuff.

  4. Oh, wow.

    Hellcat at the Allspark found this one. Relive your childhood with the last Ninja Turtles toy ads of the era.

    Man, some of those were so BAD. I do remember thinking that a Manhole-Cover Shooter would have been better than a pizza shooter.

    And some of the toys, it felt like they took forever to come out. Like the Technodrome. I wanted it, but was hitting that “too old to have it bought, too young to have a job” age. Krang’s Android body was another such example.

    Sort of drove me crazy how they’d add so much stuff to the figures and such, making them seem less like their normal portrayals in media. Sure, some may disagree, but I just wanted what I was watching. Keep the over-abundance of “Foot Stinks” and slime stickers, please.

    A lot of the weirder Turtle variants were too much for me. Farmer Turtles? Yech. But I dug stuff like the Cyber Samurai Turtles (ESPECIALLY with the comics), and the Turtle-shaped mechs, even though sadly I never got either.

    That toyline was such an odd lot by the end.

  5. Why is pro gaming not as popular as it should be? This article helps shed some light on the matter.

    Personally, it feels like games just used to be a lot more watchable. Then again, when I’d watch my parents play, it was usually something I didn’t have the patience or skill for.

  6. They couldn’t keep away… ScrewAttack.com and GameTrailers look back into the Video Game Vault at Mega Man 3 for the NES.
  7. Next Generation has a retrospective of… NiGHTS?

    Not to imply that it isn’t worthy, but usually a retrospective covers something with more than one title in the franchise…

  8. A neat look at Link’s many shields.

    I think I like Twilight Princess‘s version best, but I still have to wonder what kind of story explanation could or would ever be used to explain the simple cross on the earliest shields of the franchise’s history.

  9. Games based on movies tend to blow, though they tend to blow a little less these days.

    All the same, just because the collective blowing of all these movie-games could keep a kite flying indefinitely, doesn’t mean they all do.

    And it is to that end that a list of the top five movie-based games has been made.

    What surprises me most is that the SNES version of Aladdin was chosen over the Genesis version; everyone always swore to me that SEGA’s was better than Capcom’s.

  10. It’s strange.

    Everything I’ve seen for Mario Strikers: Charged pretty much seems to imply that Mario and Company have all gone straight to Hell, and all they do there is play soccer. That goes for the style, the expressions, and the music.

    And yet, watching some of this, the music seems rather mild.

  11. GameVideos has an exhaustive look at the Hyrule Temple stage from Super Smash Bros. Melee, giving comparisons to past dungeons and noting how it most resembles those in Zelda II.

    It does have its “duh” moments, but is sort of neat to see everything arranged sequentially in a way that shows how things have changed over time.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 6/8/07

Thursday, June 7th, 2007
  1. Today, the Untalkative Bunny makes a new friend. A friendly friend!

    So friendly, it’ll just make you retch.

  2. Alfred Pennyworth rocks.
  3. shortpacked found this amusingly bad music video, apparently from the Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker DVD, which I still need to get. Uncut, that is.
  4. GameTrailers has two new Japanese trailers for The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass.

    They are very simple, but get the point across. I’m rather curious to try this out.

  5. Hmm, I knew that Yamauchi was quite a successful man, but Japan’s third richest?

    Most impressive.

  6. Remember when the “Play Station” was nothing more than a CD-ROM drive add-on for Nintendo’s 16-bit Super system?

    Well, I’ve never actually seen the proposed project before. That is, until now.

    Reminds me of a cross between a Saturn and… I dunno, maybe a Neo-Geo?

    Regardless of what it looks like, Game|Life brings its legitimacy into question.

  7. This… this may just be the greatest video ever.

    Kohler says it’s older than dirt, and you’ve probably already seen it. That may be true for some, but it’s new to me, and regardless, it makes it no less great.

    There should be an award for a video like this.

  8. Is the gaming industry really ignoring what customers want?

    “It?s a business comprised almost entirely of young gamer dudes, serving an audience of young gamer dudes, covered by a gaming press of young gamer dudes, all of whom are only interested in creating, playing, and covering games that interest young gamer dudes?which they believe to be the pinnacle of entertainment.”

    Conversely, it seems the obvious answer to this for some is simple: the Wii.

    But then, you have opponents of that way of thinking as well.

    “Will games like Halo and Gears of War ever go away? Hell no. But publishers aren’t stupid. They’re going to go where the majority of the money is and if people want to play the WarioWare mini-games more than the meaty experiences that hardcore gamers love, you’re inevitably going to see a corresponding shift in development.”

    This is where “kill everyone” sounds like the most viable solution.

  9. Tycho and Gabe of Penny Arcade fame chat it up with the infamous Onion.

    Kotaku says that it’s not quite as hilarious as you’d expect, but a good read nonetheless.

  10. At bits, bytes, pixels and sprites, a former EB Games manager comes out of the closet (different closet, mind) about his former identity, and exposes much of what came with the territory, as well as the crimes against humanity commited in the name of a higher power.

    We’ve all been there.

  11. If you want your site to be Wii-friendly for the Opera browser, then you’re in luck as they have created a guide to help you do just that!

    Suppose it’s only right that I try and take a look at it, too.

  12. Damsels in distress have been a staple of gaming practically since its inception, or at the very least, since a certain big galoot of a gorilla came on the scene and started taunting red-hatted carpenters.

    But it couldn’t stay that way forever, oh no. Which is why 1up has a look at Dudes in Distress, a feature about when guys get grabbed by unbiased baddies.

    …disturbing imagery ahead. Especially of the above-mentioned ex-carpenter.


–LBD “Nytetrayn”