Points of Interest – 6/8/07
- Today, the Untalkative Bunny makes a new friend. A friendly friend!
So friendly, it’ll just make you retch.
- Alfred Pennyworth rocks.
shortpacked found this amusingly bad music video, apparently from the Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker DVD, which I still need to get. Uncut, that is.
- GameTrailers has two new Japanese trailers for The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass.
They are very simple, but get the point across. I’m rather curious to try this out.
- Hmm, I knew that Yamauchi was quite a successful man, but Japan’s third richest?
Most impressive.
- Remember when the “Play Station” was nothing more than a CD-ROM drive add-on for Nintendo’s 16-bit Super system?
Well, I’ve never actually seen the proposed project before. That is, until now.
Reminds me of a cross between a Saturn and… I dunno, maybe a Neo-Geo?
Regardless of what it looks like, Game|Life brings its legitimacy into question.
- This… this may just be the greatest video ever.
Kohler says it’s older than dirt, and you’ve probably already seen it. That may be true for some, but it’s new to me, and regardless, it makes it no less great.
There should be an award for a video like this.
- Is the gaming industry really ignoring what customers want?
“It?s a business comprised almost entirely of young gamer dudes, serving an audience of young gamer dudes, covered by a gaming press of young gamer dudes, all of whom are only interested in creating, playing, and covering games that interest young gamer dudes?which they believe to be the pinnacle of entertainment.”
Conversely, it seems the obvious answer to this for some is simple: the Wii.
But then, you have opponents of that way of thinking as well.
“Will games like Halo and Gears of War ever go away? Hell no. But publishers aren’t stupid. They’re going to go where the majority of the money is and if people want to play the WarioWare mini-games more than the meaty experiences that hardcore gamers love, you’re inevitably going to see a corresponding shift in development.”
This is where “kill everyone” sounds like the most viable solution.
- Tycho and Gabe of Penny Arcade fame chat it up with the infamous Onion.
Kotaku says that it’s not quite as hilarious as you’d expect, but a good read nonetheless.
- At bits, bytes, pixels and sprites, a former EB Games manager comes out of the closet (different closet, mind) about his former identity, and exposes much of what came with the territory, as well as the crimes against humanity commited in the name of a higher power.
We’ve all been there.
- If you want your site to be Wii-friendly for the Opera browser, then you’re in luck as they have created a guide to help you do just that!
Suppose it’s only right that I try and take a look at it, too.
- Damsels in distress have been a staple of gaming practically since its inception, or at the very least, since a certain big galoot of a gorilla came on the scene and started taunting red-hatted carpenters.
But it couldn’t stay that way forever, oh no. Which is why 1up has a look at Dudes in Distress, a feature about when guys get grabbed by unbiased baddies.
…disturbing imagery ahead. Especially of the above-mentioned ex-carpenter.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”