Points of Interest – 6/15/07
- This just in… the latest-breaking stories, brought to you LIVE by the Nintendo News Network.
Good, hard-hitting stuff. I’m glad I’m well invested in bananas. Also, be sure to keep an eye on the news ticker…
- Posted this and the above in my LiveJournal after an update the other night. Then I realized I forgot to tell people here about them.
The vocals aren’t the best. One might call them bad, but almost in a good way. HUGE thanks to
shortpacked for bringing this to my attention.
I think I like this better than either of the themes heard thus far, AND more than any trailer we’ve seen.
Now, I’m just totally stoked. I might need to dig up 89 cents just for appreciation.
- Another review vouching for Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer not sucking so much.
- Also at Newsarama, they talk it up with Mark Bagley about his awesomely historic run on Ultimate Spider-man, spanning well over 100 issues, which is simply unheard of in this day and age. It’s a bit of a shame he couldn’t stay on for longer, as it is nice when a comic retains a consistent feel from issue to issue.
- Believe it or not, I have never, ever played a Bubsy game. Guess I had enough “mascots” occupying my time, alongside Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat.
But over at Press The Buttons, Matt reminisces about the time he got the game.
- So, you have yourself a Wii, and have tried out this “TurboGrafx-16″ thing that just came out of nowhere with new games for the Virtual Console. But lo and behold, you find out that this isn’t some newfangled cash-in creation, but something of a lost system from days long past.
Well, while games come to the VC at a steady trickle, it’s still a trickle. And it’s still the VC, prices and all. Maybe you want more than that. Or maybe you’re a collector. Maybe you want the genuine experience, and everything it entails.
That is why, good friends, Racketboy has put together a beginner’s guide to Hudson and NEC’s pet project from days gone by. Granted, this is more a look back at the system itself, rather than any sort of buyer’s guide, but it’s a good place to start your research into the new old.
- The newest ScrewAttack.com Video Game Vault unexpectedly takes a look back at one of my old-time NES favorites from my earliest days on the system, Urban Champion.
It certainly has a unique charm, though I’m not sure it’s worth five Virtual Console dollars, either. I mean, to get the original NES game, in box and with instructions, no doubt. But for just an official ROM? Maybe three, or four at best.
I do love the narrator’s interpretation of the “story” for the game.
- GameDaily tackles an issue that concerned many of us growing up, and continues yet still to this day: movies that deserved better games.
Speaking of which, I hope to finish getting a special related piece up this weekend, with a nice little bit of news to go with…
- Once, in the long, long ago… people played games to attain a high score; that is, a score that was higher than anyone else’s.
Those days are all but gone.
However! Over at Games Radar, Retrobot turns back the clock and takes a look at some of history’s best score attack games.
Plus, with the likes of XBox Live Arcade allowing people from all over the world to compete head-to-head, maybe high scores will make a comeback.
- Skate or Die needs to make a comeback. With all the Tony Hawk’s and stuff, I’m sure there’s something they could do…
- Ten things to love about the PS3.
Not saying it’s bad or anything of the sort, but I’m still just not even remotely inclined to drop $800 on the thing…
- With Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Tecmo seems convinced that they’ve turned Rachel into the world’s greatest female action character.
I wonder how the likes of Samus, Lara, or even Princess Peach might respond. Can’t speak for the first two, but I bet that Peach is touching her “angry” face as we speak…
- We all know how bad video game marketing can be; in their own eyes, there is no room for modesty, and if you give an inch, you lose a sale.
But what are some of the worst, the most overblown things they’ve said over the years? That’s what 1up’s Brandon Teel has set off to find out.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”