- Like it, love it, or hate it, Spider-man 3 was a pretty cool movie.
But, thanks to Frash, we’ve got something to top it.
Good-bye, Goblin. So long, Sandman. Venom? Vamoose.
Look out as Spider-man goes up against The Wall!
- 1up returns with some more celbration of the 20th Mega Manniversary, with two new additions by the lovely, talented, and witty Nadia Oxford.
This time out, she flies solo as she looks at some of the Blue Bomber’s stranger one-off titles, as well as some titles that show that yes, sometimes you do hurt the ones you love.
Plus, another long interview snippet with Keiji Inafune. Not that I don’t enjoy it or that I don’t like hearing from him, but man, these things really drag. Transcripts would be excellent.
- So, in making that vague Carmen Sandiego reference in the first item of today’s Daily ‘Shroom, I had to double-check the lyrics, and discovered that PBS evidently went back to the well and made another Carmen Sandiego-themed show, Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?
Not bad, but I still prefer Rockapella.
- Ah, androgeny in video game characters. It’s nothing new.
But, it is to Pit.
Poor guy. I’d say he’s more baby-faced than feminine, though.
- So Mario Strikers Charged will feature online play. For the same continent, anyway.
How’s that going to work?
- Toastyfrog looks at Nintendo’s newfound success in “non-games”, and what it means to you, the “hardcore” gamer.
Basically, what it comes down to is that you can’t criticize them, because they’re not for you.
- GameTrailers has a new trailer for LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga.
Watch it. It is funny. Funny is good.
Incidently, is it me, or does it seem like there’s some sort of unwritten law that any created character in this game, regardless of gender, is required to have Leia’s slave torso?
- GT also brings a video review of Mario Party 8.
I do challenge at least two things said here, however. One being that Super Mario Sunshine was the last “serious” story Mario was involved in, and the second that it was a bad thing.
Direct your attention to the Paper Mario games. ‘Nuff said.
Anyway, it scores well here, looks gorgeous, has Mii interaction, and I rather liked Mario Party 7, so I hope I can get ahold of this one sometime soon.
- Games Radar unveils the stylus-based controls for The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, as well as some nifty ideas for other implements.
I’m cool with this, provided there’s no serious twitch-gaming involved that requires precision. Otherwise, it’d be sort of like an Animal Crossing: Wild World that lets you kill things.
And isn’t that what we all really want?
- Go Nintendo has some nice magazine scans of Rockman ZX Advent, showing off a bit of what was reported earlier in the week.
- Konami talks Virtual Console, discussing among other things why we saw that ridiculous price bump for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
- How young is too young for someone to play Wii?
I’d say at least three years old.
- So, wondering what the media thought of Nintendo’s summit?
In a nutshell: “Meh.”
Not because it was bad, but more a matter of product timing.
- Wii-mcast?
Not quite, but playing Virtua Tennis with a fishing rod has to be an experience in itself.
- Star Wars is 30 years young, and to celebrate, 1up’s Jeremy Parish and Mike Nelson have rounded up every Star Was game to date and rated them.
How well do they hold up? And can symbols of dis/approval get any better than this?
And how many times do we need to fly around on Hoth, anyway?
Personally, though, I liked Shadows of the Empire.
This one part caught my eye, however:
[NES Star Wars by Namco] plays fast and loose with the events of the movie, as seen in the sandcrawler level in which Luke shoots his way through an army of Jawas before fighting, uh, Darth Vader. Who turns into a scorpion. Amazing.
…now I want a new Star Wars TransFormer toy: Darth Vader that transforms into Scorponok.
- A Paper Mario papercraft?
Sounds like a winner to me.
- You wish you were this popular in Japan.
But can he stand a chance against him?
Doesn’t matter. Because neither can beat this.
- Maybe if they’d done this, arcades would still be around.
Yes, I’m being facetious.
- Everyone’s talking about the Street Fighter II/GI Joe figures lately…
Is there a revival or something I missed?
- Just one reason I’d love to be in on these press events.
I’d want in anyway, but this is the stuff you get to rub in peoples’ face.
Besides, who doesn’t want to be able to offer someone something to drink from their Wii bottle?
- Second Life just became a whole lot more interesting.
I had no idea you could nuke islands back to the Stone Age.
- When and if I get a DS Lite, I want a black one. Natch.
Customizing? Probably not.
Or at least, that’s what I’d have said before I saw these.
Admit it. That’s pretty slick.
- I don’t see how this could possibly reduce the number of Wiimote throwing accidents that are so prevalent in our society today.
Partially because I see no indication that there is a way for the wrist strap to continue functioning. Not that it would stand up to the sheer force brought against it by inspired temptation.
- First it was hooking your kids up with strangers via the internet, and now it’s pirating Pirates of the Caribbean 3.
Is there nothing the Nintendo DS can’t do?
- What a waste…
I hope that these were already broken, at least.
- If you ask me, Andy Warhol had it coming.
- We’ve seen plenty of “every Nintendo game EVAR” auctions around, and now, it’s Sony’s turn.
- Seriously, how can you NOT love penguins?
…unless maybe you work in the movie biz and are tired of all the CG penguin flicks. Then I can kind of understand.
- El. Oh. El.
- I’ve heard that Master Chief has gotten into a few scraps, but this is ridiculous.
- This game flyer leads me to one question:
Can we have this on Virtual Console? I’ve some fond memories of this game at my dad’s arcade when I was but a wee lad.
And now that I’m a Wii lad, I’d like to revisit those memories.
(On a side note: is that not the most insincere laugh you’ve ever heard? Dialogue By: Jack Chick)
- One-Winged Paratroopa?
- My youth was so wasted.
A commercial for The Wizard, which I had to wait for home video to see.
So no Pocket Power for me (heh, almost two decades later, and it sounds funny), and I had already gotten to play and beat the game for myself before seeing the movie.
Whew! And now we’re all caught up. Enjoy the weekend!