"In journalism, there has always been a tension between getting it first and getting it right." -- Ellen Goodman

Archive for the ‘Points of Interest’ Category

Points of Interest – 6/7/07

Thursday, June 7th, 2007
  1. Today, the Untalkative Bunny and his friends try their hands at paintball.

    But no armaments here, nosiree. They fight like MEN, chucking the paintballs with their bare hands!

  2. GameTrailers has a new… er, trailer from Japan featuring Mega Man ZX Advent, aka “the game that says you cannot just ignore post-X5 continuity.”

    Looks good.

  3. Remember E3 2006, and the big Metal Gear Solid 4 trailer that debuted there?

    Well, it’s been remastered, and is once more available to drool over again and again and again, all the while wondering if a 600 dollar investment is such a bad idea after all.

    As much as I dig Metal Gear, though, I’m just not much good at the newer games. Well, I dunno. I never played past the first Solid on the PS1, so maybe they’re easier in the fields I have trouble with? In any case, much as I love the story and characters and such, it’s just not worth it if I can’t actually get to any of it.

    Here’s hoping IDW continues their comic adaptations. At least I could follow it that way, though I can’t say much for Ashley Wood’s sequential art.

  4. GameSpot reviews Pac-Man Championship Edition for the 360.

    Sure, it’s a good game… but how good is it remade nearly 30 years later?

  5. GameDaily celebrates Lara’s Anniversary by speaking with her creator, and discussing the creation of an icon and what the future holds for this raider of tombs.
  6. Is it better to reward gamers, or to punish them? That’s the question posed at GameDaily, and one I have mixed feelings about.

    Of course, I don’t like being punished, but I suppose definitions vary. I consider a lot of Super Mario Sunshine to be punishing, but others clearly don’t feel that way. Conversely, I love me some Contra, even when I get obliterated, and then there are those who probably can’t stand the heat.

  7. It would seem that the DS’s capabilities as a learning device truly know no limits.
  8. The Escapist takes a look at Zelda, and how a game was inspired by Miyamoto’s exploration as a child, and also one which further inspired many children of our generation.
  9. RMC at Go Nintendo goes toe-to-toe with GameSpot’s Zelda II review in a little game of Point/Counterpoint.

    I tend to side with RMC here.

  10. Games can dissuade food cravings?

    Well, I’ll be damned.

  11. Wow, who knew that creating something like Pac-Man could be so unrewarding?

    I mean, a job well done is its own reward, I guess, but damn. This thing was a phenom! I’d like to think it eventually lead to a promotion of some kind…

  12. Hmm, I guess few mascots could be considered a better golf caddy than Sonic the Hedgehog.

    Still, who’d have seen that coming? First Alex Kidd in game retail, now this? Guess these are lean times…

  13. First Mega Man, now Pikachu, all paying their respects to Haruhi.
  14. Hmm, the Harvest Moon buffet? Sounds like the kind of eats I’ve been missing while staying in Canada…

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 6/6/07

Wednesday, June 6th, 2007
  1. In today’s video, Bunny Fish, the Untalkative Bunny finds his apartment being flooded by an inconsiderate upstairs neighbor, and adapts as best as he can to the situation.
  2. Part 3 of “Mishaps of a Podoboo.”
  3. Today in Retro Gaming, Racketboy looks at many of the games which defined the NES.So many memories…
  4. NERD RAGE!!Today’s focus for the Angry Video Game Nerd? The Silver Surfer.

    This is worth it for the Mega Man II parody intro alone.

  5. GameDaily’s impression of Resident Evil 4 for the Wii?“Same cool story, kick ass controls.”

    I like what I hear.

  6. A neat new website has launched, WiiWasHere, a place that lets you organize and share your DS friend codes, Wii system code, and Wii friend codes.
  7. On sale June 27th, the Gyakuten Saiban 4 soundtrack!
  8. Wow, this is neat. Unused characters from Zelda: Twilight Princess, unlocked with a Pro-Action Replay.
  9. A giant plush Wii remote, probably safer for TVs than the real thing.
  10. This ad for Ninja Gaiden Sigma strikes me as seeming more like an ad for Dead Or Alive.Coincidence, or irony?

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 6/5/07

Tuesday, June 5th, 2007
  1. The Bourgyman takes a look at the trials and tribulations endured by a friendly little female Podoboo (the lavaballs found in Mario games, often found jumping from pools of lava in Bowser’s castles) named Podobella in “Mishaps of a Podoboo” Part 1 and Part 2.
  2. Looking to extend the battery life of your Game Boy Advance SP for cheap? Racketboy shows you how.
  3. Jackass: The Game

    Like Elite Beat Agents gone horribly awry?

  4. ScrewAttack.com and GameTrailers go to the vault again, this time to ask YOU:

    Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the president?

    Good times.

  5. Did someone say “Super Paper Mario wallpapers?”

    Yes, yes they did!

  6. Seems that Next Generation has a more positive view of SEGA than most of its fans do.
  7. Games Radar takes an… interesting look at the Top 7 Press Launches for Games.

    Strangely, “Goatgate” isn’t on the list.

  8. The “World of Nintendo,” where Games Radar keeps a look at the latest geeky happening with fans of the Big N.
  9. Forget what Games Radar thinks, Donkey Kong Jungle Climber has the best plot ever.

    Eh, sort of. Up to the whole “ok, we’ll make it up to you” part.

  10. The Top 25 Video Game Heroes of All Time, and the top three are no real surprise.
  11. Remember how Sonic Xtreme for the SEGA Saturn was once going to use the NiGHTS engine?

    Here’s how that might’ve turned out…

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 6/2/07

Saturday, June 2nd, 2007
  1. Thanks to Frash… a disturbing way to start off your day.

    Check out these reviews of Mr. Potato-Head accessory kits, including… er… Drag Queen Mr. Potato-Head? Oh my.

    Poor guy.

    Er, I mean, unless of course he WANTS to do this… nothing wrong with that, right?

  2. Nintendo has added some new stuff to their Wii MySpace page, including icons, screensavers, and a party pack.
  3. As a Public Service Announcement, PW and TW teach you how to perform a proper Nintendo Blow job.
  4. It’s too bad that the Wii remote and Nunchuck don’t do this normally.
  5. IGN talks Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword with the one and only Tomonobu Itagaki, and not to be outdone, GameSpot has their own in video form.

    I’m rather looking forward to this one, despite the XBox game trouncing my ass.

  6. Normally, I probably wouldn’t have linked this. But somehow, viewing it on a TV/monitor as filmed on a camera gives it a wholly different quality.

    So with that in mind, enjoy these Super Mario Bros. Bloopers (no, not the squid)!

  7. The Itadaki Street DS site has updated. I mainly mention this for the benefit of those interested in the cool art and music available.

    Check out the third BGM of the page, I’m pretty sure that’s from Super Mario RPG. Could there be more from that game within? A cameo by Geno? Is that too much to ask?

    Just wish I could find some nice, clean art of the Mario cast to save.

  8. An interesting article is featured over at Slashdot, asking what kids really think of games made for kids.
  9. Mike vs. Mac in a boxing bout you probably never imagined.
  10. Oh, wow. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for the SEGA CD.

    An interesting look at the early days of CD gaming. Is it any wonder Nintendo passed on it? All this and some clueless commentary (Green and White Rangers with both the same guy, of course, and Power Rangers more or less predates Voltron, albeit in Super Sentai form).

  11. Reported on the word of MegaMan Legends 3 and more from Keiji Inafune’s own mouth yesterday, and now Joystiq has caught up.

    I post this just for the comments, some are rather… interesting:

    “Yeah, I can TOTALLY imagine Rockstar making a Mega Man game.

    A black Dr Wily surrounded by dual-Beretta-wielding whores and a shitload of coke.”

    Kotaku’s crowd seems more receptive to a new title in the series, at least. Well, some.

    Y’know, Nintendo did publish Mega Man 6 in the US, and their development made a sequel to Bionic Commando for the Game Boy Color, while Capcom’s done Zelda… maybe…

  12. This is an awesome drink. I got to try it courtesy of a friend at Otakon last year, and hope to repeat the experience again this year.

    I can’t speak for the Pikachu-branded version, but in general, it’s good stuff.

  13. Sony doesn’t have to take this crap from you people, but will they?
  14. Mega Man 2 music.


    With lyrics.

    I seriously don’t know what to make of this. Let’s just say I’m not looking to save it to my hard drive any time soon.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 6/1/07

Friday, June 1st, 2007
  1. Continuing with videos to kick off Points of Interest, I just wanted to introduce an old favorite cartoon of mine.

    The Untalkative Bunny is a cartoon which debuted on YTV and MTV’s Cartoon Sushi and ran on the Canadian network Teletoon for a few years, starring a simple yellow bunny who lives in the city. He encounters a variety of situations, and deals with them as best as he can– all without saying a word.

    Personally, I think the show never quite got its proper due. But hopefully it’ll be back someday.

    In the meantime, enjoy the Pilot Episode, wherein he finds himself face-to-phone with a telemarketer promoting the local newspaper.

    The series is on DVD in Australia, and a fat lot of good that does us here. Hopefully someone will see the light and give us more here in North America.

  2. The lovely, talented, witty, and charming Nadia Oxford takes a look at the fandom of Mega Man, while Toastyfrog looks into his future in an interview with creator Keiji Inafune.

    A Lost Planet/MegaMan Legends hybrid? That’d be cool… someone give him the money!

    Plus, Retronauts looks back at Mega Man once again, continuing their podcast and feature-based celebration of the Blue Bomber’s 20th anniversary.

  3. MattG at Press The Buttons has some neat ideas for new items to be added to Super Smash Bros. Brawl from deep within the annals (that’s TWO n’s) of Nintendo history.

    Myself, I say replace the Ray Gun with the Zapper. Same basic item, but with a look that totally says “Nintendo.”

    Also: Mega Mushrooms. Or Mega Stars. I’m not choosey.

  4. Racketboy’s Retro Gaming has a new feature up, this time looking at classic game compilations for the GameCube. My kind of article.

    Of course, I’m a lot less forgiving on Mega Man Anniversary Collection‘s issues, but it’s good to see that they aren’t ignored here as so many reviews did at the time of the title’s launch. For which those reviewers ought to be ashamed.

  5. Looks like the Wii can do more than just waggle.

    What else? Find out from CNN Money.

  6. Hey, I remember Karnov!

    That was one of the games my parents used to play, as it was too hard for me at the time. Guess I’m not the only one who remembers.

  7. Jesus in a potato chip, Abe Lincoln as a squirrel, and now, Goombas in lattes.

    Hmm, “Goomba Latte.” Sounds like something you’d find in one of the Mario RPGs…

    I like how this one has his chest all puffed out.

  8. Admit it. You want a Zoidberg Mii. There’s no shame in it, we all do.

    And now, we can!

  9. Shadow puppets are cool. And Mario’s mushrooms are cool.

    Ergo, Mario mushroom shadow puppets are really cool.

  10. My wife and I have seen Donkey Kone around, but have yet to have the chance to sample the wares.

    And we’ve never had a camera handy to capture its magnificence, but at least there’s proof now that it exists.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 5/31/07

Thursday, May 31st, 2007
  1. Remember that funny/slightly creepy (thanks, Dr. Wily) video of the Mega Man cast performing the dance from Haruhi?

    With thanks to Lyra for bringing it to my attention, someone has actually placed the two side-by-side for comparison.

  2. Well, I ought to find a way to visit Atlanta sometime.

    Why, you ask?

    To visit the Coke Museum, of course!

    I love it when there’s a sort of subcultural effect reflected in things I like, such as Nintendo or Coke, so I’d eat this up, so to speak.

  3. GameTrailers peeks back at Lara’s past as they compare Tomb Raider: Anniversary to the original PS1 game.

    Plus, GameDaily also has impressions of Ms. Croft’s latest–er, earliest? outting.

  4. o/! Pa-rappa… the Rapper… on P-S-P!

    GameSpy got a preview you jus’ gotta see!

    Word life, boyeeeeeeee~!

  5. Think you know Master Chief? Find out.

    Me? I don’t really know Master Chief that well.

    Ask me about Mario. Or Mega Man. I can do either.

  6. Games Radar has some new Zelda: Phantom Hourglass screens.

    Personally, I’m cool with the idea of cel-Link being on DS. The system lacks the graphics horsepower of the GameCube or the Wii, and so it feels less like you’re missing as much in the way of Twilight Princess-esque potential there.

  7. On a related note, the Hero of the Wind goes plush.
  8. N-Philes reviews Wario: Master of Disguise, which sounds like a sad entry into what has always been a top-of-the-line series of games (of which I still need to get my hands on… well, all of them. Played ‘em, but don’t own ‘em).

    Here’s hoping the original team of R&D1 will return the franchise to glory.

    Or get Treasure to do another one. Wario World was cool. And I prefer greed to fart chokes–er, I mean jokes.

    Maybe I can get this one in the bargain bin someday… but then again, looking around here, I doubt it.

  9. Anyone remember this ad?

    Good times.

    I’d like to see the one that starts with “You think you’ve played every Mario game, you think you’ve beaten every Mario game, you think you know everything there is to know about Mario… well you’d better think again!” That was an old fave.

    The music in this one was neat, too.

  10. It’s just a rumor at this point, but more Kremlings in Mario titles? I’m down with that.

    With such a vast degree of interlinking franchises connected through Mario, I think it might actually be neat if Nintendo mixed and matched a bit more. Donkey Kong vs. Bowser. Mario fighting Kremlings. Wario against Donkey Kong, whatever.

  11. First, it was a history of Zelda.

    Now, the second Nintendo Short Cuts film presents Nintendo Love.

  12. Remember, kids. Just because it works in a game, does not mean it will work in real life.

    And if that doesn’t deter you, at least remember this:

    Mario hits bricks with his fist, not his head.

  13. The Make-A-Wish World of Warcraft kid just got a bitchin’ mount.

    The sad part will be when and if some ignorant Player Killer winds up offing him and stealing it.

  14. Behold, the Duck Hunt sweater, bringing new meaning to the term “laughing your ass off.”
  15. About 28 years and one day ago, Capsule Computers was formed.

    Due to budgeting restraints, they had to sell off almost a dozen letters, and we just know them as Capcom now.

    So Happy Birthday, Capcom. Life just wouldn’t be the same without you.

  16. Kotaku and The Ledger take a sad look at the “mom n’ pop” used game business.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 5/30/07

Wednesday, May 30th, 2007
  1. People are so quick to jump all over something and point out all the flaws, errors, and “mistakes” which a work might contain.

    But thanks to Frash and Garfield, we can see that these are generally cases of people overreacting. Things aren’t as bad as they seem.

  2. Ever wonder what some creators think of the portrayals of their creations on the big screen?

    If so, then maybe you’d be interested in hearing what Stan Lee has to say.

    “Stan Lee came back?”

    “Stan Lee never left.”

  3. ScrewAttack.com has a new Top 10 on GameTrailers, this time marking the Top Ten Douchebags of Gaming. Bet you’ll never guess who #1 is.

    Did your favorite sack of crap make the list?

    Plus, the Video Game Vault takes a look back at an old favorite of mine, Robocop.

  4. Many more videos of Resident Evil for Wii are available as well.

    Can the best get even better?

  5. Producer Seth Green talks about Robot Chicken: Star Wars and what it was like directing George Lucas.

    And speaking of Star Wars, the first footage of Clone Wars has surfaced.

  6. GameDaily has a downloadable demo of Tomb Raider: Anniversary, for those interested in taking the lovely Ms. Croft for a spin.
  7. The Wall Street Journal‘s interview with NOA Prez Reggie Fils-Aime reveals that– naturally– he expects the Wii to take over the #1 spot within a year’s time.

    Not that any rational person would expect ANY of the reps of their respective companies to say anything less, though.

  8. Games Radar looks at the Top 7 Unfunny Games.

    Laughter is such a great thing, which makes the failure to bring it after such a hard attempt all the more sad.

  9. A preview of Sonic Rush Adventure is available now.

    I hope they improve the maps/enemy placement over the first one…

  10. Godzilla: Unleashed and lookin’ fine.
  11. Video game Bento boxes.

    Sure, you can eat it, but would you?

  12. Does sound matter in games?

    Short answer: Yes.

    Longer answer: Hell yes.

  13. This is sort of neat, but I’d probably want a metal briefcase with a custom foam cut-out for a Wii remote, nunchuck, Classic controller, GameCube controller, and perhaps the possibly pending “Zapper” if I were to bother.

    You know. Like a really hardcore pro.

    …wait, no. That’d make me like Lucas. Second thoughts here…

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 5/29/07

Tuesday, May 29th, 2007
  1. Alvin Earthworm presents: Super Mario Bros. Z – Episode 6, the biggest installment to date.

    It is made of win and awesome.

  2. Early Monday, Smash Bros. Dojo updated with a look at a pair of moves we can expect from the Angelland Newcomer, Pit, including limited flight and arcing arrows.
  3. Racketboy’s Retrogaming has a review of an all-but-forgotten Capcom classic from the NES days, Little Nemo: The Dream Master.

    It’s one I always had a bit of an interest in, but somehow fate saw fit that I not play it. I wouldn’t mind seeing it come to the Virtual Console, however…

  4. LoadingReadyRun.com has compiled an exclusive video of Nintendo’s darkest secret: Rejected Wii Play games.

    …of course, I still can’t find the approved Wii Play games, but that’s another matter altogether.

  5. Mario plushes, now with sound!
  6. The horrific origin of the Super Smash Bros. Brawl Gooey Bomb revealed
  7. Despite the fact I love the DK Rap for just how bad it is, but in a good way (sort of like Adam West’s Batman), I just couldn’t get into the toon.
  8. Game|Life has an interview with Nintendo of America’s VP of Marketing, George Harrison, in which they discuss things like the future of the Wii, and that whole Brain Age thing that came up with Iwata a few months ago…
  9. In case you missed it before, speed runs for the four console Ninja Gaiden titles.
  10. As though Get Fuzzy didn’t rock enough before
  11. Yeah, right.

    Dream on, Uwe.

  12. Cool Mario cake, but how much can you actually eat?

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 5/26/07

Saturday, May 26th, 2007
  1. Like it, love it, or hate it, Spider-man 3 was a pretty cool movie.

    But, thanks to Frash, we’ve got something to top it.

    Good-bye, Goblin. So long, Sandman. Venom? Vamoose.

    Look out as Spider-man goes up against The Wall!

  2. 1up returns with some more celbration of the 20th Mega Manniversary, with two new additions by the lovely, talented, and witty Nadia Oxford.

    This time out, she flies solo as she looks at some of the Blue Bomber’s stranger one-off titles, as well as some titles that show that yes, sometimes you do hurt the ones you love.

    Plus, another long interview snippet with Keiji Inafune. Not that I don’t enjoy it or that I don’t like hearing from him, but man, these things really drag. Transcripts would be excellent.

  3. So, in making that vague Carmen Sandiego reference in the first item of today’s Daily ‘Shroom, I had to double-check the lyrics, and discovered that PBS evidently went back to the well and made another Carmen Sandiego-themed show, Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?

    Not bad, but I still prefer Rockapella.

  4. Ah, androgeny in video game characters. It’s nothing new.

    But, it is to Pit.

    Poor guy. I’d say he’s more baby-faced than feminine, though.

  5. So Mario Strikers Charged will feature online play. For the same continent, anyway.

    How’s that going to work?

  6. Toastyfrog looks at Nintendo’s newfound success in “non-games”, and what it means to you, the “hardcore” gamer.

    Basically, what it comes down to is that you can’t criticize them, because they’re not for you.

  7. GameTrailers has a new trailer for LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga.

    Watch it. It is funny. Funny is good.

    Incidently, is it me, or does it seem like there’s some sort of unwritten law that any created character in this game, regardless of gender, is required to have Leia’s slave torso?

  8. GT also brings a video review of Mario Party 8.

    I do challenge at least two things said here, however. One being that Super Mario Sunshine was the last “serious” story Mario was involved in, and the second that it was a bad thing.

    Direct your attention to the Paper Mario games. ‘Nuff said.

    Anyway, it scores well here, looks gorgeous, has Mii interaction, and I rather liked Mario Party 7, so I hope I can get ahold of this one sometime soon.

  9. Games Radar unveils the stylus-based controls for The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, as well as some nifty ideas for other implements.

    I’m cool with this, provided there’s no serious twitch-gaming involved that requires precision. Otherwise, it’d be sort of like an Animal Crossing: Wild World that lets you kill things.

    And isn’t that what we all really want?

  10. Go Nintendo has some nice magazine scans of Rockman ZX Advent, showing off a bit of what was reported earlier in the week.
  11. Konami talks Virtual Console, discussing among other things why we saw that ridiculous price bump for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
  12. How young is too young for someone to play Wii?

    I’d say at least three years old.

  13. So, wondering what the media thought of Nintendo’s summit?

    In a nutshell: “Meh.”

    Not because it was bad, but more a matter of product timing.

  14. Wii-mcast?

    Not quite, but playing Virtua Tennis with a fishing rod has to be an experience in itself.

  15. Star Wars is 30 years young, and to celebrate, 1up’s Jeremy Parish and Mike Nelson have rounded up every Star Was game to date and rated them.

    How well do they hold up? And can symbols of dis/approval get any better than this?

    And how many times do we need to fly around on Hoth, anyway?

    Personally, though, I liked Shadows of the Empire.

    This one part caught my eye, however:

    [NES Star Wars by Namco] plays fast and loose with the events of the movie, as seen in the sandcrawler level in which Luke shoots his way through an army of Jawas before fighting, uh, Darth Vader. Who turns into a scorpion. Amazing.

    …now I want a new Star Wars TransFormer toy: Darth Vader that transforms into Scorponok.

  16. A Paper Mario papercraft?

    Sounds like a winner to me.

  17. You wish you were this popular in Japan.

    But can he stand a chance against him?

    Doesn’t matter. Because neither can beat this.

  18. Maybe if they’d done this, arcades would still be around.

    Yes, I’m being facetious.

  19. Everyone’s talking about the Street Fighter II/GI Joe figures lately…

    Is there a revival or something I missed?

  20. Just one reason I’d love to be in on these press events.

    I’d want in anyway, but this is the stuff you get to rub in peoples’ face.

    Besides, who doesn’t want to be able to offer someone something to drink from their Wii bottle?

  21. Second Life just became a whole lot more interesting.

    I had no idea you could nuke islands back to the Stone Age.

  22. When and if I get a DS Lite, I want a black one. Natch.

    Customizing? Probably not.

    Or at least, that’s what I’d have said before I saw these.

    Admit it. That’s pretty slick.

  23. I don’t see how this could possibly reduce the number of Wiimote throwing accidents that are so prevalent in our society today.

    Partially because I see no indication that there is a way for the wrist strap to continue functioning. Not that it would stand up to the sheer force brought against it by inspired temptation.

  24. First it was hooking your kids up with strangers via the internet, and now it’s pirating Pirates of the Caribbean 3.

    Is there nothing the Nintendo DS can’t do?

  25. What a waste…

    I hope that these were already broken, at least.

  26. If you ask me, Andy Warhol had it coming.
  27. We’ve seen plenty of “every Nintendo game EVAR” auctions around, and now, it’s Sony’s turn.
  28. Seriously, how can you NOT love penguins?

    …unless maybe you work in the movie biz and are tired of all the CG penguin flicks. Then I can kind of understand.

  29. El. Oh. El.
  30. I’ve heard that Master Chief has gotten into a few scraps, but this is ridiculous.
  31. This game flyer leads me to one question:

    Can we have this on Virtual Console? I’ve some fond memories of this game at my dad’s arcade when I was but a wee lad.

    And now that I’m a Wii lad, I’d like to revisit those memories.

    (On a side note: is that not the most insincere laugh you’ve ever heard? Dialogue By: Jack Chick)

  32. One-Winged Paratroopa?
  33. My youth was so wasted.

    A commercial for The Wizard, which I had to wait for home video to see.

    So no Pocket Power for me (heh, almost two decades later, and it sounds funny), and I had already gotten to play and beat the game for myself before seeing the movie.

Whew! And now we’re all caught up. Enjoy the weekend!

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 5/25/07

Friday, May 25th, 2007
  1. To pick up where we left off yesterday (and because I nearly forgot it), The Best of Stewie part 2.
  2. GameTrailers has a new ScrewAttack.com exclusive, a Video Game Vault look at Mega Man 2.
  3. They also have some fun from the Nintendo Media Summit, with Mario Strikers Charged (featuring a trailer and online developer walkthrough), Mario Party 8, and more.
  4. Because playing them is about as much trouble as it is fun, Go Nintendo has found some GameVideos speedruns of the NES Ninja Gaiden trilogy.

    The downside? No cutscenes. But at least you might have a better idea of how to get them by watching. That is, provided you can mimic the moves.

    Plus, part 3 of 4 from the series of interviews with Mega Man creator Keiji Inafune.

    And here are a few more for a trio of Nintendo classics in Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario Bros. 3, and Super Metroid.

  5. In Japan, Donkey Kong Country is known as Super Donkey Kong, and it is in Super Donkey Kong that we find this odd glitch featuring Rambi the Rhino.

    Um, might want to put the kids to bed before watching this one… yeah…

  6. Go Nintendo has found the first Nintendo “Short Cuts” entry, featuring a look at the history of Zelda.
  7. And speaking of Zelda, new Phantom Hourglass info appears!
  8. A triumph, or a tragedy?
  9. Some cool new art and character models from Mario Strikers Charged.
  10. Slashdot asks, “what is the best console controller of all time?”

    My vote goes to the Super NES. It would be the Dual Shock, but I never quite liked the split control pad as much, even though it didn’t affect me as much as others. But extra points for the two analogs and the two extra shoulder buttons.

    Also, the GameCube’s was great… for the games made specifically for the GameCube.

And that’s all for now. Some of you might have noticed a lack of Kotaku the past couple of days, and that’s simply because combing back through all their stories takes forever. And so I’m saving it all for tomorrow’s update, when I don’t have work the next day.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”