The trouble with jogging is that, by the time you realize you're not in shape for it, it's too far to walk back. -- Franklin P. Jones

Points of Interest – 6/20/07

  1. The Untalkative Bunny, he’s a cool cat…

    Even if he can’t keep his ears under that stupid hat.

    The Jazz Club is where he’s hanging tonight.

    And with his new bud, everything’s gonna be alright.

  2. Didja hear? Apparently, Manhunt 2 is being marketed towards children. It’s clear in the name and the boxart, apparently. Oh, and the Adult-Only rating. That’s definitely meant to appeal to children.

    And that type of conception just presses Matt’s buttons in all the wrong ways.

    Long story short: ignorant folk (i.e. the people who would even seriously suggest Manhunt 2 is being marketed to the same crowd as Pokemon) talk too damn much.

  3. So Manhunt 2 is violent enough to be banned in the UK. Not exactly good, but not exactly a first, either.

    Here’s a list of games banned the world over, and check out what #1 is…

    It’s also only the 24th game to get an AO rating.

  4. The Angry Video Game Nerd: Die Hard, Drink Harder.
  5. First a trailer, now a TV spot: Rockman ZX Advent is kicking some ass.
  6. Heh, so, you think gaming is expensive now, do you?

    Why, back in my day

  7. What could be better than a video interview with the director/producer of Ninja Gaiden Sigma?

    A video interview with the director/producer of Ninja Gaiden Sigma with a real-life Rachel, of course!

  8. A neat piece of 3D animation, The Legend of Zelda: The Dark Sage.

    As fanworks go, this isn’t bad.

  9. Ok, so Jackass: The Game might be fun to play, but honestly, it’s not as much fun to watch as the TV show/movies.
  10. A somewhat-interesting, seemingly growing trend is blogging your way through games.

    One fellow has begun blogging his way through Zelda, chronologically, while friend Magnus has been likewise chronicling his Pokemon journeys.

    Are there more out there?

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

One Response to “Points of Interest – 6/20/07”

  1. Shinkuu Says:

    10. fourhman.com had some cool blogs for Animal Crossing: Wild World and Pokemon Pearl.


    The Animal Crossing one was particularly fun to read through. Not only did you see him stumbling about and learning more about the game, but you also saw him setting up meetings with other players and documenting all the weird user-created stuff he saw.

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