"A good story should provoke discussion, debate, argument...and the occasional bar fight." -- J. Michael Stracyznski

The Examiner/MMN Revue for 8/23/10

August 24th, 2010

From the Toronto Video Game Examiner:

Games shipping the week of August 23rd, 2010 – Not a whole lot of interest this week, unless Mafia II makes you feel tingly. I’m more interested in Ivy the Kiwi?, myself. Well, that, and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Video Game.

From the Canada Nintendo Examiner:

The Nintendo Download – 8/23/10, plus thoughts on Virtual Console from Vic Ireland – Finally! Something new on Virtual Console! And it’s an NES game priced for 100 points more than the average… the hell?

And Yet It Moves looks cool, too, but I’d rather there was a demo before dropping 1,000 Wii Points on it.

From The Mega Man Network:

Dr. Wily Prepares for the Next Game; Plus: More Mega Man & Wario – Nine WarioWare: D.I.Y. games depict the labor Dr. Wily must partake in before a new Mega Man game comes out. Plus, the odd relation between Wario and… Dr. Light?

A Little Look at Kotobukiya Rockman’s Detailing – Those eyes… those eyes!!

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Soft Drink Terms, the Invention of Soda Water, Dr Pepper, and Foreign Flavors

August 23rd, 2010

Just a little something I found on Yahoo! News, which involves a favorite subject of mine:

I actually have a bottle of the turkey & gravy soda, as a gift from my wife a few years ago. Never drank it, though; we keep it as a novelty. It came in a package with other flavors: sweet potato, dinner roll, pea, and of course, antacid.

Oh, and the Midwest isn’t the only one who calls it “pop;” so do the people of Canada. At least in Toronto.

Finally, any guesses as to what flavors comprise Dr Pepper? Apparently, “prunes” is not a correct answer.

Oh, and if you’ve wondered why the name has no period in “Dr,” then you should cast your eyes to Back of the Cereal Box.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The RipTen/MMN Revue for Saturday, August 22nd

August 22nd, 2010

Well, it’s a bit early today, isn’t it? Nothing on the Examiner front, though that will change tomorrow. But here is what else I’ve been working on…

From RipTen:

Live and Let Live in Metal Gear Solid RisingMetal Gear Solid has stood out from other such games by allowing you the choice of how much lethal force needs to be used, and Rising is poised to continue that tradition… albeit with a slight twist.

The Legend of Pants – Just a “for fun” article I wrote which takes a look at the (de?)evolution of leg wear in Hyrule.

From The Mega Man Network:

Rockman X6 Prototype Escapes Containment – Okay, so Heat Man wrote this one. I’m still including it. Simply put, it seems that if you thought there was no way Mega Man X6 could possibly get any worse, then you’ve yet to see it in its incomplete form.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The RipTen Revue for Saturday, August 21st

August 22nd, 2010

RipTen today! …but nothing else. Only have a few stories there, as I was told tomorrow would be a better day for the rest of the stuff I did. Anyway:

Which Marvel Heroes Won’t You See in Marvel vs. Capcom 3? – One omission is less of a surprise than the other. And that one? Geeze, Marvel, what the hell? And he’s MVC/Marvel fighting game alumni, at that!

Mortal Kombat Producer Says Street Fighter Crossover is “Inevitable” – They said Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe came about 10 years too late. And if it weren’t for the latest game getting people excited about MK again, one could easily suggest this idea is nearly 20 years too late.

On the other hand, Mario & Sonic came a bit late, too, but that was fun.

Gamer Sues MMO Publisher Over Addiction, Says He’s “Unable to Function” – Not sure if this really works; it’s like suing alcohol and tobacco companies for their products being addictive (which has probably happened before). Maybe I could sue Nintendo, Capcom, Konami, and SEGA for a large sum of money, since I’ve spent most of my life playing their games. Then I wouldn’t have to write about dips like this any more.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Examiner/MMN Revue for Friday, August 20th

August 21st, 2010

Again, no RipTen– that comes later today. Here’s what little I did get done today:

From the Toronto Video Game Examiner:

Toronto video game deals for the week of August 20th to August 26th, 2010 – Admittedly, a really bad week for deals.

From The Mega Man Network:

More on Ariga in Toronto, Plus the Megavent – FanExpo Canada isn’t going to be the only place to meet and greet with the creator of Mega Man Megamix.

The Mega Man Network Turns Ten – Just in case anyone missed it before.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Examiner/MMN Revue for Thursday, August 19th

August 20th, 2010

Yesterday, no Examiner. Today, no RipTen. Here we go:

From the Toronto Video Game Examiner:

Bret “The Hitman” Hart revealed as Canadian WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 national pre-order promotion – If you pre-order WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 just about anywhere in Canada, you’ll get a free download for this legendary Hall of Famer.

From the Canada Nintendo Examiner:

Nintendo goes live-action with Metroid: Other M ad – Pretty neat, and no doubt the most original ad between North America, Europe (who has a “lifestyle” type ad), and Japan (gameplay footage).

Nintendo of Canada’s neighborhood tour is moving in – Want a chance to check out and play Nintendo games for free? Then hope they’re making a stop near where you live (if you’re in Canada, of course).

From The Mega Man Network:

The Mega Man Network Turns Ten – Celebrating ten years of following and analyzing the Blue Bomber.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The RipTen/MMN Revue for Wednesday, August 18th

August 19th, 2010

No Examiner today; found myself too busy with other stuff.

From RipTen:

Japanese Sonic 4 Website Reveals New Lost Labyrinth Zone Screens – As TSR put it, it appears that SEGA is trying to make a point with this particular release of screen shots, as they are of the area which once contained the much-maligned motion-control mine cart.

Fans Seek to Aid Creator in Releasing Toonstruck 2 – The creator of a point-and-click adventure game starring Christopher Lloyd trapped in a cartoon world with the voices of Frank Welker, Dan Castellaneta, Tim Curry, Ben Stein, and numerous others wants to re-release the game in its full-blown entirety. Who wouldn’t want him to?

Rare Upgrading Avatars for Better Kinect-ivity – I like Avatars, but I wonder how they’ll look with more realistic proportions. Hopefully that only regards things like the lengths of arms and legs– I’d rather they still remain cartoon-y.

WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 Info Blowout – A ton of info about THQ’s latest WWE release. This one sounds like a lot of fun, but will the Nexus and Daniel Bryan be featured? Let us hope!

What if Activision Made Limbo 2? – Not one of mine, but good for a laugh just the same.

From The Mega Man Network:

Kotobukiya Roll Figure Now in Color, Ready for Pre-order – The Kotobukiya Rockman figure appears to be nothing short of awesome; like Bandai’s Ironbuster model kit, only its excellence magnified many, many times over. And now Roll looks to make the whole thing even better! The wait to see Blues/Proto Man has just become that much harder.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The RipTen/Examiner/MMN Revue for Tuesday, August 18th

August 18th, 2010

From RipTen:

Marvel at This Mighty Mass of Marios – You probably haven’t played every game Mario has appeared in, but how many of them can you recognize?

Limited and Nano Editions of Crysis 2 Revealed – Who wouldn’t want an 11-inch statue of a prophet standing atop a New York City cab? Well, for $149.99, maybe passing on that is a little easier…

Mafia II Launch Events Coming to a City (Possibly) Near You!! – I was told I couldn’t use “mosey” in the headline because “this ain’t the south.” I pointed out one event is in Miami, but this was the headline we went with anyway.

From the Canada Nintendo Examiner:

Nintendo reveals release dates for upcoming Wii and DS lineup – This November, party like it’s 1994!

From The Mega Man Network:

The Mystery of the Sour Servbot – I have no idea what this is. Do you?

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The RipTen/Examiner/MMN Revue for Monday, August 16th

August 17th, 2010

From RipTen:

Sony Releases New PSP Favorites for Back to School Season – More top PlayStation Portable games reach the $9.99 price point. But what about Mega Man Powered Up, Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X, and Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles? They could use some love, too.

From the Toronto Video Game Examiner:

Games shipping the week of August 16th, 2010 – Slow week for releases… not really much to see.

From the Canada Nintendo Examiner:

The Nintendo Download – 8/16/10 – Same thing here. Come on, Nintendo, where are the Virtual Console games at? We know there are plenty which haven’t been released yet. How about Virtual Console Arcade? We need a good home port of the original Donkey Kong that doesn’t require Donkey Kong 64 (also not available) to play.

Incidentally, what does it say about me that I’m more interested in the re-release of older games than I am in the release of newer ones?

From The Mega Man Network:

Bond Man: The Phantom Robot Master – Heat Man dug up this interesting bit of little-known Robot Master trivia from the history of Mega Man. But will this unsung cult hero ever truly have his day in the sun?

Australians! Get Your Weapons Ready for a Mega Man Zero Collection Sale – Admittedly, not of much interest unless you live down under. But if you do, then some good news awaits.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Examiner/MMN Revue for Saturday, August 14th

August 15th, 2010

Taking a little time from working on RipTen regular to work on a feature… the past two days have been lacking in that department. Here’s the rest of what I’ve been working on:

From the Toronto Video Game Examiner:

Decorate your Xbox LIVE Avatar with Scott Pilgrim – Shirts, outfits, gear, and a possible impending lawsuit from Nintendo await within.

From the Canada Nintendo Examiner:

Super Mario Bros. movie gets DVD re-release – Thanks to , I have no need for this. But if anyone else ever wanted to own a copy of what essentially is to Super Mario Bros. what “SatAM” is to Sonic the Hedgehog (only far less revered), now you have the chance.

Don’t expect much conversation from Link in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword – People may soon learn more than they ever wanted to know about Samus, but don’t worry; Link is going to keep the meaning of “hyah!” and “gyaiiii!!!” to himself.

Super Mario Bros. 3 and the wide world of Nintendo’s e-Reader – Seriously, it may not be a crime for Nintendo to withhold all of the great e-Reader stuff from us, but it should be. Admittedly, they did try to give it to us, and we pretty much rejected it… but come on. The requirements were a bit much. Couldn’t they have at least put a cartridge slot on that thing?

Hopefully they won’t let the investment in developing it go to waste, and release it as a WiiWare or DSiWare title of sorts. Or they can follow Capcom’s example with Mega Man Zero Collection, and release the entire thing on the DS, e-Reader stuff included.

From The Mega Man Network:

Amazing Robot Master Collage is Amazing – Gobs of Robot Master goodness, and all in the Powered Up style, too!

–LBD “Nytetrayn”