"Club Nintendo" was founded for all the Nintendo Game Players to feel more pleasure. -- Club Nintendo box

The RipTen Revue for Saturday, August 21st

RipTen today! …but nothing else. Only have a few stories there, as I was told tomorrow would be a better day for the rest of the stuff I did. Anyway:

Which Marvel Heroes Won’t You See in Marvel vs. Capcom 3? – One omission is less of a surprise than the other. And that one? Geeze, Marvel, what the hell? And he’s MVC/Marvel fighting game alumni, at that!

Mortal Kombat Producer Says Street Fighter Crossover is “Inevitable” – They said Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe came about 10 years too late. And if it weren’t for the latest game getting people excited about MK again, one could easily suggest this idea is nearly 20 years too late.

On the other hand, Mario & Sonic came a bit late, too, but that was fun.

Gamer Sues MMO Publisher Over Addiction, Says He’s “Unable to Function” – Not sure if this really works; it’s like suing alcohol and tobacco companies for their products being addictive (which has probably happened before). Maybe I could sue Nintendo, Capcom, Konami, and SEGA for a large sum of money, since I’ve spent most of my life playing their games. Then I wouldn’t have to write about dips like this any more.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

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