The RipTen/Examiner/MMN Revue for Friday, August 13th
August 14th, 2010From RipTen:
Games for Kids, Then and Now – Once upon a time, there didn’t really seem to be games for kids, or games for adults. There were just games, and though kids were the majority, everyone played them. But now…
Bizarre Xbox 360 Glitch Unlocks Five XBLA Games – An interesting bug from a popular but unsurprising source. Just don’t expect us to tell you how to do it.
Analyst Increases Q4 Kinect Sales Prediction to 4 Million
What is Wrong with This Picture? – Seems as though the consoles aren’t the only thing that’s a little messed up at Microsoft.
Blast from the Past: SEGA Master System Ads – Courtesy of The Retroist, we have one print ad and one television ad from SEGA’s pseudo-glorious 8-bit era. Personally, I always loved the box style they had back then.
Name That Game! – Just a fun little way to end the week. My best score so far is 41,150 at level 167. How many can you get?
From the Toronto Video Game Examiner:
Toronto video game deals for the week of August 13th to August 19th, 2010
From The Mega Man Network:
Scott Pilgrim’s Creator on “Being” Mega Man – Spoken like a true geek, Bryan Lee O’Malley talks about growing up “as Mega Man,” and what it’s like when your games are your life.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”