If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts; but if he will be content to begin with doubts he shall end in certainties. -- Sir Francis Bacon

The RipTen/Examiner/MMN Revue for Friday, August 13th

August 14th, 2010

From RipTen:

Games for Kids, Then and Now – Once upon a time, there didn’t really seem to be games for kids, or games for adults. There were just games, and though kids were the majority, everyone played them. But now…

Bizarre Xbox 360 Glitch Unlocks Five XBLA Games – An interesting bug from a popular but unsurprising source. Just don’t expect us to tell you how to do it.

Analyst Increases Q4 Kinect Sales Prediction to 4 Million

What is Wrong with This Picture? – Seems as though the consoles aren’t the only thing that’s a little messed up at Microsoft.

Blast from the Past: SEGA Master System Ads – Courtesy of The Retroist, we have one print ad and one television ad from SEGA’s pseudo-glorious 8-bit era. Personally, I always loved the box style they had back then.

Name That Game! – Just a fun little way to end the week. My best score so far is 41,150 at level 167. How many can you get?

From the Toronto Video Game Examiner:

Toronto video game deals for the week of August 13th to August 19th, 2010

From The Mega Man Network:

Scott Pilgrim’s Creator on “Being” Mega Man – Spoken like a true geek, Bryan Lee O’Malley talks about growing up “as Mega Man,” and what it’s like when your games are your life.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The RipTen/Examiner/MMN Revue for Thursday, August 12th

August 12th, 2010

Today was a little more productive. I hope tomorrow is even more so.

From RipTen:

New CSI Games? Ubisoft is on the Case… – This is perhaps my favorite of the day; click to see why. Even if you aren’t a fan of CSI, hopefully the show’s pop-culture relevance will allow you to get the joke.

PSP, Phone Home? – More power to them, I guess. I have no real interest in a PSP that’s also a phone. But then, I already have a first-model PSP and an iPhone, so I may actually be ahead of having a hybrid, at least in some way.

Father Ends Weekend Visit with Son by Stealing & Selling His Games – Class act, really. What bugs me most is that the local news which covered the story focused far more on the dad, and we don’t even know if the kid is getting his stuff back.

From the Toronto Video Game Examiner:

Learn the fine art of making game music at chiptune workshop in Toronto this Sunday – I’d love to check this out for myself, despite not knowing the first thing about music. Alas, I have prior commitments.

Take on Toronto in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game – I posted this yesterday, but just in case anyone missed it. There’s a certain thrill to seeing a game based on where you live, and I hope that this one does it justice.

From the Canada Nintendo Examiner:

Nintendo provides new super challenges for New Super Mario Bros. Wii players – Nintendo, or at least Nintendo of Europe, has decided to inject some excitement into a little-known game called New Super Mario Bros. Wii. Unfortunately, doing so also tends to highlight the game’s lack of online leaderboards, Achievements, and the like, to say nothing of the Wii’s in general. Hopefully whatever comes next will bring something comparable.

Get Super Scribblenauts wallpaper now, “Adjectivized” headphones when you pre-order – Last year, pre-ordering Scribblenauts would yield Maxwell’s red rooster hat. This year, it yields his headphones. What comes next?

From The Mega Man Network:

A Little Mega Man Talk with Inafune

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The RipTen/Examiner/MMN Revue for Wednesday, August 11th

August 11th, 2010

I’m not especially pleased with my output today.One person didn’t get back to me for one story, and it was decided another was unsuitable. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.


Kinect Cannot Read Sign Language, Downgraded to Save Money

Toronto Video Game Examiner:

Take on Toronto in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game

Canada Nintendo Examiner:

Iwata Asks: Metroid: Other M

The Mega Man Network:

Kirby Krackle Says “Take It From Me”

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The RipTen/Examiner/MMN Revue for Tuesday, August 10th

August 11th, 2010

A little bit of catch-up here. From The Mega Man Network:

Rockman Online Preparing Closed Beta

1Up Pillow Gives You Sweet Dreams

OtaRockman 2010 Report

Mega Manga Updates: Delays, Delay-Oh, Nevermind

Scott Pilgrim to Mega Man: “Now I’ve Got Your Schtick!”

From RipTen:

Microsoft Assumes Female Gamers Contact Them on Behalf of Their “Sons”

THQ and Double Fine Team up for Costume Quest

From the Toronto Video Game Examiner:

Toronto video game deals for the week of August 6th to August 12th, 2010

Games shipping the week of August 9th, 2010

2010 ‘s most pirated game (so far) is StarCraft II

From the Canada Nintendo Examiner:

Report from Nintendo of Canada’s Metroid: Other M preview event

The Nintendo Download – 8/9/10

Activision and James Bond go for the gold with new Classic Controller Pro

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The RipTen Revue for August 8th, 2010

August 8th, 2010

Again, just one today, whilst I work on something else:

The King of Kong Reclaims His Crown and Walks Away

In addition, going to try to get my third and final “Revenge of the 90′s” post up later this evening.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Examiner Revue for Friday, August 6th

August 7th, 2010

Two stories from Examiner today, one from Toronto Video Game Examiner, the other from Nintendo Canada Examiner:

Toronto video game deals for the week of August 6th to August 12th, 2010

Report from Nintendo of Canada’s Metroid: Other M preview event

The second is a bit long, but at least it’s thorough, I feel. My concern is mostly that I’m casting the game in too negative a light, but I really did enjoy it… that is, when I got to play it. Still, I’m looking forward to its release and hope I can get it when it comes out. That said, I’m still not looking forward to seeing those beginning cut scenes again…

Edit: I’ve revised the ending of the Metroid report, as Parish’s 1UP preview has given me greater optimism.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The RipTen Revue for Thursday, August 5th

August 6th, 2010

Not much today, due to my attendance of a Metroid: Other M preview event. Expect to hear all about that soon. For now…

Super Metroid vs. the Internet

Sakurai: Kid Icarus: Uprising’s Pit Feels Like a Brand-New Character

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The RipTen/Examiner Revue for Thursday, August 4th

August 4th, 2010

From RipTen:

THQ Releases Three New WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 Pics, and They’re AWESOME

Transformers Take The War To Asia In Their New MMO

WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 Hits Sales Milestone, Delivers Wii Intrigue

No Kinect for Fable III at Launch, Says Molyneux – I like the pic on this one.

Plus a bonus:

Nintendo Collectors Journal 8/4/2010 – I want that shirt SO bad. Hopefully Justin will be able to get one for Red and I.

From the Canada Nintendo Examiner:

The Nintendo Download – 8/2/10

Club Nintendo: Mario posters back in stock and “Intend to Purchase” update – I’ve ordered mine!

3DS rumored to appear at FanExpo Canada, plus Super Smash Bros. Brawl tournament – Can’t wait to check this out.

Fan artists ‘de-make’ favorite titles for Virtual Boy – Now, if only Nintendo would remake Wario Land for the Wii or 3DS or something.

Truth of circumstances surrounding Game Boy/Virtual Boy creator Gunpei Yokoi’s death revealed

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The RipTen/Examiner Revue for Tuesday, July 27th

July 28th, 2010

Get one out before I take off for Otakon. From RipTen:

Gamers Have to Go for the Gold if They Want the Resident Evil 5 Move Experience

“I Pre-Ordered Scott Pilgrim vs. The World on PSN and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt”

THQ Introducing Another New WWE Franchise, But It’s Not “Online”

And on the Canada Nintendo Examiner:

See Archie’s Sonic artist render some classic Nintendo favorites

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Examiner/MMN Update – 7/26/10

July 27th, 2010

From Examiner:

Games shipping the week of July 26th, 2010

The Nintendo Download – 7/26/10

From MMN:

In Baltimore This Weekend: OtaRockman at Otakon

Sorry, would have been more today, but I wound up spending what seemed to be an improbably amount of time trying to acquire a new phone. Sheesh. But at least victory would ultimately be mine.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”