Money can't buy happiness, but neither can poverty. -- Leo Rosten

Archive for the ‘Points of Interest’ Category

Catch Up? Catsup…

Sunday, August 13th, 2006

Ok, so after catching up on other stuff, I get to sift through news from the past two weeks. Joy.

Of course, I pretty much held off on looking at any news that I could until I could sit down and do this.

So here we are.

If there’s something I missed, that you think I’d be interested in knowing, please feel free to link me to it in the replies. Otherwise, I don’t want any crap about “this is old news” when I find out about it later.


No Comment

Saturday, August 12th, 2006

PS3 vs. Wii – Apple Style

LBD “Nytetrayn”


Wednesday, August 2nd, 2006

“Don’t kill Potter,” urge Stephen King and John Irving.

LBD “Nytetrayn”

How Do You Take A Shortcut Off The Brooklyn Bridge?

Monday, July 31st, 2006

1) It’s hot. And on the way to taking Red to work, I wanted to kill someone. Several someones. But that’s perhaps more because they’re assholes than because of the heat…

…or is it?


2) Servbots make everything better.

And check out the neat Mega Man costume.


3) I know I should care more about the the Mega Man Powered Up downloads, but I just don’t.

I mean, I’ll probably get them, but it’s not a priority.


4) Mama mia, the 1UP, they’ve-a gone and collected the ten-a great Mario moments on video. Thank-a you so much…

“…GASP as our fancy flash player ACTUALLY WORKS NOW!”


That Sgt. Slaughter bit remains one of my faves(don’t remember the eyecatchers though).

Sadly, I’ve already posted a lot of these in here before, but at least they’re all collected now.


5) Elsewhere, Sharkey takes a look at “The Bestest Worser Ads” of gaming.

“Even EGM had ‘tude back in the day. Hell, they had Bubsy on the cover that month. F’ing hardcore. They’d totally kick in your mother’s face’s ass.”


6) Slight follow-up to the “E3 No More” news.

Sounds like some big exhibs(some have speculated Sony and EA) have pulled out.


7) This is a cool pic, allegedly a promo image for the virtual console. Look at all the characters! Like Proto Man saving Peach as Luigi drives the Outrun car off with Roll in the passenger’s seat…

Eggman and Wily working on ROB the robot, Kirby(with a Belmont’s powers?), Wart, DK, Master Higgins, Pit, Ganon, King Hippo, Beat, Mouse, Triclyde, Mappy, Bub, Yellow Devil, Cut Man, Alex Kidd, Pac-man, DQ Slimes, Morton Koopa Jr, Snow Bros, Bomberman, Lakitu, Bob-omb, Arthur… I could go on. Nice pic, pity it’s so damn small(whoops, just right-click it and “view image”). Hope they sell a poster or something.

But where are Mario and Sonic?

Oh, and I guess any questions of Capcom being on board are settled, if this is for real.

Hmm, sadly, this image MAY draw some heat… but I won’t tell why. If no one sees it, then so much the better.




9) Ziff-Davis for sale?

Well, crap.


10) Kotaku addresses how E3 needs to change.


11) Oh, I’ve GOT to see how this ends.


12) FINALLY, the greatest pairing since peanut-butter met chocolate is NOW FOR SALE!

I’m tempted to look into what it would take to produce custom currency for the game, and sell it. Gold coins, star coins, rupees, etc.


13) Rebuilding the Sony brand.


14) If you want a PSP, delivered to your house for $180 USD, then today is your lucky day.


15) Talking Turtles with TMNT movie director Kevin Munroe.

NRAMA: Who are the villains?

KM: Shredder is not the villain in this movie. [Turtles co-creator] Peter Laird even said ?It?s really important to me that Shredder is not the main villain in this.?

NRAMA: Is he in the movie at all though?

KM: He?s not. But his legacy exists. We have Karai and we?ve also got the Foot ninjas as well but we?ve also got a brand new villain. That?s something that was really important to Peter. Peter said, ?Look. Shredder was never intended to be the Darth Vader of this universe. It just happened with that first animated series and the movies came out and he just became the main guy.? The idea was to reintroduce the turtles to a modern day audience who maybe didn?t grow up with the movies. My kids have never seen or heard of it.

Karai, awesome. :)

And for the record, Peter Laird is so involved that the comic book has gone on an eight-month hiatus. :)


16) Ass & Tetris: The Video.

Viewer discretion is advised. And undoubtedly ignored. But take that as a NSFW warning.


LBD “Nytetrayn”


Sunday, July 30th, 2006

All I can really say is, Holy, fuck, and damn.

This is all kinds of messed up. All kinds.

More messed up than a bomb going off at a tie-dye.

LBD “Nytetrayn”

T-U-R-T-L-E Power…

Saturday, July 29th, 2006

So, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fast Forward just premiered. According to the Official TMNT website, “The regular season starts on September 9th (the first three eps will be repeated then).”

It’s not as bad as I was afraid it might turn out to be. Things feel a little strange, perhaps due to it being a more original storyline than they usually work with, but with Peter Laird(probably) overseeing all the scripts, I think it’ll run fine.

Cody Jones is a unique but not unwelcome addition, but I get the feeling we’ll be seeing more of him over the next season than we did of his great-grandparents.

The animation seems on par, as does most of the humor(I’m kind of digging Surly… “pity the fool,” indeed… and cue a cut to Mikey)… so far, no signs of it veering into the mess that the old show became. The theme song… will probably grow on me; I prefer the other recent one better, though.

As far as I know, Fast Forward is meant to be a one-season thing, which works for me, it lets them do something different, and I’m sure there’s no way they’d pull the show as it goes back to the norm right before the new movie comes out…

So far, word on the “season that was to be” is that it was axed midway in favor of this, but Mirage wanted it done so they could release it on DVD at least(*applause*). Here’s hoping that a year from now when the movie is due, those eps might make it to TV.

LBD “Nytetrayn”

I’m Mega-Beating My Mega-Head On The Mega-Desk Here.

Saturday, July 29th, 2006

1) People need to learn to take a fucking joke. “M.E.G.A. On” is something that I made up, as the most literal, direct, and absurd translation of “R.O.C.K. On” there could be. It is in NO way official… yet. That I’ve seen, anyway.


2) Castlevania turns 20, despite Sony’s best efforts to the contrary. Maybe that’s why “Sony’s gaming losses expected to continue,” but I don’t know for sure, because 1UP.com is moving slower than an old lady in a wheelchair going uphill.


3) Konami has launched Konami RPG Stars, an online community dedicated fast-reflex action games like Contra and classic brawlers like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Oh, and Rumble Roses. Why not?


4) Dreams DO come true, as the GBA Player’s Choice line expands. The Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past (which includes the Four Swords), Mario Kart Super Circuit, Pok?mon FireRed Version, Pok?mon LeafGreen Version, and Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2 join Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, Yoshi’s Island: Super Mario Advance 3, Super Mario Advance, Metroid Fusion, Metroid Zero Mission, Megaman Battle Network, Pok?mon Ruby, Pok?mon Sapphire, Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3.

… *screech*

Wait just a damn minute. *re-reads* When the hell did the Metroids, Pokemons, Super Mario 3, and MegaMan Battle Network join the lineup?! Bloody Hell.

Actually, this would be good. I still really want Super Mario Advance, and wanted Super Mario World to join the lineup. So I just need those, Mario Kart, and MegaMan Battle Network.

God, why couldn’t I have gotten that job?! *sobs*

Anyway, these run about 20 bucks per in the US, 25 in Canada.


5) To those who ask “is there nothing sacred?” The answer is no. No there isn’t.




7) Now this is queer. They make a movie DVD about Jak & Daxter‘s adventures for n00bs who don’t want to sit through the games, but it won’t be available at retail, and sounds like it can only be won?

So my question is, who’s likely to try for this besides people that are already Jak & Daxter fans? Seems like a waste.

Whatever, I prefer Ratchet & Clank, anyway.


8) Thanks to the new adjustable difficulty levels, I may just have a new game to get for the ol’ PSP.

On a related note, I shed a tear for Maximo, whom I fear may never see a new game.


9) It’s not due ’til October, which means the movie’s come and gone(wish I’d gotten to see it) and hopefully it won’t be rushed, but Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties for the DS is looking pretty good, better than I’d have expected given recent Garfield game efforts of late. The PS2 version(what? No Cube?) looks pretty good as well.


10) Mario Hoops now has an American website.

I love the art for this game. It reminds me of the classic Mario art with some of the details of the newer renders…

Looks like Dixie Kong is returning, too.


11) 10 tips for mobile magic. Next-Gen looks at how to improve mobile phone games.


12) Ouch, PS3 launch costs are on the rise. That’s no good.


13) Wii on October 1st? Probably not, but it’s funny speculation.

And if it turns out to be true, and this was intentional, then Nintendo is good. really good.


14) Slashdot reports an About.com look at what Nintendo is bringing to the next-gen party. Oh, and uh, something about the other guys needing to catch up…


15) Further parallels drawn between that old NP letter and the release of the Wii.

I’m almost tempted to agree with Joystiq’s latter prognosis of the similarities.


16) Ninten-dos and Ninten-don’ts.

Incidently, from what I’ve heard of game movies, Nintendo had little to do with Mario’s movie, nor Capcom with Street Fighter, and that could be the problem right there.(I still gotta find a SMB DVD)

In fairness, no one’s bitching about the idea of DS-to-Wii or PSP-to-PS3 connectivity. Right idea, wrong time.

Elsewhere, FUCK YOU, I LOVE R.O.B.! He’s like a secondary mascot, and as noted here, got a lot of retailers to take in something they otherwise might not have, which could potentially have lead to us not even having a game industry today.

And finally, no comment.


17) Wanna make games? Maybe Nintendo can help.

Talk about Christmas in July…


18) Good news, everyone! EA doesn’t suck(as much) anymore!


19) SEE, #16?! R.O.B. kicks YOUR ass, and sleeps with your mutha!!!

Um, yeah, boy. Bum-diggity. Or something.


(shame several of the links don’t work)


20) More with the voice of Mario.


21) PSP to TV? What a fucking waste of an idea. FAIL.


22) An interesting bit questioning the validity of Mario’s profession as a plumber.

But, it’s a bit faulty. The booklet for Super Mario Bros., which I just happen to have right here(don’t ask, please), says absolutely nothing about Mario being a plumber. Hell, it was years before I actually knew.

In fact, it doesn’t even say where he comes from.

I realize it’s probably supposed to be tongue in cheek, but it helps more when your facts are straight.

Incidently, as tools go, he does have those hammers, and he and Luigi even use them for a plumbing job in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.

I love the comment in the blog, however:

“I once had a plumber turn up that was dressed as super mario – he had the van done up and everything. Idiot.”

“Not that it’s convincing evidence, but in the original Mario Bros., Mario actually did some plumbing. Of course he was dealing with just the pests that came out of the plumbing, and he did in fact just deal with said pest by jumping, but those pipes were clean, gosh darnit!”

I go with what SMBHQ(I think) was quoted as saying in EGM’s special, that Mario is a “general contractor.” Carpenter, plumber, doctor, cookie baker, adventurer…

23) G4 shows Kotaku showing DS Lite problems. Kotaku shows that they don’t really appreciate it any more or less than anyone else did.


24) Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you what was clearly anticipated a long time ago, for this must be THE reason for the creation of the term “WTF?”


LBD “Nytetrayn”

“The Truth On 4Kids’ Marketing”

Friday, July 28th, 2006

Something of an interesting piece on 4Kids, its formation and practices, and effects on anime and animation in America.

Retrojunk isn’t really known for any great writing, but every now and again, there’s a few interesting bits here and there. And this may fall into the latter for you.

This may also be of some relevant interest…

LBD “Nytetrayn”


Thursday, July 27th, 2006
1) Mega Man ZX news, from Nintendo Power to me to you.Let the whining and bitching commence.


2) Will wonders never cease?


3) Heath Ledger is the new Joker?


4) Is your DS Lite sick? IGN investigates.


5) IGN explores, in podcast form, “does anyone care what we say?”

*pause for laughter*


6) IGN’s Top 10 Tuesday presents “Worst Coin-Op Conversions.”

I find it hilarious that the Atari version of Donkey Kong ranked so low compared to the likes of Final Fight and Mortal Kombat on the SNES.




8) Evidently, Pac-man is 64% violent.

In related news, the Senate hearings are 100% bullshit.


9) Joystiq looks at how to make a successful gaming-oriented TV network.

I’m down with the toons/movies idea.


10) Also, the rest of “24 hours with G4″ is up.

I didn’t know that Icons became “Game Makers,” and the name was reassigned.

…and I like Electric Playground. :(

Sounds like Seanbaby changed his mind on the Wii.


11) Funny, this very thing was pointed out in the most recent issue of Nintendo Power.


12) Shinkuu gave me the hook-up on Animal Crossing: Wild World‘s Mario-themed items, but I’d like to know where to get some of this stuff… the Troopa shells, the Magic Mushrooms specifically.

Still, nice set-up.


13) Sony says DS Lite is no concern.


14) Me, I always felt that not having to lug a full-size TV and extension cords around was sufficient to make a game system portable.


LBD “Nytetrayn”

No, I Won’t Really Sing It For You. Unless You Pay Me.

Thursday, July 27th, 2006

Holy mother of crap, what a slow news day. Just as well, I suppose, it’s not like nothing else happened yesterday, but more on that later…

1) o/~ If only all games could be like the Wii,
If only all games could be region-free,
What a wonderful world this would be…

Ok, so it’s not confirmed, but it’s a nice thought.


2) Brothers In Arms for Wii? I sure hope so, maybe then I can get one into my parents’ house.


3) Today is the last day for Camp Hyrule registration. To learn more about Camp Hyrule, check out the Wikipedia page.

Guess I ought to hurry my ass up and sign.


4) I’m happy to see that there’s finally an English version, now we just need it with more characters…



Now I’m dying for some sort of mix of the original Pokemon toon theme from the US show, and “Real American.”


6) Star Fox Command in ShakeyVision.

I forget, is this one going to be on WiFi? I might be able to dig some WiFi dogfights, if it runs better than Mario Kart DS.

Or maybe squad-fighting. You and some buds against the armies of… Andross? Who the hell’s behind this, anyway?

That reminds me, WTF didn’t Mario Kart DS have WiFi Battle Mode?


7) This day in gaming history… ROBOTS! Two of the greatest, no less.

Someday, I’ll own my very own ROB. Even if I barely play the games, he’d just look cool as hell, acting like a futuristic sentinel overlooking the game area of my living room…


8) Classics Jetfire, I so love you. Please come home with me, and bring all your little friends, too, so we can play.

…I so mean that in the most hetero way possible. But I still mean it.


9) Working Designs, wise fwom youw gwave!

And I love the whole concept behind the new name/logo, too.


LBD “Nytetrayn”