"We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true." -- Robert Wilensky

Archive for the ‘Points of Interest’ Category

Turtle Power vs. Pasta Power

Thursday, July 27th, 2006

I always wondered if this would work.

LBD “Nytetrayn”

Is Anyone Really Planning To Buy #1?

Wednesday, July 26th, 2006

1) Brazen marketing tactics by video game companies never cease to amaze me.


2) Waitasecond… you’re telling me that the PSP has hits?


3) Does the answer to the Wii’s launch lie within?


4) A look into the death and rebirth of the coin-op industry.


5) New Custom Robo Arena screens. I hope this supports WiFi, I got to play a little of the original, and it was a fun piece.


6) Bitchin’, Marvel Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada is going to appear on The Colbert Report on Thursday night.


7) TMNT video interviews from Comic-Con. Have to watch these later.


8) A look at a few of the Animal Crossing Wild World Mario-themed goodies which NINTENDO/TOYS R US HAS SOUGHT TO DENY ME.

More pics.


9) You can never have too much Phoenix Wright.


10) Breaking Them In: Games for video game virgins.


11) …wow. Monopoly is ditching cash for credit.


12) Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.


13) Give me a break…


14) Neat video, 15 years of Sonic in 5 minutes. Starts a bit rough with the Genesis games, but picks up more with Sonic CD and Jam.

I’d never seen the 3-D portions of Jam before, so that was a cool treat, and makes me yearn a bit for something a little more like that.

Funny that they showed no gameplay from Sonic CD, and ignored a number of titles(such as Knuckles Chaotix) entirely.


15) Wow, G4 fails.

Also: snap.


16) Interview with the Nintendo 64 Kid Teen.


17) Heeeeeey, that’s not Lucas wearing the Power Glove!

No bonus material? Bad Hollywood! Bad!


18) Similar to Next-Gen’s feature about the ten best year’s in gaming, Games Radar has done something similar, albeit more from a gamer’s POV.


19) This reminds me… I need a new watch.


20) Awesome TransFormers deal… except I don’t have a CostCo membership, and I’d rather have Galaxy Force Optimus Prime, rather than the original(though I’d gladly take either…).


LBD “Nytetrayn”

Fig Newstons

Tuesday, July 25th, 2006

1) So the DS browser is out in Japan. I’m curious as to the price.

Whereas I was before unconcerned about the idea of having one of these, meeting with my brother-in-law and his fiance at a pub Friday night to celebrate [info]woekitten‘s birthday changed it a little bit when he pulled out some portable device to check some stuff we were conversing about.


2) Fuck, no wonder Bill cheated on her. God, like this stuff isn’t expensive enough? What a bitch.


3) WWE Smackdown for the PS3… cancelled? Damn… I wonder if they’re playing wait-and-see on this whole thing… that could be bad for Sony if others follow.


4) “Smithers, there’s a rocket in my pocket!” “You don’t have to tell ME, sir.”


5) Halo… from 360 to 12… 12 times a year, that is.

* Yeah, yeah, so it’s not technically on 360, YET…


6) “Dear Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo… t*ts or gtfo.”

That’s probably how 4chan would say it. QJ.net has a bit more tact than that in their version, though.


7) Rampage on DS and Wii? Color me interested. Especially if we can get some WiFi bustin’ up in this here ‘hood.


8) Video games responsible for decline in National Parks? Come now, can’t we all just get along? Tell you what, add some WiFi out there, and everyone wins!


9) DOA4 demo on Live? AFTER the release? I can dig that. Be neat if this trend continues…

…of course, BEFORE is better, but you know…


10) “Wow, this is heavy, Doc.” The “what can one life change?” thing is always neat, but this… interesting…


11) Another Superman movie in 2009?


12) OMG, AMD buys out ATI? WTF, lol!

…I don’t really care, I just couldn’t resist.


13) New DC animated. Better than nothing, but not what I was hoping.


14) Huh, I didn’t know that there was bad blood between LucasArts and Nintendo to begin with. That just makes this even better news. So not only might we have WiiSabers, but maybe a little Ind-Wii-ana Jones “Wii-p” action as well.


15) Part 2 of “My 24 Hours With G4TV, Or, How I Learned To Stop Complaining And Start Bitching.”

(Psst, it’s YO Joe, not “GO” Joe. :P )

I sorta like Kristen Holt, fake or no. Wish I still had something that could record Cinematech. Damn VCR…


16) Cats watching video games, is there anything more charming?

On a related note, it seems Dante has some interest in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. I love being able to do things as a family. :)


17) An oldschool video game jokebook? Sold!


18) Ah, the art of the pinball machine. While never terribly good at it, there’s just a certain charm to those mammoth machines that isn’t easily recaptured in the home, or in adaptations like Metroid Prime.

This one remains a favorite, I wish I’d won one when I had the chance in that Player’s Poll contest way-back when.

Oh well, at least I have the backpiece…


19) “In Soviet Russia, YOU EAT PAC-MAN!!!

…at least, I THINK that’s Pac-man


20) *sobs* I think I might actually ENJOY this!

Maybe I’m feeding off the will to live drained from others…

I also have a really bad Joker joke book around somewhere, too. Heh, does he ever get Batman good in that… heh heh heh…


21) Dead Rising t-shirt.

…is that a rough approximation of a Servbot head I see on the top right? Or am I just imagining it?


22) I still have this, somewhere.


23) Soundwave reissue? Rawk.


LBD “Nytetrayn”

Eh, Forget Him

Sunday, July 23rd, 2006

Clerks II = great movie, a worthy successor to the original.

However, it seems that SOME PEOPLE didn’t like it.

Wow, what a dick.

LBD “Nytetrayn”

#8: He Really Does Have “The Touch”

Friday, July 21st, 2006

Things feel amazingly slow today for having SDCC kick off and all…

1) Miyamoto discusses Wii with Nintendo Dream, via IGN.

Miyamoto first spoke about the origins of the system. “It was very important to have it become ‘something that would be best to have there,’” he said, speaking of Nintendo’s desire to make the Wii an attractive machine for households. Miyamoto feels that game machines had the status of a desirable household item at one point, but they lost it. The change happened when games “lost their fundamental nature as pure entertainment.”

One of the more interesting Wii pieces to come along since E3.


2) Star Fox Command Japanese TV spot at GameTrailers.


3) SEGA says Wii third parties should shape up.

“Third parties should work harder to get on board with Nintendo’s Wii, adding that there’s no excuse for missing the boat.”


4) Peter Molyneux talks nice about Nintendo, disses Sony.

“…the genius of what they did was realize that consumers don’t give an arse about how many bits and bobs and flips and flops and that malarkey consoles have. When we were at 32-bit and 64-bit, it was fine, but how many bits do we have now? What they care about is that they’re going to get something that they haven’t seen before. What they have done, brilliantly, is to say: ‘Right, we’re going to revolutionize not the box but what you hold,’ and they’ve done that very well. I think Sony jumping on that bandwagon, quite blatantly, and not coming up with such a sexy message, is poor. I’ve played with the Wii and I still think it’s a challenging name. You do get used to it, and they’ve made it unique. But I’m waiting for the Nintendo Poo and then they’d have the set.”


5) The Game Rag watches 21 hours of G4 so you don’t have to.

Results pending.


6) Well, hot damn! I got linked on Kotaku!

Pity they didn’t say my name… ah well.


7) Wow, first rice, and now Super Mario curry.

I want the little robot thing.


8) Awesome! Peter Cullen is going to play Optimus Prime in the new movie!

Congratulations, Mr. Cullen!


9) TransFormers KISS: You may proceed to be freaked out.


LBD “Nytetrayn”

Coming… Well, Never

Friday, July 21st, 2006

Mega Man X4.


LBD “Nytetrayn”


Friday, July 21st, 2006

And yet MORE funny.

Might’ve heard of this guy, he’s called “The Angry Nintendo Nerd,” and here, he’s reviewing the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for the NES.

(Hey, [info]rorita, does that count as a Metroidvania at all?)

If I sucked as bad as he does at it, I’d probably be a little angry and inclined to drink, too.

The payoff comes at the end, though.

I haven’t watched the following yet, but let’s see, we have…

Roger Rabbit

Karate Kid

Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde

And his inaugural show, Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest

Which is where I think I’ll start.

Oh, and I realize that this is probably parody… at least, I hope it is.

LBD “Nytetrayn”

Your Daily Dose of Hubris and More! Inside…

Friday, July 21st, 2006

1) Looks like if your DS is cracked(a 0.02% minority incident, it seems), Nintendo’s got your back.


2) So, it seems that maybe PS3 production may have begun. Not that it’s anyone’s business, of course.


3) Newgrounds.com seems to be doing well for itself, as Alien Homminid is headed for XBox 360 Live Arcade, as well as something called Castle Crashers.


4) Ouch, looks like the UK might be in for a bit of sticker shock for pre-ordering PS3s, as Sony tries to keep the “eBay phenomenon” from making an encore. Sounds good, but will it work?


5) Ok, fine, so UMD isn’t dead, it’s just “niche” now.

What the hell ever.


6) Meanwhile, Sony patents something fairly similar to the Wii controller, and it’s not the PS3 controller.


7) Japan not doing a 360: a look at Microsoft’s war abroad.

Sort of answers the question, “what if war was declared, and no one showed up?” At this point, it seems even the sole participant can’t win. Kinda sad.


8) I call dibs on Dexter.

Or maybe Johnny Bravo.

Wait, you’re supposed to make your own characters. So I’ll do what I’d have done when I was 15…

Johnny Bravo with Samurai Jack’s sword, and Dexter’s brains and lab.



9) Sony unveils Blu-Ray DVD burner; poverty-stricken gamers who can’t afford any games for their PS3 unveil foam of the mouth as potential is realized.


10) I don’t tend to think much of rumors, but hell, this list of Nintendo ones was too good to pass on.


11) The Tick vs. Season One comes to DVD!!!



12) More details on the bitchin’ Animal Crossing: Wild World swag, MARIO-themed swag, available at TRU this weekend.

This had BETTER be available in Canada, else I shall be PISSED.


13) Over on IGN, Matt speaks up about how they’ll have to approach reviewing Wii games.


14) From Sunshine to Galaxy: a look back and ahead at Mario’s adventures.

And let me just say, as much as I could really not have given a crap about the Piantas in Sunshine, I’m loving this whole “Pianta Syndicate” turf war in Paper Mario.


15) Slashdot has a neat piece, “How America Changed The Mario Brothers.”

An interesting perspective, for sure.

Consider also that Nintendo of America was responsible for the name Mario, as well, and that Mario’s traditional look/color scheme as we know it today was established in our SMB2.


16) Ken Kutaragi is going to deliver a keynote address at the Tokyo Game Show titled “The next-generation as created by the PlayStation 3.”

Cue tumbleweeds rolling across a ghost-town backdrop.

I kid, though.


17) I always wondered how The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time would have been in 2-D. After some waiting on the project, I may just get to find out. w00t!


18) Castlevania cosplay gone horribly, horribly wrong.

Or terrifically right, depending on you. And if you’re of the latter, stay the hell away from me.


19) 5 years and 2 days ago, Capcom shamed us all.


20) Nick Arcade was just never as cool as it should’ve been.


21) I love reverse psychology.


22) IDW evidently had a panel at SDCC’06 about TransFormers, and here are the results of that.

Spotlight looks like a good roster to me…

Nightbeat! :D


23) Behind the Scenes with PSM.


24) SDCC video panel for the 20th Anniversary of TransFormers The Movie on DVD.

I’m sort of hoping they might be able to restore some of the “original” stuff, or patch up glitches(like Magnus putting the Matrix into his chest… twice).

I’d also like to know what those “Matrix of Knowledge” bits said that was so funny…


25) New Titanium TransFormers… Scourge looks cool. And Rodimus Prime certainly looks… interesting.


26) Masterpiece Prime is being re-released, and with a trailer at that. I want.

LBD “Nytetrayn”

1! 2! 3! 4! Turtles!

Friday, July 21st, 2006

For those who haven’t seen it, the trailer for the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie.

And to sweeten the deal, a behind-the-scenes of Ubisoft’s kick-ass looking game based on the movie.

Oh shell yeah. XD

LBD “Nytetrayn”


Thursday, July 20th, 2006

More Nintendo Comic System love.

LBD “Nytetrayn”