Prime Time
But, I did manage to grab the transcripts of the various NOA chats they had, and I’ll try and post those at some point soon.
3) UK site DVD Times has an interview up with Mr. Peter Cullen, voice of Eeyore, the first Predator, Mario on Saturday Supercade, and best known as G1′s Optimus Prime in the original TransFormers cartoon, as well as the upcoming 2007 flick.
Awesome, awesome man. I love how he’s taking all of this, and the respect he seems to have for the fans and the character.
4) Want Ultimate Ghosts ‘N Goblins? 1UP is having a giveaway.
I’d enter, but I’m probably not eligible.
5) Travelling this summer? Well, if you can sneak it past airport security, then maybe you can enjoy these motherf***in’ games on your motherf***in’ plane.
6) Kaz Hirai sez, “PS3 will keep–or surpass–PS2′s market share.”
Well, there’s only one thing I can say to that…

(Sorry, I just couldn’t resist)
7) Gamespot has new screens from Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic Rivals.
8) And now… The TransFormers.
I have to admit, though, there are a couple of Decepticons even I don’t recognize offhand, so…
9) GameDaily takes a look at video game themes and features we can do without.
10) Next-Gen reports that Dead Rising has raised Capcom’s prospects.
NikkoCitiGroup raised its forecasts for Capcom due in large part to Dead Rising’s “brisk repeat business” as well as “reforms at Capcom USA.”
Was it these same reforms that cost us voice work in Mega Man ZX?! WAS IT?!
11) Also from NG, heh, good luck getting your hands on a PS3 this year. If they haven’t started yet…
2 million at launch? Even with the price, I question if that will suffice worldwide.
12) As OnNintendo shows, what better place for a Team Mario vs. Team Final Fantasy basketball game than on an airship?
13) Slashdot reports on concerns regarding the PS3 motion-sensing functionality, in that it seems incomplete as of this time.
14) All I will say is, oh hell yeah.
Nothing more annoying. Sorry folks.
15) Oooh, decisions, decisions.
And even though I grew up on TV dinners and actually enjoy them, I’d like to think I could do better than that with my choice.
I think Mario or Miyamoto would be musts. Inafune would be good, and any of the Mega Men. Or all. We could raid a buffet.
Of course, that’d be provided I could get a translator.
16) File this one next to the “Jumping to Conclusions” mat.
17) Kotaku presents, “Where GameCubes Go When They Die”, in memory of the not-quite-dead-yet(there’s still Zelda and Super Paper Mario) console.
At first I felt pity, but then I was almost proud of it, thinking “good for you for still being active!”
It’s the same feeling that I get when I’m greeted by old people at Walmart…
19) I caught this issue of Batman the other day, and it’s quite interesting to say the least, and this simply furthers it all.
20) PSM Podcast 4 looks at four reasons to get a PS3:
WTF is up? We?re back with a brand new PSM Video podcast! This week we?re highlighting 4 of the reasons to buy a PS3. If you really need a reason, Resistance, Warhawk, Heavenly Sword and Assassin?s Creed will all showcase the PS3 in their own fun-tastic ways?and we?re gonna call in the whole gang to prove it.
Chris also has a little surprise at the end for you old skool game fans too!
And the surprise is pretty cool.
LBD “Nytetrayn”