- In case you’re slow at catching on to how this whole “Wii” thing works, GameTrailers has been kind enough to add some videos which demonstrate how to play different games with the Wii remote, such as Zelda, WarioWare, and Wii Sports.
- It may also be worth noting that GameTrailers and MTV are putting on a show to determine the best and worst of video gaming next Tuesday at 8pm, with plenty of reruns.
Given this is the same network that put Jimmy Fallon in the Batmobile with Napoleon Dynamite in a cape and cowl… well, I’ll just leave it to your own tastes and discretion.
- Speaking of awards, let me just say “Oh God, not another one, have we not suffered enough?”
To their credit, though: Samuel L. Jackson. Not saying that makes it good, just not as bad as it could be.
Looking over the categories and such, I’ll have to write more about this in a day or two.
- GameSpot’s released more profiles from Atari for Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2.
Frankly, reading over this makes the “Z” designation seem rather limiting.
And alright, Videl’s in! With 100+ characters, I’d be rather pissed if she weren’t. I ought to get this one when I can.
- IGN has pictures from SEGA’s Virtual Console games.
I do hope they don’t include the black boxes.
And “Dr. Robotnik? I thought his name was Dr. Eggman!” cry the n00bs.
- So evidently, we shouldn’t call them “video games” anymore.
I DO so very much hope Konami will seek to improve this… this… TRAVESTY. This MOCKERY of justice!
Oh, they edited the review since I first saw it. And Saints be praised, Konami is working to fix it! Pity about the other issues, though. Like the tandem-continuing bit.
- On a related note, Moore’s prophecy has come true! The world is now officially a better place.
- While it’s on my mind, Another Blaze Hedgehog has taken care to point out the living, walking contradiction that is the life of a Viva Pinata.
You just get the feeling that maybe those Pinatas didn’t get the whole story when they signed on for this gig. Sorta like US military recruitment.
Yeah, I went there.
- So IGN offered up this Wii commercial compilation (complete with couches). I started to watch, thinking maybe this was something they were showing on TV now that I’d missed, but no, it’s basically the same stuff we’d been seeing since E3.
However, I’m not sure what I found more amusing: that IGN prefaced the “commercial” with another commercial, or the fact that the Nintendo commercial was preceded by a Sony commercial.
But at least it was the ATV Offroad Fury “Sally” commercial. Probably their one decent commercial amidst an ocean of duds since the year started.
Anyway, N-Philes has a real peek here, with details here.
- IGN has some videos from Yoshi’s Island DS.
Toastyfrog doesn’t seem too impressed by the game itself, but then, I’ve liked a few games he’s seemed generally apathetic towards, like New Super Mario Bros., and GameDaily digs the title, so mileage clearly varies.
Kohler at Game|Life seems disenchanted by it, too, but I think his memory’s fuzzy: you didn’t have to hold down B/Y to run in the first game…
On another note: just what the hell is the deal with Yoshi’s Island? I don’t mean the game, I mean the island. In Super Mario World, it’s the first little world, easy to get through, and part of Dinosaur World. So is the one in Yoshi’s Island that place reimagined? Or is it all of Dinosaur World reimagined? They circle the island, but you don’t see any of the rest of the place…
I think I’ll go with the former, and just say they didn’t bother showing the rest as it was largely irrelevant. And that the last world was in Valley of Bowser, because that’s just cool.
Still, I think Yoshi’s Island could use more dinosaurs. Rexes, at least.
- GameSpy has a pretty amusing interview with William Shatner regarding the upcoming Star Trek: Legacy.
Regarding Nimoy: Daaaaaaaaaaamn.
- Ben Wood at N-Philes takes a look at the M rating, and how to bring attention and balance to it.
Me, I like the idea of AO being a little more commonplace. And make it in red letters, so it stands out.
- onNintendo presents: Wii in South Park, part 2.
I still gotta watch part 1. Someone hassle my wife to sit down with me and watch.
- Silicon Valley/Philadelphia Inquirerer, on the cusp of the next generation, looks back at the best this generation had to offer.
- Game|Life asks, do gamers care about homosexuality in their games?
Or something like that.
- O_O
Holy Hell, it’s clearly been WAY too long since I’ve played a WWE game. Now I have to.
Pretty good cutscene segment, too, they’ve definitely improved the “storyline” segments… I thought I was just watching a really crappy-quality video from one of the shows.
- Hot on the heels of Nintendo Power‘s fond recollections, GameSetWatch remembers ActRaiser for the Super NES.
- Holy crap. Forget the above Wii commercials, I think Red Steel has the best one.
Far better than this, anyway.
- Chris Kohler at Wired takes a look at games to make you laugh, always a good thing.
- Everyone’s talking about this Wii/Zelda production video like it’s some big thing. But it’s not. It’s very lacking. Know why?
This thing needs music. Like that little jingle you’d hear in old Looney Tunes, “Doo-doo-doo-doo, doo-doo doo…” and such. I have no idea what it’s called, but if someone can add that to this, it’ll make it a LOT better.
- …these are the guys who’ll be putting together the next big gaming convention?
$#!+. There goes the planet.
- Hmm… I should check to see if I get CNBC… this might be interesting.
- Oh, I thought there was an announcement for Wii Play. Yeah, Nintendo, what gives?
- IGN has crabs. Historically-accurate crabs, that is. And this is what they think.
- …huh. Ok…
- …did someone on 4chan come up with this?
- Oh lord.
I’m not sure if John Cena or the t-shirt guy here cited the “Rated E for ‘Everyone’” bit in regards to Lita/Your Mom, respectively, but either way, Kotaku is receiving threats from the ESA about it.
Guess it’s a little hard to blame them, seeing as how they seem to be on the bad end of a perception of being little more than the biggest joke involving letters and numbers since Big Bird told Elmo that “Seven Ate Nine.” So I can see why they might be a little defensive in trying to protect what little integrity they have left.
Still, going after the wrong guys…
- Kotaku has discovered that Wii Sports is looking better now than when it premiered at E3. Coolness.
- N-Europe’s “Fire Flower” column examines storytelling in games.
- Have a question about The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess which have not yet been answered, then perhaps Toastyfrog has your hook-up.
…damn, finally, finished. I swear, it never fails. Miss one day, and then it’s like EVERYTHING happens.