A good many young writers make the mistake of enclosing a stamped, self-addressed envelope, big enough for the manuscript to come back in. This is too much of a temptation to the editor. -- Ring Lardner

Points of Interest

  1. Wow, what a bunch of killjoys.

    Hugh O?Donnell, a professor of language and popular culture at Glasgow Caledonian University, said in an interview that “the main complaint is that it?s just fun without any meaning behind it.”

    Great, just great. Now every time I start to have fun, I’m going to have to stop so I can dissect it and scrutinize just WHY I’m having fun.

    ?I?ve thought about removing the cover from my doorbell so they electrocute themselves,? one participant wrote.

    Is it any wonder we broke away? Someone did that to my kid, and they’d have a LOT more to worry about than Trick-or-Treaters.

  2. Ok, don’t call me ungrateful, I’m not, but this puzzles the hell out of me.

    Fireman, the guy who limited his translation of Japanese text information from a Rockman Zero guidebook, for the reason being so that people would buy the book despite not being able to read any of it, has provided AF with a soundtrack that people of any language can enjoy so that they won’t have to buy it?

    …if anyone needs me, I’ll just be cleaning up. My brain just went ka-blooey trying to rationalize that one, and I don’t want the wife to see the mess.

  3. Over at Ben’s World of TransFormers, Ben has posted his review of Classics Megatron, complete with numerous pictures for your enjoyment.

    All in all, not too shabby at all. The tech spec is certainly interesting, though… “anti-proton pulse cannon?” Was a fusion cannon that drew energy from a black hole not enough?

  4. GameSpot has an article/video feature about Gaming’s Greatest Treats, to celebrate Halloween, naturally.

    Spread Gun? Hells yeah.

  5. I just want to take this time to say that I really, really hate the commercial for Need For Speed: Carbon.

    On TV, I don’t think it usually starts with that info at the front. Feels like it ought to be a blurb for drunk driving awareness, and when it’s not… I don’t know. It just feels weird. Like the wrong kind of weird.

  6. GN reports that Yahoo has a Wii page, complete with a countdown clock.
  7. Volume 5 of the Iwata Interviews, come and get it!
  8. GN links to a Modojo feature covering Top Ten Portable Flops, game systems you can take with you, but probably wouldn’t want to.
  9. Just thought this edition of Gamer PALs was amusing.
  10. Jeremy “Toastyfrog” Parish gives his account of his visit to Nintendo’s HQ for a two-day Zeldathon.
  11. Dirk Manning at Newsarama explains how to protect your interests as a writer. If it weren’t so late, I’d read the whole thing right now, but it definitely has my interest.

LBD “Nytetrayn”

One Response to “Points of Interest”

  1. Splashman Says:

    2: The pursuation of the Man of Heat works in strange ways. And if it wasn’t for him, AF’d be waiting for me to get the album until the launch of Wii… *helps putting brainy mass back into Nyte head*

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