Points of Interest – 5/17/07
mightygodking found a rather impressive video that some Italian animation students made about Calvin & Hobbes.
Very nice piece that captures the spirit of the comics, and an excellent tribute to one of comic-dom’s greats.
- Evil Avatar looks at the question, who killed E3?
Would you believe that Suspect #2 is… Nintendo, due to their Wii showing last year?
They would be one of 7, though, which robbed many of us from a chance to attend what we see as a dream event.
But, at least there’s E For All now, right?
- Dragon Ball: bringing countries (like Japan and Korea) closer together.
- A new device called the Drive Doctor can connect your Wii to your PC, allowing some options including storage, and… well, storage.
But, you have to solder it on. Pass.
- Wow, it looks like New Super Mario Bros. really IS the new Super Mario Bros.
Well, at least as sales go, compared to the other entries noted. Still a bit behind, of course…
- A brief description regarding how initializing the online play for Super Mario Strikers Charged is conducted.
There are also some hands-on comments about the game.
- “Does Zelda need an overhaul?” is the question, following some different, vague comments by Miyamoto.
I have to say, I’m game. Between A Link To The Past and Twilight Princess, I think I’m good for Zelda as we know it now.
Four Swords Adventures was a neat twist on the concept, however…
- Fellow Sonic fans, I believe we have been robbed.
Cast your eyes upon this clip at Game|Life, for a video game by some American SEGA devlopers based on the Sonic the Hedgehog Saturday morning cartoon show.
Granted, a little more speed might have been nice, but compared to some other offerings, this seems pretty slick. There’s just something cool about seeing Princess Sally rendered in game form like that…
- Red vs. Blue, we’re gonna miss you.
But at least you left us with the courtesy, of not ignoring Halo 3.
- Somehow, I feel that when Peter Moore compares the PS3 to the Dreamcast, an “ooh, snap!” is appropriate.
- Does this mean EA’s a better place to work now?
Or were such benefits always in place, alongside sweatshop hours which sound as though they remain?
- Gaming websites vs. gaming mags.
I still believe that magazines can survive, after having worked with them through the holidays. Which leads me to agree with this part:
“I think the print magazines that survive will be those who can adapt – maybe they have a forum or a community on the web and news there, but also have a strong print magazine each month. I think that’s the way they have to adapt to it.”
And so far, printing old news and putting your articles and reviews online just isn’t helping.
- Kotaku has found an interesting bit on why Nintendo (and Apple) evangelists matter.
I wonder if I count into that group. I like to consider myself fair-minded to a degree, though I readily admit Nintendo has always been my first choice.
- So not only is the Wii fun and good for some light , but Exerciseit has rehabilitative qualities, too, as one Canadian hospital has discovered.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”