Points of Interest – 11/21/07
Wednesday, November 21st, 2007Assorted Mushrooms
- One more reason living in Canada can be a colossal pain in the ass. Which is weird, because they’ve looked good in the past with music downloads. But for me to be able to watch Power Rangers at a time that’s not 6:03am (yeah, you read that right) on a weekend, when I’d rather be sleeping? Madness.
There’s not a ton I want to watch on TV anyway, and to have to either schedule around it or do without (usually the latter) really sucks hard. Here’s hoping some sort of amendment goes through.
- Miss the 2nd coming last night? Don’t worry, you can catch it (for the moment) on YouTube, with part 2 here.
- A gent by the name of Rob Stone eats the world’s hottest chili pepper. And seems not to be aware of just what he’s gotten himself into.
- IGN’s taken on the Death Note anime and manga… now, they’ve set their sites on the statues.
- According to Bashcraft at Kotaku, it sounds like getting into Japan has gotten a lot tougher.
Video Power
- Australia has funky ads for Nintendo DS’ Jam Sessions.
- Sirlin.net has an article that I’ve agreed with for some time:
Saving should be treated as one of the player?s natural rights, not an earned privilege or a game mechanic around which to make strategic decisions.
Many systems of saving are compared within, taking the good and bad aspects from each. Personally, I question why games that deem necessary to save a certain way for the sake of challenge can’t simply utilize various saving schemes to accomodate the player.
- Dude, wouldn’t Ninja Gaiden action figures just be awesome? Figures.com seems to think so, and here’s their idea on how to do it.
Hell, spread it out to cover Dead Or Alive, too. I wouldn’t mind some good Hitomi and Kasumi figures to stand alongside Ryu, Ayane, and Rachel.
- Capcom talks up the Rockman/Mega Man 20th Anniversary party a little bit more, along with reassurance that THIS cake is not a lie.
- Ah, the Koopalings, how so many yearn for your return…
Over at Press The Buttons, Matt laments the loss of Larry, Ludwig, and the lads in Super Princess Peach, and I give a few thoughts on the matter in the comments as well.
- Racketboy’s Retrogaming looks back at games that, for many, defined their youth and the 16-bit generation itself. Sonic, Toejam & Earl, Golden Axe… these and more are the many Games That Defined The SEGA Genesis (or MegaDrive, if you prefer).
- Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction may not have sold 500,000 in its first week like Super Mario Galaxy, but that’s ok. According to Sony, they’re doing just fine and meeting expectations.
This one, I would like to see reach a greater measure of success over in Sony’s camp, for sure.
- The Angry Video Game Nerd takes on Dirk the Daring in the new review of the old animated title Dragon’s Lair.
- GameTrailers continues their Behind-The-Scenes series on Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction for the PS3 with a look at Design.
- William Shatner embodies the Shaman, and Mr. T pity the fool who ain’t down with his Night Elf Mohawk in World of Warcraft.
Best ad campaign ever? Maybe if they throw in Chuck Norris to be safe… but, word has it that Verne Troyer, aka “Mini Me” may be in another one.
- When I first got into wrestling, I sort of perceived it as something like this; that is, like a fighting game played out in real life (so to speak).
That Guile is uncanny.
- I think Achievements are kind of cool. Nothing to get wound up over, but sort of neat asides in games.
But achievements for killing your own teammates? That’s just a bad idea.
- For those who covet Club Nintendo’s latest prizes, Play-Asia will be selling them, too, at a considerable markup. Not unexpected, but…
- Worst thing about pack-ins? Those dinky sleeves they give you to keep your game in. And they don’t exactly function well alongside your DVD-style cases as part of a display, either. And Link’s Crossbow Training is no different.
Fortunately, there are custom sleeves, thanks to The Cover Project, which are also good for used games with no boxes (who DOES that, anyway?!). The downside is, where do you get more white cases like that?
- So, this Altair guy from Assassin’s Creed? Word is, he’s a bit of a jerk. Just let them go about their business, already, you jerk!
- Hmm, could Burnout: Paradise be taking the series too far from its roots?
- So, Mass Effect has this new feature called a “dialogue wheel,” right? Lotta people like it; it’s a neat alternative to “yes” and “no” or various, slightly witty synonyms.
But, as Jeff Bell points out in this video, Microsoft has actually been using it for some time.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”