Points of Interest – 11/6/07
Tuesday, November 6th, 2007InFormers: Robots in the News
- Writer Simon Furman’s blog talks a little about the upcoming Arcee Spotlight, providing a little idea of context behind it and a little about this whole “female TransFormer” thing.
- Looks like another G2 sample has turned up, this time of Sideswipe in colors more suited to his brother.
- TFW2005 has an interview with Hasbro Senior Transformers Designer Eric Siebenaler, who got off to a rough start with Armada Laserbeak, and is now working on the Animated line.
Assorted Mushrooms
- The link requires you to scroll up, but an invisible tank is sort of worth the effort, I think.
- After listening to this, you’ll never listen to another Batman theme the same way ever again.
…his parents are dead, you see.
- And if anyone smacked the hell out of her, they’d be the ones to go to jail.
Video Power
- Capcom brings us a little “behind the scenes” action as they talk about rebalancing *deep breath* Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix.
Geeze, the worst part is I don’t even have to look at the name anymore to be able to type that.
They also take a close-up look at some of the early production art and animations. Neat stuff.
Wow, Rey Jimenez as a producer… I remember when he was working customer service. Gotta love the way movement in the industry can work.
- Racketboy checks in with the cheapest Xbox games worth your time.
Incidently, I find that I usually like the Xbox version better if a game is on both it and the PS2. Burnout 3 is a good example, if for no other reason than the DREADFUL load time on PS2.
- Mario meets Buzz Aldrin. I reported this last time. What’s different now? NOW it’s just shamelessly shilling for Diggs.
- Nintendo has come forth and said that they aren’t really looking to launch any more new systems until the market is ready. So in 2010, when the Xbox 1.21 Gigawatt and the PlayStation 4RealThisTime are fighting for dominance, Nintendo could potentially still be making use of Wii and DS. Guess we’ll see.
Miyamoto believes the Wii will be a sight to behold five years from now. Me? I’m a believer.
- ScrewAttack.com looks back at another familiar title from my childhood… literally. I’m familiar with the name, but I don’t think I ever got to play it for some reason. Well, maybe in the arcades… Anyway, it’s Operation Wolf from the Vault.
Also, check out the player character in the death scene at the minute mark. Totally looks like Flint from GI Joe. I suppose they’re probably part of the same branch of military or something, but still. Even the faces are pretty similar.
- Funny how I click to watch this new movie for Rayman Raving Rabbids 2, likely to be an E-rated title, and the ad that precedes it is for an M-rated game, showing me the blood and all. I could see how some people might just get offended by this sort of idiocy.
- Some hottie over at Next Generation has written an article about the PSP, and its steep climb up the comeback trail with the new Slim design.
- Games Radar takes a look at famous franchises with forgotten follow-ups.
Never thought of Metroid II as a forgotten sequel, though, so I guess the validity is in question here. In fact, I remember the first four vividly; I’m working on Castlevania: Curse of Darkness right now.
- It also features a link to an old part of game history I never thought much about, wherein Game|Life discusses crashes/shake-outs in the industry.
- Hmm, looks like China’s getting an alright limited edition DS Lite with a slight Mario motif.
- Something tells me that maybe I should give Assassin’s Creed DS another look…
- Is Wii the way of the future? Epcot seems to think so…
- Gamasutra has a new interview with Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney producer Minae Matsukawa.
- So Super Mario Bros. 3 is now available on Virtual Console. Me? I’m not looking to get it, I have the original, Super NES, and GBA versions.
But maybe if Mario himself called and asked me to get it, I’d reconsider.
- …yeah, right. “Maybe.”
- Wired makes some sort of sense out of suicide bombing through Halo 3.
- Joystiq has a neat montage of Zelda ads, from the original “Zelda Rap” to the Four Swords puppet show to a Twilight Princess montage.
Sadly, no insane Japanese musical number from A Link To The Past, though.
- If you thought the mascot costume for Sonic in the Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games videos was bad, then check this out.
“and before you go bashing this relic of Halloween, we’d like to see you post your childhood costume images. No, really, we’d love to see it.”
If I ever find the pics of my contest-winning Mario, Navy SEAL, and Saddam Hussein costumes, then you’re on.
Sadly, my fifth grade Mario wound up better than my recent Otakon attempt, thanks to a mail mishap.
- So, did you hear who won the GameFAQs Character Battle?
- Things sure have changed over the past 20 years. Today, Nintendo’s Wii has Manhunt 2. Back then, you weren’t to use the word “kill.” Even in a non-literal context.
This and more bizarreness is explained as a former Lucasarts employee details the changes made to Maniac Mansion so that it could be published on Nintendo’s first home console.
Speaking of which, anyone remember the TV series? I only remember the ads that came on during Family Channel’s reruns of Captain N and the Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3.
- Wow, ancient Nintendo Power commercial. Prepare to be freaked by MUSCLE MARIO!
–LBD “Nytetrayn”