Points of Interest – 12/07/07
Friday, December 7th, 2007Assorted Mushrooms
- I guess the question is, how does this guy place if they don’t cross the finish line together?
- Newsarama takes the opportunity to chat with Nicholas Gurewitch about his comic, The Perry Bible Fellowship.
- They also check out the recently-released Not Just Cartoons: Nicktoons! book, which covers many of Nickelodeon’s original animated shows.
- And, there’s also a piece with Mini Marvels‘ Chris Giarrusso about the microsized superheroes.
- If you watch South Park, a fair bet is that you tune in largely for Eric Cartman. And to celebrate the worst little 4th grader you’re ever likely to see (sorry, Bart, but your candy ass lost its bad-boy image a LONG time ago), IGN checks out his ten greatest moments.
- IGN Movies conducts an interview with Chris Nolan to discuss The Dark Knight, Justice League of America, and Bale signing on for Terminator 4.
Video Power
- I’d like a Pac-Man Christmas tree for my living room this holiday season.
- With Eternal Champions landing on Virtual Console earlier this week, now seems like as good a time as any (better, even) to bring up this interview with one of the men behind SEGA’s “answer” to Street Fighter II.
- Gamasutra has a neat piece that looks at 20 unusual control schemes. Interestingly, Nintendo only has five mentions on the list. Somehow, it just seemed like they’d have more, good or bad.
- They also have Nicolas Normandon’s GDC keynote, wherein he describes the process involved in creating Ubisoft’s Rayman: Raving Rabbids game.
- Next Generation takes a look at what made Burnout 3 work so well.
- Sony’s Jack Tretton reflects on his first year as the chief of SCEA, competing with Xbox Live, launching a video download service, PlayStation Home, and more..
- Why so much controversy over Kane & Lynch? Games Radar investigates.
- Do you know how many real-life criminals are lurking in your games?
- I’ll admit, I think the Wii is a system worth the time to hunt down. But stalking UPS drivers? That’s just a bit much. Seriously, what are you going to do? Unless he’s delivering an order to you (which you’d get anyway), what is anyone expecting to accomplish? He can’t sell the damn thing to you. Is theft the name of the game here? I mean, c’mon already…
- More screenshots from Nintendo’s canned Project H.A.M.M.E.R. title.
- This article looks at the similarities and differences between sequels for movies versus sequels for games, and how the latter is more reliant on them.
- The President of EA Casual, Kathy Vrabek, takes reviews to task as to the seeming lack of understanding involved compared to harder core fare.
- I think this has been touched on elsewhere, but at Game|Life, Yoshiaki Koizumi talks about the issues with translating for Miyamoto.
- I don’t know MMO all that well, certainly not in RPGs, but for those who can appreciate this better than I (and I still can, to some degree), here are the top five most influential events in MMO history.
- Who says that games never teach you anything?
- Witness the commercial for the Vii! Now with 4Kids-style subbing!
- “Will It Blend?” beats Halo 3 the only way they know how. This really has to be some of the best marketing in the world.
- 1up continues cranking out the Final Fantasy flashbacks that have so far helped exhaust my poor wife. Please, don’t let her efforts be in vain. Give ‘em a read.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”