Transformers: War for Cybertron Debut Trailer
December 11th, 2009Movie games? What movie games? This is what I have my eyes on:
Find out more information here.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”
Movie games? What movie games? This is what I have my eyes on:
Find out more information here.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”
Just a friendly reminder: Turtles Forever, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles anniversary animated movie featuring different versions of the fab four teaming together will air tomorrow, November 21st, at 10am on CW-4Kids. Here is a little preview:
This well and truly marks the end of an era, as Peter Laird has sold off the TMNT property to Nickelodeon. While Mirage Studios retains a limited right to continue to make the Turtles comics within the original continuity, it seems that Laird has no current plans of exercising that right, thus leaving a conclusion to the original Mirage Turtles series in a perpetual limbo.
In addition, the conclusion to the 70+ issue Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures comic (which was published by Archie Comics back in its day and does not count in the above Mirage clause) titled The Forever War has officially been canceled. It was supposed to come out at the end of the series’ run back in the 90′s, but the book was axed before it came to fruition, despite previews and work being done for it. There was further talk of it coming out, and then more talk for the 25th anniversary of the franchise. And it never came, leaving us with a further lack of closure.
So, the 80′s Murakami Wolf Swenson/Fred Wolf Films cartoon ended in 1996. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures ended in 1995. The Next Mutation ended the same season it began. And in 2009, the 2003 4Kids animated series while the Mirage comic’s writing is on the wall, coming to its end in May 2010.
In essence, with the possible exception of the movies (a new live-action film is slated to arrive in 2012), the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as we know them are over. Finished.
Mind, this is not a pessimistic outlook or anything. Nickelodeon may very well do a bang-up job with the franchise and the new computer-generated series they have in the works. But it seems that the days of the Turtles we’ve known for the past 25 years are over, and Turtles Forever may not only act as the apex of those 25 years for many a fan, but also something of an epitaph as we are left to decide whether or not we continue to follow the franchise forward and face whatever may come, or decide to put it to rest in our hearts with all that has come before.
Whatever happens, for better or for worse, I don’t believe things will ever be the same again. Here’s hoping that all we once knew will go out on a high note.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”
It is much to my regret that at this most joyous time of year, i.e. the release of a new Mario title, that I am unable to really sit down and put pen to paper (or rather, fingers to keyboard) and talk about my history with the franchise and what it means to me. And it really disappoints me, but I’ve got late reviews owed, and… well, I’m going to be playing the new game as well, come tomorrow.
Nonetheless, there are some rather fond remembrances of the series popping up around the web, including this one on
But don’t worry, Mario’s like an old friend, and I will definitely give him his due, though I have pondered whether or not to save such a potentially lengthy article (or series of articles) for his 30th anniversary. Ah, decisions, decisions.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”
Just a brief mix of a few things of interest going on here.
Nonetheless, the Yahoo! TV blog has decided to commemorate the event with a look back at the stars of the show, both when they appeared on the show and now. Ed O’Neill has put on a little , I think, but Katey Sagal is looking well. In fact, I dare say that they’re all looking pretty good now, even despite certain things happening to some, which I won’t go into here. Weight
May they all reap many royalties from their years of hard and hilarious work.
Click over for a look at the prize and details, but the gist of it is that we’re looking for people to perform the scene through a video of some kind. You can try with an MP3 if you’re confident, but that could prove to be a steep battle, depending on the other entries. Best of luck!
Nickelodeon now owns the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Lock, stock, and barrel.
Ultimately, I have no idea what this means, except that we seem to be getting a new series sooner than later, and that the whole Avatar: The Last Airbender thing seemed rather well-received, it could be in good hands.
Still, so many questions. I wonder about good ol’ Dan Berger, who ran the official website, and other members of the Mirage staff. And what about the comics Mirage was publishing?
I’m just beyond belief that Peter Laird would let his co-creation go, mainly as he’s been so protective of it over the years.
Well, hopefully this might lead to some better budgets for video games, and some good quality stuff. And I hope DVDs will still be made available of the past cartoons. I wonder if Playmates will still carry the toy license? In any case, short of Turtles Forever, not much was planned except the new live action movie, which is still on, so I guess this is an improvement overall.
Plus, it sounds like it’s up to us if we want Capcom to let UDON create a Mega Man Tribute art book akin to their Street Fighter and DarkStalkers efforts, featuring the works of fans and pro-fans alike.
And don’t forget, you can find plenty more news (of the video game variety, mainly) at, where we’ll soon be conducting an interview with the voice of Mario, Charles Martinet, with questions asked by our readers.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”
Not doing a big list today, but Kotaku has a couple of interesting features to look at.
This generation seems as though it may be lacking in innovation, but perhaps people are simply looking in the wrong places?
That’s the perspective of Everyone’s Favorite Analyst, Michael Pachter of Wedbush Morgan, it seems, who has had the rare benefit of being able to meet the man personally, as well as some other people quoted anonymously for the article, which in itself makes it worth a look for anyone who’s had the urge to chuck a flask of holy water at the Activision head.
And then there are these, 50 billboard advertisements which truly stand out and offer a different sense of appreciation altogether.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”
Okay, despite what I said below, I can’t go a few days and just leave a lousy video. Here are some quick news pieces as well.
…I wonder if there’s any chance Matt over on PTB would let me review it instead…?
Over on Kombo, I finally managed to finish transcribing my interview with Cory Ledesma, who is THQ’s Senior Creative Manager on the WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 video game. It took a little while to get done, between work and other things, plus trying to get everything I could separated from the background noise, but all in all, it came out pretty well.
Also, if you haven’t heard who has made the cut for the new game, you can find out all about it here.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”
Today marks the tenth anniversary of the North American release of SEGA’s final console, the Dreamcast. Naturally, there has been a bit of buzz to celebrate. Here are some of the bigger items.
Sorry, folks, don’t think I’ll be updating tonight, except to bring you what’s just sucked away my night: The DC Animated Universe Wiki, consisting of all sorts of wonderful facts and figures from Batman: The Animated Series‘ “The Cat and the Claw, part 1” to “On Leather Wings” to Justice League Unlimited‘s “Destroyer,” and everything in between and to the sides.
Ever wonder what the “Bat-Embargo” is? Now’s your chance to find out.
On a related note, I found in the entry for “Epilogue” a link to an interesting Toonzone article about the episode which reveals quite a bit about how it had been developed. Interesting stuff.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”