It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly American criminal class except Congress. -- Mark Twain

Archive for the ‘Points of Interest’ Category

Comic Craziness

Saturday, December 16th, 2006

Doing a comic-themed update tonight.

First, we have the wonderful Super Mario Adventures comic, in its entirety for you to download.

Then, thanks to scans_daily and phoenix_skyborn, we have what is quite simply the greatest Batman/Superman comic ever, with a holiday theme.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 12/16/06

Saturday, December 16th, 2006
  1. The Allspark reports on the first glimpse of an upcoming IDW comics TransFormers Spotlight starring none other than that maniacal Emperor of Destruction, Galvatron!But in this new version of the TransFormers G1 universe, how will Megatron’s alter-ego fit in? Will he remain the mighty pawn of the devil who sold his soul for power, or will he be based more on the original toy character, a seperate entity out to rule the Decepticons himself? Keep an eye out for more as it comes.
  2. From Atomic Fire, over on Capcom of Japan’s Rockman 20th Anniversary page, they have a neat new pic commemorating 20 years and a messload of characters.Pity it’s not in a higher resolution so everyone can be seen more clearly.

    And I’m glad they stuck with the original Rockman’s design, rather than the new Rockman Rockman (Powered Up) look. It just seems more fitting here.

  3. GameSpot has reviewed The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for the GameCube, and interestingly, it garnered a higher score than its other version: 8.9 to the Wii’s 8.8.
  4. It’s time to crank up the Adam Sandler CD and check out GameDaily’s eight crazy tips for hacking your gaming setups in the spirt of… er, Hanukkah?I’m really not sure where they’re going with this.
  5. onNintendo links to a video showing the ultimate outcome of the new-gen wars in a most unexpected way.Sony/Microsoft win. Fatality.
  6. Nintendo: Too Much Fun?
  7. A note to the ladies (and God help us if the men): don’t play Wii Sports while wearing high heels.
  8. If you’re still on the hunt for a Wii or PS3, Tech-Recipes has some suggestions.
  9. Go Nintendo has some shakey-cam footage of Ryuusei no Rockman, aka MegaMan Star Force.
  10. Euro-Mii fun.
  11. A look at the true beneficiary of Sony’s shortened PS3 supplies.
  12. GN presents a full list of titles to be available on Konami Arcade Collection DS.Huh, I thought Rush N’ Attack was supposed to be part of it…
  13. Wonder what the cost of producing a Wii is?
  14. GN reveals that ex-Nintendo Prez Hiroshi Yamauchi was planning our current generation Nintendo systems a while back.Perhaps the judgements that Yamauchi’s best days were behind him were a bit premature…
  15. “Ask Slashdot” tackles the question, “do next generation video games have to be in 3-D?Or would, but I don’t see anything to answer but tags for “Yes,” “No,” and “Maybe.”

    And as an amusing aside, I accidently typoed “30-D.” Mull over what that would entail for awhile…

    Joystiq adds a poll into the mix.

  16. Slashdot reports a Forbes.com story on the variety of games we play, and includes a Forbes-exclusive Red vs. Blue video.
  17. Yay, I made a difference! Go, me.
  18. Anagrams and video games, two great tastes that blend together smoothly.Admit it, you want a Super Air Broom.
  19. Be sure to cast your vote for the games of 2006 you most loved.
  20. …I don’t really care about this. But I bet some people do.Like my wife.

    So for that reason and that reason alone, I present to you “manual” Mario music.

  21. In a bit of irony, I’m not really laughing.I guess the internet has spoiled me. I mean, I love the NES ad, but the PS3 part just reeks of pointless hack.
  22. Joystiq has a look back at the art and gender issues of Castlevania.
  23. A video game starring Jay and Silent Bob? Kevin Smith would love to see someone make it.Yahoo! Games has the full interview.

    For those who didn’t know, Smith is a huge gamer. In fact, he had to tear himself away from his Nintendo DS and the New Super Mario Bros. game to do this phone interview. He already went through the game once as Mario and then returned as Luigi for another go-round.

    “I’m a big fan of scrolling games,” said Smith. “I’m not into first-person games. My theory is you’re a game fan of the games you came up with and I came up in the scrolling world. So I still love to this day scrolling games. That’s why I’m so entranced with that Mario game on Nintendo DS. It’s just a total scrolling game with great graphics.”

    A man after my own heart.

  24. Awhile back, a video noting the occurences of Nintendo’s Totaka’s song was making the rounds, putting out the challenge to find more instances of the song’s use. Well, the challenge has been answered.
  25. A Mario Adventure 2 hack, with Mouser and Panda Suits? Win.Shame it’s still buggy.
  26. Life goes on, and so does video gaming. But what happens when the two converge? That’s what 1UP’s Shawn Struck is out to find out.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 12/14/06

Thursday, December 14th, 2006
  1. The Allspark has some new prototype images up for some new transforming robot toys (not sure if they’re actual TransFormers yet): behold the mighty cellular phone, portable gaming system, and digital camera robots.
  2. The December edition of the Nintendo Handheld Gaming News has an interesting ad for a product I saw at the Nintendo World Store in NYC: Visteon’s Dockable Entertainment featuring Game Boy Advance, an entertainment center for your car.
  3. GameTrailers has some interesting videos for the upcoming Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters on the PSP, including developer walkthroughs and an in-depth featurette.

    GameSpy also has a preview of the title.

  4. GameSpot casts a critical eye on the Virtual Console NES game Ice Hockey, feeling the game holds up as well now as it did almost 20 years ago.

    Complaining about a lack of four-player on a game that existed before four-player practically even existed seems like splitting hairs to me, though. Maybe their format just doesn’t allow for a blank entry?

  5. Wow, I forgot they even announced this, but here we have screenshots of Jackass: The Game for the PSP.
  6. Behold, the Power Glove… updated for the new millenium.

    I’m not sure how practical it is here, but I can see how it could be useful with some products in the future.

  7. If you need to back-up, transfer, or do something else with your Wii files, Trans?Mem may be the answer.
  8. Iwata’s still asking about Wario Ware: Smooth Moves.
  9. Unsure about laying down 800 Wii Points for Gunstar Heroes? Put your fears to rest.
  10. This could be the US box art for Wii Play.

    For some reason, I find it funny that the control is considered the bonus here.

  11. If you’re down with MadCatz with your Wii, then I got two words for ya’… component cables!
  12. Via Slashdot via Joystiq via GamePro, the question is asked…

    …wait, what was I saying?

  13. Oh, right. Is XBox Live worth the price of admission? GamePro gives their opinions.
  14. Regarding the whole Sony viral advertising fiasco, someone commenting at Game|Life dredged this up, something I’d all but forgotten about.
  15. Well, that’s one way to secure your Wii remote.
  16. Joystiq asks, “what funk is SEGA in?”

    …and incidently, I didn’t even know that Sonic the Hedgehog for the PS3 was at the review stage. What’s so different about it that it rates higher than the 360 version?

  17. I really should give Bully a try sometime.

    Is this time-delayed content, or does it just come up through normal play, no matter what time of year it is?

  18. Words cannot begin to describe this…

    …though I must say, she’s keeping a far calmer composure than I would in such circumstances.

  19. Spartan. Doctor. Ninja. Commando. Football star. Wrestler. Ace Attorney. Chef. Robot. Rabbi?

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 12/13/06

Wednesday, December 13th, 2006
  1. Over at The Allspark, word has risen that there is another episode of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon by 4Kids which was banned for content:


    Raph, Don, Casey, and April?s evening salvage operation lands them a one-way ticket to Recycle World ? the Garbageman?s deadly realm of refuse! As if fighting for their lives in a world of lethal compactors and shredders wasn?t bad enough, they?ve got to do it all with Hun ? who?s not thrilled to reveal that he and Garbageman have something in common ? DNA!

    NOTE: This episode was never completed. The script was finished and some animation had begun when 4Kids pulled the plug because it was deemed too controversial for a children’s program (apparently Hun and the Garbageman were going to be conjoined twins that were surgically separated at birth).

    It is speculated that this might be a part of the reason for the delay/cancellation of the “Ninja Tribunal” lost season DVDs. If you’d still like to see the “Ninja Tribunal” storyline and other lost episodes released to DVD, you can write to them at the following address:

    4Kids Home Video
    53 West 23rd Street
    Newford, NY

    In addition, you can reach Joe Lyons, Director of Home Entertainment for 4Kids, at jlyons@4kidsent.com , and Laurie Windrow, brand manager for TMNT at 4Kids c/o
    4Kids Entertainment
    1414 Ave. of the Americas
    New York, N.Y. 10019

    Let them know that you’re interested in the lost Turtles episodes as well as Fast Forward(even if it’s not necessarily true… the old version was dropping in ratings, so it’s best not to bash on FF just yet, as it’s why we’re still getting TMNT).

  2. Press The Buttons has thoughts on Sony’s new viral marketing campaign for PSP.

    It’s entirely dope, yo.

    On a related note, Slashdot has reported that the FTC may start looking into future incidents such as this, should they come up.

  3. GameSpot has reviewed Capcom Classics Collection volume 2, the first video game I actually have a credit in.

    Now I just need to get a copy.

  4. It’s VaniaMania at GameDaily, as they feature a plethora of Castlevania-oriented pieces.

    Naturally, there’s the Portrait of Ruin review, followed by the Top Ten Rejected Castlevania games, and finally, in following the trend, a Castlevania video retrospective.

    Sadly, the retrospective feels rushed, and lacks the heart which seemed evident in the Zelda series of videos.

  5. SEGA discusses the importance of Hollywood intellectual properties.
  6. Hah, looks like some of the Phoenix Wright crew will be in the next Capcom vs. SNK card battle game.
  7. Go Nintendo reports a good deal from Circuit City wherein you can pick up The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for the GameCube for cheap.
  8. Sony responds to the demand for Wii.

    It’s pretty much just what you think it’ll be.

  9. If you’re interested in laying down the scratch for the hardcover Prima strategy guide for Twilight Princess over Nintendo Power‘s publication, here’s what you get.

    Quite nice.

  10. Also, over Europe’s way, here’s what their special edition of the game looks like.
  11. Motorstorm retro commecial. VERY retro.

    A cute piece for a neat-looking game.

  12. Clearly, my friend Shinkuu and Chris Kohler are on the same page regarding Christmas gifts.

    Well, somewhat.

  13. Game|Life plays the cleverly-named segment Virtual Consolation, wherein “we examine the scraps of stale bread that Nintendo has tossed us this week on the Wii’s Virtual Console to distract us from the fact that Japan still has it ten times better (how’s Link to the Past, you jerks?)”

    Frankly, I’ve no complaints of Gunstar Heroes.

  14. He also takes a look at the announcement of Dragon Quest IX on the Nintendo DS, and what it all means.
  15. Toastyfrog has a similarly motivated piece written as well.

    “It is pretty likely that Sony dropped a brick in its collective pants this morning, and for good reason.”

  16. Yet another reason to be jealous of Japan.
  17. Super NinTiVo?
  18. Ready your torches, antiku, as Japan holds the foreigners down again.
  19. …on the other hand, it’s not like they don’t have their own dillemas.
  20. Want a Wii? Go ask Dr. Phil about it.
  21. Sharkey takes a look at all things Eragon:

    “Maybe we can save some time here and review Eragon the game, Eragon the book, and probably Eragon the movie in one go: Did you like those Lord of the Rings games/books/movies, but thought they were kind of difficult? You’ll love this.”

  22. Now that Bully has been released, EGM has seen fit to sit down with the creators and chat about it.
  23. Behold, the perfect piece to fit in any office. Or, barring that, beside any computer running World of Warcraft

    Office Space Bobbleheads!

    With soundbytes.

    Peter, Lumbergh, and Milton, complete with the red stapler. You know you want them. You want them all.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 12/12/06

Tuesday, December 12th, 2006
  1. Allspark reports that E-Hobby has several listings up for the upcoming TransFormers Masterpiece-05 Megatron figure, including the standard figure, a combo with a black Masterpiece Convoy (Optimus Prime), and combo with a grey reissue G1 Galvatron.
  2. Go Nintendo asks if Interlink’s lawsuit with Nintendo holds any water.
  3. Destructoid takes a look at what the most promising upcoming Wii titles are.
  4. Remember that video of the Wii playing on the tiny TV? Game|Life adds some context.

    Seems like a hell of a thing to forget…

  5. Joystiq has a list of the winners from the Spike TV 2006 Video Game Awards, where this year, Sony was largely ignored.
  6. Nintendo has an interesting little online game available for play. Be neat if this were somehow able to be played on the Wii…
  7. Sony ads reach a new low.
  8. If you have an XBox 360 with Live and a copy of Burger King’s Pocketbike Racer, then get ready to hail to the King, baby.
  9. If you’ve been holding out for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for the GameCube, then this is the week you should start checking stores in your area.
  10. I not only remember this ad, but still have my copy of the video cassette it was on.
  11. o/~ You gotta fight… for your right… to plaaaaaaaay Wiiiiiiii… o/~
  12. The Magic 8-Ball turns 60!

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Fullscans Daily’s Batman: Gotham Adventures Scans

Saturday, December 9th, 2006

Came across this after the last update. A good issue (and sadly, the last) of Batman: Gotham Adventures, the DC comic based on Batman: The Animated Series.

Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 12/09/06

Saturday, December 9th, 2006
  1. Ever wonder how Raphael originally met Casey Jones? Mirage has your answers right here.
  2. New images of TransFormers: Titaniums Beast Machines Cheetor and The Fallen have surfaced, courtesy of Big Bad Toystore.
  3. Looks like Kup is due to appear soon in IDW’s TransFormers series, as evidenced by this artwork. Wonder what the story there is…
  4. GameSpot gives its review of Sonic Rivals, clocking in at a 6.9, which isn’t too bad, considering the ratings other releases in the franchise have received lately. Should at least be worth a look.

    The stage count doesn’t bother me too much, anyway. Heck, I’ve been playing the first Sonic on Virtual Console repeatedly, so…

    Overall, the good seems to outweigh the bad.

  5. They also give a retro-review of the Virtual Console launch title Bonk’s Adventure, with a 6.6.
  6. GameSpot chats it up with Nintendo’s Rob Lowe about the recent UK Wii launch, as well as other subjects like why the decision was made to region-lock the Wii, as well as why Nintendo doesn’t want to be just for kids anymore.

    GS: Why does Europe always have to wait until last with these launches?

    RL: Oh come on, that’s not fair! A week later than Japan and three weeks later than the US, that’s not bad! I think you’re asking the wrong games company [that question].


    But I still think the region locking is crap. “We always have specific software for specific regions, so we try to keep it that way.” So what? I think if someone sees a title that they want that’s not being released in their region, they should be able to play it. We got Chrono Trigger, they got Terra Nigma (sequel to Illusion of Gaia, which we got). You can’t tell me the audiences are that different.

    Besides which, it’s a really pro-conformist attitude. Play what we think you’ll like. Bah.

    And the Wii Play part makes less sense, as we’re still getting it, just later.

    I won’t even touch the DS/Game Boy part of the argument, either.

    Chris Kohler just says he’s talking in circles.

  7. Speaking of which, GameSpot had a little hands-on time with the PAL version.

    And like him, love him, or hate him, I wish The Dog were in the shooting tribute to Duck Hunt. Admit it, he made the game extra memorable just for his laughter alone.

    Laser Hockey and Billiards have my interest, though.

  8. The Punisher star Thomas Jane speaks up about the sequel.

    I still need to play the game…

  9. And GameSpy’s Game of the Month is…

    …as though there were any doubt. Whatsoever.

  10. GameDaily reviews Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin, giving it an 8.
  11. A peculiar, yet funny video found over at Go Nintendo.
  12. A new scan appears for Wario the… erm, “Theif.”
  13. More MS blogger thoughts on Wii.
  14. Wouldn’t normally mention this by this point, but Slashdot so rarely does reviews.

    Here’s the Slashdot review of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

  15. Game|Life cracks open the Castlevania pre-order set and sees what’s inside.
  16. Awesome, my ringtone is still going strong on the Billboard charts.

    And I’ve had it for about as long, too.

  17. Now this is a nice gaming rig.
  18. A member of the Kotaku family checks out the release of Blue Dragon in Japan.

    Seems it’s up against stiff competition: Gundam, for the PS2 no less.

    And the Kotaku writer also has an altercation of sorts with a Japanese sales clerk, arguably the best part of this entire ordeal.

  19. Legonomics wins again.
  20. Newsarama chats with Stan Sakai about Usagi Yojimbo reaching his 100th issue at Dark Horse this January.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Quick Hits

Thursday, December 7th, 2006

So I lied. Sorta. Just a couple of things I had in my Inbox that I forgot to add, which conveniently help make for a decent mini-update.

  1. So first, there was the word of the CNET editor and his family going missing.

    PKManiac1 informs me that regretably, he was found, but not in the sort of way you’d hope to find someone. On the upside, his sacrifice was not in vain, as his family was found and rescued.

  2. HStanton sent me this amusing video which chronicles the Donkey Kong legacy, and with all due respect, somewhat ignorantly ponders the fate of Jr.

    The bits at the end are pretty good as well.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 12/07/06

Thursday, December 7th, 2006
  1. Evidently, Famitsu really likes Ryuusei no Rockman, aka MegaMan Star Force.
  2. What’s this? A hidden minigame in the new Zelda?
  3. So the Bob Ross Wii game may be canceled, or at least in limbo.

    Paint a sad little tree on your calendars this day, folks.

    Edit: Whup, spoke too soon! Happy tree!

  4. I don’t know what’s most incredible… that someone would bother hooking a Wii to a TV that size, that it works, or that there even is a TV that size.
  5. Wanna see how the controls for Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess breaks down? Here you go.
  6. Wii… bringing people together.
  7. The Onion waits for the Wii.
  8. Evidently, 1UP has some arguments in favor of playing Twilight Princess on the GameCube.

    …God. I hate to nitpick, but I’m just not sure what to think when an editor says “do your worse.” I’m pretty sure that it’s supposed to be “do your worst,” but maybe there’s some sort of English loophole I’m missing.

    Breaking it down, the “Long Hours” argument is crap. I’ve moved all over my couch when playing the game, no problems. With the two-piece controller, it’s actually easier to relax while playing than what the oldschool handcuff style allows.

    Not having played the Cube version, can’t speak on the “Buttons” argument. But I doubt that it’d address any of my own personal grievances with the setup, which has been standard in 3-D Zeldas since OoT.

  9. Turns out that the SEGA Genesis is good for more than just gaming, and you can take that to the bank.
  10. Remember Clash at Demonhead for the NES? Something Awful does.
  11. Joystiq provides their patented Metareview for Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin.
  12. I was so hoping that Sharkey would be the one to review Superman Returns, and I’m glad I wasn’t disappointed.

    Now, if only he used the bit from his E3 preview…

  13. When I started reading this, I thought someone in this world finally had their priorities straight as it regards to the significance of video game violence.

    …then I kept reading.

  14. “The Girl Gamer” has some interesting ideas regarding how to write original video game-related content.

    I wonder if I should write some of these down…

  15. Press The Buttons wants you to know that Twilight Princess is still awesome.

    (Btw, Matt, I’ve just moved PTB up my list of bookmarks so that you’re not scraping the bottom of my posts all the time. ;P )

  16. N-Europe follows up yesterday’s video with their epitaph for the GameCube.
  17. In addition, they take a good look at the Virtual Console, Nintendo’s underplayed Ace in the hole.
  18. Blaze Hedgehog has bad news about his XBox 360…

    Just three weeks after purchasing it, the console has been cursed with the Red Ring of Death.

  19. The Japanese Wii warning manual, remade as a 1950′s styled film reel.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 12/06/06

Wednesday, December 6th, 2006
  1. The Allspark has added a gallery of test-shots of the toys from the upcoming TransFormers movie, giving a good idea of the form some characters like Brawl, Barricade, and Bumblebee will take.

    You can also see Scorponok on eBay.

  2. GameTrailers has a rather nice new video for Halo 3, as well as a trailer for the just-released Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin. Good stuff.
  3. Speaking of Castlevania, GameSpot has a review up, giving it an 8.3, with minimal gripes.
  4. Kirby Squeak Squad has also been reviewed, garnering a 7.7.
  5. GameSpot has also added some new videos of Wii Play.
  6. Gutter ball.

    On a related note, I received this same e-mail earlier today.

  7. …I’m pretty sure this isn’t real, but it’s kind of an amusing way of working with the Wiimote.
  8. Go Nintendo reports that there are evidently some missing pages to the Japanese Wii safety manual, but fear not, for they have been found.

    Love the next-to-last one.

  9. Reggie encourages the idea of third-party rechargable Wiimote batteries, citing “that?s something a third-party licensee can do a lot more efficiently than we can.”

    He also expresses disappointment and hope for Elite Beat Agents.

  10. GN also has some more videos of Twilight Princess for the Cube.
  11. Camping out: Insanity, community, or a little bit of both?
  12. Will this be the box art for Sonic and the Secret Rings?

    I like it.

  13. Over at Game|Life, Chris Kohler has begun inducting games into the The Wii 4:3 Hall Of Shame.
  14. I scream, you scream, we all scream for Wii scream.
  15. Wired checks out The BK Three for the XBox 360.

    …Grimace had six arms?

  16. Aww, how can you not like a live-action hamster video game?
  17. Penny Arcade is Wired for Wii.
  18. Game|Life comes out in (partial) defense of Red Steel.
  19. Wow, Joystiq really likes the Wii Shopping tune…
  20. Finally, “next-gen” is gone.

    Sadly, I’m not sure how to refer to the past era. Last-gen? That’s good for now, but what about the generation after this? It was so much easier in the 16-bit days…

  21. I’m so glad there’s some semblence of save states on the Virtual Console…
  22. The match of the century: Mega Man vs… Donkey Kong?!

    …I guess that way IS pretty effective…

  23. And here we have Will Wright’s appearance on The Colbert Report.
  24. It begins again…
  25. The playable intro for Blue Dragon.
  26. Press The Buttons gives SEGA Genesis Collection for the PS2 the ol’ college try.
  27. N-Europe says good-bye to an old friend.

    So long, GameCube. You’ll always live on in our hearts and in our Wii.

  28. And finally, Newsarama has a preview of Spider-man: Reign #1 (of 4), an upcoming mini-series which takes a not-so-pleasant look into the future of the web-slinger.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”