The Daily ‘Shroom – 8/17/07
…I wonder how long it takes to hear back from a company when trying to establish PR contacts.
- TransFormers!
Big, bad Brawl of the “Leader” class variety is now available for preorder at Toys R Us’ website, while the Darth Vader/Death Star should be showing up in stores now, as well as some Sam’s Club Movie 2-pack exclusives.
IGN also has a preview of IDW’s Beast Wars: The Ascending. But for some reason, they’re calling Leo Prime by his Japanese name, Lio Convoy, and that’s just driving me crazy. I hope it’s fixed by the time they go to print. Hate to have another Jetfire/Skyfire situation on our hands.
Of interest to some might be this YouTube offering, which assembles the many voices of Optimus Prime and Megatron over the past 20 years, and even a little bit of Movie and G1 Starscream.
…Movie Starscream sounded too much like Megatron for my tastes, though.
And speaking of Megatron’s voices, there’s also a two-part interview with David Kaye, who’s voiced more Megatron than anyone, from Beast Wars to Beast Machines, Armada, Energon, Cybertron… but not Animated. He gets to be Optimus there.
MegaMan fans may also recognize him as the voice of ProtoMan in NT Warrior.
- So while the Captain America of the past is returning, the Cap of the present… isn’t. Or hasn’t yet, depending on your view of things.
Newsarama interviews Ed Brubaker about how the eponymous comic will continue without its titular character around, as well as some spoilers for issue #29.
- The Castlevania: Dracula’s Curse movie blog (the animated one, not the Paul Anderson flick) has finally updated once again, this time allowing us a peek at an excerpt from the first draft.
Amusing, and gives an idea of the sort of tone the movie may carry, insofar as I would say it’s definitely not made for the kiddies.
- It’s little surprise, but Smash Bros. Dojo!! has some good news, as those in doubt can now be silenced by the return of Peach, who’s looking better than ever.
- Looks like Ratchet and his backpack buddy Clank are all about the tricking and the treating, as their PS3 debut is slated to be ready a week before Halloween on October 23rd.
I’m pretty sure these are two characters you’d rather treat than be tricked by– their latest is surely called Tools of Destruction for a reason.
- Uh-oh.
While the source article doesn’t specifically mention EGM or 1up as Evil Avatar has, one does have to wonder what the future may hold for them.
Guess there was a reason for all those screwed-up payments…
- Looks like Calling All Cars is soon going to be available on the PSP.
It does remind me a little of one gripe I’ve always had about online games across multiple platforms, that being that you’re restricted to only playing against those on the same platform. I know it seems like a bit of a silly concern, perhaps, but still.
It’s doubtful it’d ever change beyond the possibility of maybe playing a PSP version of CAC against a PS3, but even that seems unlikely, and I doubt any of the console manufacturers would permit it, even if it is/was possible.
- First it’s Fox News, now it’s EA. And it seems it’s become rather common. Thankfully, such alterations are easily undone.
Still, these guys ought to be ashamed of themselves.
But, not every publisher that clicks the “Edit” button is bad, as GameSpot notes. Though it still remains hit and miss, such is the way of people.
Thanks to
jackscarab for the bit about Fox News.
- Nintendo continues the Metroid Prime 3: Corruption preview assault with two new videos for the impending title, one showing off the air assault gameplay, while the other pulls back the curtain on the Phazon Enhancement Device.
Naturally, these can be viewed on your Wii Metroid Prime 3 channel as well.
- Remember Ecco? Ecco the Dolphin? He’s back, and now on XBox Live Arcade.
- If Sony approves you for a credit card, then now’s the time you can get a PS3 for cheap(er), and some BluRay movies with it.
- …Katie Holmes as Wonder Woman? I just can’t see it.
It’d make a Justice League movie interesting, in a way.
- Interesting…
Seems that the Wii shortage won’t be stopping soon, as a result of a lack of component supplies.
- JeuxFrance has a bunch of new scans for Super Mario Galaxy.
Looks like Dry Bones might have to attend his next Mario Party in a body bag…
- How ironic.
The GameCube’s last great send-offs were supposed to be Super Paper Mario and DK Jet, but both were pushed to the Wii instead.
So to who does it fall for a sendoff for the GameCube?
Not Mega Man, who’s helped turned out the lights for a number of systems…
…but the Power Rangers.
Interesting there’s no Wii version, though. Well, whatever, this will play on it just the same. I just hope Dragonzord is playable somehow. And that the price is right.
- So, word has come that today, Wizards of the Coast have announced a 4th Edition of the infamous Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game to come next May.
And with it, it sounds like the possibility of gaming online? Considering my D&D friends are scattered about, I actually welcome this possibility, despite Mr. Lopez’s argument that the game is all about face-to-face interaction.
- Seems that while Ziff-Davis and other publishers are facing woes in putting video game news and info in print, there are still ways to make it work.
From what I’ve seen of the British gaming mags I’ve had exposure to, such as Edge, Official Nintendo Magazine, and Retro Gamer, it’s little wonder.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”
August 17th, 2007 at 11:44 am
4. A week of pretty tame updates, following the Pokemon Trainer on Monday… leads me to believe they aren’t planning how dramatic these updates look from week to week, but probably from the start to the end…
I have to say, Wow, they really paid great attention to detail in Peach’s outfit. I remember back when I first saw pictures of Mario for the Melee back in the day, and I was wowed by the detail of his overalls and thought.
And still… I echo my previous sentiment. I find it hard to believe they would drop any old characters. Perhaps these “returning fighters” announcements just help serve as fodder.