Basic research is what I am doing when I don't know what I am doing. -- Wernher von Braun

Points of Interest – 1/22/08

January 22nd, 2008

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. Video: This polar bear cub is pretty cute… until he wakes up. Actually, he’s still cute then.
  2. Video: Power window improvisation.
  3. Video: Interest… some of the WWE Superstars give their thoughts on Britney Spears.
  4. Video: Bush bucks: get yours now, before it’s too late (and they come for you).

Video Power

  1. Article: If you’re a fan of Tetris, but haven’t ventured far outside the traditional versions, maybe you’d be interested in this Retro Gaming write-up for Tetris Battle Gaiden.
  2. Rumor: Rumor is that Microsoft knew about the design faults in the 360 during production.
  3. Newsbit: Sony doesn’t want players to be intimidated by Little Planet.
  4. Newsbit: Looks like SUDA-51 was recently misquoted in regards to his statements about third parties and the Wii.
  5. Interview: As mentioned in The Daily ‘Shroom, there’s a new Iwata Asks, this time focusing on Super Smash Bros. Brawl, which I’m posting here for posterity.
  6. Video: There have been many versions of Mortal Kombat II, but which one does ScrewAttack.com think is the best?
  7. Blogging: Articles like the one referenced here are responsible for more of my violent thoughts than any actual game has ever been.

    What a nutcase.

  8. Editorial: They say that what doesn’t kill you will only make you stronger. Next Generation EIC Colin Campbell applies similar logic as he looks at how the PS3 may flourish.
  9. Article: Games Radar checks out the Top 7 impractical characters, 7 ill-prepared nutjobs to whom saving the world is best left as a last resort.
  10. Article: So, what differences have you noticed between western gaming and Japanese gaming?
  11. Blogging: Over at 1up, Sam Kennedy has put together his thoughts on the whole GameSpot firings.
  12. Video: The Super Mario Bros. 2 theme, on drums!
  13. eBay: Among all the other plushes we’ve seen come up lately, who ever expected we might see a plush Wii?
  14. Video: First, Mario had to take on Halo‘s Covenant, and now… Bubble Man?
  15. Video: God, I hate the mainstream press.

    So kids these days can’t tell the difference between games and reality? Did the world just get stupider since I was a kid or something? Seriously, what?

  16. Video: Today, on “When Video Game Characters Make Crank Calls,” we follow Gordon Freeman as he calls Coast to Coast AM to inform them of a mysterious agent he keeps seeing everywhere…
  17. Article: One take on video game design thinks that maybe developers should try playing like a 3-year old.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Daily ‘Shroom – 1/20/08

January 20th, 2008

InFormers: Robots in the News

  1. Newsbit: You can now “rent” TransFormers: The Movie on iTunes.
  2. Newsbit: Can’t wait for the next ep of TransFormers: Animated to air on Cartoon Network? Time-Warner on Demand has got you covered.
  3. Pics: New official pics of Revoltech Hot Rodimus and Starscream.

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. Newsbit: Sad news to kick things off, as the co-founder of Wham-O toys is no longer with us. R.I.P., Mr. Knerr, and thanks.
  2. Pics: New pic of all four NECA Ninja Turtles, plus a pair of fake “traditional” variants.
  3. Newsbit: Anything for a buck, it seems, as Time Warner is said to be looking into limiting bandwidth and charging additional fees for data that runs over the alloted amount.Downloading a high-definition movie could cost users an additional $30 if they are already over their monthly limit bandwidth.…well, hell, why not just buy the disc? I don’t see how this will help usher in an age of digital distribution…

Video Power

  1. Newsbit: Capcom’s at it again, looking for people in the SF Bay area to come out and see what they’ve put together this time. “Top seekrit?” Couldn’t have anything to do with Bionic Commando, could it?
  2. Newsbit: If you’re going to be in Japan around 2/15, you might want to swing by the AOU 2008 Amusement Expo and give Street Fighter IV a whirl.
  3. Newsbit: So, that free Xbox Live Arcade game that people will get as a result of the Xbox Live downtime? Undertow, a game which sounds like it’s had a few people download it already……but, lucky for me, I’m not among those ranks. I sorta would’ve preferred Pac-Man Championship Edition, but I won’t complain.
  4. Pics: Could these really be the first pics of the next DS Castlevania game?
  5. Newsbit: Remember when Wal-Mart recently slipped up and mispriced a bunch of upcoming games, such as Super Smash Bros. Brawl? No one thought they’d make good on it, especially after cancelling all those orders, but as it turns out, they decided to make some good on it.Sort of makes me wish I’d gotten in on that action.
  6. Videos/Preview: Three new trailers for the “Penny Arcade Game.”Xbox Live doesn’t have a demo for this yet, do they? Anyway, Game|Life has a preview.
  7. Rumor: This just in: Could it be? The Boss says it’s still just a rumor, but with a good source on it… Factor 5 developing a Kid Icarus title for Wii.This will be awesome if true.
  8. Newsbit: More and more and more questionable info on Super Smash Bros. Brawl from the World Hobby Fair.
  9. Newsbit: Way to go, Activision. As if we didn’t have enough spam problems already.
  10. Newsbit: It appears that Circuit City is offering an enticing deal on Super Smash Bros. Brawl, along with the promise of more Wiis coming. Pity we don’t have those in Canada… though we do have “The Source by Circuit City,” but I doubt they’d honor it. If they even got the game in a timely fashion.And even if we did have Circuit City, no promises that they’d have the same deal. Frustration….on a related note, no buzz over a preorder bonus yet. Pity, that. I’d be happy with a soundtrack CD, or an art book full of renders and such, or maybe a small trophy as per the game.
  11. Newsbit: New info on SEGA’s answer to Nintendogs, SEGA Dream Cats. I’d probably go for this, except I have two of my own already…

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 1/20/08

January 20th, 2008

InFormers: Robots in the News

  1. Video: The War Withinanimated.
  2. Reviews: BWTF reviews IDW’s Spotlight: Galvatron and Target-exclusive Movie figure G1 deco Starscream.

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. Video: What would you do if you had a robot arm for the weekend? These guys use one to chuck bowling balls.
  2. Video: the MacBook Air: Why the hell not?
  3. Article: One-time Spider-man writer Erik Larsen shares his thoughts on… you know, that story.
  4. Newsbit: So, how’s that whole teleportation thing coming along?

Video Power

  1. Video: Not everyone can adjust to working in an office environment. But Solid Snake gives it his best shot.
  2. Interview: This time out, Capcom talks to Harvey Birdman’s assistant, Peanut. But be warned, it’s a .wav file.
  3. Newsbit: Unless they’re ratting out every movie, music, etc. contributor to political campaigns, then the PTC strikes me as a bit hypocritical for seeking to do it for video game contributors.PTC is just a bad joke, anyway, with the punchline being the people who count on them for anything.
  4. Comic: Can’t remember if I posted this before, and I’m too lazy to check, and even if so, it bears repeating as David Willis brings Super Mario Galaxy to Shortpacked!.
  5. Interview: A new interview at Kombo via N-Europe looks to get to know SUDA-51, creator of No More Heroes, just a little better.
  6. Interview: Want more? GameSpot got in some time with him, too.
  7. Newsbit: Looks like the WGA Writer’s Strike is pushing more people towards gaming. I bet Nintendo really wishes they had more Wiis on shelves now.
  8. Newsbit: Microsoft is stressing the importance of game demos, and I can’t agree enough.
  9. Interview: Gamasutra spends some time with Alexey Pajitnov, creator of Tetris, about the history of his game and the current state of the casual game market which it helped give birth to, as well as his current projects.
  10. Video: Know Ragnarok Online? That MMORPG? Did you know there’s also an anime based on it? It’s true! And IGN has the first episode available for your perusal.
  11. Newsbit: After Nintendo’s performance in 2007, President Satoru Iwata is happy.After seeing articles saying that shortages are part of their strategy, President Satoru Iwata is sad.“[When I see those types of articles], I honestly feel sad,” said Iwata. “Game machine production amounts are set about half a year in advance, so they cannot be easily changed. The concept of the Wii is ‘a machine that makes people who play it smile.’ We wouldn’t use a strategy that is at odds with smiling. Getting as many people as possible to show us their smiles when playing a Nintendo game — that’s the energy source that drives us.”

    Touching (no DS pun intended), is it not?

  12. Article: What the…?If you believe in psychics, then you might be interested in the little trip that Games Radar took to a few of these future seers to discover what lies ahead for the game industry in 2008….just the premise alone makes me more interested in this than the regular run-of-the-mill predictions.
  13. Video: Hmm, looks like Punch-Out!!‘s Sandman could use a Super Mushroom.
  14. Pic: Awesome Chain Chomp hat.
  15. Newsbit: One more reason to support No More Heroes: So that third-party developers won’t shy away from Mature game development.
  16. Newsbit: Ok, so this Wi Vision thing that plays NES games and has a “106 game cartridge” seems legit, but does it work in North America?
  17. Pics: I’ve not played Gears of War yet, and so I’m not quite familiar with the source material, but this Nerf gun Lancer mod is pretty slick looking, just the same.
  18. Pics: The Lancer not your bag? Then how about a crocheted Mario, along with some items? It’d go great with the above-mentioned hat.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Daily ‘Shroom – 1/18/08

January 18th, 2008

InFormers: Robots in the News

  1. Pics: New pics of Japan’s Classics are now available on Amazon.co.jp for all to see! Optimus, Megatron, Starscream, Grimlock, Bumblebee, and Mirage, reporting for duty!

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. Preview: The Official TMNT Web Site has posted a preview for Tales of the TMNT #42.
  2. Newsbit: In other news: Cloned meat is safe to eat!
  3. Newsbit: Looks like there are three men in the running to play Duke in the G.I. Joe movie.
  4. Video: Goku’s actor (from the Dragon Ball movie) “hopes he does a good job.”

Video Power

  1. Newsbit: Smash Bros. DOJO!! closes out this week of sadness with an update about sticker power-ups.

    Regarding the delay, rumor is that manufacturing issues are the culprit.

    And GameTrailers presents a new video that explores the details and origins of New Challengers Pit, Snake, Sonic, and Wario.

  2. Newsbit: Fans of toys and Gears of War are in for a treat, as the two finally converge, thanks to NECA.
  3. Newsbit: One part Paper Mario, one part Second Life, and one part Mega Man, and what do you get? Daletto World, that’s what!
  4. Newsbit: A lot of people are buzzing about the now-officially announced remake of Bionic Commando, which has now been officially titled for the US release Bionic Commando Rearmed. Can’t wait… this is how you relaunch a franchise.

    IGN also has a little Q&A time with Producer Ben Judd and Simon Viklund, creative director at GRIN, about the remake.

  5. Website: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Kombo!
  6. Newsbit: This Sunday at Nintendo World in New York, they’re holding a launch event for Advance Wars: Day of Ruin. Go, play… have fun!
  7. Newsbit: Ah, someone out there IS listening… Alex Kidd is now confirmed for SEGA Superstars Tennis.
  8. Newsbit: Replacement Big Daddies from the special edition of BioShock are starting to show up, so keep an eye on your mail if you filed for one.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 1/18/08

January 18th, 2008

InFormers: Robots in the News

  1. Review: Real Gear robot Hacker X3 has been reviewed on BWTF.

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. Video: The rubber-band chain gun: A snappy answer to stupid questions.
  2. Video: Who says amateur wrestling has to be boring? Not this guy!
  3. Video: This guy gets to read the sports on the news, and yet, I remain out of work. Where’s the justice?
  4. Review: Another review for Cloverfield. Sounds good to me.
  5. Article: Dirk Manning is back at Newsarama, and he takes a look at Spider-man’s recent changes, and compares them to… wrestling? How unexpectedly apt.
  6. Comic: Speaking of which (as even I’m getting tired of at this point), Figures.com’s online toy comic has their own take on recent events. Could use a bit of work in the spelling department, but otherwise a funny read.

Video Power

  1. Blogging: PS Monger is disappointed that GameTrailers’ Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law game doesn’t quite live up to the Phoenix Wright pedigree.

    I think I’ll still give this one a rental, if nothing else.

    Also, Capcom has an interview with the men behind the game.

  2. Article: Figures.com talks to the creator of that custom Samus action figure about the process of making it, complete with some “before” pics.
  3. Newsbit: Oh, ok, so maybe Cracker Jack doesn’t hate the idea of learning being fun.
  4. Video: ScrewAttack.com brings out X-Men: Children of the Atom, Capcom’s superpowered Street Fighter-ish fighting game that helped usher in the Marvel vs. Capcom era of arcade fighters.
  5. Article: No doubt about it, Super Smash Bros. Brawl has a dream roster. But, even dreams can get a little better, can’t they? GameDaily has a list of characters that people would love to see join, but probably never will.

    On the other hand… go back about 10-12 years and tell someone that Sonic and Mario would fight in a game… see what they say.

    Anyway, the list starts off interestingly enough (Boob smash by the DOA girls? Master Chief vs. Samus?), but then devolves into a schoolyard glee fest over how much more badass Kratos and Big Daddy are than Wario and Kirby.

  6. Article: GameDaily follows yesterday’s “Best Celebrity Appearances in Gaming” piece with the Best Celebrity Cameos.
  7. Article: MSNBC poses the question in an excellent article as to whether or not parents gaming with their kids is wasted time or worthwhile.

    Totally worthwhile. Even though his tastes have drifted apart from mine, at least it’s one subject I can still converse with my dad about.

    It’s pathetic that someone would think that spending time with their kids is “a waste,” even if it’s with video games. And I think that’s where a lot of parents can fail.

  8. Merch: Some awesome import light-up Mario character/item keychains.
  9. Quiz: Think you know your video game movies? How about their posters? Why not take the overly-difficult video game movie poster quiz and find out?

    I got three.

  10. Newsbit: Now here’s a fun way to learn piano lessons… with Mario!
  11. Newsbit: A story that, shamefully, will probably never see the sort of sensationalism that a story about violence involving (if only peripherally) video games would see: An America’s Army player saving peoples’ lives using the experience he gained in the game itself.
  12. Newsbit: Remember the dusty PS3 that Sony wouldn’t touch? Well, good news is, the gent now has his problem fixed.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Daily ‘Shroom – 1/17/08

January 17th, 2008

InFormers: Robots in the News

  1. Newsbit: Looks like an upcoming IDW comic will be All Hail Megatron, wherein they explore what would happen if the Decepticons came to Earth with no Autobots to stop them.

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. Newsbit: Damnation. CBR reports that the Justice League movie has officially been shut down.
  2. Newsbit: Another WWE horror movie is on the way, this time starring Rey Misterio. This one isn’t even getting a shot in theaters, is it?

Video Power

  1. Newsbit: Condolences go out to the friends, family, and coworkers of Mark Haigh-Hutchinson, the Metroid Prime series senior engineer who passed away yesterday at the age of 43.
  2. Newsbit: More Smash Bros. DOJO!! brings more Pikmin & Olimar; specifically, their Final Smash.

    Pretty clever, really. It practically works a story element into the moveset.

    Bonuses today include another Japanese commercial, updated character info, Snake’s moveset, and a translation of the Famitsu review.

  3. Newsbit: Nintendo has been kind enough to provide a list of several upcoming releases to be expected through 2008.
  4. Newsbit: Want to learn more about your favorite games and franchises? Game Makers, the former G4 show Icons, is a good place to see it in true Biography style, and according to Press the Buttons, there’s going to be a big block of episodes coming on this Saturday.
  5. Newsbit: While the PS3 and 360 are getting Soul Calibur IV and the Wii is stuck with Soul Calibur Legends, there’s a chance that Wii could still get a traditional game somewhere down the line.
  6. Newsbit: The Plaintiffs’ lawyer in that class-action suit against Microsoft for the Xbox Live failures insists that they aren’t just in this for the money. Um, yeah, sure. I think they should just take their damn free Arcade game and like it.
  7. Newsbit: Oh, this is just too good. Too, too good. Not only are we getting a new Bionic Commando sequel, but PSN and Xbox Live Arcade will both be getting a remake of the original, featuring 3D graphics, 2-player co-op, secret locations to uncover, and some story connections to the new game.

    To quote Peter Griffin, this is freakin’ sweet.

    Oh, and the title for the game is Bionic Commando: Master D Revival Plan (which is known in Japan as Top Secret: Hitler’s Revival).

  8. Videos: IGN Retro looks back at editor hijinx of years gone by.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 1/17/08

January 17th, 2008

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. Video: What’s the best course of revenge for an egging? Why, potatoes, of course!
  2. Blogging: Mighty Godking brings us Revenge of the Wikigroan:

    Wikigroaning (whih-kee-grow-ning): A game where players attempt to find two vaguely related Wikipedia pages, the first being something real people might actually wish to research, and the second being an entry that absolutely nobody really needs to know. A Wikigroan is of extreme quality when the second entry is much longer and more detailed than the first: e.g., Sgt. York versus G.I Joe.

  3. Interview: Daniel Way talks a bit about his method of bringing Deadpool into the Wolverine: Origins comic.

    Despite all the skepticism, I like what I’m seeing on these pages. Wolverine in a tiny derby with fork and spoon claws for the win.

  4. Article: Ever wonder what the deal with “grim ‘n gritty” comics is?
  5. Review: Curious about Cloverfield? Can it possibly live up to the hype? Read this review and see what you think.

Video Power

  1. Pic: Wonder what cover GamePro will have for its Super Smash Bros. Brawl issue? Well, wonder no more!
  2. Blogging: Will 2008 be the year of the PS3? Maybe… I think it’ll see some improvement, at any rate.
  3. Video: Thanks to Frash for sending this my way. Slightly NSFW, it’s our favorite game show, all grown up! It’s Where the F*ck is Carmen Sandiego?
  4. Blogging: Ah, to work at Capcom… or any game company that has crap like this laying around. And I mean “crap” in the nicest possible way… dig the Mega Man X radio, fer sure.
  5. Newsbit: Seems that the founder of Seeds Studio and former Clover Studio producer Atsushi Inaba is having a difficult time figuring out where to go from here, and which console to develop for.
  6. Video: Meet the new Angry Video Game Nerd. I don’t think Rolfe is at any risk, but this guy definitely strikes me as angrier and nerdier.
  7. Newsbit: Killer 7 and No More Heroes creator SUDA-51 is actually surprised by the large casual crowd the Wii is drawing.
  8. Reviews Review: Gamasutra takes a look at the various online reviews of Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law.
  9. Article: Too many people are blaming video games for the woes of the world these days, especially when GameDaily has found much worthier targets.
  10. Blogging: Business Week has opened a new gaming blog that begins with a rather… well, let’s be nice here… silly question.

    I’d love to know where the addle-brained notion that games are just for kids and that adults can’t or aren’t supposed to enjoy them came from.

  11. Newsbit: Ah, a lost Wii story with a happy ending.
  12. Video: It’s Wednes– er, Thursday now, and that means a new Zero Punctuation with Yahtzee! This week: Crysis.
  13. Article: It’s amazing how many bad game demos there are out there, demos that are supposed to make you want to buy the game. Sonic the Hedgehog for the 360, for example, fails at this completely.

    Ergo, it is surprisingly necessary that someone should come up with Seven Steps to a Better Game Demo.

  14. Article: An interesting, and unexpected, comparison has been drawn between Bioshock and Robocop.
  15. Interview: And I think this came up JUST after I updated last night, wherein some folks at Bungie describe how Master Chief would not be the star of a Halo movie. Crazy, huh? Or IS it?

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Daily ‘Shroom – 1/16/08

January 16th, 2008

InFormers: Robots in the News

  1. Newsbit: Finally, a look at the Japanese version of Classics Starscream (who is as G1 faithful as one might expect), among other Japanese TF news, including the return of Omega Supreme!
  2. Newsbit: Diamond Select Toys is bringing busts based on the Datsun-Z trio of Prowl, Smokescreen, and Bluestreak.

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. Newsbits: The 5th turtle gives a peek at some results of last week’s 25th anniversary/Publishing meeting at Mirage.
  2. Pic: first fight scene image from the Dragon Ball movie seems… I dunno. There’s plenty of orange…

Video Power

  1. Demo: As promised, Capcom has delivered a Flash-based “Mock Trial” demo of Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney.
  2. Newsbit: Still want more Ace Attorney action? Del Ray is happy to oblige with a North American release of the Gyakuten Saiban manga!
  3. Website: Rockman Perfect Memories has a new layout up, and several new features to go with, so check it out!
  4. Website: Speaking of site revamps, AMN is soon going to become Kombo.com, so that’s where you’ll be finding me when I’m not doing this or trying to earn money.
  5. Newsbit: Smash Bros. DOJO!! finally confirms a longstanding question: Is Shiek in the game?

    In related news, Sakurai will be delivering the postmortem at GDC… weeks before we even get the game (along with speeces for Wii Fit and Wii Ware by other developers).

    But, at least we know that Famitsu has given it a perfect score… but then, I wonder how well you can trust a score on an incomplete game?

    On the upside, GameTrailers has some new videos to help pass the time.

  6. Newsbit: SUDA-51 would love to make another No More Heroes game, but while he’s waiting to see where that goes, he has some other projects in the works.

    In the meantime, give No More Heroes a look when it comes out!

  7. Videos: GameTrailers has added a ton of videos for Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword.
  8. Videos: There are also new videos for Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity, including the opening cinematic.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

Points of Interest – 1/16/08

January 16th, 2008

InFormers: Robots in the News

  1. Interview: TransFans.net has an interview with Brazilian TransFormers artist Marcelo Matere, which includes some never-before-seen images for characters and the unreleased fourth issue of Dreamwave’s War Within: Age of Wrath.

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. Video: Now this is how you throw a party.
  2. Video: From The Tim Allen School of Opening Beer Bottles. Overkill much?
  3. Reviews: IGN checks out the latest manga releases, and– surprise, surprise– reviews them.

Video Power

  1. Blogging: The PS Monger briefly recaps the raw deal dragons have had in gaming. Nevermind the ones who are simply there to be slain.
  2. Video: Thanks to Lyra for pointing me at this awesome guitar version of Boomer Kuwanger’s theme from Mega Man X, among many others.
  3. Video: The Switcher has another compilation of silly clips from the American Street Fighter cartoon, in a piece called Street Fighter Stupidity Exhibition Vol 2: Headbite Harder!

    I still like the toon, though.

  4. Article: Today’s piece from Racketboy’s Retro Gaming looks at the rarest and most valuable Nintendo 64 games of all.
  5. Video: ScrewAttack.com looks back at the best and worst of Sonic’s games.
  6. Article: IGN Retro decides to follow up with some of their old chums, and see what they’ve been up to lately.
  7. Article: GameDaily checks out who some of the biggest stars to voice video games are.
  8. Article: GameDaily takes a look at Apple, and notes how the Big 3 could follow their example.
  9. Newsbit: CVG, via Games Radar, digs and finds how Star Wars got mixed up in Soul Calibur.

    ?When we thought about what guest characters would fit in the Soulcalibur universe, we naturally ended up with Vader and Yoda.”

    Oh… of course. What rational person WOULDN’T connect the two?

  10. Article: Who says glasses are just for nerds? Games Radar has picked out ten famous pairs that could not be done without.
  11. Article: GamePro takes a look at the industry’s tendency to create what has become known in some circles as bullshots, or doctored-up screenshots.
  12. Article: Who are the greatest horses in video game history? MTV Multiplayer makes a list. Dunno if they checked it twice, though.
  13. Newsbit: A dirty Wii deal goes bad.
  14. Interview: Square-Enix Prez clarifies the “Wii is a toy” comment, and gives his thoughts on a “one console” future.
  15. Article: Tried to post this yesterday, but the link wasn’t working. Gamasutra has a new article up that looks at “20 mysterious games,” games with plenty of secrets to discover.
  16. Article: With the recent delay of Super Smash Bros. Brawl, what better time for the folks at 1up to take a look at why some of the hottest games slipped into 2008.
  17. Article: Someone at Gawker feels that gaming journalism should stop treating women like meat. And I agree; I like cheesecake as much as anyone, but it really does get overdone sometimes.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

The Daily ‘Shroom – 1/15/08

January 15th, 2008

InFormers: Robots in the News

  1. Blogging: Simon Furman drops us a small teaser in his blog for this week’s TransFormers: Devastation #4, with a loving reference to an old Marvel story.
  2. Pics: New images are up for Premium Movie Optimus Prime.
  3. Newsbit: To our friends across the pond, TransFormers: Animated will be hitting the UK, France, and Germany.
  4. Newsbit: Looks like Real Gear wave 5 is out.
  5. Pics: New back-of-the-box pics for Wingblade and Jetstorm, the latter of which being a Decepticon mold now.
  6. Newsbit: Coronation Masterpiece Starscream: the worst comedy of all.

Assorted Mushrooms

  1. Newsbit: This week’s DVD and game releases, courtesy of GameSpite.
  2. Newsbit: Good news for Boba Fett fans: He’s not only a part of the Star Wars TV show, but has been dubbed “instrumental” to it.
  3. Interview: IGN has a few words with actress Julie Benz about Punisher: War Zone.
  4. Newsbit: Word is that the final Harry Potter book could wind up split into two films.

Video Power

  1. Newsbit: First Ghostbusters, now Highlander?
  2. Newsbit: Oh god, Nintendo, why?

    Smash Bros. Dojo brings this grim tiding:

    Due to delays in the completion of Super Smash Bros. Brawl, we?ve had to change the release date of the game to Sunday, March 9th.

    I deeply apologize to the people who have looked forward to playing the game for so long and ask that you hold on just a little longer. Thank you for your patience.

    Geeze… the worst part is that it’s not a simultaneous delay/release, and so that means my blackout period is going to be greater. Yeah, that’s right… I’m cutting off a chunk of stuff I access between the Japanese and US releases so that I can hope to still see SOME surprises in the game. Which means no Game|Life, it seems. I’ll get someone to test the waters…

    Japan’s delayed too, but only for five days… what the hell?

    Anyway, here’s the updates for the week thus far.

    First up is Challenge Mode, where many of said surprises are kept behind windows, with clues as to how to unlock them. In addition, you’re given golden hammers which can bust some open, though it’s recommended they’re saved for challenges you just can’t beat.

    Which is great, as with something like that, maybe I’d have Final Destination in Melee. On the downside, it says that hammers don’t work on everything… which seems a little absurd to me. If you’re unable to unlock it, and the hammer doesn’t work, you’re pretty well screwed.

    Incidently, I wonder if hammers can be earned.

    Tonight’s update features the Distant Planet stage from Pikmin, and it looks quite awesome.

    And apparently, there’s still more info coming out of the World Hobby Fair. Hard to say how legit it is, given some info in there (such as denial of a delay).

    Plus, it seems that the CoroCoro talk of Zelda being able to change to Sheik was a falsehood. Not to say she can’t, but that it wasn’t mentioned there.

  3. Newsbit: …this was not something I expected to read today:

    “Castle Wolfenstein Director Arrested for Manslaughter”

    Among other things, you just KNOW the media will probably have a field day with this.

  4. Newsbit: Nintendo has hired some new people for the Bay Area offices, one of whom will be replacing Perrin Kaplan as VP of Marketing & Corporate Affairs.
  5. Pics: Sure, there are new LEGO Batman screens, but I’m more interested in video on this one. It’s less about how they look and more about what they do here.
  6. Newsbit: Hey-hey, Factor 5 is back with Nintendo! Maybe they’ll make something good this time.
  7. Newsbit: An ironic twist. Been wondering what’s up with the status of Xbox Live? Tough. Microsoft can’t say, thanks to that idiot lawsuit those wankers in Texas filed. Way to go, guys.
  8. Newsbit: Next month, Nintendo Power has exclusive info on a new RPG that’s coming, but say nothing more, except that “maybe they’ve already told us.”

    If I had my issue, maybe I could speculate.

  9. Newsbit: Ever wanted to come up with an Achievement for an Xbox 360 title? Ninja Gaiden II could be your chance.
  10. Newsbit: You’ve got the guitars, the drums, and the mic. What more could your Rock Band need?

    How about a stage kit?

  11. Videos: New to Virtual Console this week are Riot Zone for the TurboGrafx16, and Pac-Attack for the Super NES.
  12. Website: Street Fighter IV‘s official site has gone live.
  13. Newsbit: Preorder Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games for the Nintendo DS at GameStop, and you get this cool pin for the order.

    Um… if someone doesn’t want theirs, can I have it?

  14. Newsbit: Could the new Rockman/Rockman X 20th Anniversary book be hinting at a new chapter in the Classic series?
  15. Newsbit: Go Nintendo has begun its Bionic Commando petition in an effort to get the new title brought to the Wii.

    Spread the word!

  16. Video: Someone claims to have a beta (courtesy of his dad, who works for Hudson) of New Duck Hunt on the Wii, which you can see here.

    Wow, I hope this is real. But it probably isn’t, all things considered.

  17. Newsbit: Wow, not only did Canada get royally boned on the Rock Band release date, but we’re getting extra boned on the replacement guitars, at least compared to the US, what with the free games and all.

    Typical. Not like Canadians are people or anything too, right?

–LBD “Nytetrayn”