Points of Interest – 1/22/08
January 22nd, 2008Assorted Mushrooms
- Video: This polar bear cub is pretty cute… until he wakes up. Actually, he’s still cute then.
- Video: Power window improvisation.
- Video: Interest… some of the WWE Superstars give their thoughts on Britney Spears.
- Video: Bush bucks: get yours now, before it’s too late (and they come for you).
Video Power
- Article: If you’re a fan of Tetris, but haven’t ventured far outside the traditional versions, maybe you’d be interested in this Retro Gaming write-up for Tetris Battle Gaiden.
- Rumor: Rumor is that Microsoft knew about the design faults in the 360 during production.
- Newsbit: Sony doesn’t want players to be intimidated by Little Planet.
- Newsbit: Looks like SUDA-51 was recently misquoted in regards to his statements about third parties and the Wii.
- Interview: As mentioned in The Daily ‘Shroom, there’s a new Iwata Asks, this time focusing on Super Smash Bros. Brawl, which I’m posting here for posterity.
- Video: There have been many versions of Mortal Kombat II, but which one does ScrewAttack.com think is the best?
- Blogging: Articles like the one referenced here are responsible for more of my violent thoughts than any actual game has ever been.
What a nutcase.
- Editorial: They say that what doesn’t kill you will only make you stronger. Next Generation EIC Colin Campbell applies similar logic as he looks at how the PS3 may flourish.
- Article: Games Radar checks out the Top 7 impractical characters, 7 ill-prepared nutjobs to whom saving the world is best left as a last resort.
- Article: So, what differences have you noticed between western gaming and Japanese gaming?
- Blogging: Over at 1up, Sam Kennedy has put together his thoughts on the whole GameSpot firings.
- Video: The Super Mario Bros. 2 theme, on drums!
- eBay: Among all the other plushes we’ve seen come up lately, who ever expected we might see a plush Wii?
- Video: First, Mario had to take on Halo‘s Covenant, and now… Bubble Man?
- Video: God, I hate the mainstream press.
So kids these days can’t tell the difference between games and reality? Did the world just get stupider since I was a kid or something? Seriously, what?
- Video: Today, on “When Video Game Characters Make Crank Calls,” we follow Gordon Freeman as he calls Coast to Coast AM to inform them of a mysterious agent he keeps seeing everywhere…
- Article: One take on video game design thinks that maybe developers should try playing like a 3-year old.
–LBD “Nytetrayn”