Points of Interest – 1/17/08
Assorted Mushrooms
- Video: What’s the best course of revenge for an egging? Why, potatoes, of course!
- Blogging: Mighty Godking brings us Revenge of the Wikigroan:
Wikigroaning (whih-kee-grow-ning): A game where players attempt to find two vaguely related Wikipedia pages, the first being something real people might actually wish to research, and the second being an entry that absolutely nobody really needs to know. A Wikigroan is of extreme quality when the second entry is much longer and more detailed than the first: e.g., Sgt. York versus G.I Joe.
- Interview: Daniel Way talks a bit about his method of bringing Deadpool into the Wolverine: Origins comic.
Despite all the skepticism, I like what I’m seeing on these pages. Wolverine in a tiny derby with fork and spoon claws for the win.
- Article: Ever wonder what the deal with “grim ‘n gritty” comics is?
- Review: Curious about Cloverfield? Can it possibly live up to the hype? Read this review and see what you think.
Video Power
- Pic: Wonder what cover GamePro will have for its Super Smash Bros. Brawl issue? Well, wonder no more!
- Blogging: Will 2008 be the year of the PS3? Maybe… I think it’ll see some improvement, at any rate.
- Video: Thanks to Frash for sending this my way. Slightly NSFW, it’s our favorite game show, all grown up! It’s Where the F*ck is Carmen Sandiego?
- Blogging: Ah, to work at Capcom… or any game company that has crap like this laying around. And I mean “crap” in the nicest possible way… dig the Mega Man X radio, fer sure.
- Newsbit: Seems that the founder of Seeds Studio and former Clover Studio producer Atsushi Inaba is having a difficult time figuring out where to go from here, and which console to develop for.
- Video: Meet the new Angry Video Game Nerd. I don’t think Rolfe is at any risk, but this guy definitely strikes me as angrier and nerdier.
- Newsbit: Killer 7 and No More Heroes creator SUDA-51 is actually surprised by the large casual crowd the Wii is drawing.
- Reviews Review: Gamasutra takes a look at the various online reviews of Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law.
- Article: Too many people are blaming video games for the woes of the world these days, especially when GameDaily has found much worthier targets.
- Blogging: Business Week has opened a new gaming blog that begins with a rather… well, let’s be nice here… silly question.
I’d love to know where the addle-brained notion that games are just for kids and that adults can’t or aren’t supposed to enjoy them came from.
- Newsbit: Ah, a lost Wii story with a happy ending.
- Video: It’s Wednes– er, Thursday now, and that means a new Zero Punctuation with Yahtzee! This week: Crysis.
- Article: It’s amazing how many bad game demos there are out there, demos that are supposed to make you want to buy the game. Sonic the Hedgehog for the 360, for example, fails at this completely.
Ergo, it is surprisingly necessary that someone should come up with Seven Steps to a Better Game Demo.
- Article: An interesting, and unexpected, comparison has been drawn between Bioshock and Robocop.
- Interview: And I think this came up JUST after I updated last night, wherein some folks at Bungie describe how Master Chief would not be the star of a Halo movie. Crazy, huh? Or IS it?
–LBD “Nytetrayn”